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extended cut

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MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 5:03 PM
which is it....will the dvd/blueray contain an extended cut or will they just show the extra scenes as a separate bonus feature?
16 Replies


MemberFacehuggerSep-28-2012 5:42 PM
Pretty sure it'll be separate though a new cut of the whole film is needed :( ...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 6:03 PM
I just saw an ad for the BluRay on telly 5 minutes ago: "1 alternate beginning - 1 alternate ending." I too wondered if this is a director's/alternate cut or just deleted scenes?

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-28-2012 6:05 PM
It's just deleted scenes. Ridley has stated that he is happy with the theatrical cut and that it IS the director's cut. And if they release all the extra footage in a deleted scenes section, then why would they go back and put them into a new cut? That's silly...


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 6:23 PM
@patient leech: accurate and thorough response.


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 7:45 PM
Ridley says of the scene "The Engineer Speaks" in his commentary, [b]"I thought it was fine for him to speak."[/b] HOWEVER. He does NOT speak in the theatrical release. THEREFORE. I interpret his comment as: it came to pass that [u]someone influenced him[/u] to change it and cut it out. I am in the camp of "a new cut of the film is desirable," however, I do not think it will be on the blu-ray on the 9th. I'm predicting it will be a part of the marketing run up to *Paradise, and it will, of course, have its own separate price tag.


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 8:07 PM
So we must wait the Director's Cut version in a year or so...right before the release of the sequel.


MemberDeaconSep-28-2012 8:35 PM
Well i think Ridley has lost the plot if he feels the movie he realased was his prefered cut as it was butchered. Now i dont mean because some scenes was cut like the Elders or the Final Battle, or even the Alternative Fifield and Holloway and Shaw Bed Scenes. But the rest could have been added even if trimmed slightly, so i think its a two fold thing.. 1) Maybe they was told to release a short running time by Fox for the Theatrical. 2) And yes they can milk the cow by releasing a DC and Extended cut at a later date and i would not be surprised if we see as many different cuts as we did with Blade Runner eventually.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 8:44 PM
Yeah, I think that is what will come, and probably any Final Cut will be released in tandem with the next movie...

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-28-2012 8:50 PM
Yes, Ridley has said that he edits for time, to "get bums in seats." But again I will pose the most relevant question: Would it be worth it to the studio to force Ridley (against his will) to do another cut when they've already revealed the extra material via a deleted scenes section? I'd like to hope that they [i]won't[/i] milk this unnecessarily out of respect to Ridley Scott and his expert craft. I think Fox should be careful not to alienate (no pun intended) us fans by unnecessarily raping our wallets because Prometheus already seems to be gathering a rather devout following. Such a shameless attempt to milk it would likely annoy us (me, anyway). They've already got toys in production, sequel(s) on the way, etc...


MemberDeaconSep-28-2012 9:27 PM
I would ultimately leave the longest cut until all 3 movies are done and released as a Box Set.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 9:33 PM
Humm...6 years at least...


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 3:31 AM
i think its a bit silly to comment on certain cuts of films and difference scenes when the story has not been told yet. We have no idea what is coming in the sequel. The scenes that were cut i thought were cut correctly (with the small exception of 'the worm' scene which gives explaination to the strange reaction to hammy the worm later on). The speaking engineer didnt change the fact he handed all thier asses to them on a plate The 'Paradise' scene i would imagine is to keep a little suspense in the sequel I think if you look at them all (deleted/alternate), there is nothing that changes the direction of the film, and some of the cuts we just comical (put daves head in a bag, there we go!), the ONE thing that stood out for me was the fact David gulped when he was asked to take them to 'Paridise'. He knows what is waiting for them and doesnt want to go...


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 5:41 AM
What bothers me is the lack of an option, I've seen this done on very low budget films over the past ten years and still can't wrap my head around why big studios feel the need to squeeze every penny out of us over years of re-releases. What I'm talking about is a simple option in the menu to add in scenes to the film, that way you can watch it in it's original cut or in a extended cut, hard to support films that want to nickle and dime you over new edits years down the road, I'm personally just going to film it all and edit it myself and have the definitive extended directors cut now.


MemberOvomorphSep-30-2012 2:24 AM
@robin50n: +1


MemberDeaconSep-30-2012 1:42 PM
It would appear the the collectors addition will have a 4th disc and this could be a extended cut. I would expect these scenes to be added to the movie runtime.... 1. Arrival of the engineers.... 2:41 2. T'is the season............. 1:07 4. Skin........................ 0:51 5. We're not alone anymore..... 1:32 7. Holloway hangover........... 1:35 8. David's objective........... 0:31 9. Janek fills Vickers in...... 3:43 10. A king has his reign....... 3:56 12. The engineer speaks........ 4:23 14. Paradise................... 5:20*********** ******** I think they would edit out some parts as the deleted scene we have a few changes, like Shaw saying your a F-in robot then grabbing his head stuff into bag.... followed by when she goes to repel out the Juggernaut you see Davids head is not in the bag. So they would have to cut the shot of his head out of the bag if they are going for the alternative head into bag scene, but they could do the Paradise scene just cut the "your a F-in Robot" onwards to what was in the theatrical. Also maybe they could add some parts of the Fifield attacks alternative scene and mix them with the orginal Fifield. So the scene is extended like the alternative but cut back in the Zombie/Toxic Avenger Fifield shots. And lastly the Last Battle.... i think they could do the extended scene up to the point the Engineer comes aboard.. then cut in the theatrical version. As the longer one the Engineer is not burnt, only when the Squid Grabs him... but they could add the Axe scene if they edit it to just as he comes through the last door where Shaw does not have the axe and then cut the part if his hand coming through to open the door and replace with some kind of explosion sound and a Engineer moan/groan... Then cut to the theatrical shot, this would give the impression of after Shaw escapes after Axing him, some how he gets burnt when coming through the door. I do have a feeling though that the Engineer vs Shaw scene wont make it as not only due to the not being BURNT inconsistency , i dont think Ridley was keen on the scene itself... But we could still see the longer part where Shaw has a drink from the Vodka etc.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphSep-30-2012 3:09 PM
To all Is thE scenes provided on the 3D blue ray ALL the deleted / alternate scenes ? Or have they kept some back ? I guess no one will really know. I guess then that's it . Where on earth I got the impression that Shaw drank vodka and then injecting herself and m and f discovering a cocoon I have no idea . Apologies As for the extended cut: I hope it happens but it would seem that there has been nothing happening as to answers on the black goo and exactly how the enginEers got infected from these scenes so I don't know if it will really ad anything. . I am hoping then that from repeated viewing at blu ray definition we might actually learn something more Wow I was hoping at least for some pyramid schematics . Then maybe it is time to admit : many of you were right all along : we are not going to get the answers we were hoping for !!! Maybe that's a good thing . Look I still love prometheus and always will . It is a great movie . I was hoping for : Weyland-Yutani - how and when they merged - how they got to ftl technology etc. Some info on the xenomorph origins If not all .(no need to see one ) *sigh* I see a cow - and year after it is dead they will still be milking it ......... Sorry for the negativity..... *double sigh *
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