MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 11:54 AMcan you send me the link to where he says the helmets depict the beings who control time travel, would love to read it :)
[img width=351 height=150]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ML_kFkjpdzE/SK6uPUT8iKI/AAAAAAAAGm4/tzk1lye2eZE/s400/vlcsnap-94269.jpg[/img] "Frostmourne Hungers"

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerSep-26-2012 12:00 PMI will try to find it again!

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 12:10 PMplease do ! must know....the answer...
[img width=351 height=150]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ML_kFkjpdzE/SK6uPUT8iKI/AAAAAAAAGm4/tzk1lye2eZE/s400/vlcsnap-94269.jpg[/img] "Frostmourne Hungers"

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 1:39 PMThat is news, and I never read anything like that, not in news, critics or gossips...it is not even hinted on the book and the movie's Director's Cut.
Time Travel beings...I hope not, as time travel is another very cliche thing I would like to see away from this, as much as the damned bug and that senseless Queen...
Now for the idea of their suits imitating another species, that is a cool concept.
Be it due a very long conflict so the very image of their enemies simbolizes War and Conflict (both Prometheus installations and the derelict juggernaut class ship from Alien are millitary) or they just use it as a ruse to use against species allied to the SJ species or just because they were made by the Sj species as tools and after revolting against them they just copied already known technologie for their use (hence the size differences between the equipment and the juggernaut ship itself...)

MemberDeaconSep-26-2012 1:40 PMRidley said that he was a brother to the those in Prometheus.
To me that means he was a Engineer...
The Space Jockey some reports said was supposed to be 15ft others 26ft lol
The Idea for the Engineers was 9-10ft in Prometheus.
There are obvious errors in how Ridley Shot both Races in Prometheus well it was plain to see in some scenes and especially vs Shaw that the Engineer was well not 9-10ft he was 7.5ft
In Alien he used child actors to make the Space Jockey look bigger than the actual 14-15ft Prop to give a illusion of him being more than 20ft tall.
The Space Jockey Size conundrum well its down to mistakes by Ridley and i have yet to see him try and explain his way out of it.
So i will answer it for him....
Actual Approximate measurements of the Space Jockey and Engineer (discounting the Shaw vs Engineer and Child Nostromo Crew walk up to Space Jockey).
This gives the impression of the Jockey being 8-16ft tops, if we actually go by Prop size and Actor size as shown in movie (using booster boots) we have the Space Jockey/Engineer being between 7.5ft and 15ft
Now Humans Typically stand 4.5ft to 6.5ft tall. We do get some rare giants who stand over 7ft and up to about 8ft and we also get Dwarfs who stand about 4ft or under.
So the idea for Engineers was about 9-10ft but we see the last Engineer as 7.5ft and we also see the Space Jockey that is about 15ft....
I am simply saying that if Mankind can range from 5-7ft average or 4ft to 8ft then why cant the Engineers range from about 7.5-8ft to 15-16ft.
In this theory the Average Human is 5.5ft (inc both sexes) then the Engineers are meant to be about 10ft....
The average Human 5.5ft is to really small 4ft as 10ft is to 7.5ft really small Engineer (Bob) and also the difference from 8ft really tall Human to 5.5 average is likewise again the same scale difference from 15ft large Engineer to 10ft one.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 11:48 PMThe brother thing does not necessarily translates into them being Engineers. This a jump in conclusions that might be voided soon.
Planetary species might be "brothers" due having the same gentic ancestry and yet that are not the same (high primates are our genetic "brothers" yet we are not baboons nor gorillas) so Ridley's words are not really that enlightening nor close the case as the SJ in that ship being the engineers we saw so far...
They might be brothers for having the same base genectic template...so even humans are "brothers" or "sons" from those aliens...
This "brother" subject has not that much substance on the whole subject.
Plot wise, the size should have been respected as it was integral to the original SJ concept and mistery and its aliennes, and this new design much diminished its aura, no matter what those in love with these engineers might say. I am among those who were really left wondering were all that originality and really alien feeling went...
Especially now that I have been reminded of the original audio transmission left by the SJ in the derelict ship in Alien, there is no way those sounds were transmited by these engineers...continuity wise, these engineers then cannot be the same as the SJ we saw in Alien.
The vocal chords and language are totally different...just listen to the original transmission...we heard the engineer language and speaking pattern, so how we explain the audio transmission being transmitted in Alien?
The Space Jockeys are not the same as these Engineers....that audio transmission screams that...

