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MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 5:54 AM[url=]Deleted Scene [/url]
i couldn find the thread so...
*Link made clickable by Svanya
16 Replies

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:18 AMAhhhh.........
The answer was to rip David's head off............
As for the actual "conversation" we probably won't know till the DVD/Blu Ray release............
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:40 AM"More life? To this old fart? o.o I'm effing pilot not scientist!!!" *head rip*
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MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 6:51 AM"i dont care if you like them big...i dont swing that way", rips head off
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:10 AM@Pulserifle - lol
I just noticed the UT link awesome o.o
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MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:44 AMI'll quote David for this one..."The irrelevant."
I think the Engineer's actions pretty much answered that question loud and clear. Doesn't matter what he said. Will it be cool to see what he said? Yeah. Is it necessary to know exactly what he said? No.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 8:01 AM[quote]I'll quote David for this one..."The irrelevant."
I think the Engineer's actions pretty much answered that question loud and clear. Doesn't matter what he said. Will it be cool to see what he said? Yeah. Is it necessary to know exactly what he said? No.[/quote]
So you dont have any idea. lol.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 8:49 AM"He wants to do WHAT with my mother!?!?!" *rips David's head off*
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 9:18 AMI think what the OP is suggesting is that the Bluray/DVD release will have some additional footage showing the Engineer responding verbally to David's request, or at least some form of supplementary material providing further insight- but so far, I myself have not heard anything concrete (yet).
As for the Engineer... remember that scene in Independence Day:
"What do you want us to do?"
"Die.... Die!!!!" ;-)

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 9:44 AMto quote a Bladier android, "I want more SUBTITLES, f***er!" LOL
Anyway, [url=]source[/url]
[i]In the scene David is learning the building blocks of language and we see him taking a lesson in Proto-Indo-European (PIE) Linguistics, where a holographic professor, takes him through the ABC’s and recites Schleicher’s Fable. An artificial text composed in the reconstructed PIE, in 1868, to demonstrate the language’s use.
The ‘Professor’ in the clip is in fact the real-life linguistics consultant used for the film and taught Michael Fassbender (David) the dialogue. I managed to track down the consultant, a Dr. Anil Biltoo of the SOAS Language Centre in London, to see if he could shed some light on the mysterious final scene. He was most helpful and provided the following:[/i]
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberTrilobiteSep-18-2012 10:30 AMThe translation of the little clip of the engineer speaking is forthcoming...

