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MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 7:23 PMWell, one thing for sure is that everyday im looking forward to 10/11/12. Im convinced that it must be something big, especially with the recent video of the engineer speaking to david. On top of 10/11/12 we have a sequel that has had a confirmed 2014-2015 release date. And believe it or not, thats not far away...
16 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 7:32 PMMan, I think you, like many others, are setting yourself up for a big let down with expectations about 10/11/12. And we all know how over-the-top expectations ruined the film for a lot of Alien franchise fans.
Trust me, I hope it's something big but I think a lot of fans will look like my profile pic once the date comes and goes without something "big."

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-17-2012 8:36 PMYup. Expect a DVD/Blu-ray on 10/11/12. Nothing more. The blu-ray is enough to give me a boner, anyway. :)

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:13 PMEh, think about this riff about deleted scenes...
Maybe there lies the thing...
BUT if the Bluray comes without any deleted scenes, wait for major changes in the plot...
Or the scenes are there and they redesigned the Elder...
Or the scenes are the ones we saw already on screen caps...
Or a press release is set for the new movie...
Anything can come XD

MemberXenomorphSep-17-2012 9:20 PMEngineering
I fear you might be correct.
I still love prometheus. Its a great movie.
Bit I am beginning to understand a lot of the negativity as I too think we that was actually the DC of prometheus as I now understand that Ridley had most of the say as to what was in the movie. Will all the deleted / cut scenes actually help us understand / solve anything ?

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 10:59 PM@Oduodu...If you've read any of my posts recently or even in the past you will notice that I don't think the deleted scenes are going to answer the naysayers questions. The questions are there for a reason. I don't get why people don't understand that.
Personally, I think the film couldn't get much better. And like I've said I trust Ridley wouldn't cut something that was needed of his own free will and it's been said many times that the theatrical cut WAS Ridley's cut.
I think what he did works and I think that the majority of naysayers didn't like the film because of their own expectations. Which brings us full circle to people being dissapointed yet again because of 10/11/12 expectations.

