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MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 5:47 PM
Is this a easter egg in a movie or a predator was present in the room hiding and observing the humans. This happens when Janek and the crew goes back in the oozing urn room finding Milburn and Fifield. Janek is walking then suddenly three red dots appear on him and moving out of the screen suddenly the crew find Milburn. You can view this on Youtube.
26 Replies

HAL 9000

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 5:55 PM
I think what you've seen there is one of Fifield's mapping/scanning devices which he playfully calls "puppies".


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 6:12 PM
They show the room empty of pups mapping device. The way these lights move and look exactly like predator lights was done purposely.


AdminEngineerSep-26-2012 6:18 PM
They were the pups.. no Predators. There were no Predator refrences or influences in Prometheus. Prometheus is strictly ALIEN - even THAT isn't close enough to what Prometheus is. Prometheus is it's own film - it's own mythology, it just happens to have some ALIEN elements in it to keep the universe connected. However, if you're a Predator films fan, I suggest you check out [url][/url]... just a thought... ;)
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 6:32 PM
I'm just saying because both franchises are owned by 20th Century Fox. It is possible that they can put references between the two like predator 2 an alien skull was present.


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 6:39 PM
@Chris Well, i think it's more than just having Alien "elements". It's simple. The connection is simple. Same universe. The Xenomorph. That's it. And now let's hope it keeps straying further away, and that Ridley Scott stops trying to cater to the Alien nut-swingers who come in to the theatre and expect an Alien prequel. I hate it when people say something like "it's not as good as the original Alien" or "Prometheus was better than Alien". Either way you look at it, it's stupid. They're not directly connected. There's nothing left to DO in Alien. And i think the Alien story is permanently over. For the better... There's just no depth. Nothing to explore anymore. Other than the Engineers, of course. People need to STOP comparing the two freakin' movies!


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 7:43 PM
excellent post @ prenihility. totally agree. and Sorry guys...there are no predators lurking around on LV 223. I dont understand why people even think thats remotely possible. Just because predator 2 semi-hijacked the xenomorph doesnt mean that the alien universe has ever had anything to do with predator etc. No alien film has ever even intimated that "predators" exist in the "alien universe". A predator farting around in the ampule room is as likely as a scene in prometheus depicting homer simpson dipping a donut into the black goo. The two franchises' are apples and oranges.

HAL 9000

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 7:56 PM
[b]@CROSSGENETX:[/b] I just re-watched the entire scene (I believe you're referring to the second visit to the temple, where Holloway gets sick) and as far as the theatrical cut is concerned there really aren't any 'pups' present at that time, and I'm sorry to break it to you, no direct dots of red lights on Janek either. All we see is helmet/suit mounted lights and colourless LED hand torches. However... ...some of those torches focus light from 3 separate LED's and what we can see appears to be either a reflection, refraction or simply lens flare effects in the camera. But if you're desperate, I can see how this can easily be misinterpreted as 3 red dots of light (and I do sincerely hope that this is not intentional, Mr. Scott and Mr. Lindelof). Furthermore, I think people should differenciate between 'easter eggs' and simple nod's. If you have seen some of the deleted scenes, then let me ask you: Would you make a connection with Blade Runner just because we can see a charismatic Janek hitting some random keys on Vickers' piano? Surely not. [b]@Prenihility:[/b] I very much agree with you. ALIEN is a dark horror/sci-fi movie that makes no attempt to ask or answer big questions, left alone to touch big mythologies and should therefore be left as it is. ALIEN didn't need any depth, it had a different purpose (at least in Scott's vision of O'Bannon's original script). If people believe to see any depth, then maybe in context with social issues such as human-android relationships or a sinister plot by the Weylan(d) Yutani Corp. But let's be honest, most of it is read into the story in retrospective and many people have 'reviewed' ALIEN in the wake of Prometheus. But having said that, I wouldn't mind seeing more little nod's along this exciting journey, for example someone briefly mentioning a certain Lt. Ripley, Cpt. Dallas or even a Powerloader lurking in some dark corner. But that's almost more than I'd ever wanted...


