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Engineers Different "Models"

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MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:24 AM
Ok, I have not seen yet the full director's cut (I hope the deleted scens are not a special but actually inserted in the movie, like the Alien original DC release, but lets see what we see from the images we have and the movie. We see older looking Engineers on the deleted scenes released so far, so we surise they are Elders, the Masters. We see an Sacrificial Engineer who gives himself to create/seed new intelligent life on a given planet (Earth) And we see the Engineer in the end of the movie, who was the last survivor of a millitary outpost (temple or not, it was a weapons research/cache facility...the temple means little in the context, maybe showing them a very ritualistic culture (very likely) or that they had huge chaplain's quarters on their millitary installations) All 3 have noticeable differences. The Elders and the sacrificial are the less distant from each other, maybe age being the factor (old frail looking ones and the young/muscular sacrificial one) buin the case of the last Engineer, the differences are really big. We clearly see that he is not using a biosuit, but his body, from neck down, is mutate, or is different from the engineers we see at the beginning. And that might be an important clue o Engineer society. They are master biologists/bio-engineers, and as we see that was a millitary instalation, what we see with that last survivor is that they have divided their species into at least two different kinds: Civilians and Warriors. The look from that engineer seems to incorporate traits from the biosuit, but it was integral to his body, so the warrior is constructed to be though, although the height still bothers me if they are the same species as the SJ....a giant is more imposing than that Engineer. Another thing is, they might be really enemies from the real SJ race, and maybe the murals there explained the body from that engineer: they are a weird religious cult worshiping a killing machine and trying to emulate/incorporate traits of that killing machine into their bodies, hence the changes into their bodies. Or they are what I postulated before, tools from the Master SJ, created to serve them in many different "models" and now together in a giant/ multi millenia battle against their creators, trying to enlist those seeded by them in the past and yet ready to erase any possible treats against their cause... Anywat the body difference from that engineer is intriguing (and look at him...that is his body, no biosuit...that is something to notice) Well, there is always the time spans used here....millions of years of evolution might have changed the bodies from before into what we see in Prometheus...
15 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 10:31 AM
LOL... one suit is used for hyper-sleep or stasis sleep, the other heavy suit (with helmet) is a space suit. staff: Weyland Corp. Deep Space Technologies and Development: Mars


MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 10:41 AM
Well i hope they dont go redesign the Elders i think they look cool. If they wanted a more powerful race they do not have to remove the Elders at all. All they need to do is simply create another being and Race that goes above the Elders and with this they can also make this new higher power/masters even more Alien. I like the Elders they looked frail and old but as they was in the scene that appeared to be when complex life on Earth started to Evolve due to the seeding of the Sacrificial Engineers body to then break down his DNA that then mutates the basic bacteria on the World. This world had life on it, at least as far as Bacteria because of the Trees and Plant Life they need CO2 and no Life means no CO2 in most cases. So this scene may not had been the creation of Mankind mankind was created thousands upon thousands of years ago and not millions up on millions. So this scene could be many hundreds of Millions of Years ago, the Elders thus a very very Ancient Race, who may have created in their image the Engineers for pretty much the same reason the Frail Weyland created David. The Engineers are to be servants to the Elders to carry out labor intensive and risky tasks and sacrificial tasks and thus both workers, gardeners and soldiers of the Elders. Unless they are merely to the Engineers as Weyland is to Holloway just same race but older? Anyway the Elders and Engineers had robes on, there ship did not look Bio Mech it was not Organic looking like the Juggernaut and Derelict. Now the outpost on LV 223 fell 2000 years ago, they left clues on Earth to it 35'000 years ago this is a long long time after the Millions of Years ago that the Evolution of basic life to complex began (thanks to Engineers Seed). It could be very possible that at the time of the Water Fall/Sacrificial Scene the Engineers never had the Bio Tech like they did in Prometheus or Alien. It could be something they created, came across or even stolen many years latter. The Pressure suit is merely like our diving/snorkel suits. Only lets say the material is like Organic but its not like a Snake Skin Coat of Fur Coat that we wear. Its like a Snake Skin or Fur Coat that when worn will actually bond with the body so that the wearer wears the skin coat just as the original creature wore the coat and thus the Fur Coat becomes attached to you just like it was to the Rabit or Monkey that it came from etc. Size is off yes i agree, the idea was 15ft Space Jockey the Actual Prop worked out to be about 13 to 14ft the Chair was 16ft long. But again Ridley used Child actors and it made the Space Jockey look larger. Prometheus the idea was a 10ft race and the concept work well agreed with that, the Suits hanging up before the Control room are 9-10ft. Sadly Ridley should have gone for camera trickery that they used in Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Hobit that made well the Baggins 5.5ft Actors appear as 4ft Hobits compared to the Humans etc. If Ridley had done that he could have created the illusion of the Chair being larger and the 7.5ft (in booster boots) Engineer appear as 9-10ft tall. As it stand now, well mankind can stand 4ft to 8ft tall but most around 6ft so maybe what we have here is in Prometheus we have the Micheal Jay Fox of their Race and in Alien well the Ian Whyte of their race. So why cant they stand say 7.5ft to 15ft tall, do they all have to be the same as mankind is not.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 11:18 AM
wow, you guys write a lot. O.o I still think the Engineers are too damn short... Gods really, more like bullies that need a tan.


