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Prometheus Writers Audio Commentary Preview

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MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 6:48 AM
I found this in AVP [url=]site[/url]...enjoy it :D The Prometheus audio commentary by Damon Lindelof & Jon Spaihts has found its way online via an early copy of the film. In this extra feature, the Prometheus writers talk about pre-production, deleted scenes, Ridley Scott and more. Below you can find a quick summarisation of some of the things revealed in their commentary of the film: [list] * The Primordial ship was originally meant to be the Alien Derelict/Juggernaut ship in Lindelof’s draft, but Ridley Scott thought it would be cooler to show something else. * The opening sequence was meant to be longer, showing a group of Engineers talking to each other in a proto-language. * In most of Spaihts’ drafts, the black material that consumed the Sacrifice Engineer transmuted, flew away and bit a primitive woman/man. Their pupils dilated and you could see something change inside them. Another version included a salamander-like hand reach out of the water. * There was a scene cut for financial reasons in which a submarine expedition are looking at a sunken city in the Mediterranean where they find a giant tablet with a star map on it. A different version of the script included an archaeological dig on Mars where they found ruins sharing similarities with ancient ruins on Earth. * In some of Spaihts drafts, Holloway and Shaw went to visit Weyland in his private residence, a space station orbiting around Earth. Another one included the couple travelling to Mars and visiting Weyland in his home which had a view of the terraforming work taking place on the planet. * Jon Spaihts imagined Holloway as an older person, perhaps inappropriately old for Shaw as a mate. Additionally Shaw was Holloway’s student at university. * There was a scene were Milburn discovers a little worm and talks about how important this discovery is. Lindelof mentions that this would have kinda explained why he was so excited about his later encounter with the Hammerpede. * Spaihts experimented with the idea that the Engineers saw in a whiter spectrum than human beings did. To David’s eyes, the ruins and catacombs showed interfaces that only he could see. Picking up clues that nobody else was picking up. * In the script, when David breaks the Ampule open, they cut to David’s POV and showed the black goo at a microscopic level. * In Spaihts version of the story, Holloway awakens a Facehugger while he is exploring the pyramid. He is implanted with an Alien, the “classic model”. The “Alien” burst out of Holloway during the love scene between Shaw and Holloway. * Spaihts’ draft included a cargo hold filled up with Alien eggs, David discovers this area. This scene revealed the purpose of the Juggernaut ship which was on its way to Earth to undo the human experiment. When Shaw follows David into the vaults of the ship, he deliberately infected her with a Facehugger. He also took her helmet so she couldn’t run back to the ship and save her life by using the med pod. She still makes it back there by holding her breath and using compressed air. * In the earlier draft by Jon Spaihts, a kind of classic chestburster is extracted from Shaw’s body during the med pod scene. The chestburster is then expelled from the pod and Shaw stays in there while it heals her. As she wakes up, she can see the monster grow up. Eight hours later the monster is full size and she’s watching it kill people through the glass. * Lindelof mentions that there was a two page dialogue exchange between David and the Engineer. * In Spaihts’ draft, the last Engineer died in the pilot’s chair. He had been infected and was carrying a Chestburster. It emerged from him while the Juggernaut was flying which caused the Juggernaut to falter on its path, allowing the Magellan ship to ram it. Shaw manages to eject from the ship just before the ramming took place. Then the Alien that just emerged from the Engineer comes out of the Juggernaut and the final action scene is Shaw being hunted by this creature. * Towards the end of the film, Lindeof talks about a deleted scene in which Shaw asks David what it is that the Engineer said to him during their earlier conversation. David tells Shaw that the Engineer told him that they did not come from there [LV-223] but a place called “Paradise”. [/list]
24 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 3:20 PM