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 9:42 PM
@HAL 9000 What you say may be true in regards to depth. But, if it were so, then why not just let Alien be the great film it is, for what it is? And leave it at that. The fact that they made such pointless sequels is just ridiculous. I've said it about a million times. Ripley's character development was the BEST thing we got, in the end. The way she was transformed in Alien Resurrection was a pretty awesome thing to watch. And this is coming from a gamer. So i know all about good character development. And Ripley's is a great example, especially in the movie world. Aliens... running around, killing people = POINTLESS. I really wished they'd have stopped after Alien. Just.. being one of those standalone films that don't have any sequels. And that are just remembered as the future-proof classics they are. As for more relation in the Prometheus series (whatever the hell you'd call the series), the Xenomorph's origin, and its relation to the Engineers is the most Ridley Scott could do. And the most he SHOULD do. I couldn't help but want to punch some nerd in the back of the head, as we were walking out of the theatre once the credits started to roll. I heard nothing but "XENOMORPH!" ... and i almost lost my shit. And the surgery scene... STOP IT, SCOTTY! And NO, i'm not saying that because it was a LITTLE gross... i'm saying because i KNOW. I KNOW that he did that to cater to the freakin' Alien nut-huggers out there. Those little things were present in Prometheus. And the subsequent movies have to STRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY even farther away from the Alien movies. The thing i'm sure EVERYONE AND THEIR GRANDMOTHER would agree on remaining in the Prometheus (seriously... what do we call this franchise?) films; is the design of Alien. Gigers mech-bio hybridization design. That, is always lovely to see. And taking into account the fact that the Engineers are so ancient. And that they uphold the law of the creators, that design is their design. Not the Xenomorph's :D. Their ship interiors, their suits. Everything related to them. And now. I don't know if the OP is even FOLLOWING this thread anymore. LOL... We've all been a victim of this, and always been a part of it. So i'd like to apologize. I'm sorry. But all i can do is either complain, or just try and contribute to make this series better. Because i've never been more disappointed in a movie before. And i don't think i ever will. Prometheus was supposed to be the movie of my life... Anyway. Here i am, getting carried away again.. I want to apologize for taking this thread elsewhere! LOL! We've all been a part of it, and have been a victim to it. Sorry... Eeerrrr... that being said. I actually thought that, too. Honestly. I thought those were Predator lasers at first! Seriously... But, yeah. I don't think it was a cameo ( i don't know... we'd have to ask Scotty himself) so we can't know for sure.. They looked literally identical! Too bad no one posted a screenshot. Would've been good for analysis.


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 9:47 PM
Whoever produces, writes and directs Paradise better help Scott put more focus on making it more entertaining than scientific or intellectual.


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 10:06 PM
@warrior7: i understand what you are getting at, but we must remember that being entertained is a subjective thing. I found prometheus to be very entertaining. presumably, you didnt. Neither of us are wrong. Is what it is.


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 10:46 PM
I would greatly prefer that whoever goes with shooting the sequel does exactly the contrary: pays less attention to pointless and empty "entertainment" ad focus on a more deep and satisfying story. Entertainment focused movies created Aliens and all further sequels, and degraded such a masterpiece that Alien, which keep its intensity once you just ignore those sequels and all the unnecessary silliness we saw on those movies. I agree with Prenihility, Alien should have remained a stand alone movie if the only way then were those sequels... Stand alone and years later Prometheus would come... Too much "entertainment" and the only thing you got is shallow movies made for teenager audiences, which is something poisoning even animes nowadays... Matinee action movies would not even give stuff for debates and thoughts, something Alien had...


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 12:38 AM
I am with Voidhawk on this, absolutely.


