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MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 3:59 AMas this place is so RIPE with curious-minded and puzzle-orientated thinkers, I'd like to open this up to the group.
I don't really know what got me started down this 'conspiracy path'; it could have been the news that Prometheus was 'rushed through production' to ensure a summer 2012 release date (after stalling several times before) and the death of Tony Scott and maybe that it's more symbolic a story than we usually get in the supposedly-non-Communist (big C) west.
But, in the same way that Prometheus presents obvious and glaring visual references to its 1973 forefather making it a real and unashamed Alien prequel in every sense, it also has (for me) an intimate link to the ZION-like visual inspirations celebrated by this years Olympics.
[i]is that a ring holding Rockefeller prometheus?[/i]
Note: statue above, Prometheus held captive by a RING depicting the 'orrery of the sky' via the Astrological signs on its surface. Notice also the MOUNTAIN OF MADNESS behind the flying titan, reminiscent of Guillermo Del Toro's cancelled Lovecraftian film.
[b]The SERPENT:[/b] aka the Hammerpede. Came from nowhere. Was never explained. Yet, this is the esoteric core of the City of London, i.e. The River Thames. In the centre of the Eastenders snaking image of London's River Thames, you'll notice a BIG DOT under the B of BBC. That is the O2 Centre, constructed in 2000 after the London Eye was constructed in 1999.
[b]The OLYMPIC RINGS:[/b] there are five of them. In Prometheus there's a FLYING RING (just like there was in the Olympics Opening Ceremony) that then goes up to meet its four brothers. This happened in Prometheus with the FIVE BURIAL-MOUND-LIKE SILOS on LV-223, where each contained a RING-LIKE Juggernaut when, if you'll remember from Alien, the 'derelict' that housed the Space Jockey had much straighter arms.
[b]The ORRERY:[/b] there's also a sculpture of another titan, ATLAS at the Rockefeller Centre in Chicago. Which in the film is rings within rings. Oh, let's have a look if there are five of them.
In further research, you'll find this image depicting Prometheus and Atlas and the Hammerpede on the same Greek stamp for 4.5 drachmas.
Remember, the script for Prometheus has been widely criticised as being TOO BAD TO BE SUITABLE for such a simple concept as a prequel to a 1973 film, so on that basis alone, Prometheus is something other than a reminder of how the ESJ or Elephantine Space Jockey got chestbursted (which is still not explained).
Prometheus is symbolic of something else. Let it be noted that the London Bombings happened THE DAY AFTER the London Olympics was announced on July 6th 2005. Similarly, the 9/11 event happend THE DAY AFTER Donald Rumsfeld announced a $2.4trillion missing from Gov Coffers PLC.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
7 Replies

MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2012 8:48 AMWhhaaaat :O . Your getting out of control :D
Hmm tbh yer you could link prometheus to Donald Duck if you wanted it is like a blank well ok slightly painted canvas but I like my stuff down to earth :P ...
hmm well you know what I mean :P ...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 11:20 AM....ha ha ha..
No c'mon Freeplanet....that theory of yours is a bit hard to swallow IMO..
I am definitely not attacking you.... you clearly have a very lively imagination and you not stupid quite articulate... but I am not buying your conspiracy on this one.... sorry..;)

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 2:23 PMAs much as I'm enamored with the likes of [i]Cloud Atlas'[/i] "Everything's Connected" motto and such, I don't think everything is QUITE THIS connected... ;)

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 4:43 PMYou'll be telling us Ridley is leader of the Illuminati next. Far fetched this for you man

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 4:05 AMI was trying to illustrate that (as we're innate Pattern Finding Machines) we can drum up any amount of evidence for any old daft idea; religion, big bang, economies, history, aliens, new world order, slave labour, any of it!
The disappointment of 10 11 12 site has taught us not to go off imagining great worlds for [i]Creativity, Passion and Kinship[/i] when the Corporation Has A Budget.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 1:05 PMstill no Mala'kak,
I thought he'd be one of the first creatures to bite the forearm off this tempting morsel.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
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