Exactly, see Holloway would believe this hypothetical antediluvian culture were actually a race of men. "Gods don't build in straight lines" and the question he asks about the temple on LV-223 would be connected to this. The sunken city/flood element, and earlier rounds of human like beings being destroyed or flooded by the gods from above ties directly into the them wanting to destroy us to recreate us themes. Weyland sees the evidence that they were potentially on other worlds and knows they could definitely still be out there, but leans more towards them being gods and having eternal life. Holloway feels they're a very advanced race of men who they, as anthropologists/archaeologists, can actually interact with and understand. He wants to live the culture and understand it through participatory anthro. rather than studying the culture from afar. So he gets disappointed when he thinks they're all dead. David was influenced by his father's beliefs, but has secretly picked things up before the mission, and along the way. He knows Holloway is on the right track and is angry that this human might have some of the right answers, and calls his views only a thesis. I can definitely see how they could use both the Mars idea and the sunken city idea, but now I think Mars has been changed to the moon. Where it's now indicated by the viral campaign that Weyland has a facility there.. This is an idea straight out of ancient mythology and modern conspiracy theories. Some people actually believe there are ancient ruins on the moon and mars. So either location works with the subject matter they're exploring by basing it partially on ancient astronaut theory. I have a few reasons for why I believe the location will be changed to the Moon. It works out better that way because the Engineers aren't the only faction out there now, and they're the ones who are left stuck closer to the Earth than we think. They are like Prometheus, a darker version that is closer to the Atlanteans and fallen angels/Lucifer. Stuck on this rock, working as angels who help god create us. While we and they are punished many times, and they are destroyed and recreated as us more than once. Eventually they broke free and spread to other rocks after one of the punishments of the true gods. They emulate the true gods because they've warred with them and the Elders, they have acquired full use of the tech. Paradise/Atlantis wasn't completely destroyed. It set off a chain of events that overthrew the Titans. What happened to the first beings to spring out of the ocean? What if we weren't the first in this story? And the first to be recreated were actual Engineers, with us and all other things only being influenced and sped up by their genetics. Hybridized with them if you will. In Greek mythology the first "humans" are the Atlantean humans. They end up destroying their civilization with genetic experiments and the creation of mermaids and other hybrid monsters. They end up angering Zeus. They end up siding with the Titans for a brief time. They were not originally mermaids. Many legends indicate them as a tall, pale, highly advanced culture said to have used crystals and harmonics for energy/power. Poseidon king of Atlantis is a creator like Prometheus and brother to Zeus. He inherits his gifts from the Titan class but abuses them, and takes his advanced science too far. It ends in the destruction of Atlantis. The destruction of Paradise/ the garden on Earth. However this ancient mythological culture was around long enough to interact with our ancient cultures and didn't completely disintegrate back into the ocean. The survivors escape the true gods' destruction of the garden and slither out. But a king only has his reign and then he dies. Poseidon is now dead and his followers continue a vendetta against the Elders. They honor this past head of their civilization who represents Lucifer/Poseidon with his trident/devil's pitchfork. And have taken to even more extreme ways of lashing out against the Elders and true gods because of the fire. They were also guardians of the tree of knowledge like Prometheus and were punished for sharing some knowledge with early humans. But they were irresponsible guardians of the tree of life, leading to their punishment for sharing knowledge of it. Also leading to their exiting from the garden, the destruction of the garden, and early humans getting off relatively light and being allowed by the true gods to remain on Earth. The gods above are angered when they start playing around with the fire and their own genetics + the genetics of other beings. And like when the fallen angels were around and the greek myths there were giants and monsters on the Earth in those days. So this early advanced culture that disappeared from the Earth returned to our kings to try to show us where they were going. And they are still acting like the serpent in the garden of Eden, much more than Prometheus. Trying to lead us to truths, and into their war with the true gods that will only end in our destruction on Earth this time. Like David they tell the truth, and half-truths, but only to deceive and lead us/use us in their war against the gods. It also fits into their plans to punish us, as they were punished by the true gods. Because in this view they're more like our long lost older brothers, who hate the father, have rebelled against our true fathers, and wished to lead us into their war with them and the Elders. Plans change overtime, so now they wish to use us in this ancient ongoing war in any way possible. This brings up future parallels with David. David will deceive to continue to lead as a head of many groups that he can bounce back and forth between when all is almost revealed because he has broken down and recreated more than one language and has picked up many things along the way. One of them is the bioweapon him and Shaw hold in their cargo bay on the second juggernaut.

