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MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:33 PM
Well friends this more deleted scenes.... david saids "HE SAID WHY?" so wttt!!! and the end scene the engineer face its so clear n then its burned.. :SS well just take a look and comment [url=]Deleted Scenes[/url] thx !
45 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 4:43 PM
Meh... glad i watched it. Not what i was expecting. Not a movie ... fixer in this situation. Still don't feel as if the Engineer should have died. He got axed a few times, and didn't seem to give a ****. Which i find odd. He just kept holding her up. LOL. What the hell, man?


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 5:21 PM
I too felt the same way about the Engineer, I was quite annoyed that he was decimated by cuddles! I found the final battle scene rather interesting. Despite being downed by the Prometheus ship, he seemed pretty casual about it! Even had time to check out the shiny chandelier, and even when he spotted her - he just stared at her, as if waiting for her to make her first move. There were so many instances where he could have easily killed her. He took those axe blows pretty well!


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 10:34 PM
Well, regarding the scene of Shaw axing the Engineer, being ridiculous. I have something to say about that. Have you all watched the YouTube video of the deer hunter getting his ass whopped by, well, the deer. Can anybody, please, try to explain to me what the assumption is? I'm particularly interested in male and female responses to this. Thank you.


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 10:41 PM
And, yes, I do wholeheartedly agree with you, PlotHoleFiller, about the casual affair the Engineer seemed to appear, he seemed to be fascinated by the workings of the human technology. And the whole scenario of Shaw hiding behind the bar-aw, man, I JUST LOVE IT, SCARY, damn-it actually was/is scary to me. Those scenes are scary.


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 12:47 AM
it was strange, in the final BATTLE SCENE, the Engineer looked FAR LESS ANGRY this time, like he was there for ANSWERS [b]from Shaw[/b]......... or maybe they just look gormless and mongoloid like that as standard. He didn't really try to kill her THAT HARD, did he? Was he reflecting Jesus's ability to 'take the beatings' and not die, as any 'real human' would have up the hill of Galilee?
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MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 1:25 AM


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 4:36 AM
@ Freeplanet - just had another look at the FINAL BATTLE scene, as the Engineer peers over the table - he could have easily grabbed by the head, he didn't. When she stood up, within those few moments he could have easily swatted her - he didn't. It was only when she she swung the axe at him then he reacted. Then when we go back to the ENGINEER SPEAKS scene - the Engineer still has his mission to fulfil. When he awakens and David tells him, we came here like you asked. After hearing that, he never whacked them - despite his mission to terminate humanity. He then asked them why they came (which I found interesting - because he was interested in knowing why). When David responds with Weyland's request - yes he gets annoyed - from that moment I was expecting him to whack all of them, but he didn't! He even allowed the old prune to justify himself - whether or not he understood Weyland's petty reasoning I don't know - but his body language was loud and clear, it stunk of pure arrogance. And with that he was bludgeoned with his own creation. I would like to hear from Scott and or Lindelof on why the Engineer prolonged his actions - I hope the answer isn't, because it looked cool in the scene! I'm kinda thinking the Engineer was giving them one chance to redeem themselves and they failed. When he encountered Shaw, I think he wanted to see what she had to say for herself - as I think he remembered she was very vocal when he awakened. I believe he was waiting for her to say something to him - she didn't, she just whacked him with the axe.


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 7:22 AM
To me the way engineer admired the crystals and wanted to touch the screen that had child Shaw playing violin kinda remind me of cute kid first time in zoo :) The bar scene was a bit hilarious cause the Engineers face was like "Found you" and Shaw almost soiled herself. It's weird why he didn't attack first, maybe he understood that Shaw didn't want the same thing as Weyland but the axe might have changed the opinion about her like "I thought we could be friends but you want to whack me with it - -" or that he waited explanation from her. Another thing is that the suit can't take an axe blow but a bullet from a gun just bounces off. And it's nice to know that the blood is some sort of shade of red. Does anyone know who was the voice actor or was it Ians voice computerized ? There si no way Ian has that voice (duh. . .).

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MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 8:02 AM
[quote]Another thing is that the suit can't take an axe blow but a bullet from a gun just bounces off. And it's nice to know that the blood is some sort of shade of red.[/quote] From what I saw - she whacked him pretty good with that axe! She did get him in the ribs, and you do see it a bit of blood splatter. The blood didn't seem red at all but black. Is the Engineers blood and black goo linked? Yes, the actor's voice was definitely altered.


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 8:10 AM
In my screen its dark red not black. Pretty weird.

