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MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 4:55 AM[img][/img]
26 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 9:59 PMAnd thus the idea is not logical to the story.
I doubt Ridley Scott would fare that was a teasing comment not related to the plot at all.
This would only create controversy undesired by them for sure (Fox would cut him out before going that route) and it would be really illogical being the Engineers we see so far really kind of freaky and cruel...the weapons they employ, the way they even seed planets (IF that is what we ideas are straying from that further and further whenever I see the opening from the movie) are really barbaric to an extent...
Predators would be far more benevolent than these engineers portrayed so far...

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 5:04 AMUhmmm, not soo much. I don't see the "likeness"
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Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 5:28 AMNope. Doesn't really work at all that one sorry to say.................
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 6:33 AMTry to be funny ... fail :)

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 6:54 AMLOL well at least you admit it :-P Good try though, maybe find another picture to use? :-D
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-23-2012 7:45 AM[img][/img]
I think Aliens guy is hilarious.

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 8:33 AMohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I wish I was funny
I wish I was funny
I wish I was funny
I wish I was funny
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, song ends.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-23-2012 9:05 AM@Leeta
Was she senile? Was some dementia involved? What would possess someone to do that??

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 9:32 AMDo you think Ridley was serious when he told jesus was an engineer (or send by them) and this would be the reason why Engineers wanted to destroy humankind 2000 years ago ? And if so, would he really spoil the story that way ? That's sound so cliché...

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 10:34 AM>>Was she senile? Was some dementia involved? What would possess someone to do that??
In Spain, this church wanted to restore an old painting they had of Jesus. They were going to get it professionally done but she decided to take the picture and restore it herself. I'm not sure what she could of been thinking... XD

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 11:59 AMlol. this thread is amazing! It reads like a first date.
I think its pretty clear ridley and co. toyed with the notion and then left it on the drawing board (i believe ridley said that it was too on the nose...or something to that effect) Personally, i hope they leave that aspect of the story loose and unexplored. Indeed, it would be on the nose/trite if they ultimately made the space jesus connection explicit.

Community ExecutiveMemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 12:06 PMlol granolaboy, they have no sense of humor is all :P
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 12:23 PMHas he said so (Ridley Scott) ?
I am not a fan of him so much as to take heed of all e says. He is a good director and knows how to ride some lucky things as all the commotion over a "scenery tool" from Alien, but that is that.
We should filter whatever comes. Chances are that his "boys" are scouting fans and such to really know where to guide his sequel.
And I hope he gears it toward something original, as some things posted aroud are silly, or cliche, or really not interesting...

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 1:03 PMI mean, Jesus as an astronaut, humanoid aliens playing with dangerous tech, humanoid aliens trying to destroy us...
Nothing of those are original concepts, not by far...
The Zentraedi concept from MACROSS and the fallen Protoculture, and the way the Zentraedi ended up after their creators/masters were gone...those are way more original than what some of the ideas on Prometheus are faring...and on MACROSS the Protoculture created Earth humans as well ^^

Major Kong
MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 1:51 PMVoid,
My understanding of the whole Robotech thing)Macross, Southern Cross, & Invid Invasion/New Generation) was that Protoculture was an Invid creation, had nothing to do with humans? Off topic, but I'm a big robotech fan, I have the Protoculture collection dvd set.
As far as Ridley goes and original ideas....there are really no "original" ideas/stories to tell. I think the basic story lines were all covered by the Greeks & Romans.
I cannot lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies

MemberDeaconSep-23-2012 3:09 PMI dont think Ridley would touch upon that we crucified Jesus mainly well thats gonna up set Christians who some Fanatical ones would react just as some Muslims had to that really poor Innocence of Islam movie...
Yep to imply the Engineers wanted us dead because we killed on of them (Jesus) would be blasphemous, in particular because that action of Christs Crucifixion was seen as a Sacrifice of Jesus to save Mankind.
But Ridley mentioned it to broadly mean that the Engineers created us, then we started to not worship them as Gods as the Engineers intended and we also started to break the rules (10 Commandments) and disobey and offend the Engineers.
The Engineers then sent down various emissaries they could be Hybrids to relay messages from the Engineers/Gods in a attempt to get mankind to change its ways and worship and behave in a manner that pleases the Engineers.
But we did not change and we even went as far as to kill these emissaries.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 4:08 PMI do not think that is the way things will fare, BigDave...not align to what we perceive from Alien universe...and these emissaries...well, after 2000 years someone would have come back to assert the punitive action.
No, I think we will discover those at that moon are not aligned with their main culture, and possibly are terrorists of some kind...
A bit off topic, but answering the comment over MACROSS and Robotech...please do not mix those two... Robotech is a frankenstein creation mixing different stories with characters/designs from MACROSS and altering the whole story to please US audience, whereas MACROSS is a very deep and cohese story already 30 years ongoing, with very sound science fiction ideas and development. The Zentraedi (Zentradi) where a creation of the Protoculture, the first Galactic Culture to dominate the Milky Way, and seeded many worlds (including Earth) The Zentraedi were created specifically to protect/enforce their law, and were dsigned to specifically never interact with the protoculture civilians to avoid possible rebellion, being created using Protoculture genes and enhancing them both in size and strenght, as well as creating different models (Soldiers, Counselors and Leaders). The Protoculture fell to a terrible enemy created while they were experiencing with better Zentradi models by acessing extra-dimensional energy calling them ProtoDevilns, who ended being used by extra-dimensional life-forms traped in our universe due the Protoculture experience, thus creating the Supervision Army, and that conflict destroyed most of the Protoculture, while leaving the Zentradi and their WarLords without control, locked in a million years battle against the Supervision Army untill one of the thousands of independent fleets meets Earth (a seeded planet from the ancient Protoculture) after following a Supervsion Army vessel that fell on Earth (the Macross ship) as their prime directive was to follow and destroy any Supervsion Army they encounter. Such was even imprinted on their phisique as we see further in the series sequels what contact or even the mentioning of Protodevilns ceate to any Zentraedi. Sorry for the off topic post here but MACROSS is my most beloved science fiction series (a sequel will comemorate its 30th anniversary soon) and Robotech really bothers me as an ugly cheap version not even really following MACROSS but just using its aesthetics...and altering the really well thought Protoculture concept into a cheap energon-like thing...I never understood and shallow...