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 5:49 AM^ Maybe it was the ship that "spoke" the transmission. There are theories that the ships are bio-mechanical, living entities themselves.
Or maybe the transmission got squelched because of the crash landing, hence the "screaming" transmission.

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 6:03 AMThe screaming thing was a figure of speech. There were no screams, it was a stream of chilling sounds in the book, and we hear a little of that in ALIEN.
Listen to the original audio file created for the movie. It was an audio transmission explaining the landing at that moon, the nature of the danger and to never anyone land there, spoken by that pilot on the chair, his last action before dying.
Here book differs as in the book they dare not describe the alien, but Giger dared enough to create the SJ as we saw it.
The transmission was coming from the Chair (Dallas pinpoints the transmission origin back then in the movie - in the book he discovers the alien device only) so it is implied by imaging that it was the last act of that dying alien. Both book and restored DC version puts Ash explaining that the message was being transmitted by the pilot, who described what killed him and his crew - this is clear cut in Ash's restored lines, maybe a tad smaller in context than the book, but still clear on that. So, not the ship.
The sound was inhuman, not made by the cavernous voiced "engineers" from this movie.
So we throw out one of the great ideas from back them to keep these "engineers" or we accept the fact that the SJ in that chair was not one of them...
Be as it may, that voice in that audio transmission (that pilot's voice) was not made by an "engineer" and no, it was not the ship as well...
Just for arguing sake, we could put the ship as the sender, obeying the last order of its master...but what is the point of having a ship comunicating to their masters in a language TOTALLY different from what these masters speak or are even capable of uttering? Illogical, like making David comunicating with the crew in shrills and squeaks...just illogical and purpose defeating.
Here is one of the inconsistecies that some might choose to ignore for pure defense of what they like (engineers) but a clear error in continuity, and a sad one, trampling on on e of a really interesting depiction of an alien language...

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 8:49 AMIt would be so fitting if the Engineers stole their technology from the true gods, and rebelled against their kings-- the Engineers, while stealing all their technology too.
It would also be fitting if the Engineers wore the true gods' suits and portrayed themselves as Gods like Weyland did. Also if they attempted to take their kings' place on the throne. So the Engineers are kings/gods in their own minds now like Weyland and like David... and wanted their parents/the true Gods(the Father) and the kings(the Elders) dead with their bio-weapons.
It would also be fitting if we weren't really created by the Engineers, but are more of an offshoot byproduct of their reproduction, and we are actually more like their younger brothers in a contrasting way to how the Engineers and Space Jockeys are brothers. The Elders are the Kings/Fathers of the Engineers, but only the estranged fathers of us. The Elders/engineers/humans were created by something else, but this something else acted as a brother to the Engineers. The Elders had already forsaken their god/the true father and started building an Empire. For this and many other reasons the Engineers rebelled against the Elders. The Engineers are now acting like the fathers they hate (like David) and the gods: trying to punish us... and wish to recreate us/improve us to make us more useful or faithful, as in many religious and mythological tales. Acting like our kings and rulers who get to decide how to treat us, but also emulating the true fathers/true gods/true Space Jockeys by wearing their tech while battling the Elders. All the brothers will eventually be brothers in arms working against the Elders, (+ David in the sequel), who are the real villains of the story. With David being more like an anti-hero.
Like David they would have then served their Elders and creators/the fathers in the past. Because as Shaw points out it's unlikely they are the true gods because they're us. And they couldn't create themselves originally. So who/what created them? Is it as simple as it being the Elders or evolution on some other planet? I think the Elders are more like kings who claim to serve higher powers than themselves, when the ancient humans and Engineers are the only ones who have witnessed a live creator God. Like the Pharoahs who would claim they had divine blood/genetics, the Elders believe they have a link to the true gods and they may. The Elders consider it divine to be genetically altered the way they are. In a way they are emulating the idea of god through their version of immortality. Being locked in a state where the goo is constantly breaking down and reforming them, giving them their scaly appearance. They're elder only in the way that Engineers who prove their worth can ascend through technology after years of service and become an Elder through genetic modification and gaining immortality. Because the Elders are the only ones who hold true immortality, but it comes at the price of not looking like the Engineers, the servant class.
And the Engineers never figured out immortality even when they stole the tech from the Elders. So they had to settle for extending their lifespans and abilities by making themselves bio-mechanical... they only picked up some of the genetic engineering tricks of the Elders. But the Elders are more like genetic modifiers, taking existing plans deconstructing them, recreating them in new ways, and rearranging/combining new elements within them. Modifying/hybridizing existing life; which the Engineer servants picked up a little of, but failed with their ratio of goo to xeno genetics. They were making the black liquid more of a weapon. And not knowing the extent of the morphing life-cycle and its own ability to rewrite and alter genetic material to reprogram it for a new use.
"Sometimes to create you must first destroy" it's not only about the Engineers... it's about egg morphing...

