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Lloyd Pye says STARCHILD is one of The Grays.

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MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 3:04 AM
Star 'child' is an ADULT - AMMACH Lloyd Pye update AMMACH project caught 'starchild researcher' Lloyd Pye in UK and got the latest updates from his investigation into the amazing skull found in 1930s and dating back to about 1100 AD. Revelations in this update: 1) though from a very short 'humanoid', THIS IS THE SKULL OF AN ADULT. 2) the thin-boned tough-boned i.e. fibre-reinforced tooth-enamel-like skull of this 'starchild' has a capacity of 1600cc, that's 200cc MORE than a full-grown human adult. 3) it's looking like the 'eye' of this thing is a FIXED EYE and the 'outer lens' we associate with The Greys, the black almond-shaped eye is actually some sort of lens giving 180 degree vision. [url=]50 MINS VIDEO HERE[/url]
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
32 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 5:12 AM
To me this is fake, simply becuase of the fact that it IS human looking. Its very unlikely that it would share so many features with a being(human) that is separated by lightyears and evolution. unless it is human.



MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 5:13 AM
and from tellus



MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 5:13 AM
Thanks for posting! [b]Random rambling[/b]: I've never understood how the Greys kept their heads up, despite having such a spindly, seemingly weak body and large head.


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 5:24 AM
Plotholefiller@ yes that but also the eyes that is basically two enourmus pupills wich would be extremely light sensitive, Still all abductees are lead in to a very bright room and layd on a operating table with light hovering above it. or being lifted to the sky in a bright light. (on the other hand they usually abduct you during the night, when you´re close to sleep, sometimes you are also woken up.) And for some reason they almost never seem to abduct people outside the US.



MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 5:45 AM
Yes, there are a lot inconsistencies when it comes to abductions. Don't get me wrong I definitely believe there's life out there! But what I've never understood is - if the stories of UFO's being shot down, their vehicles stripped of their technology, the occupants experimented on are to be believed; then why do they continue to go to that area - namely the US. Why not go to GIza ,Socotra, the Amazon Rainforest, the Himalayas, Uluru... there so many interesting sites to visit, but they choose to go to military bases, only to be shot down!


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 6:54 AM
@Plotholefiller it is theorized creatures from a planet with less gravity would be probably frail and thinly built, perhaps even much taller even though "greys" seem to be shown as much smaller then we are in the media. they wouldnt need to have much muscle and bone support in such an environment. BUT... when it comes to people claiming these things were on earth... yeeeaaahhh... unless they were in some special suits, our gravity should be pretty damaging to their frame. [img][/img]
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 6:54 AM
Exactley. i to strongely belive there is life out there, anything else would be ridiculous. BUT in these stories the aliens often communicate with telepathy and sometimes abductees says that it felt as if their eyes could stare right in to their soul. It also seems as if they no wich people to abduct even. the question then is why they have to do biological experiments on them, on a operating table in a lab on a spaceship. one would think they could just scan the body of a human, the world it lives in and its behavior from a far, and know everything there is to know about its habits, anatomy, social competenze ect ect. The final question is ofcorse whats the point of abducting anyone. I read on a blog somewhere that the greys are "extra dimensional beings", meaning some kind of demons, rather than extra terrestrials. ..................i say no more



MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 7:10 AM
nice, I'm very happy that you've all found ways to DISTRACT YOURSELVES FROM THE THREAD but here goes: [i]'desperate attempt to get thread back on rails'[/i] There, did that work? This Lloyd Pye thread's about JUST THE SORTA THING I'd have thought you PrometheusHeads would have been really into -- real evidence from DNA-analysis of what appears to be an ALIEN SKULL found in the 1930's dating back to the twelfth century. I'm not saying I don't enjoy fun at others' expense but COME ON, this might be it! Just sayin' LOL
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 7:16 AM
actually, we do the same exact thing. i was/am an enormous fan of "the x files" and my room as a kid was always covered in extraterrestrial posters, toys... yadda yadda. supposedly these ufos find someone, beam them up, take samples, perform invasive medical exams, put identifying implants in them, so on. i was watching a nature special years ago, and the host was in a helicopter and they were chasing down a mountain goat or a big horn... the terrain was rough and mountainous so they followed it, got close when they could, then shot it with a tranquilizer dart. they took all sorts of samples including hair and even shoved their fingers up its butthole to pull out a fresh stool sample. then they clipped a big ass identification tag onto its ear, then they gave it medicine to come out of the tranquilizer and released it... then they got back into the helicopter and left. (i bet his buddies didnt believe him either!) sound familiar? why do people find it so hard to believe creatures from another planet or dimension would do the same to us? we have been doing it to animals for a very very long time. many humans kill and cut open animals because they are sick violent people, and others do the same because they are scientists examining creatures to learn more about them and now we dont have to kill them to do so. it doesnt mean they are evil or malevolent, many of them may be trying to research us for the greater good, make medication, and other things that may help us in the future. maybe others are sick and violent creatures that enjoy collecting samples/trophies on different planets, just like humans do when they go trophy hunting for animals. rich people go to different continents just to kill and chop animals head off to put in their fancy study room back home. i dont understand why people find it completely unbelievable that other creatures would behave the same way we do, ever watch "nova?" there is an endless amount of galaxies... im sure there are billions of creatures that are nearly identical to us, along with others that couldn't be more opposite. it looks impossible to put a number on howmany planets are out there that support life, or alternate dimensions that parallel us on our own planet.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 7:21 AM
freeplanet... in my humble opinion, you should just be happy people are commenting and bumping your thread and not get snappy about staying on topic. many threads are started here and seem to quickly disappear from lack of interest, so dont be so cynical *huggs* :)
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 7:23 AM
Hugs back, friend. :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 8:23 AM
thank you, i love huggs!! i wish this forum was a local room full of people, i would love to have all of these discussions in person. it is too far and few between to find such quality sci fi enthusiasts.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 8:46 AM
yeah, one can never have enough huggage. there are a lot of knowledgeable folk in this forum.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 8:54 AM
For Sure Lord Pie has watched Prometheus! Truthfully we are the ALIENS Whaaa hahhhaaaaaaaa.........and the aliens are our demons. [img][/img] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 9:07 AM
Ruhaniya, he wrote [url=]INTERVENTION THEORY[/url] way back in the 2008.... which goes into Hominoids being the ancestors of Neanderthals and details Modern Mankind or City People's sudden appearance round about 6,000 years ago, in the Sumerian area (kinda like Prometheus suggests). Seriously.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 9:32 AM
The End of the Day the proof is always in the pudding. Be it Alien, Ghost, Angel or God... If person A says they seen such things, then the only 100% Proof to person B is if they see it with their own eyes. Evidence even as far as pictures may not be proof enough, especially nowadays as really anything can be faked i mean look how realistic movies can make props now, look how realistic smaller companies can make things even like Silicone Halloween Masks. Even if Person A saw these things how does Person B know that. 1) They are Mad or Mentally Ill. 2) They Made it all up. 3) They was on drugs or medication and seeing things. 4) It was a dream but one they could not tell was dream or real. 5) They mistook something natural for something else. 6) They saw something someone else Faked and thus thought it was real. 7) They was hypnotized to recall such a event. So again the only solid proof is in the pudding and only if you experience it yourself...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 10:01 AM
If we wish to discuss such things then i can tell you what someone i used to know who to me came across very honest and not lie, they told me some things that are bizarre but things years and years ago that tie in with the Ancient Astronaut theory and indeed Prometheus now come to think of it. This person said he knows for sure, but cant say where.... That once upon a time this world had life and original habitats and a Alien Race who stood about 10ft tall came to Earth and wanted to mine it for minerals and gold etc etc. They created a race to do so, but first had to wipe out some of the planets original inhabitants. This Race that was created then created many other races to carry on the work. They created i think he said 3 Races. The First was very durable and hard working and very subservient but they was not as adaptable to tasks and not very bright but hard workers and good worshipers. These were Nethanderthal Man. They then created another race that was more so in these creators image, a Tall Fair Skinned Race who was very intelligent, but not as hard working and eventually a race who was given govern over the worker force Nethanderthals but this power got to their heads and this Tall Pale Race then became rebellious they saw themselves as superior to the other created race and even then saw themselves as good as the creators. This less subservient race is the race that Hitler wanted to breed back. They had a War with this race, and the Nethanderthals started to fail to adapt and survive without the help of the creators and the supreme race. The creators created a 3rd race this race had many traits of both the Nethanderthals and the Supreme Race, this new Race was intelligent, hard working and subservient. This Race is connected with the Asians and a race that Indians and Asians can trace their routes to. Eventually Mankind we have today is simply a mixing of the gene pool and inter breeding between the descendants of all these 3 Ancient Races. This is how come their are many different creeds of Humans from White Europeans, to Middle Eastern to Native Indian/Eskimos to the African/Caribbeans, the Polynesians to the Chinese/East Asian