MemberXenomorphSep-18-2012 12:10 AMEngineering
Yes it definitely worlks !!
As regards to the prometheus series of movies I just hope its nOT gonna be like a1 to a4 where you have the "mystery-art-masterpeiece" being exploited for every cent in a2 to a4.
I was hoping for more in the "sj/derelict/ xenomorph origins " answers as Ridley is still around because I doubt he will direct p2 too busy I think.
Then the vision he had won't continue.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 1:54 AMFor me, the Restoration Cut was going to answer some questions, but only 'some' -- we still have Ridley Scott's intent to tell us who the Original Space Jockey is UNANSWERED -- we still have a symbolic piece of cinema that's telling the story of 'some other narrative' it can't get its teeth around, yet.
Or (perhaps, this question was) 'answered' in a legalistically Hollywood-ish back-engineered Oliphant/Ganesha technology fashion of lies and deceit common to the re-issue format.
I wonder if there IS any story to 'who the original SJ is'? wasn't its role always that of [b]the merely enigmatic[/b]? the crazily over-proportioned and proud? the 'elephant in the room'???
In the same way, should we ever hope for a response to, "What's the BIG HEAD SCULPTURE all about then?" other than definition of some blatant ego-trip, wouldn't any 'explanation' seem fake or false or otherwise demeaning to the original intent i.e. child-like WONDER and AWE at the scope of creation?
I know it sounds like a trite or crass editorial cop-out but maybe The Greater Adventure can only ever exist [b]in our mind[/b], not on the screen.
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MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 1:57 AM10 / 11 / 12 will (soon be proven to) be nothing more than a DVD/bluray e-junction, Engineering was right.
(big sobbing tears pour out of me)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberXenomorphSep-18-2012 4:00 AMFreeplanet
Some VERY good points !!!!
"I wonder if there IS any story to 'who the original SJ is'? wasn't its role always that of the merely enigmatic?"
Agreed. I always wondered that myself.
"For me, the Restoration Cut was going to answer some questions, but only 'some"
Agreed - but its Not looking that we will have that restoration for at least 10 years - that's my guess - I certainly hope RS proves me wrong !!
"we still have Ridley Scott's intent to tell us who the Original Space Jockey is UNANSWERED"
Will that materialise if he doesn't direct p2 ? - sorta doubt that .here so hoping I'm wrong !!!!
Ridley is the only one who can properly convey the mystery as he is the only one who truly understands the vision he had of alien or was
Alien is genius made by a genius. Its take one to finish it. And the only one who qualifies is RS.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 5:51 AMWhat if there are two sequels coming out + an extended edition to hold us over, and one will be 2013, one a little earlier than we're expecting in 2014, and the other is 2015 because much of Paradise is completed and they have lots to work with for virals? So in a way saying 2014-2015 is a true statement when they secretly have a tentative schedule being put in place to film the sequels back to back, and for a sequel to come out both years and the extended edition some time next year.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:07 AMI think we have to look at all the evidence, come up with the answers for ourselves and allow Paradise to let us test those answers a little before the story of the original jockey is told and we get answers. We need to use a science based deductive reasoning method, in a way, to eliminate theories as we go. While allowing our beliefs to influence our theories just enough to allow us to seek out new evidence that could be there and could be taken multiple ways. Because there has been a lot of purposeful misdirection around this movie.
We have to look at all the potential evidence that could be there at the same time because of all the seeds planted that could lead the wrong way, making us assume the wrong things like the trailers did. Some of the statements from people involved have indicated that the next part(s) to the story is/was supposed to connect to the original story. This movie isn't a direct or obvious connection yet.
Shaw uses faith based deductive reasoning to figure out that if we are them/they us, and they are not the creators but were involved in our creation; then something else or some other force could be the creator of both us and them.. Something that was able to originally seed them. She's of course under the assumption that there is a creator and not random concurrent evolution in their case and being sped up in our case + tied to all complex life on Earth being evolved etc, but she believes it's not the Engineers anymore so she can continue to seek more evidence/answers. Because their genetics, being so close to ours and out there in the stars randomly at such a time brings up more questions if they are us, and only passed on their genetics to us by influencing evolution. So she assumes something influenced evolution in their case, because they are us and something did in our case. Even if it was just them passing the genetics along, or influencing/speeding up all of evolution. Something may have influenced their evolution, and made them that way.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:40 AMI know my argument isn't complete, but I don't want to reveal my whole thesis.
Arguments can be valid if it's impossible for the premise to be true while its conclusion is false. A conclusion should be true if the premises, analyses, observations, methods used etc are kept true to the rules of logic and science (as much as I can while analyzing sci-fi). Arguments can be considered valid in deductive reasoning even if the premise is false.
Arguments are sound when they are valid and the premise is true.
Almost all we have to work with at this point are general statements so deductive reasoning is key, and Ridley could be making a statement that our science would be better if it was more influenced by an equal mixture of deductive/inductive reasoning and if our science and hypotheses/analyses are kept honest.
If only in a general way in the film/filmmakers case, because they and David are making an example of what not to do: misleading and hiding things in plain site out of a need to stay somewhat honest. In David's case he allows his artificial emotion to choose what he believes/reports. So even science can be wrong because of human error, differing initial interpretations, wrong hypotheses based on ambiguous phenomena/evidence, emotion/belief/intuition coming into play too much, and problems with the instruments.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:19 AM@FreePlanet...You never cease to crack me up, bro.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 2:31 PM@Engineering in response to you first post in the thread, I strongly believe expectations are what are being played with and will continue to be played with. They deliberately set out to show people that we were so wrong about what we thought was going to happen in the movie. Now that expectations aren't great, the plan could be to completely surpass all the expectations we have coming out of Prometheus. A plan to purposely let us down as part of the movies themes, but then to totally redeem themselves afterwards. We all had different expectations based on the trailers and info we had access to before the release. Multiple faction theory never came true, but I believe there is still some evidence in the film that supports that hypothesis. However, with the way the movie went I'd say there's still a good chance things are set up to go a bunch of different ways.
Ridley told us the film would have little to do with aliens, and only contain alien DNA. He didn't really lie...
We made assumptions ourselves that this first part would answer all of our questions when Ridley did almost nothing but indicate the opposite. He has stated that the next part would connect directly to Alien. David having an inability to lie is part of this and Ridley went to great lengths to deceive and have others make carefully crafted statements that could be taken in multiple ways.
Some people might not want to hear this but Ridley is messing with us and making a joke at hollywood's expense because of certain expectations that are placed on things and the way trailers are made.
We all took the ambiguous evidence from the trailers to mean we would be seeing the original story of the Jockey and the Derelict, because that's the way the data seemed to lead...
But we were wrong and Ridley already told us it's not the direct prequel.
At one point Ridley said he wanted people to be left with unanswered questions and to have to figure things out. He also said the stuff about a link to the original jockey, and the film being epic. Maybe epic is a matter of perspective, so he also wasn't lying there because the film has purposely hidden some of it's epic nature to play with our expectations until the true, already planned out extended release can change out perceptions/theories with new evidence.
Hence all the secrecy, deception, statements leading different ways, promises still left unfulfilled.
People interpret the evidence we are presented with in multiple ways, which build their theories that can be influenced by prior knowledge and intuition, until we get a little more context that can help. But will not completely solve things yet. It's all about knowledge, belief, and expectations and we were meant to feel unfulfilled, even curiouser, and left in the state that the characters are when they find out they were wrong.
Even more so after we find out we haven't exactly been lied to, but we've been misled by David, because he analyzes + chooses what to make out of the ambiguous data based on his artificial feelings. In a way he is even more deceptive than the filmmakers because he's making statements that have, and will have, multiple meanings all the time. David really does have an inability to tell a complete lie. Which he gets around because the humans made him too human and gave him emotion. David hides this from hollyway.
If you have faith in something that you 100% know to be true it's usually, eventually rewarded. Again I go back to Lindelof's general statement about how at a Rolling Stones concert you want to see "Satisfaction", but sometimes bands play mainly new songs. The audience is sometimes let down in they don't play the right oldies(Jockey's story) along with the new stuff. The band has pretended to walk off stage. I believe an extended encore is coming in one form and another. And like David the filmmakers haven't been lying. Only misleading.
Actors were also left in the dark about some things, while I believe Fassbender knows the full plan, so they were making general statements about what they believe to be true. Also not lying (one way David gets away with lying by tricking his programming to inaccurately analyze what's going on at the end).