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 9:15 AMBut where is this immortality that keeps surfacing now and then?
Weyland wanted it due a really twisted conception that if they seeded life on Earth they would knpw how to make it biologially immortal....but that assumption is not linear to the first concept. One does not lead to the other in any way, so it was his twisted desire only.
Now where is this concept that these "engineers" are immortal???
David was beause he is not biological but trully synthetic.
On a more logical thinking, Weyland with all that money would be nearer his goal if he has invested in bionics and radical transplants, the he could eventually extend his life.
And on the movie itself, aside creatig really nasty (and cumbersome) bio-weaponry, there is nothing on this immortality concept.
Or are we saying this due this wording of Gods here and there...
Even if there is an Uber Creator on this story, so far it would be no deity at all, but an older, possibly vastly more advanced culture, but that does not make them deities in the real sense, only very advanced eings with technology almost magical, but still fruit of development and research...
Or we are moving truly lovecraftian, and Chtulhu created them all, and Nyarlatothep might be influencing both Weyland and the first engineers... Oo
They are Nodens, not engineers, or whatever.
Then true deities would be at play...
(Humm, xenos are proto-shoggots, or Nightgaunts...)
At least that would be a crossover to watch ^^

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 9:41 AMYes I think there is no true immortality, unless we do get closer and closer to the idea of a real god. Maybe the true space jockeys could hold it and passed down some of it to the Elders so they could figure out their version of it. But I think the point is that Weyland was wrong about this culture having immortality. Like the crew were wrong about everything. Some of us even misinterpreted ambiguous evidence in the trailers, thinking (justifiably so) that Prometheus would occur on LV-426 and feature the derelict crashing. This was purposely done, so that expectations could be shattered to leave us in a state close to what Weyland must have felt as he was dying. Knowing he was so wrong about it, not understanding the outcome completely. While some expectations are being prepared for the sequel, and prepared to be shattered. And some others will reform, but those expectations will be low now and be completely surpassed in the sequel... shattering and reversing some of the new expectations that Paradise will continue to be ambiguous or not answer questions.
Shaw was right, there was only death there.
David doesn't even warn Weyland about the DNA match to let him know that these are not gods or immortal beings.
They only appeared immortal because of their long life spans, they only appeared to be gods at first. Many things only appeared to be a certain way during the lead up to the release. And now many things could appear to go many ways. And the straightforward way that things appear to have gone, or could be interpreted by us and the characters in the movie is about to be completely reversed. At the last minute David does try to warn Weyland about his foolishness, short-sightedness, inability to see other possibilities, and his own upcoming demise. He does so in a very subtle way by commenting on their cryo-chambers to give his master one chance to save himself from himself, and from ordering David to tell the Engineer what he's after.
If they need cryo-chambers they aren't immortal and they may age.
David knew how some of this would play out. He also knew the ship was full of death, and that the Engineers were more interested in stockpiling bioweapons than immortality. He painted himself a certain way, as Weyland's humble servant, and really let him cause his own demise.
I'm thinking they don't have the genetic mastery that the Elders and True Gods have, so they infused themselves with synthetic parts and join with synthetic parts inherited from the true gods to even the score.
And even a king who is genetically immortal (won't age or break down) can still be killed or overthrown. Even the future king David is not really immortal, as all machines (or some of his parts) will rust eventually unless kept in an anaerobic environment. Even then it doesn't go so well when oxygen is introduced and the material has been attempting to break down at a molecular level in the absence of oxygen and other gases. Even then as soon as it gets any oxygen and moisture after 2000 years in a sealed environment with natural processes of breaking down semi-carried out the whole time & not being apparent in some cases... well the urn room is a good example of what happens to mummies when exposed to oxygen after being preserved for 1000s of years. They crumble. The stuff David sprays is like what they use to stop mummies from turning to dust when transferring them. It preserved the urn that David took back.
"A king has his reign and then he dies... it's inevitable"
Since we haven't met anything that's really close to a true idea of a godlike being yet, we haven't met true immortality. Just versions of it

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 10:23 AMI like your concept of these Engineers being influenced by the true Space Jockeys and thus wanted to mimic them.
It might be that coming ahead, and that is why their biosuits and some ships would mimic the Space Jockeys true ones.
Out of honor, admiration or even fear...or they just stole their technology
Immitate and not being the same, as we have the differences in size and even in design when comparing the original Space Jockey's figure and these biosuits the engineers use.
This would be a beffiting way to do it, keeping the mistery on the original and still keeping these egineers which are fond to some around...
Maybe the engineers are in conflcit with the true Space Jockeys exactly due this mimicing and use of unauthorized tech they do not even know how to handle.
No are deities, but they are powerful yet mortal...and lets notice one thing, that the original derelict ship found by the Nostromo does not have hypersleep pods...so lets not make thi another stupid plot hole/continuity problem, but another plain sign that those are not the same whatsoever. What we saw in Alien was the true Space Jockey and one of their ships, maybe even going to deploy those eggs against an engineer facility perhaps...but or a failure in the containment system happened or it was sabotaged. That put them as powerful yet not deities, prone to error or mistakes or external attacks.
Those concepts are interesting.
And before the "brothers to the engineers" argument comes back again, this line from Ridley Scott might be pure misdirection, or a little hint that they ARE related like in engineers were made by the Jockeys, or they have a common origin (an ancient seeder race passing through the Galaxy) or that they shared the same solar system or even planet once, and hence they might be in some kind of conflict ...this brother subject does not make the Space Jockey a biosuit straight away, and might just hint of a relation but not necessarily making that species the same as the engineers we saw so far.