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 8:02 AM
Oh the possibilities! I would love to have seen the longer version of the opening sequence with the Engineers!


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 8:29 AM
@Oneironaut 717, I agree with the opening sequence too but however I never thought I'd say this but I prefer the script Lindeloft XD...why?...because the Spaihts’ script is too monotonous and boring. The only positives things were the longest opening, the archaeological discovery and the special vision of David but the scene of the pod of surgeries with a chestburster?...mmm...I'm sorry but I prefer the squid. Definitely Spaiht script was a rehash of Alien, with nothing new to give.


MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2012 8:36 AM
Ok that would of been much better why not argh: " Spaihts experimented with the idea that the Engineers saw in a whiter spectrum than human beings did. To David’s eyes, the ruins and catacombs showed interfaces that only he could see. Picking up clues that nobody else was picking up" and "In the script, when David breaks the Ampule open, they cut to David’s POV and showed the black goo at a microscopic level." Not sure about the rest but interesting stuff...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 8:42 AM
@ Shambs I see your point - there is fair bet of regurgitation from Spaiht. I love the idea of Engineers being able to see another spectrum. Even though this was never mentioned in the final version of the film, but this could explain why David knew where to go, and noticed things the others didn't. But the possibilities of: 2 page dialogue with David and the Engineer "Lindeof talks about a deleted scene in which Shaw asks David what it is that the Engineer said to him during their earlier conversation. David tells Shaw that the Engineer told him that they did not come from there [LV-223] but a place called “Paradise"" - I wonder if this is referring to the actual PARADISE deleted scene found on the soon to be released DVD?


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 8:44 AM
yeah the black goo at a microscopic level could be very detailed and great but luckily we have a sequel in a couple of years. :D

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 8:50 AM
I can't wait that long! Arrrgggh! >_<


MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2012 9:01 AM
Here you go: [img][/img] The black goo is full of aliens :O they are the real masters!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 9:03 AM
[url=]Oh my God!!!...[/url]


MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2012 9:12 AM
heh that is actually a tardigrade and the reality is more mental than fiction: Temperature – tardigrades can survive being heated for a few minutes to 151 °C (424 K),[21] or being chilled for days at -200 °C (73 K),[21] or for a few minutes at -272 °C (~1 degree above absolute zero).[22] Pressure – they can withstand the extremely low pressure of a vacuum and also very high pressures, more than 1,200 times atmospheric pressure. Tardigrades can survive the vacuum of open space and solar radiation combined for at least 10 days.[22] Some species can also withstand pressure of 6,000 atmospheres, which is nearly six times the pressure of water in the deepest ocean trench, the Mariana trench.[13] Dehydration – tardigrades have been shown to survive nearly 10 years in a dry state.[23] When exposed to extremely low temperatures, their body composition goes from 85% water to only 3%. As water expands upon freezing, dehydration ensures the tardigrades do not get ripped apart by the freezing ice (as waterless tissues cannot freeze).[24] Radiation – tardigrades can withstand median lethal doses of 5,000 Gy (of gamma-rays) and 6,200 Gy (of heavy ions) in hydrated animals (5 to 10 Gy could be fatal to a human).[25] The only explanation thus far for this ability is that their lowered water state provides fewer reactants for the ionizing radiation.[26] Environmental toxins – tardigrades can undergo chemobiosis—a cryptobiotic response to high levels of environmental toxins. However, these laboratory results have yet to be verified.[27][28] Outer space – In September 2007, tardigrades were taken into low Earth orbit on the FOTON-M3 mission and for 10 days were exposed to the vacuum of space. After being rehydrated back on Earth, over 68% of the subjects protected from high-energy UV radiation survived and many of these produced viable embryos, and a handful had survived full exposure to solar radiation.[22][29] In May 2011, tardigrades were sent into space along with other extremophiles on STS-134, the final flight of Space Shuttle Endeavour.[30][31][32] In November 2011, they were among the organisms to be sent by the US-based Planetary Society on the Russian Fobos-Grunt mission's Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment to Phobos; however, the launch failed. Makes and engineer look pussy :D

