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MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:36 AM[url][/url]
Not to bad, it does help.
7 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:41 AMIt would be better for the sake of Prometheus if there were no connection between the two movies.
The only reason there is a connection is for marketing reasons.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 12:01 PMim loving the connection between the two movies. Its just the right amount (not too on the nose and not too nebulous).
Having said that, i am excited for the sequel to vere even further away from the alien franchise. Perhaps they could just drop some visual hints/clues in some artwork/cultural artifacts found on the engineers home planet. Beyond that, i hope the sequel is its own beast. This universe is compelling.
btw: the above video didnt work for me.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 12:09 PMPrometheus should have been it's own beast.
I liken it to a speedboat going full-throttle while it has it's anchor lowered. The anchor is named "Alien". The people in the boat are all like, "Hey, let's explore over here!" and they drive that way, but the anchor pulls them back, and the boat starts to go in all directions and becomes unstable. Some people on the boat are having fun, others are getting sick, and all the while, the boat is getting destroyed. It would be best to raise the anchor or cut it loose so the boat could reach top speed, but the problem is that everyone is too afraid to let go of the anchor.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 2:10 PMLike it or not I think it will eventually be better down the road with the way Prometheus turned out to be a hybrid film... a hyrbrid beast. Eventually we'll get the best of both worlds, but had to suffer through the worst of both worlds: the reintroduction to both worlds.
it's important to aspects of the film that revolve around the hybridization of life with other existing life, genetic meddling and reverse genetic engineering... The Engineers did not create all life on Earth, this is evident by the trees/vegetation present in the opening scene-- indicative of it occurring after a certain time period. They only influenced or sped up life by hybridizing their basic elements with the existing life in the oceans.
Ridley has taken two basic elements out of the original alien, + much of the Original starbeast concepts to create this hybrid film. A prequel and not a prequel. In the universe but not an alien movie. About the Engineers and Aliens. Connected to the original alien, but not directly connected.
Those two basic elements are his jockey concept and the morphing life cycle which found it's ways into the properties of the black liquid. Breaking down, morphing, and recreating life, redirecting it to grow into a new purpose. It's pretty apparent from the alternate Fifield scene that the original idea was for him to become a xeno like creature. But this may have brought too many obvious connections between the morphing cycle and the goo too soon.
The Alien is now a bioweapon that slipped out of the Engineers' hand. But who's to say we wont see flashbacks of a time when there were giants and monsters on the Earth, like described in the bible and many other world mythologies...
Weapons were made to be used, and if the Engineers have enemies besides us out there I expect to see them used, if only in flashbacks in Paradise.
Think about it, a lot of the re-introduction to this universe has been accomplished, and maybe we only get cultural cues, flashbacks, hints about the xenos and black liquid; but I really think we have to see how these new aliens behave and see more of the connections explored.
By the way they chose to make this movie a hybrid film we've been exposed to a new type of hybrid alien and the "updated" version of the Space Jockey. Changing the Alien, and changing the Engineers-- making them smaller onscreen, and making the Aliens we see larger, is a very purposeful move.
It allows just enough ambiguity about the original jockey and original aliens, and allows this story to move forward in new and different ways, while still honoring the old gods... and maybe even developing towards even clearer connections/relations between them.
How can we even know how/if the Deacon differs from other aliens if we don't get to see it in action more? I firmly believe the way it looks and acts has been affected by the Engineer's genetic meddling: storing/ hybridizing it with the goo. Appearances and similarities can be deceiving, but in this case I think the difference in appearance will be the only completely familiar thing about this hybrid xeno class.
Of course the emphasis of this series should be the Enginneers, but without Ridley going back to this universe and re-exploring the Space Jockey in new ways we wouldn't have even got what we did. These ideas to build it into Earth mythology/ancient astronauts sprung about out of a desire to reuse that old concept. However, Ridley did not separate them from their connection with the original xeno.
He just killed the old xeno and gave it a rebirth, as he gave the Engineers a rebirth. And he's prepared to mix things around, reuse the old basic elements he came up with, and to reintegrate them in new ways.
The xeno is clearly a bioweapon used by the Engineers now.
Weapons are made to be used, and stories are all about conflict.
Yeah we'll get answers to questions and more clues/ no definite answers, but we may need to see the weapon in action to understand this form of it...
It almost can't be separated from the Engineers now because of the way it's weaved into their culture now after Prometheus... clearly showing that they work with and honor/fear/worship the ancestral form of the Alien, and their Deacon form and it's connected to the urns/black liquid.
If Ridley hadn't pushed to go back to that idea of the Space Jockey/Bioweapons and influence the direction, making him the suited humanoid Engineer (Ridley hinted it was a suit for a long time) then we wouldn't have the Engineers as they currently are.
The concept sprung from the old Jockey carrying bioweapons idea that Ridley hinted at over the years.
So in a way I can see why they didn't separate the Alien from the Engineers completely, and gave it a rebirth so it can be brought back to it's elements + new elements.

Bo Cherry
MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 4:50 PMIt sounds like I'm the only one who wants the Prometheus series to be just like the Alien series.
Sure, the Engineer story is different and stuff but, to be honest, I want another Alien movie.

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 9:43 AMTHIS VIDEO IS PRIVATE.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 11:57 AMPrometheus [i]is[/i] its own story, within the alien universe. Or should we say Alien is a story within the Prometheus universe. Probably the latter. To complain that Prometheus and Alien may merge or have a deeper connection is nonsense. They take place in the same sci-fi universe. It’s going to happen.
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