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Lots of questions......

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MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 4:05 AM
Hi, I have a few questions that I was hoping you chaps might be able to answer. Please bear in mind that I have not watched Aliens (to scary) but have seen many clips of it. I mention this as I make reference to it at some point. 1. What was Shaws boyfriend infected with? It seemed to me that it was the same thing as the engineer at the beginning of the movie, albeit a diluted version (tiny bit mixed with lots of drink). 2. How did whatever he drink transform itself into what Shaw gives birth too? and if this was a weapon, is that the planned delivery method? Drop the infectant in water and let the population drink it and infect themselves when they have intercourse. 3. Is this a possible reason for the engineers want to kill the human race? because we are overpopulating and what better way to kill us than to use that same effect against us? 4. How many lifeforms were on the planet? It looked like the thing that killed the two explorers that got trapped were a mutated worm. But where did they come from? Then there was Shaw's boyfriend, then the baby alien, then the alien that came from the engineer. 5. Is there anyway that this can be linked to the predator films.... ie Predator vs Alients? I know they are differing franchises, but if you look at the baby aliens mouth and the size and strength of the engineers, you can kinda see where you get a predator from. 6. A theory from me...... the bio weapon is not designed for us, it's designed to kill the aliens which clearly threaten the Engineers as much as us. The reason the Engineer gets angry and tries to kill them is that he realises they have likely been infected and near the end of the film, he doesnt try to kill shaw immediately as he wants to explain it to her...... though he is angry as they did break his ship. I thought the film was amazing and will have to try and watch it again at some point because the amount of questions in my head are hurting it. Regards
11 Replies


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 4:47 AM
1. Who knows, that shit has 3 different effects on the 2 people and 1 Engineer we see it come into contact with, where as it just seems to have made the worms bigger stronger nastier and gave them acidic blood. So again, who knows? Lindelof has a bad habit of including black stuff in his "stories" (and I use that word only very lightly and extremely sarcasticly when it comes to him. He is a hack. Everyone that is a regular here knows I feel that way about him ;-) ) 2. It apparently effected Holloway's sperm to the point where it could get a previously infertile woman pregnant. A stupid, lazy plot device. And Lindelof thought that it was "funny" to make the Alien part human. I hate him with a passion. 3. Again, we don't know why they wanted to kill us because apparently we have to wait for a sequel to find that out. Which should never be the case. A film needs to be able to stand alone UNLESS of course a trilogy or whatever is planned from the very inception of the thing. Doing it piecemeal like this is very frustrating and an insult as far as I'm concerned. 4. Again, we don't know, there may have just been worms and Engineers, there may have been another culture there entirely before they turned up, and from what we saw it looks like the Engineers have something to do with (and quite possibly revere) the Aliens. The mural you see in the Ampule Room is very reminiscent of the Alien................... 5. No 6. I don't think so, remember that black stuff seems to be able to do just about anything, all that we know is that it is some sort of mutagen. That's it. The movie is far too ambiguous for my liking. And before anyone jumps down my throat and says "Oh you just don't get it/ you aren't smart enough to understand the underlying meanings" I beg to differ. I am a highly intelligent person, some of my friends even call me Batman because I am always investigating and looking for answers, so I'm pretty good at detective work. This is just a sloppily written, pretty (as in the scenery) action film. Nothing more. Damon Lindelof couldn't write a half decent story to save his life. And Ridley Scott let him do it.
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 5:01 AM
thanks for replying.... interesting answers and clearly you have strong views on things :) I have another question. Why did all the ancient artwork point hunanity to where they land in film? It seems to me that this is not the home of the engineers, so why make all the drawings take them there....... unless it was some kind of test or plot? Perhaps when a civalisation is clever enough to reach them, then they meet their demise? Perhaps the ship carrying the canisters of demise are not to be transported to earth but WERE transported to the current planet..... awaiting the arrival of the evolved species....... a saftey mechanism of sorts????


