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MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 6:48 AMPerhaps the tagline should be this:
'The Search For Our Beginning Could Lead To You Having To Buy A Blu-Ray Player If You Want To See All The Extra Bits, Recession Or No Recession'.
7 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 8:12 AMVery true....I am quite upset about this...i cannot afford a blue-ray player...and or a hd screen...not to mention a 3d LED screen...maybe by the end of the year...but not right now I will buy the dvd and wait for the extra stuff on you-tube to download...or should i just buy both the blu-ray and dvd and watch it at a friends house?....dammit I hate this....

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 11:39 AMscrew the 3D. its a total marketing gimmick. however, blu rays/HD tvs really are an incredible way to see a film. Its the most accurate representation of film available to the everyday consumer. I totally understand being upset about the fact that they are handcuffing people into purchasing blu ray and even 3d blu ray (the furious gods only available in the 3d set). However, blu ray is the format for the time being. I cant imagine seeing prometheus on dvd. the thing is....if you budget and shop right. HD/blu ray technology is available at a reasonable price (if you buy pieces along the way. anyways. rambling. lol. happy viewing.

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 4:12 PM@Juxapose and joeyjoe
I’m disappointed as well, I too will have to buy a blu-ray machine just to get the extra’s on Prometheus, it is a total rip-off imo. But I just checked the internet and the blu-ray machines cost no where near like they did a few years back. I paid about $45 bucks for my dvd machine last year and now you can get a blu-ray w/optional 3-D capabilities for under $60 bucks, so why not. I just purchased a 47 inch flat screen LED tv last Christmas, and the pictures on all my dvd’s look just great, but the blu-ray I’m looking at buyng claims it even enhances the dvd quality, so it is a good investment I guess.
Does anybody know what the dvd set offers and what features come w/that set?
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 7:41 PMi dont recall the exact specifications for the dvd release, but i do know that it is a bare bones release (no documentary and only a handful of deleted scenes). the blu ray sets are the way to go. The 3D blu ray set in particular is, by far, the most comprehensive of the various releases. The 3D blu ray set is a 4 disc set that includes: disc 1: hi def theatrical release in 3D. disc 2: hi def theatrical release in 2D plus all of the deleted scenes. disc 3: bonus blu ray disc that includes, literally, a cornucopia of supplemental material and documentaries etc. we're talking multiple hours of special features. Disc 4: standard dvd plus ultraviolet d/l.
It is somewhat lame that they are forcing a particular release on us, but really and truly, there's no reason to be watching prometheus on dvd unless you simply cannot afford to purchase hi def gear. There really is no comparison between dvd and blu ray (as long as you have a hi def tv). Im a firm believer that 3D is nothing but a marketing gimmick that bastardizes the medium. having said that, i am completely sold on blu ray as the best way to watch a film. Blu ray is the real deal (no gimmick). hunt around; there are some very cost effective avenues into the realm of hi def and if you are a film-lover, you will be glad you made the transition.

MemberDeaconOct-01-2012 8:57 AMI only bother with DVD unless the price difference is not much...
The only time i bother with Blu-Ray is purely if its a movie i like that has a lot of detailed special effects and also lots of extras you cant fit on a DVD.
Hence Prometheus Blu-Ray for me...
If you take a movie like American Pie Reunion well thats not no special effects extravaganza and i doubt it would have lots of goodies and bonuses that require a Blu-Ray.
Thus the DVD and Blu-Ray we would only get better image quality that really for a movie without special effects you would hardly notice.....
So i get Blu-Ray mainly for the extras or effects as opposed to the HD Video.
As my DVDs on my Blu-Ray player and 55" TV look pretty good anyway.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerOct-01-2012 9:00 AMI have a blu ray player a 3D TV and the works but I still not sure weather to buy this yet :( ...and yes 3D is pants - it'll only get as good as 2D when its the same resolution and you dont need glasses...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D
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