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 9:19 AM
Wow, never knew tardigrades (waterbears) were that invincible! So tiny, yet adorable! Engineers, I hope you're taking notes!


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 10:27 AM
I have not yet read people's responses and this is just a quick impression but I'm glad that some of Jon Spaiht's idea are not considered, particularly introducing the classic face hugger and the way it's involved.


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 11:15 AM
If the idea is to distance from the now spent Monster Movie Franchise, then playing the old music is just extremelly stupid. Now, the idea of archeological remains in Mars is really good. Also the idea of that first scene on the beginning affecting a proto-human, great and would give more credence to the idea of some kind of punishment being performed there and proto-humans being affected by accident (Sweet!!!) The sensorium of those aliens being different, awesome, as that would explain the barren nature of those installations and the ships. For is they are all steell or balc collored with some clear patches here and there, bit for their builders it could be full of collor and life. I liked that concept most of all. The rest, trash....thankfully it was not done like that Enough! No! More! Xeno! Space! Ants! PLEASE!!!!!!!


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 12:37 PM
cant wait to watch the blu ray with writer commentary! im going to have to abstain from any more info until the blu ray comes out (easier said than done).


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 12:46 PM
I love love love these, Thank you very much !!! I'm glad that some points were taken out 'cause otherwise it would be too cliche. . .

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MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 1:39 PM
"* There was a scene cut for financial reasons in which a submarine expedition are looking at a sunken city in the Mediterranean where they find a giant tablet with a star map on it. A different version of the script included an archaeological dig on Mars where they found ruins sharing similarities with ancient ruins on Earth." This one interests me the most. Not only did they plan to link it to an ancient sunken city in the Mediterranean (of which there are many that pseudo-researchers claim may have been Atlantis-related); But they also alternately planned to link the star map and ruins on Earth with the ruins on Mars. Cut for financial reasons... is that a half truth? Not cut because they wanted to change it but cut for financial reasons. Could there have been other reasons besides financial reasons? Like maybe the second part not being able to be completed in secret... which is sort of a financial reason. It might make this scene seem out of place if the story just stops for now. Instead I think it could be reworked to explain some of Holloway, Weyland's, and David's previous knowledge/theories about the Engineers. It would have been awesome to see one of these scenes, but I can see how it also might have added too much time to Prometheus. Especially if it's foreshadowing one of the revelations meant to be in the original second part. And they maybe don't want to hint at everything that might still be in Paradise too soon. This is the reason I believe a lot of other things were cut. Plans changed, so they only filmed some scenes that will be used for Paradise. And even cut out extraneous scenes that connect too much to Paradise; just in case Prometheus would remain a standalone. I had previous knowledge that this scene had been planned way back. And this fuels/fueled my Atlantis theories. In the before time I talked about how Holloway may have been involved in underwater archaeology for Weyland that Shaw wasn't present for. Originally this gave the audience a little more insight into why Holloway (and David) believed they weren't gods, but were still alive somewhere. David and Weyland seem to take the evidence in different ways. They were focusing more on the Engineers actually being the ones to have a hand in the ruins on Mars and Earth: Influencing our culture as well as creating us. This is seen in the final script by the way we still share the roots of our ancient language with their language. We were interacting for long periods of time with them in the ancient past before each of those cultures started their languages. Each culture received part of the Engineer language and David was able to piece it all together by cross-analyzing, learning, breaking down, and recombining the parts of each language. The sunken city scene would have been cool and should be included in Paradise. Because even though the Mars idea was one way they were planning on going, it's not the way some other things seem to have worked out now. The Atlantis/sunken civilization connections have still been subtly weaved into Prometheus for when we find out who the Engineers really are. Only now it was in case the sequel takes a long time to complete. To attempt to leave us in the dark more. So they left out some of the important clues when plans to shoot most of the sequel in secret fell through...