and finally other natives like Aborigines etc. Sounds very far fetched mind... better explanation that the Plot Holes to why Mankind varies in appearance than what the Bible and Koran tells us. This person says that the Grey Aliens are Clones and Drones they are basically genetically engineered variants of Dolphins and that these mainly live under the Sea and beneath Caves and The South Pole etc. He said Dolphins have a lot of characteristics of Greys from Skin Tone and Texture to how their Eyes and other senses work. He said Dolphins can communicate with each other kind of telepathically and via sonar, they can also emit a wave of energy that paralyses potential hostiles and both these traits are what the Grey also have. Sounds kinda plausible there are similarities i guess... They was created by what remained of a original species that was on Earth before the creators (of man) came along. Now i dont know about that lol.... Saying that the person also claimed the Governments had reverse engineered craft from both Aliens and Greys and they have created a Triangle UFO that is the latest Government Projects and these craft can cloak like the Predator Can. I thought well this guy although honest is either smoking stuff or he is playing me up..... But then about 18 months latter i actually saw one of those Triangle Craft 100% for my self... it was at night so i cant voucher for it being cloaked etc. But what i saw was no plane and this was in 1996... My view what i saw could be just a top secret Government Black Project much like the Stealth Fighter etc was in the 60's and 70's. I believe what i saw was no normal craft and it was the TR3 or Belgium Triangle UFO. But i have no proof to say to myself it was Alien or created from Alien Tech and could just be purely advancement of Mankind's Tech. Anyway thats enough of my Camp Fire Alien Stories lol... As i said seeing is believing and all i can conclude is there are craft out there that defy the speeds and aerobatics of the common planes and helicopters we commonly use.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 10:20 AM
in [url=]part 8/8 of the Human Origins lecture[/url] Lloyd Pye actually gives a valid explanation why it's the FEMALE OF THE SPECIES i.e. Shaw who produces the hybrid, while the male just acts like a nest for an unchanged species -- see I was NEVER ONE for this 'Oh, the Alien that sits in the chest is resultant from a genetic mix' what utter bullshit. That Alien-egg facehugger laid a chestburster in John Hurt's chest and it came out through the sternum when it was ready. All further dog-bull-predator like variations are JUST NOT CANON. It's all been an enhancement of the story, kinda like Chinese Whispers. Anyway, back to Shaw, she had to be the one to handle Holloway's infected sperm (remember, it killed him) because she has a PLACENTA protecting both herself from it and it from her. Every pregnancy is TWO CHILDREN. One's a placenta, the rest is the foetus. Shaw should have had her alien-hybrid placenta removed by that Med Pod, but that's a technicality. I'm not saying I believe Lloyd Pye, but his skull's genetic evidence is COMPELLING and it ties into the whole Prometheus bred-by-aliens ideal. Hope you'all enjoy it and keep the debate going.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 10:57 AM
aww dave.... i have seen things spiritual and alien. i have been to more than one "shrink" over crap like this.. i WANTED to be crazy. being crazy and making it up is the easiest explanation in the world, and let me tell you, i LOVE easy. my mom told me she "caught" me talking to ghosts in my room when i was a kid, i didn't remember so i didn't believe it. i figured i was nuts and probably talking to myself, being a weird artist i do weird crap like that anyway. until my older sister and i were allowed to stay up late alone one night and we had a REALLY crazy experience. we were sitting together on the couch watching a late night show, and when this "event" happened... we looked at eachother.. screamed like bachees and ran incoherently all over the house and hid in random places. my dad yelled at us and claimed "you guys just got scared because it was late and you were probably watching something scary" . nooo.... we both witnessed an undeniable force, and btw i HATE my sister and we are not on speaking terms.. i tell almost everyone i am an only child because i hate her so much. we both agreed we saw this exact same event and we dont agree on anything, after that i hoped i was just crazy or making up any ghost stuff i saw. i may have, but this once, there is no way 2 people 2 different ages, 2 completely different opinions of religion and faith saw the same exact thing that night. i would rather be deemed crazy then what we saw as a reality, but no one in the house can proveit DIDNT happen. also, i have seen 3 UFO's recently and none of them looked even remotely alike. wtf? i would love for someone to analyze me as a nut job, that would really put my mind at ease.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 11:07 AM
btw i am an american airfocre brat so i have lived on bases with loud ass bright planes, jets, helicopters, so on... but we had those couple times were the base went insane and did a lockdown, all of their stuff was so loud but the "ufo's we saw didnt make any noise and THAT WAS F-ING WEIRD! we were warned on days they were having test flights and said on the AFN tv channel to " do not go outside, do not let pets outside, the sonic boom can permanently damage the inner ear". none of the UFO sightings were near those testing days. they only made excuses later when too many people made comments about it. i was scared and paranoid from watching the f-king xfiles show that my sister and i didnt tell my parents until 10 years later the weird crap we saw on that base. so we both have seen weird ghost crap and what looked like UFO's... i am very strict in my religion but i cant deny the scientific aspect of the odd things i have seen either. i think existence in general is too complicated for any of us humans to understand.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 11:22 AM
Well as i said you have to take people at face value, i cant prove or disprove what you say. I cant tell your lying or not, or if you saw what you did or you believe you did. I dont know you and so i cant say or have any right to doubt you, likewise with what i saw. I could explain to you in PM my Triangle Encounter. I have caught stuff on video but again i cant be 100% sure what it was, the only time i could rule out anything was the Triangle UFO. It was similar to this only lights white/amber with at the back a blinking red light. [url=]Triangle UFO[/url] [url=]Another[/url] [url=]One in the USA[/url] The Last one is pretty much exactly as i saw, it was silent moved like that, i thought oh Helicopter and looked away, then thought hang on no noise and was triangle when looked again, it was further away.. so i thought thats why no sound it was so far, then i looked again and it was even further and then i looked away and thought could it be a ufo and looked again and it was gone. I then heard and saw 3 military helicopters going in same direction there lights was not as wide apart and they made a lot of noise and took to get from the same area to the other a lot lot longer and i am talking like 1.5 minutes compared to say like 20 seconds for the Triangle that was silent.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