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 10:47 AMGet this too, a lot of ppl in the movie and the series are pretending to be something they're not. Which leads into the androids portraying themselves as humans, portraying themselves as their creators and using deception.
Now skip some stuff for now and jump forward to Alien 3.
Here we see a Bishop at the end that is all kinds of up this alley. Potentially in both versions now. He pretends to be the head of the company, but i have a strong feeling the head of the company has been severed permanently, kept in the dark about who the real heads are. And that android Bishop II or not, he is lying to Ripley about being the head of the company.
He thinks by doing so we will trust him. But what do we know about this man in the end of alien 3? we know Bishop was created in this father's image. In this case we don't know for sure that the creator of Bishop was ever actually the head of the company, it was just a face that Ripley might recognize that is lying to her at the end.
Ripley pretty much calls him out on it and thinks he's another android pretending to be human. Pretending to be the creator of Bishop.
And when he's the android Bishop II it's actually an android pretending to be A) real B. the real Bishop/the creator C) head of the company etc. All things that the Bishop II android was not, but its image made it seem it could be that way. Ripley saw through the lies and deceit in both cases though, only because she knew the company would stop at nothing to get the bio-weapon and would say anything. It/he/the company may be using prior knowledge of her encounter with Bishop in Aliens, and knowledge that he told her he was made in the image of his creator. However, it's stated somewhere that Bishop was originally created for another company.
So the image and lineage presented were ultimately part of the plan to deceive Ripley into giving up and not sacrificing herself. He/It thought she would identify with a friendly face, but she knows it's not Bishop I. Furthermore she knows he's lying. And she can't trust the damn thing if it is another android, because even though she met a friendly Bishop she may still have suspicions about Bishop I after reactivating him.
Even the real Bishop II at the end of alien 3 is suspect now for not being the actual "head" of the company, and just being dispatched there to manipulate Ripley with his image. Explaining why he gets to Fury 161 so fast in that case.

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 10:59 AMI think it is a befitting way to do it too, sort of like getting the best of both worlds. But u may need to suffer the worst of both worlds to set it up properly so ppl are even more shocked to see the real space jockeys come into it. However, I don't think the filmmakers mind that their trick hurt. Because for the most part it worked. They can't show their feelings about it. David can't show his feelings about his trick or he gives it away, and feelings are his problem and also the solution to his inability to tell a complete lie. He chooses what to believe and report while analyzing the ambiguous evidence that can be perceived in many ways like a Rorschach test that reveals the viewers inner feelings and desires..
Many things in the movie are almost a hybridized concept. Like how the engineers may have tried to combine the goo and xenomorph to be a more effective bio-weapon. David being a logical instrument of science with artificial emotions. Or the way it's a prequel and not a prequel, and the way characters have contrasting elements within them like shaw's logic and belief. Lindelof has stated he initially saw the ancient alien in the suit idea as a retcon, but what if people are demonizing him when really Spaights never had a plan to have it eventually work both ways? Lindelof eventually said he warmed up to the ancient alien hominid in the suit idea. The suit idea and the bioweapon were always Ridleys, what if Ridley kind of liked the idea but had to have Lindelof on board to go through with it, and even still planned to give us some satisfaction later because of what Lindelof had added back in. He was brought in to do rewrites on a script that already has humanoid, ancient alien engineers. What if Lindelof found ways to make it all work, and the central theme of the stealing of the fire/multiple groups present in the Greek Prometheus myth were brought into it. And Lindelof even left clues to the Engineers/Elders not being the true gods, and the groups are represented by the Titans(Jockeys), Gods (Elders), and Demi-gods (Engineers, mixture of man and god), and that the whole Prometheus theme emerged out of that process?
In the myth the Gods have previously stolen the fire from the Titans, and overthrown the Titans in the past.
Instead of Bladerunner themes of simply destroying the creator, Prometheus is about replacing the creator/kings/next level up in the hierarchy...
It's about our creation, robots, wanting to kill their parents and to take the king's spot on the throne.
Thus the name change. And descent into even more secrecy, but also fox's unwillingness to shoot the sequel back to back when the alien elements had to be shuffled mainly to Paradise to make it all work.
I choose to believe, based on what I know, that Prometheus was only a small beginning intentionally. And that it gets a lot of the introduction and set-up for what's to come and the set-up for the reversals to come out of the way.
And what if all the mythology research and work that had to go into it looking back into the series to set Paradise up to change not only Prometheus retroactively, but also Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 was tremendous? If it works out this way, i could see it being a very painstakingly planned out process to play with our expectations and allow us to choose what to believe..
And the engineers might turn out to not be who we think they are in terms of ancient aliens either. That's what I choose to believe. But I also believe David's misled people about jsut about everything with his ambiguity, multiple intentions/meanings, and vague statements.

