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MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 4:50 PMPredators, Xenomorphs that is all that some people talk about on this site. Like Ridley said in many enterviews that Prometheous was not a sequel to Alien. It is what it is, a film with a different story which takes place in the same universe as Alien but 35 years in the past.
One thing is for sure. When Dallas from the Nostromo foumd out that there was a distress signal coming from the barren moon. He then changed course for the moon because Weyland corp told him to or there would be no money paid to the crew. The question is why did the Weyland corp demand this from Dallas. He was being threatened by the Weyland corp. That means that they new that, that moon may have alien, not human lifeforms on it. Life forms that they new exist, or from information in the past existed. That means that the sequel to Promethous will have either Shaw or David coming back to earth to tell there story. My guess is that Shaw will either die or mutate into a higher life form, and stay behind. David not being a living life form will change intelectually but will remain an android. That being said when David does return he will be taken into custody and asked many questions about what happened to the Nostromo crew. He will probably be de-programmed so that the knowledge can be aquired more easy. David's return will be kept a secret from the masses, and the media. David's entire knowledge of the Prometheous adventure will probably be programmed into Ash. Remember that Dallas told Ripley that this was the first time that Ash was assigned to the Nostromo. In other words it was the first time that Ash and Dallas were on the same mission. There are so much possiblities for the sequel. I love this movie.
2 Replies
MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 7:52 PM The moment anyone brings up Predator in relation to this, I don't suffer fools gladly, I let them go.
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