AdminPraetorianSep-20-2012 11:26 AM
Oh nice! Ty so much for posting this!


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 11:28 AM
thank you for being so excepting, that is a very rare trait in humanity. honestly, i would love to be proved wrong because the crap i have experienced was so disturbing i wont ever get past it :/ i would prefer if it really didn't happen.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 12:03 PM
Thats like what i hear off two people i talk too on youtube.. One saw Demons, and the other well had been visted by Greys. And both said look, i wish i was mad and just seeing things, i wish i was making it up as there is no way i would want anyone to go through what i had happen. So they was saying it was traumatic... the one women well her response was in that there was ways to summon Greys to meet you and she said she would not wish it on her worst enemy and i would be very stupid to want to go and meet one. Because i said, if i had the chance to actually meet a Grey or Alien and so i knew 100% they was real or also meet a Demon, Angel or God and what ever so i knew that answer to everything be that we are not alone, or that demons and angels are real. I said if i could find the truth and see any of the above but after doing so, i would be taken away or die... then i would be happy as we all got to die at some point and if i died Early but found out something like that as a consequence so be it. Thats when she said that meeting Greys is no game and its worse than death. The other person well they said live your life and you do not never want to meet or dable with Demons or Restless Spirits as getting visited by them purely to know they are then real, is well stupid and living with them is HELL That what they say is pretty similar to what you said Belladonna that you wish you never experienced what you had.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 12:20 PM
my "ghost" experience was traumatic. VERY.. i cant find any way to disprove it OR NOT disprove it since i have had too many witnesses too many times. like i said, i would love to be disproved and called crazy,. it would be more simple then the ghostly explanation. that doesnt follow my religion so i dont like that either. i BELIEVE i just saw UFOs , i dont have any memories or any beliefs that i was abducted or any other issue about them, i just saw the crafts that had irregular colors and flight patterns. i just saw some weird crap jetting around in the sky and then they took off, simple story that time. i have said many times i am an airforce brat, so i would not doubt any weird ass craft i saw was a military experiment and not aliens .... but i wont rule out aliens either. i pride myself on listening to other peoples opinions, no matter how "far out" theories are, i still love theories. if it wasnt for "theories" we would be no were near we are now scientifically as a species.
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 1:09 PM
I'll put this out there, I'm a skeptic - for me, ALL ufos are just military vehicles we've not been shown yet, ALL abductions are done by the military to keep us asleep at the wheel. This, however, this has NOTHING TO DO with speculation, it's just the simple facts of the undoubtedly fatal breakages in the geneline of this 'short adult' with the very weird head. It's a great story, let's hope more REALITY can be woven into the mesh.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberDeaconSep-20-2012 7:22 PM
Yeah there is strange stuff in the skies and the more you watch the more you see. I see strange things often but these are only what appear to be stars that move, some get bright then fade, and again they could be just satellites but i do see some perform very odd like see two fly together then stop then go separate ways. One of the best ones was moving fast then slow then turned 180 degrees headed off and all the time it was just a light like a Star high up as if it was a star then it just shot off like a Shooting Star but bright it reminded me like Star Trek when they go to Warp lol... Again they are lights like Stars and thus you cant make out the craft all i know is these things i can see what 2 to 5 a night are some kind of craft very high up or in space. Are they Aliens? i cant say so i have to go with most logical and that is they may be satellites and maybe surveillance ones and so big brother watching us in the sky. The things i see are what these have caught [url=]here[/url].... And [url=]here[/url] Again too fast for planes, they dont move like Space Debre but cant rule that out. So again they are maybe Space Craft but then satellites are space craft and it could be them who knows.... Some doubt i see these as i see them with naked eye and with binoculars, on clear night i can watch the Stats for like 4 hours and see at least 2-5 a night. Those who thought i was lying well i said they need to look and if they dont look then they will only see them by a off chance... like a Shooting Star. The average person only sees 3-5 a Shooting Stars a Lifetime, i see well 0-4 a night i used to see them more often before but now is see these moving stars/satellites more often instead. But i have seen hundreds of Shooting Stars where most people i know have seen one or two and some never any.... Thats only because they do not stair at the Stars for as long periods as i do, in the hope of seeing something truly unexplainable. Here are the two things i filmed only again they may be explained but both happened within a week of each other in same area of sky and around same time of day. Here is one i caught before.... [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url]