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 10:41 AMAnother fact that can be found on this clip is that David called the engineer him, so they have pretty much male and female. I like how the voice brings better dimension to him.
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MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 12:05 PMWell it could be anything but it would have to be similar to.
"How dare you come here before me and demand for immortality"
Basically we have to get into the mindset of the Engineer, they had deemed it necessary for mankind to be wiped out in which i would think is because we was showing signs of becoming a Race who saw itself as important and powerful and not as subservient towards the Engineers. We basically started to not see why we should have to worship gods or abide by the rules the Gods wanted us to follow.
So the Engineers came to a conclusion that we would have to be destroyed... question would be how does a Advanced Race Fail to carry out that task and suffer a mishap and then also how come the Last Engineer survived?
Maybe he had something to do with it and sabotaged the mission.
To me why wait all that time if he also wanted us dead, and why give us the time of day. Surely he would have gone nuts at first.
Nope he seemed intrigued by the crew and Shaw, maybe he never saw a Female before who knows.
So he awakens and sees that Mankind has Advanced enough to find the outpost and maybe knows about the clues (i think Engineers had visited us over the years and maybe he knew about that).
He then sees that one old Frail Man, seems to be the one dictating and controlling what is going on and thus would sense that the others follow his orders as if he was the King, well the leader of their group.
He then sees that his old man, has no care for the questions that Shaw wants to raise and only wants to have what he wants to hear from the Engineer.
The Engineer would then see that this old man has ordered the female Shaw to be silenced so that he can say what he wants.... Thus he sees that what he wants is more important than that of what the others want.
He would see that this Weyland sees himself as more important than the others.
Its is after this he then has David ask of him what Weyland wants and that is to be Immortal.
The Engineer would thus see that this frail old man, who has not much life left wishes to put himself above the others and is selfish and wants to come before the Engineer/Gods and ask to me made Immortal.
He would see that Weyland has little regard for the others and only himself and then when he also discovers that David is not Human and thus that Mankind has played God and created a being in their own image and now these beings are here to want to become Immortal.
This to the Engineer would be ultimate blasphemy.
And how Dare these insignificant Humans come to them to want to be as Gods, and he would also see that Mankind is still greedy and has a God Complex and now they know how to reach LV 223 that contains Technology and Weapons that can not be allowed in the hands of such a wicked and rebellious race as Mankind.
The Engineer basically then stats how upset he is and then rips off the Androids Head and kills its creator with his own creation and then sets off to then eradicate the rest of this vile Race.
Ultimately Mankind was a Mistake, a Race who would grow to see themselves and not needing God a race who would think for themselves and not obey every whim of the creators.
Ultimately they decided to dabble with another Organism that is uncontrollable to eradicate the Humans and this proved their downfall.
As ultimately had the Engineers never created the Urns then the events that led to their destruction and the death of the last Engineer would never had happened.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 4:13 PMThe question that pops into my mind after reading BigDave's response is:
"Did the Engineers encounter this issue with all of their creations?"
Or perhaps a little better:
"Is it inevitable for the created to rebel against the Creator?"
I believe this is true, and so perhaps the Engineers were "rebooting" not just humanity, but [i]everything[/i]. I mean, think about it- they had an awful lot of Black Goo canisters laying around- and it doesn't seem like you need a lot of that stuff to catalyze some seriously far-reaching chain reactions. One Engineer, one Juggernaut, and just a few canisters of the stuff and Earth is basically done.
But they failed because of some event on LV-223 and strangely enough, nothing was done to compensate for that. So hmmm... no visit from Homeworld to find out why the job wasn't done? And even if they were a splinter group, still- no one ever came to LV-223 to tackle them head-on? Especially considering the deadly cargo they had?
Something is wrong on their Homeworld, and I think we will see this in the sequel.

MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 5:55 PMYes that is a point i keep bringing up as far as LV 223 and the Home World.
The question should have a simple answer if the plan to rid Earth of all Life as lets face it the Goo wont just effect Humans would it, if this was a decision made at the highest order by the Elders and however is in charge on the Home World.
Then really there has to be a reason why they have not come to finish the job.
1) Is it simply a case that after messing about with two types of Bio Weapons the Elders/Engineers have no other Tools to do the task and deemed the Task of trying to use their Weapons on us was too much trouble for them. So they concluded to not worry about Mankind and just left us to be.
Its like oh well looks like the Mission never worked, sod it those Humans ant worth the trouble.
The Problem with this is, would they simply ignore us and be as ignorant to think without there help mankind would never Travel the Stars and thus pose any threat to them away from our World.
Maybe thats why the Last Engineer looked surprised to see the Human crew.
2) Was there a War and thus there really is not much left of the Home World or its inhabitants and whats left just want to keep themselves to themselves?
Surely it cant be they are all gone, and even worse if all thats there is more Xeno Type Monsters as hows that gonna make a interesting movie that will cover grounds not covered before or explain the Engineers etc.
3) Could it be that the Elders on the Home World dont have a sausage (CLUE) as to our creation, could our creation had been made without their consent and thus our creation was STEALING OF THE FIRE, and ultimately using similar FIRE they then dabbled around with the Xeno and this was PLAYING WITH THE FIRE TO FAR and thus they got Burnt...
I would say that number 3 or 1 would be more likely but who knows what route its going to go.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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