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 7:36 AM
I don't want a marine shootout either. But I don't want it to be another Wrath of the Titans plot or anything like that with all the Greek gods and such


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 9:20 AM
To answer your question I found it very entertaining, but also very disappointing very reasons you know


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 9:30 AM
Ah, on that I agree. I liked the movie, and I find it entertainning, but I am gauging some of my critics on the original Alien and thr book, and how some ideas and concepts on he new movie were a big time letdown to a great many fans out there, and this due studios politics, cheap popular appeall and the danger of going the easy way with matinee like movies. Science fiction is derailing slowly and that has been for a long time now...I just finished Battleship, and that was gross, but then it is an action movie travested with space invaders and such...but it saddens me to see where science fiction movies are going... Nowadays we have more quality science fiction ideas coming from animes than from movies, and nothing really new is coming about...but this is me ranting, so let it be... And yet, things thought provoking like the Space Jockey in the first Alien...I hoped for a lot more, a great deal more than 80's TV series aliens and was a great disapointment.


MemberDeaconSep-27-2012 11:49 AM
[i][b]"They were the pups.. no Predators. There were no Predator refrences or influences in Prometheus"[/b][/i] I agree this movie is not about Predators but there are some clues that could be used to simply tease us to make a connection. 1) Yes there are 3 red lights like the Predator.... Janek shines his torch which unlike the others is made of 3 lights these are white in colour but they seem to bounce of the Camera Mans Camera to make a glare of 3 red dots. Very odd for that to do that in that colour, and maybe it was a accident or maybe on purpose as a subtle link to Predator. 2) The Urns contain Glyphs on them that are different to those in the Temple on the Walls, Doors and Cryo Chambers etc... these Urn Glyphs do have a similar look to Predator Glyphs. 3) There is a scene where David touches Green Slime, but this i think is not luminous like Predator Blood and up close its just basically galactic snot... Are these things connected to Predator... well not be intention they could either be purely coincidence and accidental or they could be added on purpose only to mislead us to allowing some to ponder if their is a connection. Ridley and Lindelof have left many visual clues and hints and also in things that they have said that leads to a lot of contradiction and confusion with the ultimate aim to make it so no one theory we come up with can stick as it there would be holes in every theory. This is Lindelofs style and the aim is to keep the movie ambiguous. I am not falling for the tricks and thus i think anyone who thinks the Urns, or Deacon produce the Original Xeno, those who think we will see Predators and those who hope we will see the Original Space Jockey.... i.e not a Engineer in a Suit, will all well be left disappointed because i think none of the above are the case.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 1:07 PM
Alien and Prometheus were done very professionally, almost like the epics you see in the 60s. Thats how Paradise should done as well. Now, whether its more about the Engineers or the Xenomorphs is the real debate.


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 1:53 PM
Epic... Alien was a landmark in science fiction. And that is that... Prometheus is not delivering much yet, only debates, so it remains to be seen if the stoy will kick off or not. About what it will be abouth, well, lets take Ridley Scott's words literally, then forget the xeno is its own movie, so no xenos despite the little homage at the end. It will take off on its way from now on, about the engineers and so on... I sadly agree with BigDave on the SJ....probably we will just need to forget for me ALIEN is a stand alone story, and Prometheus is another thing altoghether. I am adept of the MultiVerse idea anyway, so that is it XD


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 2:11 PM
Ok, I'm not saying that is a link ... could just be a mistake, a curious coincidence or as the explanation of @HAL 9000 ... but yeah, I remember seeing the lights on the chest of Janek and certainly they looked like this LOL [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 8:46 PM
Quick question, why would they even bother showing the Deacon if they aren't going to continue the Alien strand in some way? And it seems that none of you can explain the shot with all the dead engineers piled up from what I can tell. I'm just saying. I know its not a direct prequel, but there are two many cameoes, references and hints towards the original franchise to say its completely out of the picture. Especially the deacon scene, if Scott wanted to end with it leaving Alien behind, why the hell would he bring a completely knew (although not really) monster into the ring?


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 4:19 PM
I myself prefer science-fiction films that make you think and entertain your brain. Entertainment is great when it is used well in a science-fiction. I myself want to be intellectualy challenged. If I want pure entertainment I head to the theatre and watch films like The Avengers. Which by the way was very entertaining for what it was worth. We have to remember that science-fiction is supposed to be about science. Which in turn is supposed to surprise us with the unknown. Which is always fascinating.