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 4:42 PMI have such good memories of MACROSS. That's cool you are talking about it. I used to watch it on french TV when I was a kid. I still remember the first time I saw a Zentradi going out of his battlepod. I think what scared and disturbed me the most was that they just look like humans but taller while I was expecting they will be sort of monster from outer space. Totally of topic but who cares :)

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 5:18 PM[b]Eh, true...but yet a really cool and ongoing series.[/b]
[b]And they delivered the concept of biotechnology, seeding of life, galactic cultures, bio-engineering and cultural shocks as well as politics, racism and a real good reasoning as how to portray a galactic force unchanging for aeons (the Zentraedi technology was given by automated factories spread throughout the galaxy...they could not ven fix their ships when damaged, and thus they only live to hunt Supervision Army and were even primed to avoid cultural development (thus keeping unchanging and almost childlike)[/b]
[b]Perfect warriors created by a long dead civilization, spread among the stars by the millions, always fighting, always following their first programing, until something really changed one of their fleets...[/b]
[b]The concept is marvellous and well handled, and proof is the series still alive and kicking for 30 years.[/b]
[b]And Prometheus could have somethig from that story...Engineers being bio engineered warriors left locked in an aeons long battle even after their masters were dead..unchanging because they were created to be warriors...[/b]
[b]That could make things more interesting...[/b]
[b](Robotech is a deformation of the concept, never really meant as something more than sell toys and please US audiences ... thus abandoned years ago whereas MACROSS is alive and soon a new instalment on its long series of sequels comes in ^^ )[/b]

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-23-2012 8:21 PMI'm personally leaning towards the Space Jesus theory. I know Ridley said "it was too on the nose," but I think he just meant it was too much to come out and say explicitly in the movie (which is why it is very vaguely implied instead). Because Ridley ALSO went on to say something to the effect of, "those are our children misbehaving down there, let's send one of our own to see if they will get on the right track... and boom, we crucified him." It's the only thing that make sense, seeing as all the shit that broke loose on LV-223 and killed all the Engineers happened 2,000 years ago.
The only thing that I'm still scratching my head over is this: if the Engineers were so upset at us for misbehaving (and being violent and killing one another, I assume?), then why are the Engineers such "violent fuckers" (according to Ridley)? It seems like they would PRAISE our violence and misbehaving... hmm..

MemberDeaconSep-24-2012 5:32 PM@Voidhawk
Yes thats kind of how i saw thing and i posted such many times on here.
I think the Water Fall Scene was the start of Complex Life on Earth, via the Engineers seed mutating basic lifeforms like Bacteria.
I think a fraction of Engineers was given the mission to set up a outpost on LV 223 for monitoring Earth new Life, or that they was to monitor the Earth from their ships or even from Earth.
These Engineers was a servant/slave race and they got fed up of being subservient to the Elders and they used the FIRE (Stuff the Sacrificial Engineer had taken) to then create Mankind, so that these Engineers then had a Race who would serve them.
Think about it, the Sacrificial Scene could be Millions and Millions or years ago, well mankind has been around for a lot lot less time than that.
Maybe the original purpose was not to seed life to create Mankind, but Mankind was created without the intermission of the Elders from the Home World and thus the Engineers on LV 223 are PROMETHEUS and the STEALING OF THE FIRE was creating Mankind many Millions of years after the Sacrificial Scene.
So i purpose that the Elders or who ever on the Homeworld...
1) Are not aware that Mankind was created.
2) Was but they are all but wiped out.
3) They know of our creation but after two failed attempts at two different Bio Weapons and their Arrogance that Mankind would never Evolve to the Level to Traverse the Stars they simply decided to abandon us and the attempts to wipe us out and leave us to our own course.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 12:50 AMHumm, if the last is what might be happening, then in the Sequel the True Masters, Old Ones (Lovecraftian) or Elders are in for a surprise, when Shaw appears there with David, a human original creation that,
And David and his kind might be the great trumph humans have! Whereas their technology evolved in the biotech way, humans being not that advanced yet created an artificial life sentient and very resourceful, able to even access their technology (David access and even pilots one of their ships) The creation of a culture hundreds of years old able to decipher and control the product of millions of years of technology...scary concept, and would put human tech as a wild card among the Elders...
David (and the androids human tech created) can be something special and that would also work into the fighting scenario: Biotech vs Conventional tech

MemberDeaconSep-25-2012 12:47 PMI would assume that as with the Engineers reaction to Shaw, that the Elders would have the same level of intrigue at Shaw.
I think they would go on to explain things to her, as lets face it if they find them and they want us dead as well then Shaw wont last long and they could then set off to Earth to destroy us and thus no Earth in Aliens or Alien.
But while its nice to paint a pretty picture of friendly Engineers with Shaw, its gonna be a bit bland really.
In comes David, i think that he would be the true antagonist and while the Engineers are getting on with Shaw i think David may either do something to upset them or indeed something to cause Chaos.... Maybe David has a sample of the Black Goo on him ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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