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MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 11:06 PMSo, the digital download of the film should be available in an hour or so. Does anyone know of any place to buy it besides the itunes store and playstation network?
Also, anyone get the final word on which, if any, special features will be included?
11 Replies

Community ExecutiveMemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 11:12 PMHi there Ingineering .. I saw a thread related with it...[url=]just click here maybe will be helpfull ;)[/url]
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 1:38 AMHopefully something solid for a link!
[url=]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 5:15 AMDownloading from iTunes now...
$14.99 got me:
Prometheus HD (for phone) - 3.83 GB
Prometheus SD (for PC) - 1.91 GB
iTunes Extras - 3.79 GB
Good times.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:17 AMLucky you!
I'm not sure if iTunes resolution will be up to BluRay standards (1920 x 1080), but if you wouldn't mind checking out the writing inside the three circular gauges in the teams' head-up-displays, I'd be grateful.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:26 AMThanks, guys! I gotta go to work in a minute but I'll be buying it and checking out the 9 featurettes as soon as I get home.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 9:50 AMHello Its available in vudu most bluray players and even tv's have it built in even the ps3 and xbox360 have it check it out.

Lee Harram
MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 12:42 PMThe iTunes extras are pretty nice, but it's not everything that was listed originally. I'm the sure the rest will be on the blu-ray... The 4 deleted/alternate scenes are great, especially the final battle.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 1:09 PMyeah...broke down and grabbed the digital download. its about what i expected. The download is a dramatically truncated version of what will ultimately end up on the 4 disc blu ray set. No featurettes and only 4 deleted alternate scenes (plus commentary by ridley). "The engineer speaks" is the only alternate/deleted scene of the 4 that ive seen that i think should have been in the final cut of the film (and possibly "janek fulls vickers in"). Though the "final battle" scene is fun etc, im very glad ridley decided to cut it out. It definitely demystifies and emasculates the engineer (to the detriment of the narrative). Im still glad i grabbed the digital download...provides a bit of a fix while waiting for the real deal. Cant wait for the blu ray collectors set.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 2:06 PMJoeyjoe,
wow, download sounds real depressing - if you were expecting something 'extra' - just the basic film and a couple deleted scenes?
Wow, I mean. [i]Sigh[/i] doesn't cover my apathy.
Plus, what we've seen/heard of these deleted scenes so far (the six scenes dvd + four scenes download), maybe Ridley did THE RIGHT THING hacking them out of the film. But the depressing thing is, "These scenes 'should have been' the answer to all our questions," no?
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MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:46 PMwell...i would say that i went into the digital download with eyes wide open. As i said, what i got is pretty much what i was expecting to get. as far as the deleted scenes and their potential contributions to the film...again, i always suspected that many of the scenes that got chopped out were probably cut with good reason (relatively). Fortunately, im one of those odd creatures who happen to really enjoy the cinematic vehicle that is the theatrical cut of prometheus (aka: the directors cut). I truly believe that, for the most part, scott got his way with prometheus and, for the most part, i really enjoy the results.
Bottom line with the digital d/l...if you are really into prometheus and would like to watch the film prior to 10.11.12 (or just like being part of the prometheus purchasing army) then the digital d/l is probably worth it. Blu ray will definitely be the definitive release though.
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