MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 9:00 AMyeah 391 so far..very impressive....it 's done better than the star trek reboot...I think it's save to say that Prometheus is a financial success...think it will end just over or under 400 mil....and i think it will at last beat Snow-white....

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerSep-21-2012 11:19 AMPrometheus will continue to grow!

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 12:27 PM@ cerulean blue...nice x files reference! (?)
prometheus is too grand to be held down by the haters. go baby go!

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:20 PM10 11 12 is gonna be thre TOTAL 02:30:00 relaunch OR the total "it was all david's dream here's the real fake report to yutani" RELAUNCH
come on, how DEPRESSED am I gonna be on 11 11 12?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 4:26 PMI prefer to think of myself not as a hater, but rather as a dis-satisfied customer, promised one thing by the packaging and the guy that sold it to me, only to find a polished turd in the box when I opened it............
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberFacehuggerSep-21-2012 4:39 PMYer you cant polish a turd as they say but hmm I thought star trek was way better than prometheus and in profit is is still ahead $50 less to make or so.
But to be honest when you look at the list of highest grossing films of all time 90 percent of them are so awful its unbelievable - but they are pretty much all for kids and male teens - which kinda run the industry of course! I think avengers just moved up to 3rd place now - my god :O !
I think though prometheus was riding on the sucess of alien it may not have such a following for part 2 but may do just because everyone is so pissed off not knowing what its actually about!
Anyway I want it to do well - I need to see all three parts - I would be very sad if it were just that one part least now we can really see if the whole thing makes up a better story in the end or possibly that really was as bad as some people thought and its not going to get better :S !
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 5:00 PM[u]Paul[/u]: Thanks for the update on Prometheus' global box office take. I have to admit that even I am surprised to see the film make almost $400 million. Back before the film was released in Germany I had guessed that it would eventually bring in at least $325M and perhaps closer to $350M in ticket sales. Man, did the UK love the film. It's going to be interesting to see what the numbers are like when all is said and done. Other members have rightly pointed out that there is all kind of factors to consider when looking at the box office numbers (e.g. how long has the film been in theaters in a given country and what the rvenue split is between the studio and the theaters at any given time). Still, almost $400M in ticket sales is not shabby for a thematically dark and somehwat somber R rated genre film that was released during the summertime.

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 5:09 PM...i loved Prometheus...i love it for all it's weird little flaws and the fact that it is so open for interpretation....and i know that's what Scott wanted...to ask these big open questions...but i can understand the frustration and how a movie like that can piss of people...but their is gonna be sequels...so just wait...
And calling prometheus a turd....NO!
But true their is a lot of shitty movies on the all time chart and i did not even think that the avengers was that great (rented it earlier this week)....i enjoyed it...but the minute it ended it was just over and I have no desire to ever watch it again....and i have not thought of it once since those credits started rolling...funny enough I also watched "Young Adult" and "Dark Shadows" the same day....I thought both movies was superior to the avengers...so go ahead and stone me to death....but thats just my opinion....

MemberFacehuggerSep-21-2012 5:17 PMHeh no for me it wasn't a turd it was a weird mixture of greatness and awfulness kind of a turd with golden nuggets in it heh :P ....really would like o see a DC it might even end up being 80 percent nuggets then :D :P ...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 5:44 PMI think my problem with super hero movies in general is that they all have the exact same vibe....and that vibe is a little lame....the only super hero movie i have fully enjoyed was Ang Lee's "Hulk"....just cause he attempted to give it that nice little arty feel...it had it's problems as well...some scenes was way too darkly lit and the ending was a bit underwhelming....but overall it made more of an impression on me than any of the marvel movies i have seen lately...
Prometheus ...a turd with golden nuggets....yeah ....well thats sounding better already.. i am loving what I have heard and seen of the deleted scenes so far... I will never understand quite why they were deleted in the first place to be honest...and star trek was great...but it was no Prometheus....it was just good fun...a little more intelligent than i anticipated....so definitely better than those marvel films i mentioned earlier...

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 9:00 PMPrometheus wasn't a turd. It was a very good film, and it's boxoffice haul is reflecting that.

MemberFacehuggerSep-22-2012 3:31 PMYer loved hulk and spider man 2 pretty much the only 2 superhero films I liked...and like I said cat money doesn't really reflect a great film...to be honest before it all came out I thought it would make at least a billion but its not even half way so for me that says something...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 6:18 PMNow at $398.1 million:
Safe to say that $400 million is in the bag before the DVD/Blu-ray release.

