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MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 4:02 PMJust watch:
[url=]Weyland speaks to Enginneer[/url]
*Link made clickable by Svanya
15 Replies

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 4:28 PMI'm laughing so hard that it made me cry! LOL!!!!
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MemberNeomorphSep-18-2012 5:12 PMIt's like the engineer is speaking with his actions and saying, 'Your creation isn't good enough, look, i will rip its head off. Smack! Take that, back to the drawing board Weyland'.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 5:42 PMmaybe it was just a product test( by the engineer )......david was found to be
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 6:23 PMVery interesting and that new video also.
Looks like there could be even more to that scene than even these two new parts.
We still dont know the order of how these things get pieced together but i would like to bet that these two new Engineer Dialog Videos are not the only parts cut from that scene.
One would now have to ask if Weyland had died before he got to the Engineer would he have had the same response...
I still wonder if this guy actually had something to do with the Outbreak and thus sabotaged the mission and ultimately saved Humanity from Death 2000 years ago.
Once he saw how Weyland acted around Shaw and then if the Engineer fully understood what Weyland had said including creating David... Well that would change the Engineers mind and make him see his brothers was correct and Mankind has to be eradicated.
I really wonder if the Full Sacrificial and also Full Engineer vs Shaw scenes also shred a lot of new light on the Engineers.
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Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:22 PMShould have a least offered a drink with Bob first ,,,,,,HA

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 8:03 PMAmazing scene. Makes that whole scene make so much more sense. Fills in the blanks on the engineer's motivations, too.

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 10:18 AMHearing the Engineer finally speak was very cool, regardless of the virtual worthlessness of the deleted scene. What would have really made me happy would have been to have the Engineer actually answer Shaw's questions, rather than Weyland's.

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 11:12 AMBig Dave,
thus far, no light is shed - and that's after ALL BUT TWO of the deleted scenes.
With only Engineer Suicide Pact and Paradise Is Mysterious to go, there's little hope there'll be CLOSURE on this particular Alien non-prequel.
Officially, I'm not buying the DVD until it's the special 02:30:00 edition, I'll rent the DVD from the local library after October 8th.
PETITION [url=]FOX[/url] FOR SUBMITTED 02:30:00 CUT to be released on DVD for Xmas, "The one that you want."
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 5:52 PM@free planet: if you dont like the theatrical cut, an extended cut is not going to change your opinion of the film. I hate it for ya, but i think you are stuck in a state of frustration and confusion.
maybe you should put prometheus out of your mind for a while and revisit the whole thing several months after the blu ray is released (you seem to be struggling with reconciling what you thought the movie should be with what the movie actually is).
also, i dont think the dvd is going to have all of the deleted scenes that the blu ray set is going to have. In fact, i think i read where the dvd was going to have the 4 deleted scenes that have been included with the digital download. i could totally be wrong about that, but thats the way i interpreted some of the leaked homevideo details. Wish you the best.

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 12:23 AMWow! interesting thanks :D and otherwise I know that the deleted scenes (or alternatives) They do not give answers to the mysteries (the real purpose of this premise) but no doubt this scene shows an Engineer more thinking and not a caveman Murderer (LOL Maybe Fifield was becoming an engineer :P)

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 1:00 AMjoeyjoe,
thanks for your moral support, don't worry I'm not gonna Self Murder in Sacrificial Tony Scott Fashion just because a fiction f***ing film got butchered by the Studio prior to release.
I'm more angry at Fox than Scott, because VISUALLY I'm a-rod-onning at much of the film (except the cheesy Deacon stuck on scene). I truly hate the way marketing companies get in the way of ART. I know Scott seems to 'sympathise' but that's not the truth, I'm sure he HATES THESE F***ers as much as the rest of us who just one THAT ONE PURE VISION and watch it.
I'm MORE pissed off that Prometheus got Franchised, in that cynical LOST way of NEVER GETTING TO THE POINT, or the point of Scott's thirty year journey, "To show us who the Space Jockey REALLY was, and 'scare the shit out of us'," and it's not because he's an old guy that he didn't deliver, because we've all seen the excellent and amazing BATTLE ROYALE directed by the near-octogenarian Kinji Fukasaku.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
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