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Prometheus Explanation Video

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Twin Perfect

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 2:38 PM
Hey everyone! I've been checking out this forum for awhile, reading through the discussions, and I'm really glad to see one of my favorite movies spark so much debate! This really is the best sci-fi movie of our generation if it's still being talked about this much :D My buddy and I made a youtube vid to try to answer some of the questions people all over the internet have, and I was curious what the people of this forum thought about it? [url=]Prometheus Actually Explained (With Real Answers)[/url] We even try to explain the Big Question, and came up with an answer some others have stumbled upon, that humans were created just as a step to populate Earth with xenomorphs (deeper explanation in the vid). Are we going in the right direction, or are we way off? I'd love to hear what you guys think :D *Link made clickable by Svanya
3 Replies


MemberFacehuggerSep-26-2012 3:54 PM
Hmmm bit slow off the mark :O I kind of wanted to turn off after you said how great lost was :O ! Tried to battle on... Ah its long ok sorry I didnt make it gtg now but the first load of questions didnt seem to be about the mistakes in logic that made people not like this film - hopefully there later on? That quiet eye video is wierd as it says yutani at the end - another mistake - hopefully not...Im hoping it was yutani spying on weyland and they are in part 2 starting in october 11th weeeee :S ...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Twin Perfect

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 10:58 PM
Thanks. I was hoping it would clear up some confusion with the nay-sayers and allow them to realize just how much information you can find in the movie itself! We were hoping to help a little so I hope more people watch. It really is enjoyable. Everyone I showed it to really liked it and felt so much better afterwards, so please try to finish the video :)


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 12:20 AM
I think we should try and think a bit more on some ideas. I know there are people that would like to see the bug coming or that those things are central to the story. Facts: Ridley Scott himself said he will distance himself fro m the xeno-thing, so that final scene was a farewell of sorts. From now on is ENGINEERS. Concept: To imagine (again) any intelligent species starting a project a billion years ago to produce a host to their bioweapons,[i] a billion years later[/i][u][/u], is simply illogical. Time spans as such...well, no way. I already reasoned about such a concept in another thread and I will not repost it, but there is no way such idea would come to pass. There is a line we draw between trying to depict an alien culture and motivations and creating plots with no logic...
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