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Engineers dead bodies that had chest burster holes, a question

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MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:27 AM
Before the storm come, they see images of the engineer running from some sort of outbreak in the hologram. Then they find engineers dead bodies that had chest burster holes. That means the aliens have pop out of the engineer chest, then where are all those aliens that pop out go then? Where it all goes? It certainly was not there anymore, all we see were just those some sort of worms like specie that attack the two crew. And another question, did anyone see the alternate blue-ray ending? I just see and it was the same as the theater-ending, not much difference. Perhaps I watch the wrong one? Thank you for answer my questions, and sorry for my terrible English. edit: add another question: I was thinking the chest buster that burst out of those engineers bodies are (adult Deacon Alien) like the one that burst out of the engineer in the Ending of the movie. If so, then I assume there be many of those "adult Deacon Alien" running around, I just curious where they all went, since all we see is dead bodies engineers. So the one that pop out of those engineer chest are smaller ones? and not those adult aliens Deacon type?
21 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:33 AM
Abandon all hope for answers. You will find none.


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:41 AM
Why? I won't find any answer to these questions?


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:46 AM
Probably not. If I were you, I'd make up your own answers. Everyone else here makes up their own answers and I seriously doubt that any sequel or extended-cut Blu-Ray release is going to answer your questions either. My answer is this: the people that made the movie wanted you to both subliminally and overtly be reminded of Alien so that you would buy a ticket so they would get a lot of money.


MemberDeaconOct-01-2012 11:53 AM
The Engineers is a tough one, as we do see some holes in the heads, does this mean that the Chest Busters from some then grew and these head holes are actually from Xeno Type Organisms.. Could be... As far as where are they now and where did they disappear to, well in Alien we never saw or found what happened to the Space Jockeys Chest Buster also. One thing seems for sure the Headless Engineer appeared to be infected by the Black Goo, and when they reanimated it, it appeared to be going along the same path as Holloway was. But then his head just exploded.....Why? well there is no set in stone reason. Through the movie there are hints at a Outbreak, Contamination and Spillage which hints to somehow some Engineers got infected with the Black Goo in the Urns. Thus we cant rule out or confirm if there was a attack by Xenos, be that created or maybe some they kept for some purpose like re-engineer/experiment on. Maybe the Engineers when they come into contact with the Goo either. 1) Simply break down like in the start of the movie, thus when in their body tight Space Jockey Suits when they are breaking down this material has no where to go and eventually it could just explode out of the suits. Like when you add a Mint Sweet to a Bottle of Soda and Shake, it causes a reaction and a build up of pressure that will then explode out of the weakest part of the Bottle. 2) Does it somehow either Change them to Xenos.... which i find odd as there would be no Jockey suits left how they was, they would be in pieces or not there at all. So does it simply create a Chest Buster or Similar....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 12:02 PM
So, either way you get nothing is what you're saying; am I right?


MemberDeaconOct-01-2012 12:04 PM
As for the Alternative Ending... Its just a extended version of when Shaw leaves the Lifeboat and David contacts her and she goes off to get his head and then set off to go to the Engineers Home World. The Alternative part about it, is well she does not say "because i am human being and your a robot" at the point when they are about to leave the Jugernaught and she puts his head gently into the bag..... this was after she says she does not want to go home but wants to go where they came from. The Alternative is David asks why is it important to know why the Engineers created us to then change their minds and destroy us inside the Control/Pilot Room and not near the rear of the ship as in the Theatrical. She replies.. "because i am human being and your a F-in robot" then she grabs him by their hair and stuffs him into the bag.... Also when she says "i want to go to where they came from" there is a extra word so she says "i want to go to where they came from.... PARADISE"

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 12:06 PM
i think the holes are the result of xeno-esque infestation. the holes in the heads are from the inner jaw and the holes in the chests are from chestbursters. After the infestation ran its course, all of the xeno-esque creatures died out (probably very quickly). I do agree that the headless engineer was infected with the black goo. that was made crystal clear in the film.