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 12:54 AM
Big Dave, I have no idea what that static floating glowing light is (and neither do you) but it's IN FRONT OF THE CLOUD COVER. Also, those fast stars in the sky, I've seen them a lot, they're not flashing like planes and they're very high. You might enjoy this site, as a slight thread distraction, from 0gary555 near Dundee Scotland - he has loads of these night vision shots. [url=][/url]
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 11:58 AM
I don't doubt that people have had and are having encounters but I think their interpretation of those experiences has a lot to do with the mind set of the times. Today a lot of people our saying the pyramids were built by UFO's though Magic has always been a good explanation but it's not popular or believable. Over all I think there is a division between interdemonsional beings and ancient humans. For Sure though all life and DNA throught the universe came from the same source there fore making any alien species our sibilings...but if they want to lay eggs in our digestive tracks, suck out are brains through eye ball TV's and wear our skin! BLAST EVERY ONE OF THEM!


MemberDeaconSep-21-2012 7:36 PM
@FreePlanet Thansk for the video mate.. Yes i have a few times seen these lights/stars do strange things pretty much like that video.. as i said before in this thread, i thought they could be satellites but then a few times i seen them do things that well you would not expect from satellites. like that video you linked, i saw two together not as close as the ones in that video but they was close and they moved together then they stopped then they went separate ways one carried on say NW the other like E and while they was together they went same speed but when they split up the one that moved NW moved off much faster. Another weird one i tracked with binoculars as it moved across the sky then changed direction and like started to back i.e it Moved say NW to W to SW then headed SE then it just stopped... still like a star for 10 seconds but then my arm was aching from holding the binoculars so i rested for a second but then i could not track which part of the sky it was in. And as i said i seen twice before one move across sky as like a star that movies (same as in those videos) but then it just like shot off like a shooting star. So yes as with that GREAT VIDEO you posted, those are not planes, unless they highly advanced very high altitude and very fast and maneuverable ones created by the Military. As the two lights in that video can not be satellites not that close and then performing those maneuvers.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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