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Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 2:27 PMOnce in the control room of the Juggernaut, David discovers the hologram that tells of the Engineer plan to return to Earth to wipe out the human race roughly 2000 years prior to the Prometheus landing at LV-223. Some have said it was their intent to destroy us after we killed Jesus Christ. I was thinking that the Engineers were more upset at us, not for killing Christ, but for chosing to worship Jesus, over them? In the year 391 AD Theodosius I makes christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. He then makes all Helenistic worship irrelevant. The Romans would no longer worship the gods, but only GOD. This was not something that occured overnight. It does seem that Rome was getting farther & farther away from worshipping the gods after the crucifiction of Jesus. Maybe this is what has drawn the ire of the Engineers? The feel we are no longer paying homage to them, but to someone (Jesus/Christianity) they see as their enemy?
3 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 5:32 PMWell...
A culture so advanced and yet in need to be worshiped by a lesser developed culture/species...
That is a serious problem with the way they see themselves, but again possible, but cliche as such was a theme on some sceince fiction stories from the 40's and 50's, yet reused by Stargate franchise with a good deal of success by the way.
Possible but I hope is nothing like that...and on another tone, we have only David's words to follow upon that...we might see later that David misinterpreted or gave his version of something different...we might see later that David lied upon what he discovered on that ship's database...

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 7:32 PMMy views exactly, but it also has to do with: the changing of cultures over time and after the leader/head is killed, the Engineers' hatred for empires in general, expansionism of empires, taking over territory through war etc. This becoming a danger to the Engineers if we unite under chaotic leaders.
Going from kingdoms with multiple colonies, to an Empire with multiple colonies, in the company's case, when the headless Weyland kingdom is joined with the Yutani kingdom that controls the other half of the Earth at this time. So we'll continue to piss them off.

MemberDeaconSep-26-2012 6:09 PMMy take is if indeed the Engineers are not simply younger versions of the Elders thus the last Engineer and Sacrificial Engineers are to the Elder like Holloway and Janek to Weyland. But more like David was to Weyland.
We see these Elders give a younger more stocky built Engineer the substance in a Ritual Sacrifice the Sacrificial Engineer was given this TASK by the Elders and thus the Elders may have created the Engineers in their image to perform such tasks.
They are created to be servants and subservient to the greater Agenda of the Elders.
I think that a fraction of Engineers was then given the task to Tera-Form a outpost that they can monitor Earth from......
These Engineers may have started to despise the role they have in the Hierarchy and they then decided to create Mankind against the will of the Elders and maybe their knowledge as well. They created us so that we could then be subservient to them. So they may have created us for the same Reason Weyland Created David and indeed the same reason the Elders created the Engineers.
Then just as their was a point when the Engineers felt why should they have to be subservient to the Elders why should they be consider less important. Mankind started to feel and act the same way towards the Engineers. We started to not worship them, we started to be less subservient we started to do things that offended them and breaking rules they set for us.
Funny enough David started to show such a attitude towards his creator Weyland and also the other crew, he started to think why should he be subservient to Humans. Just because they created him why should he be their servant when he looks like them and he is vastly superior in many ways.
David has no soul....... but he had shown many times that he has evolved to have emotions and make decisions for himself and his own Agenda.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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