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MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 12:53 AMHas anyone noticed the strange similarity of captain Janek's face with the head statue in the temple?
Here is a photo of Janek, notice the two lines that are projected from the graphics on his face like the two parallel lines on the statue. In this scene Janek actually makes a reference to the "head room", because they were searching for the two lost guys Fifield and Millburn.
The chin and the lips are very similar in these photos.
Also in a deleted scene Fifield and Millburn found a membrane like material and Millburn picked it up and smelled it. Could this material be part of the underwear of the first sacrificial engineer, is it a hint that the sacrifice took place in LV-223?
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.
16 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 1:08 AM?
Well, thumbs up for the originality of the post ( XD ) , but really...not a chance.
As for the sacrifice being done
The moon was barren, no plant life, and we see even trees at that scene (which makes it millions of years ago and not billions...they influenced life on Earth, probably hominids, but were not the creators of all life on Earth. (True trees came out millions of years ago, and never prior to land life on Earth. When sea life began exploring land masses ony moss covered the planet...

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 1:34 AMWell we haven't seen the planet at full scale and we don't know if there were oceans on it. If the carved heads and the head in the temple room are the "Prometheus" crew depictions, then time travel is implied here, remember that Janek saved Earth with his self sacrifice, a really heroic act that deserved an honour like that.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 1:52 AMNo....milburn and fifield did not discover the sacrificial engineer's dirty underwear (they obviously discovered the shed skin of a transforming hammerpede).
No....the head in the ampule room doesnt look like janek.
The opening scene did not take place on LV 223. The scene was an illustration of the whole "genetic gardeners of the universe" thing (explained by the filmmakers), but the implication was that it was earth.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 2:11 AM@joeyjoe
For your first no, we don't know since they didn't analyse it on "Prometheus" to be sure. Remember that the suit of the engineer seemed organic, so even their clothes might be organic.
For the second no, take a look at this photo and see the similarity of Holloway and the face on the left. Also we are not so sure about their "gardening" abilities, they might be destroyers of worlds as well.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 4:10 AM@ Voidhawk
Yeah I think if you add everything together it's pretty clear that the Engineers only influenced life, precede us as modern homo sapiens (~200 000years ago), precede us as an advanced culture, and are not gods but a culture of hominids. Most people think of Atlanteans as mermaids because one of their main things is they genetically created mermaids by mixing man with aquatic life... Perhaps the Engineers precede us in the myths too... and are more like genetic engineers who only mix life, hybridize it, and took their science too far in some unseen time. A culture who mingled with the Gods(Olympians) and the Titans.
In some legends the Atlanteans are described as a tall pale culture of men with extremely advanced technology. An earlier round of humanity that mysteriously disappeared from the Earth as its island kingdom, said to be located in the Atlantic ocean, sank into the ocean when their King involved them in the Greek Titanomachy by misusing the fire the Atlanteans had inherited (not stolen) from the Titans.
If you've heard about the planned sunken city archaeological find and submarine expedition that was scrapped for "financial reasons" then you may be able to see how it might have made the sinking of civilizations theme too clear.
Weyland was a brilliant yet chaotic leader of his time who thought himself to be a god. He may have led to the demise of his own kingdom (Weyland corp) by getting the heir to the throne(Vickers) killed and leaving the company in the hands of people who are not as intelligent, don't know the secrets of leading, and have been given everything by Weyland for so long. The board will continue to fight amongst themselves while the natural leader, king and closest thing to an heir, David, usurps the throne and takes charge of the company... as an almost truly immortal god-king.
Poseidon, king of Atlantis and brother to Zeus, was a chaotic king who brought about his own demise. However, he may have done so standing up for the Titans and the first humans against the Olympian Gods. If you study comparative mythology and take into account legends about Atlanteans from Egypt and other cultures.
Here are some of the comments about the timing of things, I think that the opening scene is occurring at a certain time too. And that there was a golden age for a short while after these beings arrived, tying into the legends from many cultures about a mythic golden age on Earth that mirrors how the Engineers' Paradise colonies on other worlds used to be, and became.
"I think it’s entirely logical. The idea that we’ve been here three billion years and nothing happened until 75,000 years ago is absolute nonsense. If something happened here two billion years ago, if there was a civilisation at least equal to ours, there would be nothing left after two billion years. It would be carbon. We talk about Atlantis and cities under the water that have long gone, long submerged, but they’re in the relatively recent past. I’m talking about one-and-a-half billion years ago — was this planet really empty? I don’t think so." -Quote from Ridley
"“It’s about the beginning of life and the eternal ‘what if’.’ Has this ball we’ve been sitting on right now been around for three billion years or one billion? And if we haven’t been pre-visited (by alien civilisations), then what was this planet doing for all that time before life came along? It’s only our arrogance that says, ‘No, it’s impossible, we’re the first ones.’ Are we the first hominids? I really, really, really doubt it. In recent memory or legend we keep talking about wonderful, weird things such as Atlantis – what is that? Where does that come from? Is that real, was it real, is it a memory, did it exist? And if that did exist, did it exist three quarters of a billion years ago? There’d be nothing left now. How was that created and who was it?”
“Ridley was inspired by everything from the Nazca Lines in Peru, which are these vast Earth sculptures can only be seen from the air, to cave paintings in France, to ancient Egypt and ancient Mayan civilisations. We’re pushing beyond what’s been found thus far and speculating about what may be found in the future.”
“['Prometheus' is] basically about trying to find out if there was intervention in the birth of civilisation on planet Earth by other beings, which we come to know as Engineers, and whether they had a master plan in mind for us… [Each] person has got their own agenda on that ship and it’s each a very individual agenda. Some people are there for the pay. Other people are there to get answers. Other people are there to hopefully attain some sort of secret. Others are there in somewhat of a spite journey. You’ve got all these collective relationships, individuals and motivations and that’s what makes it quite intriguing even before the s**t hits the fan.”

