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The cave drawings

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MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 7:38 AM
If what the ship captain said was true about the planet being some kind of military installation, why did the star maps in the cave drawings direct them to it? Weren't they supposed to be many thousands of years old? I realize he could have been wrong but assuming he wasn't...?
10 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 7:44 AM
I think that this drawings can be a warning or a trap.


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 8:27 AM
Or a planted invitation yes, to call us when we were ready to join the fight they are battlong out there against a not disclosed yet foe. A culture in a comflict already ages old in a galactic theater of operations. planning in advance of millenia would be logical, and calling those apt to join the battle if and when ready wuld be a good long term option...and you would direct them to the nearest millitary post for sure. Given the stellar drift and all, 35 or 100 thousand years is not that long to make real differences, so that given millitary post (maybe one in millions laid across the galaxy) would be the nearest, in charge of the planets seeded in its vicinity (Earth would / should not be the only one...)

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 8:42 AM
Directions to LV 223 via the cave paintings - may initially have been an invitation. Rather than inviting mankind to their homeworld - they chose LV 223 as halfway point to see if man was indeed worthy to go over into Paradise. Over the course of several millennia different factions could have fought amongst themselves - and took ownership of the moon, instead of using it as midway point they transformed it into a place of death. If LV 223 was initially a trap to begin with - then why would the Engineers have wasted all their time teaching man the arts, language, culture, mathematics and sciences, when they could have destroyed right there and then.


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 10:46 AM
Yeah, we do know there is a conflict of sorts raging out there...this is one of the little points all agree as Ridley Scott himself said the very first juggernaut ever saw was a millitary vessel, so who knows what is going to happen.... One thing, I need to get the BluRay, but is not there a grup of buildings further behind the weapon's depot? I think I can see a group of constructions in the back...


MemberDeaconSep-25-2012 11:31 AM
Well i think we have to go back to the basics here. And that is look at what each of those Ancient Cave Paintings, Murals and Carvings are there for. The ones in the movie are just modified ones like we find in actual real life. They are depictions of Ancients Gods in which many pre-Abrahamic cultures worshiped Gods and not a God and in many cases these Gods are depicted as Giant Beings from the Sky/Stars. Prometheus is trying to tie in that was these Ancient Cultures actually saw/worshiped and had contact with was the Engineers. Ridley also said the Engineers had came to Earth a number of time to teach us and upgrade us over the course of History.... all up until 2000 years ago. If thats the case then this could mean that LV 223 is or was one of two places. 1) A Surveillance Outpost where the set of Engineers/Gardeners was posted to keep a eye on Earth and maybe Mankind. Where they monitored us. 2) A place maybe as above but also a place that was to be used as some kind of Paradise where Mankind could eventually come to, maybe thats why it was being Tera-formed. In the choice of 1) the paintings etc may simply be the Engineers telling us where they come from, with the intention that we do not ewer go there. They are simply saying we are your creators and we come from there. Or that we watch over you from there. Its recently revealed that the Engineer was supposed to have said that he comes from a place called Paradise and not LV 223. Which means they do not come from LV 223 but we know that anyway. In the choice of 2) maybe indeed it was left as a invitation for us at some point, and them saying this is where we watch you from or indeed this is where you will find us. I dont think that LV 223 was created purely for the purpose of being a Weapons Facility, i think that it had another purpose and that it was after we had offended and disobeyed them too far, that they then decided to pull the plug on us they they changed that outpost to create or re-engineer Bio Weapons. If it was purely a Bio Weapons plant from day one (35'000 years ago or so). Why the Head Statue of the Engineer? Why Tera-Form? Why the Cave Paintings and other clues left? Why visit us over the years up until 2000 years ago?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 12:02 PM
One thing on this is, why saying it was being terraformed? Where was it in the movie, aside the comment made inside the installation when they entered? A small (relatively speaking) installation...and the atmosphere outside was toxic, and inside was ok. That only shows they had environment control inside the building, which is a natural thing as they were working there, so it wuld be necessary to make it livable without any supporting suit. The terraforming idea did not ringed to me, nor rings still... The Head inside could be a given number of things, one of those a homage to one of their leaders/gods, and this might be explained further on the sequel. A chapel of sorts inside their millitary installation. Not that uncommon an idea, especially if we want to keep the whole sacrificial thing, which denotes a very ritualistic civilization...


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 6:38 PM
All good stuff to think about! Thanks, folks.


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 6:42 PM
I guess another way to look at it would be that LV 223 was closer than where they actually come from. Maybe for the reason that at this time in our evolution we could handle that trip but not one as far as their home planet. I don't know. Voidhawk, yes there were additional identical buildings behind the first and they all looked the same to me.


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 6:55 PM
Maybe put there only for the aesthetics (worked greatly, as we also see a road leading to that installation...maybe the terraforming concept could work out if we see the moon as having a series of cities conected by roads nearby that mountain, as that road was leading away from those two group of buildings... Nice visual effect anyway


MemberDeaconSep-26-2012 6:14 PM
Well the atmosphere outside had Oxygen just it had high amounts of CO2 and some other toxic chemicals that would be hazardous to a Human but only after a period of 2 minutes. So the conditions are not as hostile as say the Moon or Mars or Space. But yes we dont know if they was Tera-Forming the whole planet, but then in Aliens i am not sure the whole Moon LV 426 was Tera-Formed to allow Humans to breath in? The Engineers was doing something within that complex on LV 223 to generate a more breathable atmosphere inside compared to outside and indeed the air was cleaner inside than even Earths.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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