MemberDeaconSep-27-2012 11:30 AMYou pair have a good imagination and some good ideas....
I am not sure what way Prometheus will go, but i would not be getting hopes up too high for the Space Jockey to me nothing more than a 15ft Engineer.
I think your ideas are going a bit too detailed or complicated but i do like some of them, i agree having the Engineers as a Race who Stole something is what i think is going on, but stole from the Space Jockey that could work.
But i think the Elders and Engineers are just part of a hierarchy but i dont think the Space Jockey is part of that as far as a separate race.
I guess we will find out for sure in 5 years, but i am not sure if the ACTUAL STORY is going to be what many people wanted or thought and who knows maybe it would turn out to be something that neither side of the fence expected.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 1:25 PMThanks BigDave. Some of my theories I've had since before the release, only ever so slightly altered by the new evidence presented after seeing the whole movie. I wasn't really off that much because the potential for a lot of the things i was theorizing back then is still very much there. And little things like the stuff in this thread and the sealed door being way higher than an Engineer makes me question things. It's so tall that David needed a ladder to open it. Weyland and Shaw's mistakes are being replayed by the people who follow the straight forward interpretation, The average viewer will watch the movie and trust everything David says the first time through, as well as trust other character's views & the way things appear to be...
I wanted things to appear a certain way so people don't take my words too seriously. So I post everything as a mixture of my words about what is really going on and theory.
I do know a little bit about what went on, and from there can figure out some of the general directions it could be heading. From there I'm on my own because I won't admit how much I know (really what I know) that leads me to believe that this is the case, out of a respect for Ridley. I will however post it as if it is a mixture of knowledge, theory and belief. I don't want to outright say everything, and I usually write it in this particular way so that you can't tell what is theory, belief, knowledge, or a mixture of knowledge and belief.
Partially out of respect for Ridley, partially because I don't know enough to even make completely accurate statements about what I know/have heard. Due to that you have to deal with what I believe about the tiny bits of information I have on the way the sequel has been planned. I'll give u a hint the stuff i actually know is a lot more vague because I want it to turn out true when it does. Everything else is extrapolation and deductive logic that could be wrong-- based on some very true things I've already pretended to theorize alongside all my other views that are just theories at this point. Some of them
may be slightly true, but i allowed my intuition and own beliefs to run away with them to purposely make some of my theories more unbelievable, and to obscure the theories and parts of theories that are true.
In this way I'm just as evil as David or the filmmakers by leaving the clues and some minor answers right in front of you and allowing you to choose what to believe, while much of it is my own perspective on the data I and other creative consultants have seen in the past. Most are probably still attached to Fox or sworn to secrecy over the sequel. I'm neither but I also don't want to reveal too much of what was planned for the sequel before the name change. That's a problem too, much of the work that went into planning the sequel is now useless. Although much of those plans will also stay the same with the focus on the Aliens being pushed into the sequel. I'm also like David because I myself only have so much data, and jump to conclusions on purpose to portray that as my full view while hiding my other perspectives. Allowing intuition and feelings to come into it and using that to choose alongside a deductive form of logic. Connecting dots that might not connect all the way because of premises that can be valid or invalid.