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 2:59 AMPrometheus was a truly great movie. Finally a thought-provoking and dark sci fi of sometimes mythical grandeur. I never thought it would be a box-office smash hit so I'm very surprised and delighted it's going to reach the $400 million mark.
Prometheus 2 here we come :)

Paul Littlefield
MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 3:27 AM...$398 million this morning.
Rock 'n' roll man... oh, the sequel is going to be a [b]doozy[/b]

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 3:47 AM$200 million PROFIT for what amounts to a post-Communist piece of Solaris-ism or Battleship Potemkin-ism i.e. surrealist visuals clothing an otherwise never explained (or ESOTERIC i.e. City of London's [i]Olympic hammerpede[/i]) political knicker showage.
What bridge-building was Prometheus REALLY blood-sacrifice-celebrating? Both Prometheus and the ZION Olympics stole the fire from the gods, thematically, in the same month, but FOR THE SAME PURPOSE? Isn't the JUGGERNAUT one of the five rings of the Olympic symbol; five silos' worth of them?
Now, we understand why Prometheus HAD TO come out in 2012, prior to Olympics.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 10:56 AM....@ FreePlanet
Uh... what you on about?... ;)
It's weird these days ....you never know what's gonna make money and what will come out an utter flop at the box office....It's great when a movie gets good reviews....but then often those movies flop big time at the box-office and American audiences would rather watch something like Madea than Dredd 3D...that's just sad....!!!
I can understand how Disney and pixar movies do well...3D works very well with animations and if junior wants to go see it...well mommy and daddy can't exactly allow a 9 year old to go to the movies by himself... so half the family gets dragged along....the same with superhero movies and the transformers crap...kids love them....kids rule the box-office....I was expecting ParaNorman to do a little better tho....strange...( it did not quite fail...but still)....it must be nerve wrecking to be a director and watch your movie fail at the BO...
As for Prometheus.....GO ...GO...GO!!!!...it will definitely surpass 400 mil now...no doubts anymore....!!

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 12:01 PMAgain, the movie was very good. Here's two strikes against the film's 10s of internet detractors: The critics loved it, and especially the top critics. Ebert and Roeper both independently gave it the highest ratings possible. The audience also loved it or else it wouldn't have made 400 million, dwarfing anything Alien related in an extremely long time. Heck, it may even be the most profitable Alien film even after you adjust for inflation. It's also the first R-rated science fiction film to have this level of success in the modern era.
A hand full of desperate people were trying to attack this movie acting like it would only gross under 200 million right after it came out. They lost big time. They'll have to get over the fact that the Space Jockey wasn't a giant elephant man, they didn't like the ending to Lost, and whatever other nonsense has their panties in a bunch. History is written. The film is a critically successful blockbuster, and you can't do anything about it but continue to mope.
Me, frankly, I'll be looking forward to the sequel that's obviously going to get a good budget and studio support along with all the other fruits of this film's success.
*Moderated by Svanya (Cursing, attacks and verbal abuse towards other members is not tolerated on this forum)

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 4:06 PMIt warms my heart to see that there's a small, ragtag band of "Prometheus" fans who are still celebrating the film and its success. The other day I picked up my 4 day NY Comic Con pass. This will be my first trip to Comic Con and I splurged on the 4 day pass so that I could be there on the first day of the convention, which is 10.11.12. Who knows what that day will bring but I'm excited at the idea of roaming the halls of the convention center looking for a "Prometheus" related event or booth. I also can't wait to get my Blu Ray copy of the movie. I've intentionally avoided watching any of the deleted scenes that have been leaked online. I'm waiting for the Blu Ray so that I can spend an afternoon going through the extras.

MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2012 4:23 PMGood luck with comic-con NY fingers crossed it happens there and its something worth talking about!
lol the cat banging on about profit after we established it has nothing to do with good films siigh...and no its not as good as alien if you adjust for inflation anyway and even after that you can add on the facts that it was an 18 and not R and that people spend more on going to the cinema now etc. etc....but its not really that relevant...I think we will know more about how much people loved these movies after 3 parts - I hope they get better I really do !
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 7:34 PM@Cybercat Prometheus is the highest grossing film in the Alien franchise when adjusted for inflation (worldwide) and 3rd highest adjusted in the US.

MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 8:08 AMMonk you need to go back to school lol Without all the other factors making alien more popular some of which I mentioned before and ONLY using inflation heres what we get:
Alien made worldwide gross of: $203,630,630
put that into an inflation calculator here:
And you get : $646,173,841.72 Yes that is more incase you were wondering! And when you add some other factors in you really see how much better alien perfomed :
Alien budget 9 million = 28,559,380.17 (28.5 million) under an eighth of prometheus. It was also an 18 (as apposed to Prometheus's R ) so its harder to get dollars it was also an unknown film and maker was not so famous. And people go to the cinema more now and more times (fan boys of course). Etc. etc.
So no prometheus has not done as well as alien but like I say money doesn't make a good film anyway but it helps sometimes :P ... I really thought if it was a classic it would hit at least 1 billion but as we can see that did not happen...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:26 AMOn the other hand, there was a lot less ways to obtain films when Alien came out in 1979. An R-rated scifi film making over 400 million dollars today is nothing short of amazing. I'm sorry there is NO way around it.
And djamelameziane's opinion doesn't make a film good either. Critics and audiences overwhelmingly liked the movie. Hell, critics even praised it for it's intellectual themes. Ignoring that means you're just another bitter elitist mad that a movie was successful. People like that in regards to Prometheus can be added to the tiny pile of people that are still mad at James Cameron for Aliens.
*Moderated by Svanya (Cursing, attacks and verbal abuse towards other members is not tolerated on this forum)

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:28 AMAlmost there.
@djamelameziane The figures I got were from BoxOfficeMojo.com:
Alien - $78,944,891 unadjusted / $252,246,200 adjusted (domestic)
Alien - $102,900,000 unadjusted / $328,788,014 adjusted (worldwide using same inflation factor)
Based on these numbers, Prometheus has grossed more. Agreed, however, that Alien made more money relative to its production budget.

