Probably been stated a few times, but I haven't been here in a while.. do any of
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Lee Wilson
MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 12:19 PMSeeing as I dont have anyone to talk to about this in real life here goes:
I apologize if his has been better written somewhere else 5000 times, but I didnt feel like searching thru pages and pages of posts.
My idea:
I'd prefer.
Xenos are the top species, who cannot procreate anymore so...
they created a two step process to procreate thru other species.
One: Us.Two an improved us "engineers" they use the larger more evolved "us" to create them via facehugger type means. The engineers see the xenos, who in this case are actually very intelligent, as their gods and understand the process and see it as an honor to do.So process might be like this:
Find suitable planet
Sacrificial evolved human drinks goo to eventually make a planet of us.
Engineers return with "goo" to turn us into them, while at the same time creating hosts for the true masters.. the Xenos. Xeons are such an old race they lost the ability to reproduce like we can. They needed to create a properly intelligent life form of adequate shape and size to base their offspring on. That, I think would have been a much more interesting order.
I like this idea because we never see female engineers, they look awfully similar, seem unisex if that's the right word.
The ship at the beginning does not look like their ship, maybe it is a Xeno ship? he is sacrificing himself to his "gods".
The murals.
So basically the star maps are a trap, when humans become so advanced we figure out where to go, are too curious not to check it out... our arrival triggers the engineers to head to earth knowing most likely there is a large population to start transforming..
I dont know just some random thoughts. funny I disliked this movie quite a bit towards the end and yet it still has be asking questions.
5 Replies

MemberDeaconSep-26-2012 1:11 PMThat is one side of the coin...
But then again i think coming to Earth many Millions of Years ago to seed life to then keep coming back to then upgrade and further engineer life until tens of thousands of years latter they produce us, purely as a means to use us as host for the Xeno is far fetched, long winded and a bit pointless.
I would further imagine that the Engineers could have created mankind in a much shorter span of time than go through Millions of years worth of Evolution and so i dont see the point to seeding life to then Evolve to us as a logical way of doing things for a Advanced Race.
Also why keep coming back giving us clues to the outpost on LV223 and then upgrading us for the sole purpose to create Xenos.
I cant say that theory is likely but i cant prove it to not be the thing thats going on.
Also why create the Xeno? To Worship such a Organism that only has one use and thats to wipe out a indigenous population/race and replace it with Eggs. To then collect the Eggs as Weapons?
Xenos are very difficult to control and contain and going around collecting Eggs would be dangerous but then to create those Eggs via seed life on planets to Evolve to a Humanoid species that can be used as Hosts for the Goo Bio Weapon to then create Eggs, is well very risky and long winded approach.
I also think the Urns are a better Bio Weapon than the Eggs and that be the Alien version (Deleted Scenes) or Aliens, they are also both very flawed Bio Weapons. As i will get round to in a Bio Weapon thread some time.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-26-2012 1:25 PMThe way i see it for starters is this.
Advanced Race wants to create mankind a Humanoid Race like them, surely they could clone and modify there own genes another way and develop a new Race with out the Process of Millions or Years to get to the end product.
Also to then wipe us out Millions of years after seeding the Planet and indeed many thousands of years after they managed to create Mankind itself.
If thats the case we have to ask why are the other Engineers not bothered, why have they not come to see whats happened to us and the mission and whats become of LV 223 and no contact for 2000 years unless the Last Engineer was saying that all has gone to plan to them.
But that would bring us to Prometheus 2 and should Shaw find the Home World which is full of Engineers and Elders who wanted us dead or to be used as Bio Weapon Hosts then surely they would then ask... how did she get there and it would not be long before they find out there mission was failed and they would then just set off another mission to destroy us and thus No Humans on Earth at least by the time Aliens comes around....
Is that the Sacreficial Scene was not intended to create Mankind, it was to seed the Earth for some reason and that a fraction of Engineers was left to watch over the Evolution on Earth maybe from Earth and maybe also from a outpost on LV 223.
But these Engineers (who are merely clones produced to carry out tasks of the higher order Elders or who ever is in charge/Top Dog) But these Engineers got fed up of being servants and they decided to create mankind by further Engineering themselves with the Life Forms on Earth.
Mankind was created many Millions of Years latter in a act that was well STEALING THE FIRE.... to create us.
They visited us and helped us to Evolve Technologically wise but eventually we became rebellious a race who like how those Engineers who created, decided why should we be subservient to our creators.
We stopped abiding by they orders and rules, we stopped worshiping them in the manner they wants and generally upset them. They come to a conclusion after trying to intervene (send down Emissaries) that we needed to be wiped out.
This is when they changed the Paradise that LV 223 was meant to be to a Weapons Re-Engineer Facility where they used the FIRE to re-weaponize the Xeno Bio Weapon into a new more manageable and applicable variant that has easier means of Storage, Transport and Containment with more uses as a Weapon.
This was PLAYING WITH THE FIRE too far and they got Burnt...
The Engineers and Elders are the Titans, the Engineers who was left to watch over Earth and those on LV 223 are in effect PROMETHEUS.
Thats my take...
How the Xeno came about is not known, i would imagine it was either a earlier creation or something they came across on their travels that they then used as a Weapon.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Lee Wilson
MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 2:40 PMThanks for the response man!
I will add I dont see the Xenos as hard to control or just a weapon.
In my process, the xeons are created and then "mature" or grow out of their kill everything that moves mentality.
think of it. Imagine nothing existed after Alien, no Aliens, no 3 or 4 or AVP.
All we know is this organism grows incredibly fast and has a murderous spree. How long did alien take place over? A few days maybe, two? So I am thinking, since this thing the "highest life form in my made up chain" grows so fast, it takes a while to mature. To become somewhat intelligent. In my mind, a month or two or whatever amount of time the alien becomes intelligent.
It is just a byproduct of the quick gestation that makes it so violent, temporarily. Then, the others of its space faring race pick it up and off into the stars they go.

Lee Wilson
MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 2:42 PMYou do have a point with them taking a very un-efficient way to do anything. I just like the idea of the aliens actually be intelligent, and having a very ass backwards reproduction cycle.

MemberDeaconSep-26-2012 3:20 PMThey are intelligent so are many predators (ant talking the movie ones lol ) but they are intelligent to fit their purpose.
I dont see them having a advanced civilization like creating the Xeno Car lol or having social interaction. What i mean is dont think they are just purely mindless killers or basic intelligence like a Spider or a Ant etc.. but i dont think they are close to Mankind or the Engineers or Predators for that matter.
They appear to me to have a limited purpose but they are very versatile and proficient at that purpose.
Some argue that Aliens made the Xeno a brainless killer where as in Alien it was a more intelligent Organism...
Well i would say that collecting victims to be cocooned so they can then be implanted by Xeno Face Huggers is not mindless killer mentality, it showed that they have a purpose to procreate their species and that they would sacrifice themselves to do that. And to act for the greater good of the hive.
The Xeno as a hunting machine and predator is very proficient and intelligent and then if we look at it in Aliens it also behaves in a way to perform its task and that is to collect Hosts for Xeno Face Huggers.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
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