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 11:31 AM
Ah, a bonding bio-suit....that could be it. Extending the concept, the Pilot Chair itself could be something like that, as it is a suit as well to be weared by the pilot. So the pilot of an Engineer Ship binds with the ship itself to pilot it, and he would even hypersleep in it (that is, if the Drive Technology they employ is the same used by humans (or at least the same principles) could be different, although the presence of hypersleep pods on the bridge of a juggernaut foretells a similar necessity to traverse the stars...or to maintain long campaigns in space, as it really seems Juggernauts are millitary vessels. I still keep in check the postulating that the Seeding Ship is not cannot be seen clearly but it could be a shell like ship. Acutally an organic ship should be shell like at first...of course civilian ships should not be worried by surface area, whereas millitary ships should present a slender profile to avoid easy targeting. This idea could explain the body of the Engineer at the end of the movie, for it was not a suit at all but his own body there, this we can easily notice. But then if the suits bonds to the wearer then it would have been created to do that, make itself a part of the wearer, and that would match to a biotechnology really advanced. So yeah, it could be that (as it is clearly part of his body) or there are different kind of Engineers, also something that could happen in a multi-million years culture, or they are bio-constructs made by the vastly more intellingent but frail looking Elders...cliché but still a viable solution...each model suiting a given task, but still retaining a wide degree of adaptability (hence keeping the basic humanoid shape) This could explain a Giant Pilot of a millitary Cargo Ship. A worker model, bigger to lift heavy cargos, as well as able to pilot tthe ship. Then Cargo Handlers would be giants and their ships would sui their size, but still keeping the millitary model for their ship. Lets see in which direction it goes, if in any of those here thought ^^


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 11:35 AM
Movie designs and budgets... that is why the Engineers are so small... simply limited CG budgets... nothing really special about it. You can theorize all day about this but when the rubber hits the road, it's all about the money and profitability matrices.


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 11:38 AM
True enough, but really not smart on their part. Giving the profit they already made compared to the budget, it would not have been that much more costly doing those effects... Really bad attitude, but yet credible coming from the studios nowadays.... LotR had it all because the guy had full control over it and did as he really wanted...few can do that, but the payoff can be so awesomea t times (damn! I think I need to replace batteries on my keyboard...not a single time that I do not need to enter and edit the entry... XD )


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 1:04 PM
Wireless keyboards have minds of their own LOL... but they are getting better. LotR was epic and yes full control and away from the Hollywood vampires.


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 5:02 PM
as far as the engineers being smaller in prometheus than the engineer in alien...I agree in that there is no real specific narrative reason why the filmmakers made the engineers smaller. I think it was just an aesthetic decision on scott's part. He wanted a man in a suit (w makeup/practical additions etc.) rather than some garbage CG rendering of an engineer. If that meant making the engineers a bit smaller then so be it (imo). I understand why some are frustrated with the size discrepancy, but im fine with it. There are many hypothetical reasons one can employ to explain the size difference. It just really doesnt matter. Although the CG in prometheus actually looks pretty good for a change (i hate CG and cant think of a single film (including LOTR) where i think that it actually looks "great"), im so glad ridley chose to do the engineers the way he did. I dont know why people are into CG. It can be helpful to augment practical effects etc, but practical is always the way to go when possible (imho).


MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 5:44 PM
I dont think he needed vast amounts of CGI, the kind of trick Lord of the Rings used to make the Hobits appear smaller than the Humans and Elves would have done the trick. The idea was 9-10ft Race but then questions remain that the Alien one was about 15ft but billed as being 26ft and we now get ones billed as 9-10 feet who are actually 7.5ft

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:21 PM
I missed that part, now clarify again, the Engineer that was sleeping in the chamber is different from his fellows who were out and about and eventually slain by, as of now, unknown threats?


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:26 PM
@bigdave yeah....the issue with using the children in the space suits for Dallas and company (in alien) as they investigated the space jockey was great in alien. However, it presented a problem for prometheus et al. In fact, the scale of the space jockey wasnt even consistent within Alien. You can find screen shots where the space jockey appears to have almost doubled in size in relationship to the humans (children) and you can find shots where he appears to have shrunk all of the sudden (adult actors). I cant remember exact spots for you to check, but i remember i was struck by the difference when i set out looking for it. Point doesnt really bother me. My main concern was the design of the engineers and i LOVE the way they look (and the fact that there is very little CG involved in their creation). I can suspend disbelief enough to believe that the engineer(s) in prometheus is 9-10 ft tall (and the one in alien looked about 15ft in several scenes). im rambling...


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 1:20 AM
Patch, I like it, but would you care to explain the Melon-knighting cat? Plus, why did nobody ask Ridley Scott, "Are the ENGINEERS dead?" as in, why haven't they returned to Earth since the 'death of Space Jesus' two thousand years ago?
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MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 11:10 AM
@SubsumeYou I would not say different, the piled up bodies we saw one with his helmet removed that Shaw and Ford Tested it was Humanoid under the Space Jockey Suit. The Holograms we saw the Space Jockeys running away, but we also see the Engineers Hologram in the control room, the one where David finds out that playing that flute activates the control panel.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 12:05 PM
Search to the rescue...!


MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 11:41 AM
Thanks, BigDave.
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