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:39 PM[u]Engineering[/u]: I am sorry to see that you have such negative expectations regarding the nature of what it is that 10.11.12 will bring to fans of the Alien(s) universe. For all of our sake I hope that your low expectations are gloriously surpassed.
[u]Mala'kak[/u]: Great post. The other day I finally arrived at my final, succinct take on "Prometheus", which is that the film is a fatally flawed classic.
I saw "Prometheus" 6 times in the theaters and had hoped to see it a seventh time before it left theaters. IMHO, the film delivers so much of the quality that so many of us hope for but rarely receive in contemporary big-budget genre films. I personally think that Scott perhaps got too clever/a bit nervous in the some of the edits that he made to film, both in deleting some scenes and FX from the final edit. That said, I feel very strongly about the film in positive ways and love many aspects of it even if I think that the final product is in some ways highly flawed.
I personally am eagerly looking forward to seeing what 10.11.12 brings us. For me the simplest take on the current mystery of 10.11.12 is that no one in their right mind would put that big of an enigma at the end of a major studio film if all that they had in mind was 10.11.12 being the release date for the DVD/BluRay. I still have my eye on the mystery regarding the amount of filming that the crew did in Spain. Did that filming actually happen? Did it not happen? Will 10.11.12 shed any light on that mystery? Who knows. All I know is that I for one am looking forwarding to what that date will bring fans of the film and the Alien(s) universe.
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