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MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 3:42 PMY'know, i've always remembered Ash from the first Alien movie, and his objective and role on the Nostromo.
So that got me wondering...
Clearly, WT already knows about the Xenomorph.
And i thought maybe it would be a good idea to show us how they discovered the Xenomorph.
What do you guys think?
14 Replies

AdminPraetorianSep-22-2012 4:02 PMI think Weyland even in Prometheus knew something, because no way someone would waste a Trillion dollars on a mission to get eternal life from something you don't know anything about.

MemberFacehuggerSep-22-2012 4:09 PMhmmm not so sure about that svanya - I just reckon he was desperate all he had was shaws info which was pretty conclusive anyway!
And I am pretty sure all the company knew about was the signal in alien no? But with prometheus out now - you would think more info will end up being the story as its being changed as we speak of course...but is a bit strange that it takes 2 years to get there but how many years later does alien happen 28 (someone worked the time difference out from aliens)? So many loose ends I wonder how much will be tied up :S ...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

AdminPraetorianSep-22-2012 4:13 PMThere is no doubt the company knew about the Xeno by the time the events in "Alien" happened. They were deliberatly sent to the planet, and Ash was put on the ship to guide the events.

MemberFacehuggerSep-22-2012 4:23 PMYes but there was no proof or happening in alien of them knowing there was anything other than the alien signal in would think if they absolutely knew what it was etc they would of sent out proper company team - maybe even a fleet of ships!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 4:27 PMAlien Directors Cut
Alien - Book
The Company received / detected the signal with one of their ships.
The signal was deciphered by their linguistics, and the full content of the message explained that no one should land there, because of what happened in it.
There were details enough to rise interest for their Bio-Weapon's Division.
They employed the Nostromo to try and smuggle one infected crew to Earth.
It was explained way back then in the Alien Director's Cut and in the book in richer details, no mistery there.

MemberFacehuggerSep-22-2012 4:34 PMAlien book? Hmm not sure if I count that as part of the film...but I may take a look - dont remember anything about "because of what happened in it" do you mean on it? Still dont remember that part...and again they only received the signal yes?! So that means they had not been there?
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 6:04 PMAsh on the Director's Cut hovers over what was in the book, but he is clear on explaining to Ripley that the Company detected the signal and right away identified it as something else than a SOS (In the book Ash explain that it was too complex to be a SOS) and after deciphering it they wanted the organism that killed the crew of the alien ship for their Weapon's Division. He even comments on how noble the last crew member was, to leave the message in order to avoid any landings on that moon, forever...
They exchanged the Science Officer in one of the Nostromo's stops for Ash, as the Nostromo was on a course near enough to the moon where the alien ship landed, and used the claim that they detected a signal that "could be " a SOS and it was mandatory to any ship to investigate such signal. There is a brief discussion over that as Parker wanted them to not land there (their course had deviated a lot due Ash's actions) but Ash explains that if they refused to respond to a SOS they would loose all bonuses from the trip and could be prosecuted by dereliction of duty.
The Company, knowing the visciouness and the wa the creature acted (seemingly the description was on the message) planed for one of the crew to be infected and then Ash would hypersleep the crewmember, thus being able to bypass Earth Frontier Control which would never permit an alien organism to enter Earth domains. A medical emergency would go straight to the Company's medical teams, and so they would smuggle the creature to their bio-weapon's research lab.
They knew (from the message) it was a bio weapon of sorts, and wished to acquire it using Nostromo's crew as tools. Or knew its viciousness by the description left by the last crewmember from that alien ship and his message.
The Director's Cut restores those passages, and actually brings the movie to a more accurate adaptation of the book. Anyway the book was written by Obannon and Shusett so it is more canon than the sequels in my opinion.
Anyway the reason for the Company to send the Nostromo there (Ash's direct actions, it was not an accident but fully intentionally to enter the derelict ship and be infected) is clear cut, they all victims of the Company's greediness and wish to get the creature without being noticed by Earth's Governmet.

MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 10:19 PMHmmm... very interesting and informative Voidhawk.
Well... that pretty much settles it.
So, i suppose there's no need for a movie on the subject. It's fairly clear already.
Although it's a shame that the Alien series has absolutely no more substance, and never really did to begin with.
Just a bunch of monster movies...
Oh well. That's why we have Prometheus :D.
Now to wait for the sequel...
*puts gun in mouth*

MemberXenomorphSep-23-2012 4:12 AMPrenihility
Yes that would be wonderful !!
And also in that movie
When did they merge
Why did they merge
Was Davids artificial intelligence a discovery ?
Was FTL a discovery ? Or was it weylands artificial intelligence that developed that ?
How exactly did WEYLAND-YUTANI come to know the exact nature of the xeno's ?
Why did they need a live specimen on earth and not just the DNA ?
Would an android walking in the derelict also have triggered an egg or was it just designed to be triggered by humanoid biological being ?
How does it differentiate ?
What happens to planet where eggs are dropped ? Will the worms also be infected/hugged by a facehugger 1000 times its size ?
"these are the things I need to know ...." the lord Marshall
Nice idea !!

