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Unused Prometheus Poster Concepts + Taglines!

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AdminEngineerOct-01-2012 11:43 PM

Below are some unused Prometheus poster concepts which were not used in the viral marketing for Prometheus. Each one features a different tag line.

Unused Prometheus Movie Poster Concept

Unused Prometheus Movie Poster Concept

Unused Prometheus Movie Poster Concept

Unused Prometheus Movie Poster Concept

Unused Prometheus Movie Poster Concept

Let us know what you think below!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
14 Replies


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:53 PM
1. David Statue: "They are Us" My favorite! 2. The Urns: "Welcome to Immortality" is awesome! 3. Alrighty then.... 4.Engineer Helmet: "Discover What Mankind Was Never Meant to See" I'd say this one would have worked very well prior to the film! 5. Weyland Acid Burn: Perfect for any Alien fan for sure! My vote, they all work!
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MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 11:58 PM
1. "They are Us" I think that looks like pressure suit, very nice and kinda wakens the interest into the movie. Think I'll watch it again. 2."Welcome to Immortality" Very good!!! 3. Shaw and Cuddels I'm kinda neutral 4."Discover What Mankind Was Never Meant to See" The picture is fine but too long text. . . 5.Burned Weyland logo. I'm kinda neutral of this too.

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MemberChestbursterOct-02-2012 12:22 AM
the first two are the best, bu the first makes me think of the alien dvd cover. but it looks cool on its own!

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MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 1:35 AM
The first two are really evocative of Alien. The SJ head one seems that could have been a good complement to the more iconic Big Head and the tag line on that works well too with the "2,000 years ago..." story line.

HICKS ( online again )

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 8:02 AM
The first is Perfect! "THEY ARE US" The statue of the Titan Prometheus The facehugger scheme posing as chest bones and ribs The Flash light green that characterizes the films of the Alien franchise! (giving a "relationship" between Prometheus and Alien. Simply Perfect!


MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 11:11 AM
1) exoskeletal David, "Is that you, Michelangelo?" 2) this film soooooooooooo wants to be an ALien prequel - but I love the tagline. 3,4,5) meh
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 7:33 PM
"They are us" -- AHHAHABWAHAHAH comedy gold. Seriously sounds like something straight out of SNL or the Onion. And "what HUMANkind was never meant to see" whats a man playing with his vagina snake.
I like rocks I LOVE, ROCKS.


MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 2:47 AM
4th poster - Promethius?


MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 2:52 AM
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2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 8:58 AM
3th - my fav, with more artistic touch than the others.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 6:52 AM
I liked #2 the Big Head Room without the big head. The silent looking urns,,all lined up like soldiers(or tombstones) seeming looking forward and upward in a vast cavern is a grand spectical of a scene.
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MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 5:28 PM
For marketing poster I think "Welcome to immortality" works best. But for hanging on my wall at home - Unused Poster 9! (The mural) :)

I even have a Alien joystick for my Sega Master System :D

Cool Godzilla

MemberPraetorianNov-25-2022 4:33 PM

Uhhh Chris, where are the links and poster concepts?

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.


MemberPraetorianNov-26-2022 11:01 PM

probably lost, this post was made during the early years of this website back when it was made to promote Prometheus

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