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MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:25 PMThe engineer did not even live to die in the laser chair thing because he was in the escape pod and got killed by the trilobite. Also there was a hole in his chest that appeared to be the result of a chestburster which never occured either. Could that be a different ship that will crash in Paradise (Prometheus 2) or did the
Engineer live after the deacon emerged and make his way to a new ship and the deacon followed, planted a royal-Chestburster to create a queen Xeno that layed the eggs found in Alien? Many questions should be answered in Paradise
Calling all the Cubos
20 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:55 PMDead engineer in the laser chair...that made me giggle a little. :)
ALL generalizations are WRONG!

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:40 PMThe Engineer in Alien is a separate entity, not the same one from Prometheus. Ridley Scott says the one in Alien had been dead for thousands of years when it was found by the Nostromo. So far there has been no explanation for what happened to that one, and it may remain a mystery forever.

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 8:45 PMAlien takes place on LV 426. Prometheus takes place on LV 223.
Different engineers, different planets, different juggernauts (ships).
We dont know for sure, but its likely that the ship that went down on Lv 426 went down around (or possibly before) the time of the outbreak on LV 223. So...its likely that, by the time shaw and co. landed on LV 223, the juggernaut with the eggs as cargo was already laying there on LV 426 waiting to be found (poor kane). Also, alien/xenomorph eggs are depicted in the movie prometheus. When the home video comes out (or if you buy the digital download), find a nice place to pause while examining the ceiling of the ampule room. You will see that one of the frescos on the ceiling depicts an egg that is analogous to the ones seen in the movie alien (we also see the hand of a traditional alien/xeno in the very same fresco...and the hand in question definitely does NOT resemble the deacon's hands...). Point is, eggs that look like the eggs seen in Alien were in existence prior to Shaw and co.'s adventures on Lv 223.
Anyways, i dont think we will be seeing the derelict crash-land on LV 426 in the sequel to prometheus (at least i hope really like to leave that alone and somewhat mysterious).

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 12:29 AMHmm, didn't Ridley Scott's film SET OUT to a) explain the SpaceJockey and b) scare the 'shit' out of us?
Anyway, roll on parallel franchise...
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 1:12 AMfundamentally, prometheus did explain what happened to the engineers who were playing around with these awesome biological weapons. Showing exactly what happened (explicitly and linearly) to that particular space jockey on lv 426 would have been a bit on the nose. We can infer why/how (and possibly even when) that space jockey went down on LV 426 from the events of prometheus. Suits me just fine. As far as further fleshing out of the engineers... their history and culture...Im happy to have that in the sequel. Finally, im not sure what "scare the shit out us" even means (i know ridley made such or similar claims). Im a horror buff and im having trouble thinking of a movie that truly scares me. I can think of thrilling films and creepy films, but scaring people these days just isnt going to happen. You can startle a filmgoer through haunted house/jack in the box tricks, but ridley already did that in alien. I certainly didnt want another texas chainsaw massacre in space. Having said that, I do think many of the occurrences/implications in prometheus are quite unsettling.

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 1:59 AMjoeyjoe,
sure, 'scare the shit out of' has (for me) lots more value if it's a socio-political statement about TPTB or The Powers That Be -- but then it was only inferred by focussed inclusion of the Counter Insurgence figure of Lawrence of Arabia, a plant, a covert operative.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 5:06 AMPeople have to stop obsessing about this.
Its not healthy.