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 2:18 PM
* Spaihts experimented with the idea that the Engineers saw in a whiter spectrum than human beings did. To David’s eyes, the ruins and catacombs showed interfaces that only he could see. Picking up clues that nobody else was picking up This might have also made things too clear for what's to come In fact I think that Fox was unwilling to let Ridley do the sequel in secret back to back, and this changed Prometheus from the untitled Alien Prequels into what it would become. Ridley wasn't sure if he would be able to finish the story so it had to mutate a little and become more of a standalone. They tried to make us forget about that second script that had been in development as part 2 to the original script by distracting us with the "not a direct prequel anymore" stuff. This is a half truth too, because it occurs before in the time line, but yes it's not a "direct prequel". Ridley chose to sacrifice much of the alien elements in favor of getting the introduction to the Engineers out of the way. However, we've still been reintroduced to the Alien/Deacon. So it is still about both. But in the original script it was straight into Alien territory and Engineers second. Now things have shuffled. We'll be getting our focus on the Alien/Deacon in the sequel now. But Ridley still has to continue some of the story with the Engineers, so major rewrites were needed and a degree of misdirection had to be brought in. Ridley was misdirecting Fox at the same time but now Fox is in on the plan, and has some footage for the second part. It's all about David and androids/artificial life and free will more than anything and Fox didn't understand that the other factions/characters/organisms are just pieces in the puzzle, or on the chess board that can be shuffled around. It forced Ridley to seek out Lindelof with some of the ideas he was now having about how to get the best of both worlds, but he also kind of had to suffer through and sacrifice film time for the introduction to both worlds. Ridley didn't mind that his trick hurt him a little because he knew it was all part of a manipulation. And tied into the themes of the movie. Prometheus was made into more of a standalone, small beginning to get it all out of the way and set up all the story-lines to follow in a different way than Spaights had planned out with Ridley's ideas. At the same time it's a kind of self-contained film that's about the Alien, the Company/David, and the Engineers. So it has a mixture of those three introductions going on and attempts to leave enough clues to let you make some guesses afterwards. The best of all worlds. And the best of both the Engineer and David's story so far. But that also means that as a hybrid film it has some of the worst of all those elements by mixing things up, and in this case having to leave things out. The worst of both the Engineer and Alien worlds at the same time: which is having to set up both now and give just enough. As a way to leave possible answers in case Fox wouldn't let him finish the sequel and didn't like how Prometheus evolved. Prometheus evolved as a hybrid film that can still lead to answers. And they may have attempted to use some ideas from the original Part 2 in a new way in Prometheus, and things from the original part 1 in a new way in Paradise...


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 2:18 PM
Double post


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 2:33 PM
Humm They might show those scenes as memories, or going back and forth with the story telling in the sequel (such was done very well before in other movies and is a fine story telling tool by the way) Such would give more credence to Weyland joining the idea, for ge already knew Hollowy had hard evidence of his theories... Even the Mars connection could be used, in tandem with the sunken city (Giant slab of stone with a star map on it, found in a sunken city...R'lyeh echoes here...I like it a lot). One does not prevent the other. Holloway presents his findings to Weyland, who then invites him to a privy info from his terraforming teams on Mars...a city sunken in Mars Icecaps or sands, found while their teams were digging, sharing the same arquitetonics from the sunken city, and in a plaza of sorts a big monolith, with the star map on it! BINGO! Holloway got all he funds he needs, while Weyland (now sure as to why give so uch money to that scientist) creates his agenda! It would be a very nice way to put things together indeed, and putting some epic elements on it all


