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MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 6:19 PMBeen reading some reviews in other places and so many bash Ridley for character development.
We must remember the Prometheus crew was put together by Weylands own private funds. He's intrigued by Shaw/Holloway research then puts together a crew. He personally thinks everyone is the best in their field. They've never worked together and hadn't even been told about the reasearch till they arrived in orbit.
Its not Ridleys flaw in character development, it is Weylands:
A trillionaire throwing his money around without a clue of how to outfit space exploration or rules to engage possible alien contact or quarentine. Everything fell apart and the characters acted right on!
The humans have their own ideas and hidden agendas concerning the aliens, yet while their curiosity and terror drives the movie its only a backdrop to the more interesting storyline.
!!!OUTBREAK of powerful evolutionary stimulant and ORGIN of ALIEN!!!
These aliens produce a powerful evolutionary stimulant, smart enough not to make it on their home planet for all the obvious reasons but not smart about how to store it. Canisters held remains of dead test subjects (beginning of movie, alien disentegrated into black goo as his DNA was shredded) Canisters were placed in underground tombs (supposed to be why ancient Earth civilizations follow this example for the dead)
MISTAKE #1 Canisters should have been placed in "clean rooms".
Soil contains too much microscopic life, much of which is in larval form and in need of a host to reproduce and complete life cycle -movie shows night crawlers in the ground and they eat soil. The first significant change would have been with the night crawlers into the eel-like things. How it changed from there, movie doesn't show but it destroys the alien crew.
MISTAKE #2 (boyfriend drinks from tainted glass) Holloway was changing into alien yes, but we are not alone in our bodies, that powerful evolutionary stimulant did a number to the microscopic organisms in his digestive tract, they mutated and he became infested with them (eye). The evoultionary stimulant would incorporate [u]all[/u] available DNA and rewrite reproductive material, thus mutated sperm got Shaw pregnant (face grabber, hatching out of a human egg)then ALIEN as we somewhat know it.
GROUND ZERO: Microscopic parasitic organisms.
EXPLAINS: Why life cycle must involve retuning to digestive tract. It must have acid for blood to survive that environment. Evolutionary stimulant explains why Alien changes with each encounter. (ALIEN 3 it was more dog-like- ALIEN vs PREDATOR it looked like a Predator)
11 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 9:13 PMNo - she surgicaly removed (fetus?) -
Huge face grabber technicaly hatched out of human ovum/egg, yes.

MemberOvomorphSep-27-2012 6:26 PMNot sold on the Bio-weapons idea yet - still looks to much like an accident with the seeping canisters.
Im begining to wonder if this race sought genetic engineering to improve and while they achieved great levels of strength, health and intelligence, it somehow made them sterile. (Their apperance keeps making me think of white cloned lab rats) Too much cloning would eventually damage the DNA, thus it would make sense for them to use this method to repopulate worlds.

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 9:50 PMDID ENGINEER BOW TO WEYLAND?
Come on people be realistic!
Imagine yourself part of a crew that is under attack by a xenomorph of your own creation. Scared shitless you hide in a cryochamber to lower your body temp and heartrate so creature is not drawn to find you. 2,000 yrs later you wake up, your fears are still acute but a handful of children and their robot toy irritate you with stupid questions! "Hell I still gotta get out of here" you think and I cant simply leave these humans behind or the creature will keep evolving, I must kill them before I go.
This is certainly what the engineer was thinking!

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 12:27 AMThe hollogram depicting the last log entry does not show those engineers in a hurry nor they seemed worried. They were really calm, even relaxed, so that recording should also be better explained...

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 8:06 PMI agree Voidhawk, it could be the recording of an uneventful day - work as usual, but the hollogram in the corridor- they sure look scared as hell, runninng and looking over their shoulder.

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 6:02 PMVoidhawk-
Another thought about your last statement:
(There's nothing in the movie that says for sure Earth was the next destination, it could be Earth was their last trip out.)
These alien engineers seeded our planet with their DNA and according to the cave wall/burial tomb drawings they have had contact with humans many times to tell us about the star system they come from. It could be that particular ship had just returned [u]from[/u] Earth. Last recording showing them powering dwn ship. Unlike the first ALIEN movie there was no warning beacon- they may have arrived to an empty station and made the mistake of trying to find everyone. The hologram in the corridor, they sure look scared as hell.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 9:41 AMIn the last hologram, they are clearly powering up, not down. We see the engineers entering the control room, getting *into* their chairs one by one, and powering *on* the controls. Also, the planet earth is depicted on the pilot's control chair as the last remaining holographic image before it disappears. It's pretty clear the earth was the destination. But something kept them from leaving.

MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 3:05 PMWell again the only clue we have to any time frame was the running Engineers Hologram that showed the one whos head got cut off... they found his body and carbon dated it.
But the actual Hologram in the Orrey/Pilot room well that could had been from before or after the other Hologram and these Engineers did not look worried at all, or showed any concerns.
So this either happened maybe prior to the outbreak (remember there was 4 Engineers and 3 Sarcophagus have holes in them while the Last Engineers was fine).
Or did it occur after the outbreak....
I am going to assume that the Engineers was planning to leave, got into Cryo Pods, then one of them well did something to the others. And then he either.
1) Contacted the others who came to the temple to investigate and only when they got there they found out that there was something very very wrong.
2) This scene is of the ship taking off from somewhere and not before the ship had tried to take off, but the events happened prior to the Derelict docking into its bay, the other Engineers come to go on board and then all hell breaks lose.
I do think that the goings on in that Hollogram, happened prior to the Engineers in the sarcophagus being chest busted that then lead to the others running off.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 5:24 PMBigDave:
Your thought about one of the engineers doing something to the others and whatever plans going very wrong:
I've been stuck on the idea from the beginning of the movie, that the engineers are a benevolent race but this occured to me (Its a thread that seems to play though the ALIEN movies = a plot to have someone unknowingly (while in cryo-sleep) carry a chest burster to Earth) I guess we shouldnt assume that the whole race of engineers are thrilled about the human race.
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