I'm not affiliated with fox anymore, so I can do it this way and not feel guilty about betraying Ridley. I feel Prometheus only benefits from doing it this way, and only Fox would be stupid enough to not see it. Even if i could let something major slip that I hadn't arrived at because of minor things that I know are still happening.
Knowing full well that some paths lead the wrong directions, have been planned to lead multiple ways, and even the straightforward reading of clues could be deceiving because of the filmmaker's intent to confuse. The engineers wanting to destroy us to recreate us could simply be David's interpretation... Or ours.. He say's "sometimes..." followed by a vague statement that lets him get away from the whole truth. He didn't say that sometimes they go to planets and change the entire population into Fifield monsters. He said "sometimes to.." meaning he could be referring to anyone...
but he can't lie so he is answering the question, in a way, at the same time.
David being given artificial emotions means he has a tell when he is lying, he is ambiguous and insincere because he refers to multiple things at once, while choosing what to put the emphasis on, and leading the crew to believe a half-truth.
That was a conclusion some of us came to early on: that the juggernaut was going to Earth to destroy us ALL and change us. Now I don't even know what David meant fully in regards to the goo, as he has an ego/false ego problem like everyone else on board and is talking about his own big plans again as well... In a way that allows him to not lie about either the Engineers or his plans. This is all about David, nothing else matters except maybe the Aliens
Even though some of the theories and parts of theories I work with, and David states could be potentially true.
And because of all this (and maybe due to it) I understand what David is doing in the movie.
Plans can change and I'm sure i'll have lots of my expectations shattered along the way, having to accept all the evidence as I do. Something David doesn't do.
I'm partially doing it the way I am to make a point... That because this is what I choose to believe based on the evidence, and what I propose as my theory + in my statements-- it's not a lie. This is exactly what David does throughout the movie. It's about knowledge and belief. And because David has artificial feelings he's doing flawed science that's influenced by his own perspectives and feelings when he makes statements, analyses, conclusions and observations. Because there's not much solid evidence to go on. The solid evidence that there is only David can access, or accesses; and he chooses to remain vague, hiding much of it.
I analyze by using a method based on logically continuing the thread lines + deductive reasoning & what I know, which brings in an element of inductive reasoning. But like David I let my emotions play into it too much because I had a very, very small job consulting for Fox and learned more about the orginal two parter at that time. I was technically still under their programming until the movie came out. There's so much more i want to say now that i'm free, but I actually don't want to ruin too much now that I've seen Prometheus a number of times and get that this is all about not finding what you expect.
I feel like I contributed in some small way and can say that without Lindelof this all would have been planned a little differently and that the possibility we're talking about may not have existed if that movie had been made. The way it turned out opens it up for another group to step in by making it just ambiguous enough as to who the Engineers really are.
I'm always amazed by how close your theories are to some of the ones I've extrapolated BigDave. But I know it's being set up to reveal that the Engineers are not what we expected at all and imho that paves the way for what we're talking about when we bring the mythological groups back into it and start seeing more of the usurping of the rulers/creators' position and power theme developed.
By the end it'll be even more clear that the Engineers aren't gods. More like demi-gods.
I will say again here that it's my theory that only some of the sequel has been filmed in secret, based on what I found out about the filming. That's what I've heard from some semi-trustworthy sources. Not what I know for sure, but what I'm inclined to believe.

