Hi guys I'm planning on making a script for a tv show I'm creating and I need id
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MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 12:04 AMHi guys how's it going. I was planning on making a script for a tv show about us surviving an alien invasion. Basically I wanted this show to have some mystery to it for example Lost. I wanted to have flash backs in different characters. The aliens are going to have their side of the story as well. I wanted the aliens to interact and also communicate with them and with humans. The pilot , as will be about how the arrived and began shooting people. But I'm tired of them having to come from space all the time. I want something new and fresh ideas. Any suggestions on how they would come back from earth? Maybe they lived underground for a million years from the laurention abyss from stasis. They needed to come up for food and resources so they plan to attack the cities. The humans were forced to live underground. 20 years later, the earth's cities are a crumbling wasteland and humans need to shine a light in the darkness to take back what's theirs. As the aliens created a giant underground base. Still in rough stages. Any suggestions?
6 Replies

AdminPraetorianSep-23-2012 12:11 AMOH sweet! Good for you! I hope some more creative people than me can help, but I wish you luck !

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 3:51 AMIve had this idea for awhile and i don't think its been done yet. Not too sure whether its suitable or not.
Here goes
Over millions of years humans have evolved time and time again, different types of humans , better after every evolutionary step. There has been also a theory that for sometime humans have co-existed with the last step. Some of the so called "next step" didn't adapt enough or weren't strong enough
Here is my idea. What if in our time another evolutionary step takes place. We co-exist for while ( 100 years or so ), but the "next step" decides to get rid of us. Resulting in a conflict in which we decide for ourselfs whos the strongest and not nature takening its course.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 3:53 AMoh and good luck with your script too
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

MemberFacehuggerSep-23-2012 8:06 PMHere’s one to give the old brain cake an icing recipe.
1. Pick an alien conspiracy theory. This gives you some background.
2. Pick an item. Make it absolutely anything. Then use it to give you the reason why aliens are among us
3. Rip off a plot from something else. Maybe a sitcom or Friends. Alter the character context a little when doing this.
4. Have an outcome that is based on a bloody good joke you know (nuff said).
5 Have a title that reflects the nature of the film. After all you can certainly judge the quality of something by its cover.
OK here is an example, Its called:
‘The Stripper was an Alien.
Aliens are infiltrating us through porn shops. Porn shops are a way of getting people to not talk about what they have seen. When was the last time you saw anyone ask to see the owner of the porn shop? So the porn shop is a way for aliens to be among us. They are also here, to sell dildo’s. Tell me of anyone you have ever met in your entire life who has complained about having to do a night shift at the dildo factory. Some where, right now they are being made. But by who? Or what?
Next, it’s time to rip off a plot. This is a where I’m opting for any episode of Scooby Doo. This is because the ending will have the old punchline of ‘If it was’nt for those pesky kids breaking into the factory…..’
Now for a little character development. So what do we have? Well we have a bombed out hippy who has got the munchies. This guy likes wandering around absolutely anywhere with his best friend who is a Great Dane that talks. Just the ideal pair to go wandering off down some dark caverns somewhere. Now with any good sci fi, you just know that these are the two who are going to discover intelligent life, and they’re fucked. It is always a good point to realise that no one in their right mind is going to want to see an animal hurt. That’s a bit like using ‘I killed Bambi’s mother’ as a chat up line. Any member of the rest of the crew is always fair game though.
We also have two leading ladies. One of them we are going to be staring at through most of the adventure. The other is definitely a suit. We have another guy who does the driving, but is a bit robotic as well. Is there a love interest, who knows?
Mystery Machine my arse. The ending just has to have something that you think is some sort of creature, but ends up being some bloke in a suit.
Finally, from the title you might be expecting more. Well you will just have to wait for part 2.
Get Giger to do the art work, and I bet it’s a hit. I was going to add something about alien probes, and link it the plot but I will leave that to the imagination.
Yep, I’ve just compared Prometheus to Scooby Doo in a dildo factory.
There are spaceships and there are gateways. Have you ever seen Phantasm? I like its concepts, but no one appears to have done much more with them. I have used the above really to illustrate how easy it is to super-impose one idea on top of another. Sometimes combining two things you know can give you an original, if you see what I mean. Were you entertained ?
I do have an idea for you, but I'll see where what you've come up with goes first.

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 2:52 PMOkay ive had an idea for some time and i shall share it.
Basically, it starts with a meteor hitting earth (wiping out the dinosaurs duh!) and plumitting to the bottom of the ocean. This meteor has almost vein like tubes within it which contain a dark gold liquid, the most powerful source of energy (we later come to find out in the series). A large ball of metal, but very gigeresque, appears in the sky, scanning the land for the meteor but not finding anything. It leaves. The reason behind this is the aliens were tracking the meteor because if they had the energy they could use it in order to gain power (similar to the oil thing). Millions of years pass, and scientist begin to find small washed up bits of rock, with the same gold liquid in it. realising its full potential as energy, they begin a search for it. Amidst this, a large rectangular object with what appears to be a sharks tail as the end of it, closes in on earth. BUt instead of it landing in a large city as per normal now-a-days, it falls silently onto antartica (no, its not the thing). The aliens have no remorse for humans, seeing them as insects, and kill any that get in their way. The only hope for humanity is if we find the liquid before they do. There will be a huge battle across antartica during the first few episodes with only a few battles internationally, but then it will spread globally into a huge war.
I hope im of service to you! Good luck! (btw i want my name on this story if it takes off, because i did invent it ;) ) haha
Its a robot...ash is a goddamn robot!

MemberFacehuggerSep-26-2012 3:33 PMEveryone is familiar with emails. But what is an email. Essentially it is a data package. Could this be the basis for digital DNA. Could that digital DNA be part of a carrier message that is transmitted at one point in time. Not to be opened until it reaches its destination time and digital location. This is not time travel. Suppose it were possible to upload a species digitally along with its culture. This data is then stored, but not opened until required.
Now taking this idea and upping the scale somewhat. Suppose you have a form of conduit between worlds. However, given that the universe could be infinitely large. The time taken to get to some destinations might take a little longer than first realised.
Let’s say we have something a bit like Stargate, but whatever goes through the gate could take a considerable amount of time to reach it’s destination. What if. Like an email, the package of information/subject sent exists only as a code of sorts.
(Hope we’re good with this so far ?)
Now here is is an application. Let’s say some humans trying to escape some aliens, enter a gate, stay in the transmission system until they arrive at their destination, which could be five years later at a different/or the same gate. The time spent within the system as maybe, genetic DNA sub particle energy, is controllable. So it’s not time travel, but a type of stasis.
Next twist. Why do all gateways you see on films have to be static objects that are essentially doorways. How about a craft that is a bit like a tuning fork that rotates, or a hollow UFO that spins like a coin to form connecting gateways. These could be the pre-cursor to an invasion.
Let me know if you want to go in a certain direction of thinking with this?
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