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Engineer was infected

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MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 6:29 AM
I wanted to open up a discussion about the Engineer and the possibility that he too was infected with the black goo. We have evidence of an outbreak at the facility on LV-223 - it would be reasonable to assume that the Engineer that the crew encounter was also infected. This would give him a good reason to put himself into hypersleep, knowing that he will be a gonner in a matter of hours (or however long it takes to have adverse effects). Anyway, if he was infected it might explain why he was so keen to put the ship on course to earth, to fulfill his mission before he bit the big one. It could also explain how, once impregnated by cuddles, we were treated to the birth of the Deacon. Rather than the equation being (cuddles + engineer = deacon) it becomes (cuddles + infected engineer = deacon.) What say you?
5 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 8:30 AM
The initial concept could be the explanation of how altered his body seems to be... I know I know....biosuits, adaptative fusing ones...I still do not think that is the case. I think his body was altered. The fusing biosuit is a very advanced concept on a script we already know the guys are not really science fiction guys... By devise or by infection?


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:45 AM
I have to agree Void, that Engineer looked too fused with that "pressure suit" where as the Sacrificial Engineer looked, well, normal, if that makes sense? My head hurts trying to figure this whole thing out. It's not good for me...................... But I can't stop, I want some clarity!!
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 10:38 AM
I hope this clarity eventualy comes, or else Ridley Scott will shoot a movie with only elements on the screen which are just pretty cinematically speaking, and such concept is so dreadful...empty beauty becomes ugly very fast... As an anime fan, I need to point out that animes are so much more well ploted than movies...even the prettiest (if you wanna say it like that) imagery comes out, it will have a purpose in the overall plot... Now back to the cheese, if they are a tiny bit concerned by cohesion (please, do not say that is irrelevant...otherwise even discussing the movie would be a trememdous waste of time) and Ridley Scott is not just babbling whatever comes to his mind (granted he is a good director, but I am nowhere near a fan of him or the Alie franchise pers si to say he is a genius or a Great Master...) then the scenes we saw have purpose and intent, maybe lost during editing and final cut it seems, and thus it should be significant the differences between both aliens depicted in the movie. Granted we have a time spam raging from a billion (responsible for all animal life on Earth) to a million (responsible for developing humanoid higher forms - the one I like most) so body differences might occur (minor or major depending on the time spam they choose) but then again thinking as an author here, you don't put things without a purpose in any given story, not such outstanding things at least, thus what we saw do have importace and do give hints to something integral to the story and important as well. A good and fair rule applies, the simplest answer is usually the right one. Adaptative, fusing biosuits are a very advanced and complicated concept for the nowadays movie industry, unless coming form a really innovative source, and this is not the case I fear (Fox is pretty conservative, and Ridley Scott is a good director, but he is not a creative/innovative guy) and I would see that coming IF a really good Science Fiction author were on the crew. Not the case my friends...and so we better interpret the images in a more straight way. Adaptive biosuits are well used in science fiction animes, very well used at that...on US productions...I hardly see that coming... Either changes occurred because the lenght of time spanning both scenes, or the Replicant gossip out there will play more and more, and what we see is just the differences between civilian/science oriented models and millitary models, which would be good if happened, and would highlight elements which were important on every Alien installment, the androids human tech developed, and maybe an element that will show itself paramount to the story itself... By the way, a way better plot than the idea of devolving back to the Monster Movie plot, which I frankly abhorr...


MemberDeaconSep-25-2012 11:55 AM
I dont think the Engineer at the end was infected i think he escaped any infection. As far as him going to Earth, while yes if he was infected it may be a good idea to go into Cryo Sleep but that did not save the 3 Engineers in the other Sarcophagus thus i dont think he was infected. Also when he awoke before he stood to his feet, David had told him that the crew had came to the outpost as directed by the Engineers invitation. The Engineer wanted to know why they came and what they was after. He did not seem very upset but rather intrigued. David then proceeded to talk after the Engineer saw Weyland order Shaw to be silenced (who the Engineer was very intrigued with) that he realased that Mankind was greedy and selfish and that Weyland put his priorities above those of the others. And when he then realized that this old frail and selfish Weyland only had his own Agenda to prolong his life and life forever and that as Weyland created David and thus proclaims to be as a God like the Engineers that he then needed to be immortal also. This ultimately set the Engineer off and he then came to the conclusion that indeed Mankind is selfish and has not changed and more so they are now playing God and now we can traverse the Stars and found LV 223 they simply can not be allowed to do so. As for the suits, well again i think Prometheus 2 would show us that they are just Suits that the Engineers on LV 223 wear because of the purpose of those Engineers and thus not all Engineers wear such Bio Suits. The suits are so advanced that when worn they actually become part of the Engineer.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 12:07 PM
That might happen and if so it will surprise me, for I really do not see those guys very sofisticated into science fiction, not with what we saw so far (loads of cliche imagings...) It might come to taht, so on this we will really need to wait and see. Untill then opinions and ideas will vary indeed. That the deleted scenes were important though, that is true, as we can more clearly devise why the alien became so angered...
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