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 1:42 PMWell, surelly they will not go the more intrincate ideas...movie language is way different from book language, and actually way simpler many times, but then leave space for thoughts and ideas.
Actually great part of what I imagine is fuelled by my deep sadness to have seen what have they done with the Space Jockeys and the sadness to see the magic gone...or not, depending on what is coming ahead.
I try to fill out and justify, trying to salvage the original concept in any possible way...but I do not own the rights to the stuff, so whatever comes is out of my (or any of us) control, unless someone here is privy to the makers of this movie and can steer them to something different, and better by the way.
We can fill the gaps and create intrincate ways to salvage the mistery and the feeling of those images that actually made possible for them making the movie, but well....I have been already fooled by the traillers, so I am not expecting much from the sequel...after Aliens little hope of a true sequel I had since all that weirdness was included in the up to that moment thrilling and intriguing story.
My hopes went up again when I read it was not a prequel, but a story on its own in the Alien niverse, a chance to begin anew, and the scens with the SJ and their ship, alive and kicking! I let myself go even higher in my hopes but I cannot blame then on one thing only, they did not make me jump in the end, but trashed my hopes right from the start with that skinned steroid filled alien, so at least they showed how wrong I was at the very first scene...
Not a good start though...not by far...
Ad yet I liked the movie and I am interested enough to enter threads here and wait for the sequel, this time more out of curiosity than really having much expectations for it...