AdminPraetorianOct-01-2012 7:08 AM[quote][i]Also in a deleted scene Fifield and Millburn found a membrane like material and Millburn picked it up and smelled it. Could this material be part of the underwear of the first sacrificial engineer, is it a hint that the sacrifice took place in LV-223?[/i][/quote]~ geopap
First, I facepalmed... Then I laughed. *feels shame*

Oneironaut 717
MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 7:20 AM[quote][i]in a deleted scene Fifield and Millburn found a membrane like material and Millburn picked it up and smelled it. Could this material be part of the underwear of the first sacrificial engineer[/i][/quote]
Eurgh! So wrong, so very wrong! Gross **shudders**

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 7:21 AM@Svanya
If the first engineer sacrificed himself or was punished on LV-223 then it might be logical that the other engineers might have gathered the remnants of the sacrificed one, to take them to the temple, until something bad happened.....ok just a thought.........if this membrane was organic don't you think that it would not be there after 2000 years?
Since the material was not analysed, we must be open to all possible ideas. Do you have proof that it wasn't part of the clothes of the first engineer?
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:37 AM@geopap: the "membrane" HADN'T been there for 2000 years. as i said in my first post, it was the shed skin of one of the hammerpedes (you can see little lines in the earth/sand that look like the impressions a snake would make). Do you remember how the hammerpedes were made? the little centipedes/worms were wallowing in the black goo. They later grew and transformed into what we have affectionately termed "hammerpedes". Fifield and milburn stumbled into the remnants of said transformation. the membrane belongs to a hammerpede.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 12:26 PM1 agree with you @geopap Janek looks exactly like the statue. They look so simular that you have to be blind not to see it. Also I agree with you about the underwear probability. If you look closely you will see that the rag has a tag and it says Fruit of the Moon on it. Your a genious @geopap.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 12:32 PM@Rubirosa
hahahhaha yes I saw it too, it had a tag with washing instructions too "Only to wash in Black Goo, careful not to take too long because a snake will be come out of thin air"! Maybe the black goo was used to clean their underwear after all. :)
I agree that I took it too far to suggest that the "membrane" was part of the clothes of the first sacrificial engineer, but regarding the heads take a closer look at the links of the photos I uploaded.
For some reason they are not displayed, go to the links manually.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

MemberDeaconOct-01-2012 1:52 PMWell it proof of the Queen Xeno...
We have the Mural and now we have what Milburn found...
Its simply the Queens Thongs...
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 5:59 PM[quote][i]The moon was barren, no plant life, and we see even trees at that scene (which makes it millions of years ago and not billions...they influenced life on Earth, probably hominids, but were not the creators of all life on Earth.[/i][/quote]
Trees on the opening scene? Where? I don't see any.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 2:39 PMWith the help of moderator @Chris I managed to fix the images above.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.
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