MemberDeaconOct-01-2012 12:12 PM
The thing is just the Deleted Scenes will pretty much confirm things we already knew. 1) Janek tells Vickers that he feels that the Engineers was using this place (LV 223) to create a Weapon of Mass Destruction, as they would not be stupid enough to experiment with such things on their own door step, and that it backfired on them, it got lose, and infected them. We knew that anyway. 2) The First Scene shows that the Engineer was being escorted by others and was handed the Ceremonial Bowl by a Older Engineer, thus we now know that those Elders where on that Flying Saucer. But we pretty much gathered that anyway. 3) There is a scene that shows sheaded skin of some organism like how a Snake Sheds its skin and how the Xeno did as well. This we then assume would be from the Hammerpedes as they grew. 4) The full David talks to Engineer scene, the Engineer speaks back twice but we dont get full translation and this scene also has Weyland talk to the Engineer in English and tell him why and that he created David, and thus Weyland is a God like the Engineers and thus should be immortal as them. There are many more subtle things in the extras but they dont vastly give us many more answers. In fact some may even give us more questions than answers. The Alternative Scene just has David give the name to the Engineer Homeworld as Paradise.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-01-2012 12:17 PM
@joeyjoe Yes thats what i thought, and would go with the Holes in the other 3 Sarcophagus at Chest Height. The thing is we do not know the full events and those Dead Engineers could have been killed and piled up days or many hours after the one Engineer had his head cut off. The Original Concept for the Sarcophagus the Engineers slept in them in full Space Jockey Suits that looked like the one in Alien and it has same kind of Chest Buster Holes. But again the clues to Chest Buster Holes and head holes from Xeno attack may be misleading us to think thats what went down, we just dont know for sure. Those Engineers did appear to be running from where the Juggernaut was parked with its Chest Busted Sarcophagus but then looking at the other Hologram of the Engineers in the Control/Pilot room there was 3 who was placing things near the Sarcophagus and touching them. It could be they was getting ready to go into Cryo Sleep and this event could had been after or before the outbreak we just dont now exactly.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 6:09 PM
Ultimately, aside from all of that, what importance is there in the Engineers having holes in their chests? How does it change the plot? How did we see it change the course of events in the movie?


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 6:22 PM
Probably all has to do with the mysterious and unpredictable Black Goo...the sacrifer Engineer, the head at the laboratory and the infection of Holloway...I don't know, but the Black Goo seems to generate different effects to those seen in worms or in Fifield.


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 10:08 PM
Oh, thank you for all answers. I was thinking the chest buster that burst out of those engineers bodies are (adult Deacon Alien) like the one that burst out of the engineer in the Ending of the movie. If so, then I assume there be many of those "adult Deacon Alien" running around, I just curious where they all went, since all we see is dead bodies engineers.


MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 2:04 AM
According to the general xeno mythos, any deacons (assuming a relationship to the xeno longevity) from 2,000 years ago would be long dead. The xenos have a brief lifespan à la insects. The Queen may be an exception. The holes in the sarcophagi *could* be quite relevant to the backstory of why the Last Engineer was the only *surviving* Engineer. There are theories that he might have had a hand in everyone else's dying. I choose to believe that he was more like a Sigourney Weaver/Ripley. Ridley lets it drop peripherally in his commentary that there IS a backstory for why Ian is the only Surviving Engineer, but that he's not going to go into it in his spiel in the DHD product. I won't be surprised if that is a part of the content in the Blu-Ray mega-package. It seems that Fox is meticulously calculating what people are willing to pay for their "answers." The whole philosophy of this media release as a product and supporting campaign is fascinating to me. They're marketing *answers* to what is a complete fiction in the first place and we can't wait to pony up the ca$h. I just LOVE human psychology. It blows my mind (in the best way possible in this case). :•)


MemberFacehuggerOct-02-2012 5:14 AM
I wont be pony-ing up my cash - I am not that dumb. But I do have an open mind so I'll give it a chance if it redeems itself I'll go for it! And yer the eggs in alien must have been very very old so possibly thats were the xenos ended up on lv 223 but they must of gone out of that building at least - there would of been remains. Very strange that a race of super-beings (engineers) didnt kill any of the xenos before they all died - I mean surely they are not as dumb as the humans in this film - nothing could be as dumb as them!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberDeaconOct-02-2012 7:10 AM
@sukkal Yes thats pretty much what i have said before, i feel the Last Engineer may have sabotaged the mission and that his deed gave Mankind a second chance and left is to our devices... Or if the plot that we was to be used to create something is correct, maybe he knew there was no way that that could be allowed and teh Engineers can not be allowed to create what ever they would have had we been hit by the Black Goo.. But the problem then is why does he then go to carry out that same mission? So my first point is what i think could be the case, that the Last Engineer did not want to see Mankind Destroyed.. He changed his mind when he knew mankind had not changed, had advanced enough to be able to get to LV 223 and that Mankind see themselves as Godlike.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-02-2012 7:13 AM
Another possibility regarding the outbreak... Could it be that these guys may had tested something on the guys in Cryo Sleep, but then it broke out of them and the Cryo Stasis did not contain or keep the experiment in Stasis.... They then realized "holy sh$"£%"£" and attempted to leave the Temple. So many possibilities but the way things look, it does not look like they was all effected by the Goo, well what i mean by that is they may had been infected but a infection that leads to the creation of something related to Xeno DNA.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 3:20 AM
Spaights had originally written in chest-bursters. Maybe this was an oversight from that?


MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 6:47 AM
Yes thats a good point, because if they had created a lot of work on the movie such as some scenes and props and then after that they changed the plot it would explain such a mess and confusion in some parts of the movie. But surely before the movie was shot and those Space Jockey Suits created, they would have had the full draft done and by that the Lindelof one? @Xenotron I think as with many things in this movie the scenes that relay to the Dead Engineers the Holograms and Deacon are all purely plot devices to link a connection with the Xeno. So the public go like "oh i see a connection with the Xeno and what went down on LV 223 back then" The problem is, well it now raises questions that some would want answered. Alien had these main unanswered Questions. 1) Who was the Pilot, where was he from are there any more? 2) Why was he carrying that cargo, where from, where to? 3) How did the Pilot come across the Xeno and why? Prometheus only answered in a way 1) and partially 2..... There are other questions from Alien such as how exactly did the company know about the Beacon, we know that deciphered it but how and when. But again this was a question that was never to be answered in full detail and only raised more questions about it in Aliens... the colony etc. So as with Alien maybe some of the questions in Prometheus may never be answered and we may never know what really happened in detail on LV 223 and any connection with the Xeno and how. Alien still left us with enough that we could conclude that the Pilot had this Bio Weapon Cargo that got lose and he then could not reach his destination so he placed the Derelict on LV 426 instead and set of a Warning Beacon. We never got full details or why he had the cargo and what it was for or how it came to be. Likewise after Prometheus we know that they was working on some kind of Bio Weapon that got lose or they had a outbreak that led to the death of near enough all of them. And we may never find out more than that.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphOct-03-2012 7:14 AM
to all what do you guys think ? was lindelof telling the truth when he said that they had answers to the mysteries in prometheus ?


MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 7:48 AM
Well there are clues but there are no solid answers... Basically like saying the Bible and Koran books are made as clues to there is a God... but we still dont know which is true if any.... its up to ourselves which if either we take as face value. And thats the same with these so called answers, there is no clear answer. Here is all the answers we get from the Extras... whether the Bonus Disc would answer or add more i dont know but i doubt as well i am sure they would want to leave many doors open so they can explore in Prometheus 2 and 3. Here are the answers.... 1) The Sacrificial Engineer was performing a Ritual Sacrifice has organized by the Elder Engineers on that Saucer. 2) The Engineers was using the outpost to create and test a Weapon of Mass Biological Warfare... but they suffered some kind of outbreak and the suffered at the hands of their own Weapon. 3) The Engineers can speak, and the Last Engineer asked in a nut shell "why have you came, what do you want" and he then was not happy at why Weyland should come there and demand for more life. 4) That Vickers, David etc knew Shaw had locked her Baby in the Medpod Room. 5) That the Engineers do not come from LV 426 but a place called Paradise. There are a few other answers in the extra scenes but again all are nothing that we never knew from the movie, it may help to confirm some stuff we already knew but it offers nothing new. The main thing that is shown, is that these Engineers have a ritualistic culture which we kinda knew anyway, and that the Last Engineer actually seemed intrigued more than just upset at us, its only seeing the selfish actions of Weyland and his demands that seem to upset the Engineer. So the only main standing out answer i could gather was that their Homeworld is Paradise and that the Last Engineer may not have wanted to see us wiped out like his brothers did, but changed his mind when he noticed Mankind had not changed and worse still they now can travel the stars and are trying to be like Gods themselves.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphOct-03-2012 8:17 AM
Big Dave Thanks I want to ask you a few questions if that is ok with you : 1 has all the added scenes on the 3d blu ray been seen or are there still scenes that no one has seen ? 2 Has all the bonus material(interviews- photos- documentaries) been seen by anyone on this forum ? 3 Do you think that the deleted/cut scenes shown on the 3d blu ray is ALL the deleted / cut scenes or have they kept some back ? 4 A few weeks ago there was a list of deleted / cut scenes revealed and there were many items on the list . Was this a spoof or does it correspond with the items shown on the 3d blu ray ? 5 What does fox gain by trying to force everyone to blu ray there homes ?
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