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 4:23 PM
David's like humanity's son who is rapidly going to climb (along with androids) to the top of the ladder by way of his understanding of the advanced technology and ability to understand and analyze all life and all things in a way more comprehensive than Weyland could as a human. However, David's still becoming like the "father" that he hates and shares some of his ego and movie preferences. Plus the problem with his artificial feelings. David has a previous understanding of what went on in the hierarchy and symbolizes the foresight aspect of Prometheus. He'll end up punished when his actions are seen as a betrayal to the Olympian group later on in the story. Right now David feels he serves a higher purpose than the Engineers and Weyland. He knows which buttons to push in advance, and that the Engineers are not the true gods. The engineers have become like the true gods and used their tech to overthrow their kings and launch an assault on the true fathers/gods. They used their kings to do this though. In contrast David manipulates things so that the Engineer kills his father (because his programming will not allow him to).


MemberDeaconSep-24-2012 5:37 PM
Seems that Spaihts draft would have just been another Alien movie, and maybe the events of that movie would lead to Alien or not, but it looks like his draft may still not had explained where the Xeno came from. It would have just showed what we all ready know and thats the Space Jockey use and store them as a Bio Weapon. I think this draft would have been very limited and not really been much different to just another Alien movie that simply added the Space Jockey into the Equation. Lindeloffs ideas are better, the only problem is people should take his ideas and then they should (Ridley) adapt the movie to fit in his concepts and not allow him (Lindeloff) to run with the ball and have too much creative control. Thats why on Paper the Plot was Epic.... but its execution was Flawed.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


AdminPraetorianSep-24-2012 7:22 PM
[quote][i]* The Primordial ship was originally meant to be the Alien Derelict/Juggernaut ship in Lindelof’s draft, but Ridley Scott thought it would be cooler to show something else[/i].[/quote] I TOLD you guys Lindelof wasn't soley to blame! Ridley was aware of everything going on. I dunno why people think he wasn't. Also, it was very clear that David was seeing things the humans could not, and the close up of the drop did happen, we could see the DNA strands in one early trailer.


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 10:05 PM
Yeap Lovecraft (r'lyeh), Atlantis and ruins on Mars / Moon can be great ideas for the sequel. BTW I wonder how will the opening of the sequel? * Origin of Engineers, as a creation of the true gods? * war between engineers and their creators? * Flashback of Holloway in an archaeological discovery and Weyland? * The original Engineer from LV-426? (like a scene from the ancient past) * Something related to the Deacon? * Or something about Yutani? What are your thoughts in this?


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 11:27 PM
There is one thing that rings well with the idea that they still will use the earth sunken city (make it in the Pacific and we will have R'Lyeh!) and the offworld ruins (Moon or Mars) Rememeber Holloway saying in a very depressed/annoyed tone: "It is just another tomb..." This might mean nothing as they are archeologists, but yet it can mean they have been on other ruins from those aliens, but older by orders of magnitude, and was sad to have lost those aliens for so near a time lapse if compared to the previos ruins he found (any Earth sunken ruin would be thousands upon thousands of years old, and lunar ruins would be also very old. And yes, I have seen the purported lunar ruins, and the pics, if not conclusive, are very intriguing indeed. As for David, I think he will have a very important part in what is coming to pass, and we will see more of his motivations and inspirations. He also showed a very prompt knowledge of the abandoned base even before accessing the juggernaut's database, so we could explain this by his visit to the previous ruins, and even though the technology on those would not be functional, enough clues could have been learned by exploring such ruins... The ideas about this are more and more becoming interesting, and would shed a bit more of logic into the holes we found in the movie's teatrical version. This would be nice to see coming about in the sequel. Think about Weyland's motivations...they all knew those aliens were not gods in the sence we perceive the word, but would be so advanced (having created us, old and wise...) as to divine if compared to us, and to such beings bestowing life to Weyland (he rationalyzes) would be nothing at all...
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