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What do you HOPE 10:11:12 is about?

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MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 2:43 PM
...i know this has been discussed numerous times....but what are your hopes...? Mine is that it is an extended cut on the DVD/Blu-ray and that it will be released in selected theaters worldwide... So basically the deleted scenes polished up a bit bit with enhanced features...reinstalled into the theatrical cut...i loved the theatrical cut but perhaps we have not seen everything yet even with the deleted scenes installed...maybe their is a bit more to it....and no-one has seen all the deleted scenes yet...I personally have only seen bit's and pieces and i am very impressed so if they polish those up a bit and edited them nicely...i would be super happy.... But i m sure the fans will come up with at least some relatively high quality edits in the meanwhile....i will definitely buy both the Blu-Ray and Dvd....the Dvd for home viewing and the other for when i watch it in surround sound HD 3d and whatever other gizmo's are out.....(will have to do the 3D Blu-ray at a friends place...his got all the latest tech..) But perhaps 10:11:12 is something completely different and i am not gonna get my hopes up too much....will see ...they already announced the sequel after it hit the 300 mill that is nothing new...tho I was very pleased to hear that bit of information none the WTF can it be.....???!!
16 Replies

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 2:45 PM
Re-release in theaters would be awesome!

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 3:23 PM
Re-release? Yes please! I will not get my hopes up just yet! A re-release is also welcome in my books.


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 3:57 PM
It could be a short trailer... 60 seconds or way less... Could be new footage never seen before and not included in coming DVD/Blu-ray... Could be directly related to Prometheus or Prometheus 2. Who knows??? My guess? New footage (but very superficial) directly related to Prometheus 2
J'adore cracher dans la soupe, surtout lorsqu'elle est fumante et que l'on s'apprête à la servir à des convives affamés...

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 4:54 PM
I too am hoping for some little taste of the sequel. I need MORE!


MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 4:56 PM
Part 2 would make me take my hat off to them - then probably disappoint me after I saw it :P . But I really hope not! A short film would be great. TV series might be good. And DC could be nice! But its probably something small and crap if the trend follows suit with everything else so far :S ...fingers crossed... Oh dear just saw this its quiet recent and a few other sites are saying the same thing: [url=]FOX blu ray 11th[/url] hmmm hope they are wrong...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 5:21 PM
Well, it seems the official date for the DVD release is the 9th of October. I believe 10/11/12 is much more than just the DVD release. Mentioned here previously: [url=]Prometheus DVD US release pushed forward to 09.10.12[/url]

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-25-2012 5:27 PM
I HOPE it is the date of the release of a short film (approx 1 hour long) about that space jockey's (from ALIEN) back story and what happened! Although i know that it is very unlikely, i can but HOPE!

The poster was good though!



MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 5:43 PM
es I know about the 9th stuff hmmm hard to say heres there own facebook shop saying 11th: [url=][/url] Anyway I know they love confusing us and mixing it up I just hope its not only the blu ray or they will look pretty stupid!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 6:07 PM
Well, I had major doubts about the 10/9 release date but as of now the Fox site has it listed as the 9th. At first, a good while ago, I was very optimistic about 10/11/12. Time and rumors came and went and I grew very pessimistic. Much more so than I was optimistic in the beginning. At this point things seem to point to something more than the dvd release. How much more is, of course, up for debate. I'm just going to kick back and wait. I'm sick of this ride. Hopefully it will be something cool. If not I'll be perfectly happy with the extras on the blu-ray. ***EDIT*** Here's the link to the Fox site that shows the 10/9 release date... [url=]Fox Home Entertainment[/url]

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-25-2012 9:48 PM
How anti climactic would it be if it turns out to be nothing at all? Haha.. all this hype and then... *fizzle* We'd be pissed I'm sure.


MemberChestbursterSep-25-2012 10:10 PM
i agree with necronom 4. i hope(and think) it will be a short film connecting prometheus and alien. i hope that will be on the dvd/blu-ray release! i have thought that since sometime in August and it would please every alien everywhere and we would be able to keep prometheus away from the alien movie(s.) except for the deacon of course, but i would be giddy if it turns out the way i want it to:)

Not a map, an invitation


MemberFacehuggerSep-26-2012 6:45 AM
Thanks for that engi - that has lifted my heart a notch!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Paul Littlefield

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 4:18 PM
I cannot decide whether it will be... 1. a short film featuring Peter Weyland and his exploits. It will be directed by Luke Scott and have more on the speech. 2. a teaser for the sequel, with the scenes shown in the Art Of book... the deacon coming out of the escape pod, walking up the hill to the Juggernaut and going to the control panel, seeing the other ship with the 2 survivors on a star map... ...either one would be nice. Please. Pretty please, with black goo on top. :-)

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-26-2012 4:45 PM
^@Paul Haha, nice. I like your #2 idea. But really, one shouldn't get their hopes up... better to keep expectations low. There is a DVD/Blu-ray coming out shortly, you know. :)

HAL 9000

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 5:12 PM
@ necronom 4 + cuponator3000: I strongly agree with you guys (whilst keeping up my hopes sky high). Knowing that the BluRay/DVD release date has been brought forward even as early as Oct 1st in the UK, hopefully means that it stands for something bigger. Why would FOX otherwise put that date right after the credits in a first theatrical release? Has anyone ever experienced something like this before? Not that I could remember, but please do tell me if I'm wrong... I've posted the following simple addition in other threads before and it goes nicely with the theory that this date might stand for a release of material that will make a strong connection between ALIEN and Prometheus. So here it is again, the maths speak for themselves, me thinks: [b]10 + 11 + 12 = 33[/b] (yes, the European dating system works just as well) [b]2012 (Prometheus) - 33 = 1979 (ALIEN).[/b] Some say this is pure coincidence, but that's just not good enough for me! And yes, there's the opening day of the NY ComiCon. Wouldn't that be an ideal hanger to break news like this? What do you guys think?


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 5:32 PM
It's for Day-One Bluray purchasers You know, to make you panic buy it week one
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