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 4:17 PM@oduodu that you've said that. I'm having second thoughts :D.
Y'know what, though!
Now that this thread exists. Maybe this isn't even an idea. It could very well be a possibility. That a fair bit of the Prometheus sequel's content will revolve around this idea.
WT. And the discovery of the Xenomorph.
Not only will the sequel delve deeper into the world of the Engineers. But, also. Give us more insight into the Xenomorph. And, in turn. WT's interest in them.
Now... i know AVP (Going by game's story, not crappy-ass movies) isn't cannon, but they've got something going on with the Xenomorph that the Alien movies themselves never even achieved.
They're really digging deep into their origin, with the 2010 game.
I mean... is it a coincidence that at the end of the AVP game, they set off to the Xenomorph homeworld? And now, the timing is right with the Prometheus sequel?
...Perhaps. I mean.. Maybe even likely. But, i still think it means something.
After all, Fox is involved one way or another with the game, no?
The movie, and AVP game sequel might offset and parallel each other at the same time.
We can only wait and see.

MemberFacehuggerSep-23-2012 4:34 PMlol no not clear cut...
@void yes I guess those 2 could be talked about as the alien people but I was more of a ridley alien person and stuck to the film and I was only going on that. It all gets so confusing when you start to look into all the poeple and companies etc. that ended up doing stuff for films like this - gets so hard to say what the pure story / universe is.
And yes I knew it was no accident arriving there and obviously ash was carrying out orders though possibly he had been reprogrammed at one point or got onboard like you say (viewing it from a film only perspective) just as I said though all they had was the signal from the derelict ship. And I reckon in the film it was set up more like - we know something bads happend and some kind of organsim is down there but the details are thin so lets try out sending some disposable 'workers' out there first to see what we can get. If they had know like I said - exactly what it was in detail they would of sent a shit load of stuff - maybe taken the xeno to another planet other than earth anyway! I may still check the book out and add it in but I kind of like the film as it was it feels more logical...I mean imagine the jump in technology from the ship etc. - this could of been worth more than everything the company had at that point!!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 5:10 PMOh my...
The most promising thing with Prometheus is the possibility of moving off and away from its Monster Movie origin...
No more xenomorphs please...they should be a so small part of a galactic culture as the Engineers should be depicted...just a note on bioweponry...maybe even a small part at that....
Lets evolve away and further ahead...
On the movie perspective tough...Ash does tells Ripley (DC version) the Company knew what they were going to do, going as far as divising a way to bypass Border Patrol to smuggle the alien infestation/bioweapon.
In a logical point of view the shipitself culd make billions in alien tech if they were more advanced than Earth technology (by the message alone such would not be possible to assert) and the immediate gain in bioweapons was clear by the message left, so the decision of making the Nostromo going there is understandable, if totally cold and evil. They would have Ash's relatory upon the ship, and would have one of the crew members infected as well. Send Ash for that would not work as the androids are totally artificial and would not serve as a host for the creature (detais on the message deciphered...biological weapons work on biological entities) so a crew member had to be infected.
Credible plot, and very dark as well...
Check the book and the DC much more interesting and you will see why book ad DC distance itself from the sequels done so far...

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 6:22 PM@Void
Yep. I've said it time and time again.
AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, from Alien, lol.
Although for all the Alien nerds, this movie idea could be a good one... for them.
Financially? ...Eerrr...
Probably not :D.
I mean, it could be done right. But then again, as i've said. It can just be explored in the Prometheus sequel, complimenting the main story.
Prometheus is something much bigger, and grander.
And that is what Alien lacks. And it's something it never achieved. Actually telling a densely layered story.
But the Xenomorphs could be explained in the background.
An Engineer talking about them would be a dream come true, for this situation.
And that would be the end of it. We could put it to rest.

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 10:41 PM[b]So I hope...[/b]
[b]The Grand Plot involving the great conflict raging for aeons out there, among the stars, and humanity crossing one of the small dramas of this conflict, a small footnote on some alien tactician notes concerning a small weapon's base (or terrorist installation) using bioweapons even obsolete in the real grand theater of galactic conflict.[/b]
[b]There is a conflict out there, and if this delivers an epic as stated by some, we will see a totally different story from now one, who knows something of notice in the Science Fiction field, something badly in need nowadays...[/b]
[b]And enough of this xeno was a bioweapon and I hope it will become forgotten/obsolete from now on...[/b]
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