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 5:17 AM
No worries my friend, and welcome to the forum by the way ;-) That was another sticking point for me, why leave a map to your weapons testing facility? And why was Shaw so firmly of the belief that they wanted us to come and find them? At the end of Prometheus it's clear that David knows more than what he lets on, he said that they were in the process of leaving for Earth when the shit hit the fan, so we still don't know why they wanted to destroy us. Again, it's far too ambiguous a story to define any clear meaning to anything. And I personally would have liked some answers to questions the original Alien raised (and if you haven't watched it, you really should, but do it in the middle of the day with someone, won't be as scary then......... ;-) ) because in that movie I had always had the feeling that the guy in the chair with his chest busted out was not evil at all, just a victim of circumstance, in the wrong place at the wrong time. And if he WAS evil, why did he leave a warning for others to stay away? Was it the Space Jockey (as he is called from the original Alien movie) that left that warning? Because it IS NOT the one that Shaw leaves on LV-223, because the crew of the Nostromo trace the signal to the ship on LV-426. That's how they found the original Derelict ship (yes, there are 2 of the same type of ships crashed on the 2 moons in that planetary system, you can see LV-426 in the holograph during the briefing scene in Prometheus. The Engineers are apparently REALLY bad drivers......... Or there was another convenient human mission to LV-426 with another Engineer ship to crash into....................) And you think YOUR head hurts? I've been a fan of the series for 20 odd years, and I really do not like this new entry. I thought it was good when I first saw it, up until the 4th time I saw it. Then it just started to grate on me, the idiotic "scientist" that tries to PET AN ALIEN EFFING SNAKE!!!??? The music didn't fit, the pacing was too fast, and not a lot of what was going on made much sense. Still doesn't....................... Yet I am still here trying to find answers............ Which I may never actually get, sadly, especially if Lindelof is allowed to continue writing for any sequels....................
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 6:24 AM
when you watch alien , have a clean pair of undies handy. lol
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 7:17 AM
Sorry to say. There is one answer to your questions. The Author of this movie = FAIL Fails at Science Fiction Fails at Horror Fails at logic etc. etc.


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 8:08 AM
@Cypher you need to go read a lot of Mala'kak posts in some of the other threads. One I found very enlightening was the one "How did David know how to open the cave doors". Mala'kak makes a lot of things clear about the movie and characters. I know you said your very smart and intelligent and somehow Batman lol. Seems like a lot of the things you don't like about the film are meant to be there and Mala'kak does a great job of explaining the underlying layers of this film. I was a bit angry at all the holes in the film and several of the characters til I read his huge posts. You might want to give them a read so understand the film a little better if you haven't yet. If you have cool. I don't know a whole lot about this lindelof guy but seems people hate him. But here's my question, and I do hold Ridley Scott in high regards . Why the hell was he able to get away with this script and what not with Ridley Scott being the director/final say lol. That still gets me


AdminPraetorianSep-22-2012 11:22 AM
~Quote: [i]But here's my question, and I do hold Ridley Scott in high regards . Why the hell was he able to get away with this script and what not with Ridley Scott being the director/final say lol. That still gets me[/i]-Ta2punk @Ta2punk ; Ridley was the one who hired Lindelof in the first place, and liked his script. He directed the movie, based on the script, of course he saw and understood what it was about. I don't understand why people have this idea Lindelof somehow pulled a fast one on Ridley. @Cypher; I never understood why people insult the intelligence of those who didn't enjoy the movie.


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 12:51 PM
@Svanya - i think its because (sometimes)people tend to insult anyone who sees things differently from themselves. To like or not to like a film is a matter of personal taste only, and nothing else. people insult those who made the film, and those who like the film, and those who dislike the film. it seems common that people do this about everything. it would be nice for the whole world if people could disagree politely instead of insulting and attacking each other wouldnt it? ;) but alas, we are only human ... OR ARE WE....??...


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 2:03 PM
Sorry to bring it up (I'm sure there's no new discussions left under the sun) but why would the Prometheus not have picked up the distress signal from lv426 if the planitoids were in the same system? And for that matter why would the Nostromo not have intercepted Shaw's warning? It all makes no sense, and I agree is quite infuriating for the hardcores. Maybe an 'alternate reality' senario is our last and only hope after all, Obi Wan...


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 9:37 PM
@Ta2punk, I have read a lot of Mala'kak's posts actually ;-) I hold him in high regard to be honest. The major problems I have with the film are the way that it does not adhere to many standards (scientifically) that are adhered to nowadays, hell even in the original Alien Ripley was all over Ash for not following protocol, now we know that Ash was a robot doing the Company's bidding, the thing is neither Milburn OR Fifield acted at all like scientists on an alien planet discovering our origins, they acted like a couple of kids finding a shotgun and deciding to play with it, knowing full well that it could be dangerous, and that should probably not be played with. (Well, Fifield DID want to get the hell out of there, so as a geologist I can understand his trepidation, but Milburn, frankly, should have known better.) Also, the way we have very few of the questions raised by the movie. Sure, the Engineers are our progenitors, we found that out halfway through the movie. The rest of it is a mess of convolution and ambiguity. Just like the mess that was Lost. As for Ridley allowing him to write it, all I can say is, I think he might be getting old. Don't know what other explanation there might be........... *Google Damon Lindelof and just see how dis-liked he is by many many people*
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 12:57 AM
@Cypher, my old fruit: You really shouldn't let scientific accuracy wind you up. You really shouldn't. Because if you did, you would be reporting that Alien is a crock of shit for having FTL drive, 'inertial dampeners' and artificial gravity. It's a [b]story[/b], remember. And as for protocol, since you mention it, Vickers was all over [i]everybody[/i], to the extent that she frazzled someone to death. It's really not that convoluted, quite a linear plot, actually. Some of the details are complex and intriguing which many people, myself included, quite enjoy. Just like I positively enjoy ambiguity in a movie.
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