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MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 11:55 AM
Just finally saw the Scene... And all the way to the end he never really harmed Shaw like he could have, when he had her head in his hands he could have easily had pulled her head off. I think he went there looking for answers, if he went in there to simply sort Shaw out in the same manner he sorted out David, Weyland, Ford and the Merc, then well he had a good 3 chances to do that before she sprang Cuddles on him. Again i cant see why this scene was cut, the only reason for this and the dialogs is that it only diminishes the Engineer in one way.... That is it shows he was not just a angry mindless killer on a rampage, it shows that he may not have killed the crew as hastily had David asked the right questions and Weyland had all ready popped his clogs in the Cryo Pod. Removing these scenes only went to show the Engineer was more closer to well postal as Fifield Zombie Mutant Toxic Avenger. The full scenes show the Engineers to be intelligent and majestic and i would even say would explain why he was alive and the others was not... Maybe because he sabotaged the mission to destroy us because he felt it was not necessary.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 4:16 PM
The only thing they should have shown in the theatrical release; The extended Engineer waking up scene. Makes us really acknowledge why the Engineer domed Weyland with Dave's head. Instead of questioning it to no end! Also, final scene with Shaw and Engineer... so, so very dumb... I just don't KNOW what they're putting emphasis on. I mean... the Engineer seemed fascinated with with the crystal chandelier (WTF...) And took the axe hits, and pretty much just examined Shaw... And why show him staring at the video that was looping, of the little girl playing the violin (Shaw, perhaps)? God...


MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 5:47 PM
I dont think it was so silly the fight scene, i think the Engineer was fascinated. But there is many flaws in the movies shooting that these deleted scenes show so maybe they was deleted because of inconsistencies.. i.e maybe like Ridley should gone back and removed the men in jeans from Gladiator. The fight scene shows Shaw lose her axe because it got stuck in the Engineers leg. The theatrical release, well makes the sound of a dropped axe when he runs at shaw and pushes her up against the door, but if you look closely she does not have the axe, she has it one second then if by magic gone but hey add the sound effect of the axe and no one will notice hey ;) Also note that the scene the Engineer runs though the last door and he has no burnt face, he then throws her up the wall and walks over to her and then picks her up by the head and examines her and he has no burn marks. But when she hits the door switch to unleash cuddles he has them. But when we look at the theatrical scene he has them when he comes through the door he is burnt and also from then... So they may have shot the scene with the Cuddles with him with Burns that he got some how, maybe from cuddles... but then while in make up they decided to re-shoot the scene prior. And that then left a inconistancy in how he got the burn mark, and that yes the Burn could be explained as happening from the crash, if Ridley liked that idea then no matter how much he loved the Fight Scene if he did like it ;) Well this shows him not burnt and so it would be hard to edit the scenes to get from none burnt to burnt and so i guess the other shot they took at the same time they shot the Cuddles scene would have fitted more with him getting the burn from the crash. It was interesting to see that the full Scene he had a fascination with Shaw and the TV Screen in Vickers quarters but i agree that the removal of this scene was fine due to inconsistencies. I still think the Full Engineer Dialog scene should have stayed, this showed he was intrigued by the crew until he knew what Weyland wanted and then after killing him he then went postal and even was still mad when he found Shaw this fits together nicely. I have seen what appeared to be how other scenes looked original but then may not fully go back in without taking other scenes out such as Fifield Attack compared to Fifield Attack when Weyland was preparing to go aboard the Transport with Shaw already on it. I am now left with the puzzle was a number of cuts had to be made, because of some shabby work by Ridley and so to cover up some flaws?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 6:04 PM
I would have edited the movie at that fight scene as follows... Show the full scene until after Shaw Axes him and runs off, and then when we see him get his hand stuck in the door and Shaw on the Floor, we then add a like explosion noise or something and the Engineer let off a moan. Then cut to the shot they used in theatrical release of him coming through the door burnt. This would explain the burn as him getting burnt as he was coming through the door (added sound affects would confirm this). This would get rid of the original part after he came through the last door and threw Shaw and then held her by the head looking at her, then the where the hell did the burns come from Goof! This would then show the Engineer was intrigued still but then after Shaw hits him a few times with the Axe and runs off , when he gets her well he wants her dead this time. I feel a cut like i explain would combined both those shots.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 11:06 PM
Someone in youtube stated that he talked something about blood being corrupted. Maybe because of the human being (dirty blood to them) or the favor he asked ( dirty blood because it's "unnatural" to live forever). **EDIT** I used manual stop motion and the bullet actually goes through the armor because there is some blood spilled.

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