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MemberFacehuggerSep-26-2012 4:55 PMOk probably got talked about already but just wanted to say: [url=][/url]
If this turns out to be nothing Ill be stunned and if it is something awful Ill scream! The only video left is the david post on the careers page - which is making me think TV series still :S ....
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D
4 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 5:12 PM*yeah. im shocked no one is talking about it in the other thread. pretty interesting video. ill just copy my interpretation of said video from the other thread into this one:
I like this video the best (from an aesthetic/design/editing perspective).
i think the collage bit (last half of video) is meant to be a representation of the information the Prometheus was transmitting in hopes of making contact with an intelligent civilization on LV 223 (remember the little holographic cube that was transmitting various pieces of human culture/expression/industry etc?). The aforementioned fictional transmission from the film is a nod to the non-fiction "Voyager golden records" launched from earth in 1977.'ll notice that the various bits of information contained within this last 10.11.12 video have a categorical designation like: "harmonics", "cultural output", and "industrial output". The little cube is outputting info that defines what it means (and has meant) to be assortment of our most noteworthy creations/expressions.
Pretty cool little video if you ask me. bring on 10.11.12!

HAL 9000
MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 5:26 PM@joeyjoe: Great observation and analysis of that clip. I think the entire transmission is a lot longer than what we've seen so far, and will hopefully be revealed in full on the DVD/BluRay or later on 10.11.12. When you say [i]"harmonics"[/i], are you referring to the violin play (of a musical young Shaw, I believe)?
Oh, isn't that equipment and the 'new' vehicle just awesome? I really like that new clip.
I just watched that clip again, and realised what you meant by [i]"harmonics"[/i] as it is clearly labelled on the right. But still, the violin play might be part of the entire transmission or otherwise a separate one.
In the scene on the bridge where Holloway is slightly offended by David mentioning his [i]"thesis"[/i], a part of the transmission can be seen in the holographic projection between them. I spotted some elements from today's clip. Yay!

MemberFacehuggerSep-26-2012 5:33 PMYer - just seems too much effort for something small...just saw the quiet eye clip again with the yutani logo...still wondering when that company will come into it..
hmmm so france gets the blu ray next wednesday does anyone get it before them?
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 2:19 updated AGAIN!
so looking forward to the blu ray!
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