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 9:14 PM
Science Fiction when done well and with details is always entertaining and mind provoking. Action and adventure can be just fantasy and you do not need to stick to cohesion and a minimum of respect to scientific extrapolation. But if you are going to move into science fiction, you should respect those who are going to watch or read your work. Again I mention The Giants Novels, which deal with the same theme Prometheus has, with such a grand scope (20 million years of history there, and the creation of man as well) and is science respecful and very, very entertainning! About the xeno frenzy over that thing in the end, pay heed to what Ridley Scott said. For sure and naturally he should make a note, a homage to the old franchise, but that is it. We do not know what happened on that installation 2000 years ago, and making it a xeno outbreak would also be natural, for they were working on that weapon, but that is it. He said (RS) that he will move away from the monster movie deade franchise (Aliens and so forth) and that is the move to do, or else all related to ALIEN will die...and we fans of ALIEN (I am not saying fans of the xeno...heck, ALIEN has much more than that BUG!!!) should rejoice with his words. There is room now for a whole civilization to explore, with awesome technologies and mysteries to unfold, a whole galactic civilization already over a billion years traversing the galaxy...THIS is WAY more interesting and mind provoking than magical mutating DNA or bugs running the floor...


MemberOvomorphSep-30-2012 2:39 AM
The basis of us going anywhere near that civilization is that they were making weapons to annihilate us. One of the canons of Paradise's plot is discovering the true nature of that weapon. And I must say, after listening to recent interviews with Scott, Rapace and Fassbenger, I doubt they are going to the Deacon in the dust while exploring this new civilization. Scott and his creature effects team from Prometheus stated how it is an ultramorph with far more physical prowess than the Drone from Alien and look forward to seeing it develope in the future


MemberDeaconSep-30-2012 1:27 PM
@warrior7 As i have said a few times i think the purpose of the Deacon was to show that the Black Goo in the Urns can via a series of events create a Organism which has a lot in common with the Xeno. Thus the Deacon ultimately connects the Goo with the Xeno and both with the Engineer Race. I do think it a little odd ending, and they should have shown the Deacon die, or had it that Fifield mutated fully into a Xeno type creature to make the connection. Because as you said we are now left with this NEW Alien Monster and we have to wonder it would be visited in other movies? But then if Ridley wants to steer away from the Xeno and similar then doing a movie about the Deacon would not really be vastly different and also we have the plot hole.... That is the events that lead to Nostromo going to LV 426 and the Colonist on LV 426 prior to Aliens and the Sulaco... And how in this timeline and events, how come they never come across Shaws message or LV 223?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-30-2012 6:55 PM
About that message, well, we know the Nostromo was sent there to specifically get one crew member infected and bring it back to Earth. Another thing we know is that the Earth ban on foreign alien life forms entering Earth space is rigid. So maybe Earth gov has received the message and that made laws more strict...or not, as rigid laws are logic agains bio-contaminants. And maybe The Company (Weyland Ind.) received the message and started listenning to that system more closely to try and find any other alien signal, and thus detected the transmission to the moon were the derelict was. They should have some base to translate an audio signal, for that matter. About the xenos, despite the " homage" to the old, dead franchise, they would not put again the monster movie thing into this, or else they will kill any further sequel beyond Prometheus 2. Even if some still like the genre, it is a minority and the vast majority would just ignore any more Space Ants movie...we have Avengers and such for monsters, and those not even purport being Science Fiction.


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 7:53 PM
Maybe their is more to the Xenos than we think. What if what we saw in the Alien franchise were just their soldiers with the Queen being their general? I think the Xenos have their own civilization with Elders and social classes as well. Its possible that the Engineers were at war with the Xenomorphs and had to test their most potent weapon on another species they made to see if it worked. Well, it works alright. And based on the last minute or so of the movie, not to their benefit.
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