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MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 4:18 AMAlright best efffin movie ever!!!
1. is this a fan site?
2.i think the black Liquid is Alien DNA it made that guy infect his gf with a face hugger then the facehugger had a baby with the Engineer.
3. if it is not Alien DNA then it must be a Hyper Evolving Cell? i once saw this movie ( forget the name title ) but a comet hit earth and 2 scientists took A sample of it and it started to make things Evolve REALLY fast like worms ect ect... and in the Chamber with the giant head their was worms all over the ground swimming in that liquid. so... those could be like proto type versions of Face huggers im sure of it cause look at them , they go right for the mouth. as for the heads and chests of the Engineers its obvious Their was a Xeno outbreak and thats why they ran away and their plan to kill the humans was postponed. also that liquid the Engineer killed himself with.. was not the same as the black liquid in those Jars. Maybe he did something wrong? made the Xenos? not sure and so that was his punishment to watch him kill himself and leave him on a random planet. ?
11 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 4:23 AMAlso! - just looked at some screen shots... lol why does the Engineer have the same underwear as the rest of the crew on the ship? did he also make our Underwear in his own image?

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 5:41 AMLOL Morbius, best question ever!
Ridley Scott will eventually tell us how the Queen was born.
Right now we have the Deacon; coming soon the Mercury, the May and the Taylor.

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-19-2012 5:47 AMIt's the same underwear that Space Engineer Jesus was crucified in... :P

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 6:22 AM1. Yes :-D
2. That black goo has had 3 different effects on the 3 we see it touch. The Engineer in the beginning, just dissolves after drinking it and apparently seeds life on some planet that may not even be Earth from what we've been hearing lately. Holloway, well, who the hell knows what was happening with him? He dies by flamethrower before we have any idea of what the effect is on him. It does effect his sperms enough to make a previously infertile woman give birth to a vagina-squid with teeth where it's dong comes from though. (I mean, seriously, WTF is with that? One chomp and it would be pretty useless for impregnating anything.) Fifield turns into some sort of weird zombie with anger issues and enough strength to possibly take on The Hulk (well, maybe not The Hulk, but it makes him stronger it seems.)
3. See above
Good spot with the undies too, you're right. Seems we have far more in common with the Engineers (Man I hate calling them that :-S) than just a 100 percent DNA match.............
Lindelof and his "black stuff that-can-do-just-about-anything-despite-there-being-no-actual-explanation-for-what-exactly-it-is" style of writing is to blame for that. Soon as I realized that the stuff was black, I knew he'd ripped his own smoke monster from Lost off. And Ridley Scott is to blame for allowing Lindelof near the production in the first place. I blame them both for this utter tripe of a movie.
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 7:17 AMTo have all this stuff explained in the first instalment would look very silly in the context of a grander scheme.
In 2018, movie fans will look back and say "Thank Christ it wasn't all done in one movie".
So there. :P
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 7:45 AMA film should be able to stand on it's own merits and NOT be reliant on sequels for answers zz, espescially when the whole premise of this movie was "who are we and where did we come from?" Ok, so halfway through Prometheus we find that out, we're a 100 percent match in DNA to the Engineers. So what? WHERE DO THE ALIENS COME FROM? One of THE biggest questions people have wanted to know for years. Also, why did the Space Jockey have a hold full of Alien eggs? How did he get infected? Was he forced to land, did he crash land on purpose, WHO SET UP THE WARNING THE NOSTROMO PICKED UP? The Space Jockey himself? If it was, makes no sense as to why they would do that, because they want to destroy us in Prometheus. The whole thing is now thrown out of whack more so than it ever has been.
This was marketed as an Alien movie. So why? If it was never MEANT to be?
What if the sequels HADN'T been greenlit? Just because Ridley Scott made it, doesn't guarantee that it's worthy of a sequel. I for one have already been waiting 20 years for answers about a few things from Alien, now I have to wait till near the end of THIS decade to MAYBE find those answers out?
Thanks, but I'd rather not.
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:05 AM@Cypher:
[i]"A film should be able to stand on it's own merits and NOT be reliant on sequels for answers"[/i]
You are dead wrong. I'm a grown man and I shed a tear or two when I got to the end of [i]Manon des Sources[/i] (a sequel).
[i]"we find that out, we're a 100 percent match in DNA to the Engineers"[/i]
Incorrect. Please watch the movie again and get your facts straight.
[i]Various Questions[/i]: Various answers will follow in time. As they should.
[i]This was marketed as an Alien movie. So why? If it was never MEANT to be?[/i]
That's your interpretation, not mine. I lost count of the number of times that I heard Ridley say that there was an 8-minute cross-over to [i]Alien[/i].
[i]"What if the sequels HADN'T been greenlit?"[/i]
The plan was always to make more than one.
[i]"now I have to wait till near the end of THIS decade to MAYBE find those answers out?"[/i]
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 2:57 PMJust got something else to add here.. while someone at the top said something about when Firfield came back he was really strong... cause of the Alien DNA in him... in one of the Alien Movies the main Woman since she had an alien inside her it made her stronger remember? she was kicking other guys asses and stuff and was really powerfull? so... seems like this Goo no matter what is close to Alien DNA

MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 10:18 AMWell Ridley has been playing games with us lol...
The 8 mins was hyped up and so set up many expectations, the 8 mins was no link to Alien the movie had links all the way through it.
And had they stuck with the Original Fifield Concepts this would had been more so evident.
The only link as far as see with the last 8 mins was this...
We see that Shaws Baby grows up to be a huge Octopus like Face Hugger that then implants something into the Engineers mouth just like the Face Hugger did.
We then see that this Engineer then has a Chest Buster with a Xeno looking Organism that is again much larger than a Chest Buster but then so was the Face Hugger Squid much larger than the original Face Hugger.
The Alien Link was thus...
That this Black Substance in the Urns via a series of events leads to a Organism that is very reminiscent of the Original Xeno Cycle of Face Hugger to Chest Buster.
Thus the link is that the Substance in the Urns is connected to the Xeno. And there is no Link to Alien only a link between the Xeno and the stuff in the Urns.
The Worms are simply evolved and enlarged and have Xeno DNA and traits while also maintaining some of the Worms traits just at a evolved level. Such as growing back its head.
Shaws Baby well because a fertilized embryo has less fully developed DNA to be re-written and thus produced a Organism that contained more Xeno DNA and Traits.
Fifield.... well that was a joke.... the original concepts he looked more Alien and showed more of a connection with the Xeno DNA, so the Zombie look has well added more plot holes to debates and can now counter argue the effects of the Urns.
Where as the more Xeno inspired Fifields would had shown that the Goo mutates lifeforms to take on Xeno DNA, and i think was cut to tone down the Xeno DNA in the movie and savor it for Shaws Baby.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 10:38 AMSeriously. The original concepts for the mutated Fifield look much better and more terrifying, can't wait to watch the director's cut/extended version. Just out of curiosity, how does one with map drawing "pups" that link his position to the bridge of the ship and the area still gets lost?

MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 10:47 AMlol Warrior i can only say that Weyland never made all that money for nothing.
And he must have cuts costs on the crew... not many of them would seem to be the best of their chosen careers. lol
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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