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:30 AMI think it's safe to say that Fox got the successful franchise reboot they were looking for, and then some.

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:35 AMOK thanks for the link, Monk. I definitely trust boxofficemojo more than some generic calculator found on the internet that is probably far from accurate. It's pretty awesome to know by far that Prometheus has created the most revenue of any thing ever in the Alien franchise. This film has obviously beaten every single forecast and expectation for how it would perform in the boxoffice. I couldn't be happier those people were proven wrong.

MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 10:41 AMBox office mojos calculations look very dodgy they seem to be only factoring ticket price inflation - not very accurate. That calculator I linked is much more accurate! You can try other ones on the web if you like -but that one is quiet well used!
Is this what you saw?! : [url=http://boxofficemojo.com/franchises/chart/?view=main&id=alien.htm&p=.htm]MOJO[/url]
That one puts alien as DOUBLE the box office sales of prometheus using it ticket price inflation :O - even worse! I was being conservative compared with that!
I am just showing you the picture more clearly - fox were hoping for at least 400 - 500 million MINIMUM so its only just come in at the low end for such a large hyped up franchise. Really if it hit all the marks it would of been closer to 1 Billion unfortunately so in realistic terms its done ok I am afraid :S ...
Just to put you in perspective Avatar has made 2782 million :O ! But that was PG-13 so no one expected the same but at least half would of been perfect.
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 1:05 PMI'm going to go with Boxofficemojo, a source everyone trusts, over a random guy on the internet and a generic online calculator he found with Google.
And I'm sorry, I had to laugh out loud when you said Fox was expecting $400-500 million boxoffice for Prometheus. Jesus Christ, Ridley wanted over $200 million, but they only gave him $120-130 million. That assertion is total BS. But you have to be constantly moving the goal-post if you want to be a hater of this movie I guess. Too bad you lost the long game.
Every independent projection of how this movie would perform has been off since the opening weekend. It's just a fact. It's out-performed expectations and is making Fox a pile of money. With the assured massive haul from home video, this will probably be one of Fox's biggest success stories of 2012. Expect studio support for multiple sequels with gusto.

MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 4:45 PMOmg kitten I AM talking about box office mojo now - I am using Your figures LOL!
Go back to YOUR link and look again LOL! Scroll down to the part in the middle - were it says: Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation whats at number one? ALIEN! LOL! Notice how promethues is behind Aliens as well lol.
Then take the fact that all this site does is take the price of a cinema ticket in that year and calculates the difference to today and even publishes different figures on its own site! See here: [url=http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=alien.htm]http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=alien.htm[/url] it a very shabby site sorry but I get the same figures in almost any inflation calculator wich use far more complex formulae such as average wages living costs etc. etc. not hard to see whats closer lol !
Another site with some numbers: [url=http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/series/Alien.php]http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/series/Alien.php[/url]
Also take the fact that they did not announce the sequel till quiet late in the total gross we have today - they were worried! And many more factors like how cheap and fast it is to make a film global compaired with 1979 (get such massive global sales) - no youtube etc... and many more factors of which I am too tired to teach you about....
And no I am not a hater it was a good film just not amazing...and if you want to put your fingers in your ears and sing la la la its fine most lovers do its the only way to love this film and what its done after all :D !
Just saw this for a laugh: (yet another example of were prometheus ranks: [url=http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=mib3.htm]http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=mib3.htm[/url] have fun!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 11:53 PMI'm using the numbers on the Mojo page, DJHaterade. The list in which Alien is on top is for US adjusted. If it had a world adjusted list, Prometheus would be on top just like it is for the unadjusted list. Take Mojo's inflation rate and apply it to the difference between Alien's worldwide and US unadjusted rates and the additional revenue is not enough to make up the difference with Prometheus's current worldwide haul. Prometheus surpassed that some time ago.
So sorry, nice try. I still trust boxofficemojo's inflation rates over the anti-fanboi and his random Google calculator. They deal with movie data on a daily basis. You only deal with it when you are bitter about a film's success and feel the need to whine about it months after you saw it because you have too much free time.
And yes, Fox was so worried that they are now swimming in the profit from Prometheus like Scrooge McDuck in his money bin. My suggestion, move on with your life. By the time Fox stops making Prometheus sequels, you'll be able to tell your grandchildren about how granddad's still fighting the good fight on the internet about the Milburn/Hammerpede scene while they look at you like the deranged nut you are.