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MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 8:40 AMI enjoyed the movie and bought it before I even watched it because I knew it would be worth owning. Last night it hit me why so many have a problem with it and maybe this has been touched on but I have not seen it discussed. Overall, it was not a prequel or sequel, but a remake of A79 to run parallel to the A79 sequels. In addition, there were themes borrowed from other films but here are the core pieces in no particular order:
The Company sends a team to explore an alien life form on another planet.
The team is not expecting to face a hostile enemy on any level.
While in the alien ship, strange containers are discovered (eggs and urns).
When the teams return to their ship they think everything is okay.
The androids have secret orders involving the sacrifice of the explorers.
While in the alien ship, an unexpected attack happens. (Face hugger, mutated worm)
When the team returns to their ship there is chaos and an order for full medical quarantine. (1st return'79, 2 nd return, Prometheus)
A lone space jockey is found in the alien ship control area (fossilized '79, stasis Prometheus)
Mutations threaten and kill explorers.
Squid like creature comes out of the body (chest burst '79, Shaw auto C-section)
Decapitated androids.
The lead female fights aliens and wins despite insurmountable odds and ends up leaving with decapitated androids
The alien ships are on desolate planetoids.
Then there were themes done to death from other films:
Audience is lead to believe a character is dead when he really isn't.
There is a parent-child relationship revealed.
Crew members sacrifice their lives to save earth.
An alien entity wants to kill earth, or at least humans, with no explanation for their hatred.
Someone is looking for immortality.
Well, I am sure there are more but that is a glimpse of what can be seen so for those of us who love the film, we cannot pretend the critics are out of ammo. Frankly, Ridely was under a boat load of pressure and amazed the final product was as good as it is. Regarding LV426, let's give the guy a break. Whatever explanation he comes up with will be BS because we all know he wasn't planning on Prometheus when A79 was done. Although, I think he should take advantage of most of us assuming Shaw and others were right about the carbon dating. He could bring it a closer together by revealing the Bio weapon has a component that causes false readings on carbon dating and the events on LV223 were fairly recent.
43 Replies

MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 8:11 PMYes i would say the Xeno predates Shaws Baby and i would also go as far to say they predate the Urns.
I would assume that the Sperm that Holloway transmitted carried the Black Goo Virus, but you know it may not even have to be the Sperm... you see you do not use a Condom just to stop having kids, its also to protect against STDs and the like.
You could have male who has a Vasectomy and Female who has her ovaries removed... safe to say they cant produce a baby so why use condoms... but if one has HIV well they could pass it on to the other.
So my point is that yes maybe the substance could also be passed on just as a SID is?
But its safe to assume that has Shaw is not effected in anyway aside from her Fetus that it was the Sperm that carried the Black Goo Virus infection to her Egg.
As far as details about the Xeno/Urn relation well check my replies on this thread.
[url=]Secrets of the Black Liquid[/url]
Thats not to say i am correct mind ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 9:15 PM@big dave.....David did not give Holloway the black goo. It was only the chip used to make it. When David opened a canister he pulled out a squid like body then retrieved the chip. The goo was not made by the chip alone but by combining it with non human substances.
Ridley was asked to explain the connection between the Deacon and the xenomorph and he said the DNA attached itself to the first alien on 223. The deacon is also the proto alien which means Shaw predates A79.
We don't yet know if the infection effected Shaw. Hollowway was given a straight chip and it took him about 12 hours to begin mutation. Shaw was given a contaminated sample and we saw her for only a couple of hours before the movie ended. P2 could begin with her transformation.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 9:16 PMWell
I agree with most of what Pren said, for I was upset at first, but I am trying to reserve a bit more critics in order to see what will come from Prometheus 2 and 3, but it is undeniable that the movie let a lot of ALIEN fans down, and promised much without really delivering , maybe due the very last scene, as he went as far as saying at first that Prometheus was devised to have nothing to do with the previous franchise, and then changed to be a prequel of sorts.
Lets see what will come, but some of the things we saw so far can be misleading and we end up being surprised in many levels.
As for the movie itself, one of his interviews really said that this movie would have " strands of alien DNA" but this seemed to be a figurative image, and not a straight to the word thing, as he ended up doing a prequel. So this statement gives a possible false impression to some viewers a stronger conection to ALIEN movies which probably is not the case, just him trying to hold his ground (he does not want to tie these movies with the dead Aliens franchise) without shutting all xeno fans out at before showing his product). He wants to depart that old concept and this was wa way to do so and still using the Space Jockey for the new series (It was always the Space Jockey, and even back in the 79 he said something about that dead alien on his chair, long dead.
Probably this movie was indeed a kind of premise, a way to present some elements and then the story will unfold on later movies.
About the derelict, I seriously doubt he will change it so much as to contradict himself, and all we know about that ship, and make whatever happened there a recent event. In the past he even said that alien on the chair was dead for millions of years, but now he stated that whatever happened on that ship took place at least 2000 years ago. It is near enough to the time they decided to wipe Earth for any reason, so it might be connected, but it happened thousands of years in the past. That whole scene reeks of old age, and it is a very good part of its mistery and charm. Both movie, director and sanctioned novelization are clear the ship has been there for a long time...
The broder thing about the ships does not make them necessarily even from the same planet, but just that they are engineer design, one of their ships, and a different one in important aspects, one of them being the bridge itself, as the original derelict is somewhat larger, and there are no hypersleep chanbers nor control panels in the rim of the round elevated area where the Chair sits. Clear different design, and in order to keep continuity integrity that detail should not be discarded not ignored. External overall design does not make them all equal, just part of their millitary probably, while the big, round design is a exploratory/seeder model. And about that, on each better pic of the Shell ship its hull resembes the juggernaut hull (platewise) and less details are just due its massiveness.
Now one possibility ties that ship with Earth and might tie to the actions on that base. We might see that Earth was a strategic point in the conflict they were in, and Earth was target for annihilation due this reason. We know the derelict downed there a few centuries before or after the facility in Prometheus fell, near enough to be connected to it all. It might be revealed on the next movie or not...
The important thing is that he might (for good) donwplay the xeno as a tool, albeit powerful, and let it rest.
One thing about the chamber hits me now: We saw the murals and the images, but on one image a Engineer does seems to be controlling a xeno-like or a zombie like creature, implying the engineers were the masters, and although we see those xeno murals, the most proeminent feature on that chamber is the Engineer Head, making it implicit that, whatever they had there, They, the Engineers, are the Masters of all we see there, at least on that facility.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 9:24 PM@Uneeque
i thought the crash scene would have been better if he yelled "Q'APLA!!!"

