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MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 2:59 PMIn the deleted scenes - when the Engineers speaks his voice reverberates around the chamber in a fashion which chills the blood, anyone agree? Why didn't they keep this in? Tiny nuances like that make huge differences in the fear factor. Never mind pacing.
Cannot wait until a week on Monday to snaffle the Blu-Ray.
5 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 3:22 PMagreed. "the engineer speaks" is the only deleted scene (thus far) that i would like to have seen in the film.

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 8:26 PMChills....
But there is no way the engineer uters his speech like it was in the record the Nostromo received (and The Company deciphered) and that was chilling...

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 8:34 PM
Sorry to dissent, but...
It's quite weird to me that he has the voice of a monster.
He's big, so it would predictably be very deep (and possibly quite loud), but I feel that it would have been even more effective if it had not been so (over) processed.
I understand that Ian did a great job of delivering his lines originally. I would really have liked to have had the chance to hear that.

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 8:40 PMI on the other side would have liked them to speak as they should, like in the record Nostromo received, but then it would not have come from a human like vocal chord...
The alien then would have not been those we saw on the screen...
Space Jockeys!!!
But this is not what it is...
Well, to work with what we got, then let them make it at least a bit alien least that...not some strong voiced tall basket ball player...
(all in all, this also is too humanoid centered of a plot...not something I really sign to, even if that is what we are stuck with)

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 1:17 AMI think the TRULY alien may be in the sequel, the makers might really crank it
up a notch with the scare factor, watch..........
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