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 7:28 AMSome people get by just fine with a chip on both shoulders - it makes them well balanced!
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 8:35 AMGuys Guys... I figured it out and its all come into place...
Yes the Engineer on LV 223 gets to LV 426... how here is why..
I disagreed with some ideas on here, but seems i was wrong so wrong.
Was Fifield Dead then re-animated? I felt he just got the Goo and it mutated him, i mean how would having Acid in his face kill him? He falls down and the Mask with the Goo and the Acid combine and it melts to his face and mutates him.
But if he did die... and if the Goo then returns him from the dead, maybe thats whats going on...
The Worms we saw under some ones foot.... was they squashed and killed and then the Goo re-animated them and made the stronger and mutated.
What about PROMETHEUS did the Titan as punishment have his insides pecked out over and over by Eagles etc...
So maybe it all adds up.....
Like Prometheus the Engineer having some traces of the Goo gets brought back to life where he then takes back off, only as with Prometheus to constantly get his insides pecked out (Chest Busted) again this time on way to LV 426.
The new Chest Buster then goes and lays the Eggs..... SIMPLES ;) ...
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 8:40 AMSERIOUSLY THOUGH...
Ridley already explained LV 426 in a nutshell.
The Space Jockey Pilot was a brother to those in Prometheus.
The Derelict was some kind of Bomber, well a Cargo Ship Carrying Bio Weapons.
He was heading away from LV 223 with the Cargo of Bio Weapons.
One of these Bio Weapons got lose and got to him.
He then knew he was infected and would not compete his mission and so he set a course for the nearest baron moon to land his Cargo of Bio Weapons and set off a Warning Beacon to Warn the others the mission/cargo is compromised and not to come to where he Quarantined the Cargo.
This occurred within a few hundred years of the outbreak on LV 223. Thus thousands of years ago.... assume 2200-1800 years ago but most likely prior to the downfall on LV 223.
Sorted.... This is what Ridley has said in interviews etc just i worded it different.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 8:48 AMmay the debate NEVER end
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 10:17 AMI know...
I think Ridley may ultimately hand it on a plate by the time he finishes so that it ends the debate and those who simply wont keep quite until Ridley shows them lol...
I think Prometheus was a chance to had shown such a thing...
After the Deacon they only had to show a scene like this.
A Derelict flying through space coming towards in the vast distance a ringed planet.
Some kind of Alarm going off and we pan to a Cargo Hold of Eggs with one opening up or show one thats open but no sign of the Face Hugger.
Then fade.... then show the Derelict heading down to a Moon, pan back to the Control Room and show the Space Jockey touching controls to activate the Warning Beacon before clutching his chest..
Then we show the Derelict enter the Moons Atmosphere and start to descend onto the surface... go back to the Space Jockey and show him convulsing in pain, maybe show his chest expand but see that he clearly places his hands on the controls his priority is to land this ship in one piece and in spite of the pain and knowing the impending chest buster he guides the ship down.
We finally cut to the Ship Crash Landing on LV 426.
We do not need to show when it was or even say it was LV 426 just show some similar moon. We did not need to see the Face Hugger, the Space Jockey get Face Hugged or even the Chest Buster.
This scene would have given the visual clue to what Ridley said, there would still be questions and a mystery...
Where did the Cargo come from?
Where was it going?
Why did he have it?
On top of we would not be shown how the Xeno came to be, just a clue to why the Ship Crashed.
There would be no date and thus it would be ambiguous as to how long ago it was and even as far as the Space Jockey, as maybe he could look a little different and taller and the scene dark... so as we dont see him Face Hugged and thus without the mask the debate cant be proven that it was a mask or it was a actual larger different race that the Engineers stole Tech From.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphSep-20-2012 1:01 PMTo all
All I really want to know is for what / who and where those eggs intended and what was his destination . Were those eggs morphed or layed ? How were they placed with perfect spacing without being triggered ?
Sarcastic: chair ans whip maybe ?
LOL !!

MemberTrilobiteSep-20-2012 3:46 PMIMO,
The Engineers had originally created life in their own image as shown at the start of the movie before changing their outlook and nature and used the very thing they had previously used to create life to instead destroy life.
Approximately 2000 years ago a Juggernaut departed from an installation, possibly LV-223 and deployed the urns onto a world where they had created life, much like our own. This resulted in a Xenomorph infestation. Once all viable hosts had been extinguished, and the Xenomorphs had died a fleet of Juggernauts collected the only remaining living specimens - the eggs - and departed to an unknown location.
One such Juggernaut was travelling through Zeta II Reticuli, when the ship dropped out of FTL. Leaving his seat the pilot was alerted to an outbreak on LV-223 before smelling the acrid odor of acid eating through metal. Seeing smoke and burning metal the pilot hastily returned to his seat and inside his suit, but not before the Facehugger latched onto his face as the mask closed.
The Juggernaut programmed to receive controls from its pilot when bonded, drifted into the atmosphere of , and landed on LV-426. Waking, the dead, detached facehugger trapped inside its helmet the lone pilot initiated a warning beacon before experience chest pains.
The birthing Chestburster, leaving the remains of it dead Engineer pilot host sought refuge in the direction of the vessels port side, a door sealing hermetically behind it.
That's my two cents, and what I've added to Alien 3.25 AKA Alien Revelations

MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 6:20 PMlol i like some of that...
Yeah the only problem i have the the concept of Goo that then turned into Eggs is well, it depends on that Worlds Life Forms.
Because well we see the Urns change and mutated life forms into different Organisms, so if you drop it on a place that has say a Donkey, a Man, a Dog, a Rat and a Spider then the Goo would not produce the same Organism from each as we saw in Prometheus with Worms and Fifield.
Also i get the assumption that the Eggs all contain the same Face Hugger and that if in Alien the whole crew got Face Hugged by say 6 Face Huggers from 6 of those Eggs we would see 6 Xenos that look the same.
So how would Eggs created from different lifeforms then all look uniform etc.
Unless the place they dropped the Urns had say hundreds of only the one type of Organism and hence all the Eggs are the same.
But also why use a Bio Weapon Urn to then create a Bio Weapon Eggs to collect them.
I like the idea that the Xeno was its own Organism and some how these Eggs came to be (engineered or laid makes more sense than changed from living organisms as the Eggs all looked the same).
The Egg that was being created from a Human in the deleted scene looked larger, and i would not rule out the Xeno could cocoon someone into a Egg that then either produces a different Face Hugger with Human DNA or that simply produce a smaller Deacon like creature but i just dont know how those created Eggs would create a identical Face Hugger and thus Xeno to the one at the start of the movie.
Thus i go for the idea the Xeno was a Weapon that was then re-engineered.
I will make a thread about the Eggs and Urns as far as Bio Weapons as each has flaws and pros but ultimately both are not really ideal Weapons at all.
Unless you scrap the Queen and also the change host into Eggs, then the original Xeno Egg would be perfect Weapon with a create risk in containing, transporting and deploying.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 6:40 PMMy Idea for LV 426 pretty much agrees with Ridleys.
That is this ship was carrying Eggs from somewhere to somewhere and then one of the Eggs got compremised and the Face Hugger got the Pilot.
I would assume that a alarm went off to warn about containment field problem, so the Engineer went down to have a look and then he gets Face Hugged, after he recovers he then realizes his fate and then rushes back to the Pilot Chair and Suits back up and then sets in a different destination to Quarantine the Cargo and set off a Warning Beacon, the Engineer gets chest busted just after he manages to crash land the Derelict on LV 426
As far as the Cargo and where it came from.. well i dont know about the creation but i can speculate on the transportation.
They was either a old Organism Bio Weapon they came across or they created somehow.
These was then either...
1) Being taken by other Engineers to deal with the rogue fraction on LV 223 and as this mission failed, the Engineers on LV 223 went to have a look and collected some samples and re-engineered them into the Urns.
2) They was being transported to the outpost to be used to re-engineer but the Cargo Ship had its Cargo compromised.
3) They was being transported from the LV 223 base to some destination for some purpose but then after they had been compromised as time went by the Engineers on LV 223 cooked up a plan to re-engineer the Bio Weapon by using some samples to then produce the stuff in the Urns.
The thing is while i may think my views fit more with what i have seen and how it appears the Xeno was already known prior to the Urns.
Its interesting from the comments in Prometheus by Shaw, David, and Janek.
Janek suggested the base was a Weapons and Military Facility the deleted scene with Vickers he assumes that the Engineers was making something they was not supposed to and they had a spillage and outbreak and what ever they was trying to create got to them. Interesting how he said something they was not supposed to do.... PROMETHEUS FIRE stealing?
Shaw and especially in the deleted scene with Holloway at their quarters seems to suggest the Engineers had some kind of outbreak.
And David saying sometimes to create one must destroy...
Now the Engineer head has some kind of infection that seemed related to the Black Goo....
But then what about the Chest Buster Holes in the Sarcophagus, does infected Engineers simply automatically create a Chest Buster?
Do they not mutate into anything, and also the dead Engineers had Chest Buster holes in some, was all of them Face Hugged and then they suited up afterwards..?
Really so many things it could be, i assumed that something went wrong and eventually they created some organism that went and killed them all.
Again if its simply a case of contamination of the Goo like Holloway then why did they not mutate like Fifield or the Worms, could they had produced some Organism like Shaws Baby...
But how? Are the Engineers actually asexual and can reproduce themselves and thus the Goo could create a Chest Buster in them like it did with Shaw?
Was they somehow Face Hugged by some Organism that implants something or do they simply after being contaminated by the Goo explode like the Head did?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 6:06 PMI have an alternative ending for him.
Snorks engaged for a fantastic voyage

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 11:19 AMOffcourse the Deacon is essential to the developement of the Alien, why else would he be there?.The engineer we encounter in Alien is a victim of the Deacon. We see the D with its egg sack at the end of movie, and it is probably going to seek out shelter and a suitable nest site. I suggest that the D finds its way into one of the unexplored domes activates an occupied cryo pod whilst creeping about, and attacks the waking Engineer. After reviving from the attack, the Engineer concludes the station has been the recipient of a bio weapons attack
decides to return home. En route the Alien is born, Engineer dies, and the juggernaught is caught in the gravitational pull of a neigbouring moon and crashes. Alien lays eggs in hold.
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