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Helmetless Space Jockey

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MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 9:57 PM
Near the finale of the film (after the Prometheus smashes into the Engineer’s ship) – The Space Jockey eventually makes his way back to the lifeboat to kill Shaw (how he knows where she is or why it is important to eliminate her is a mystery to me) but my 2 major questions for you professionals are as follows: 1. How did he enter the lifeboat in the first place? It mentions an “airlock breach” but does not show a giant hole where he smashed it open or explain briefly how it was possible for him to enter.... 2. Why did the Space Jockey not need his helmet in this scene? He had to walk outside the atmosphere which I assume he also cannot breathe (since they had to create an atmosphere in the first place) – So wouldn’t it make sense that he put on a mask before leaving his wrecked ship again? So what was I missing? **This may have been asked before but I am new here***
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13 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 10:54 PM
1. In a deleted scene it's suggested he pushed randomly some buttons to get the door open or he didn't have to push randomly because in some buttons had an illustration on'em. 2. Many thread you can find in here like [url=]this[/url]. But main suspect is that he held his breath and ran fast. You can find more if you use the search option on top of the 'talk prometheus 2'. warm welcome here, hope you enjoy it :D

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MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 10:55 PM
It's well known that the plot of this film is shot full of holes. That's what these are, two more holes. Good observation godofgsxr.


MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 11:02 PM
These are more likely plot holes. For the airlock, not a real problem, as he is wearing a powersuit of sorts or its body is very strong (in case we see a warrior model from these aliens) For the helmet, it was a flaw cinematically speaking as it would have been quite a scene to have it entering the lifeboat in full garment... And by another point of view, following Ridley Scott's words that clues to many things are right in front of us, think about this: When Holloway asked David why he was using a helmet, he said that acting otherwise would defeats the purpose of having the human form, made to make a more easy interaction with humans...and so we see an engineer who has some interesting features that clearly set him apart from the first we see in the OP scenes...a very biomechanical look. Were it a cryosuit they would makeit more armor like, and not integral to his here is the least that engineer is an artificial tool, made in that form to better interact with the real masters, and very resistant, if yet biological (remember those aliens are biotech masters) so his strenght and endurance would be formidable. As for why going after Shaw, well, a war tool once identifying something as a treat would probably target it for destruction, and those small aliens did destroyed his ship after all. Better eliminate the threat before going to another ship and risk another surprise (he would not know if Shaw let loose could present a threat or not, as one ship was already downed at that point) A war bio machine with a clear target, Elizabeth Shaw at that point.


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 1:27 AM
more and more, these PLOT HOLES are irrelevant, as the film is ALL SYMBOLLIC and not 'real' in the character/plot sense. think of PROMETHEUS like a Ridley Scott/Damon Lindelof co-dreaming experience, that may or may not have New World Order conspiracy theory material woven into it, and you're closer to the Communist Cinema of the 1900's feel of what it really (might be) is. Hell, even the unexplained alien language is symbollic, in the film. Ya know? I'm happier, i.e. less judgemental, with such an approach to the subject-matter.
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MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2012 5:08 AM
Obviously these engineers are biological supermen with added technology (his skin that looks like a suit). So no this is not actually anywhere near as bad as some of the other parts in terms of unbelievability I could easily imagine him surviving maybe up to 30 mins outside. That would be why they need the atmosphere - maybe he even has things like nano technology who knows they seem to think that leaving all this open was a better idea for some reason :( . As for getting in the airlock - possibly he ripped it open - he could be that strong! But if he had to work out how to open it me thinks its a bit strange - unless there was a big handle saying open on it - and he just tried it for the hell of it?! Anyway like I said this part was no were near as bad as other parts so I let it go personaly... Hmmm well this video explains more: [url=][/url] looks like he probably did work his way in through buttons etc. hmmm...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 9:58 AM
i read an interesting interpretation elsewhere. first of all the airlock breach, the deleted scene makes more sense. now the interpretation of the helmetless engineer. He can breath (with or without suit) He suggests that the created air in the domes were ment for humans in the past. and the urns around the big head (god for humans) also for the humans there. for experimentation?


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 10:41 AM
Plot holes. [eyes rolls] Some of you guys and gals are funny, not in a 'ha ha' way, though. But, it's all good.


MemberDeaconSep-24-2012 5:14 PM
Well we dont see the full scene so maybe he had the suit and discarded it before he entered the life boat... But then the re-shot scene and the trilobite scene we see the Engineer has burns so that would assume he was burnt as his ship crashed. We have to assume that he could survive the harsh environment for a certain period of time. Why Oxygen in the Temple though...... And why the Space Jockey Suits. Well maybe the Temple was first as with the planeload being Tera-Formed to make it Human Friendly. And maybe the Space Jockey suits is to protect them from contamination and prevent them from contaminating the Bio Weapon while also acting like a Space Suit would. So i have to say that the Engineer could for at least a short period of time survive in the planetoids hostile environment. As for the opening of the Door The Engineers are a advanced race and it maybe they can roughly understand how to open a Door even if its one made by a Alien Race... just as David could open the Engineers doors.

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MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 5:41 PM
Easier to emote (and be face hugged) without a helmet, plus he was 2 minutes away as much as shaw was, with bigger stride pattern. So artistically I guess it was negated first and pedantically it was possible as it was for someone with smaller legs over a similar distance


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 7:14 PM
I don't see why his suit couldn't have a retractable atmosphere supply hose and clippy thing for his nose, or the suit could be delivering *clean* atmosphere directly to his lungs or bloodstream. It's biomechanical and fused to him. It could do anything.


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 8:42 PM
The questions at hand are really not important to the movie itself. Look at the movie and what it represents. Small and large errors are made in films all the time. There are a very few films which are flawless. My answers to your questions are as goes. He ripped a hole in the shuttle and held his breath while he ran to the shuttle. I think that's good enough.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerSep-27-2012 2:00 PM
I am going to agree with Sukkal that the biosuit may even breathe, or process atmosphere for him. The Engineers may wear the biosuits in order to breathe safely on planets they are teraforming?


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 5:57 AM
I agree with sukkal also. FFS people. They are millions of years more advanced than us. They have much more experience in space. I'm sure a simple 1 minute run or whatever is no big f*cking deal for 9 foot tall advanced alien with a BIOMECH suit as part of his body.
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