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 9:29 PM@void hawk........he said in the French interview the connection is the DNA attaches itself to the first alien. That is obviously not a figurative statement. He did not say the first time the dna attaches itself an Alien.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 9:36 PMYour interpretation, as it is a somewhat loose comment from him
But I feel more than just me does see it as a figurative imaging to the concept.
Is more logical to his position before and is coherent to what he keeps saying.
Ah, I will post some of the ideas I posted here on the Prometheus 2 thread as well.
Many ad stuff released here also implied there, but we will need to see the sequel to be sure

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 9:58 PM@BigDave
Well... You pretty much summed up what was wrong with the movie. And... that IS the main flaw of the movie...
But that ONE flaw, has multiple paradigms of shitty-ness to it...
Too short. Covering too many things in one time?
Yeah... and... think of how that affects the ENTIRE movie.
I'm not going to go further into anything else... i just don't have the energy for it... it's all been wasted on ripping on Prometheus. I've moved on. I've started the megathread for the series, in the Paradise discussion.
But... i still can't help but think of what could have been.
And. The Engineer dying might have been necessary to show the Deacon. But ask yourself...
1.Did they really show him as an entity in the movie that was pure EVIL? Did they really try and make the audience have that sort of mentality towards the Engineer?
They sure as hell didn't!
He rips open the door to the lifeboat. Shoves Shaw. Kind of... grabs her... and then gets caught by the body-humper.
2. What was the significance of showing the Deacon in the end, really? It might seem like the most arbitrary-ass question, but think about it;
What the hell is that specific Deacon going to do? There's absolutely nothing on LV223 for it. What's to become of the Deacon? It's going to do circles around the lifeboat till it dies?
If we get a flashback to when Shaw and David leave LV223 in Paradise. And we are shown a run-in with them and the Deacon, then i'll put that to rest.
If...say... we're given acknowledgement that the Engineer WILLED it to happen. It wasn't just the word of the body-humper. It WANTED to give life to the Deacon (because of that ever so coincidentally designed suit). Then i'd say "OK, fair enough..."
But if the Deacon was shown at the mural, maybe even a little clearer than it was. That would have been so much better.
The subtlety, combined with the mystery, and reactions of everyone in the audience who is familiar with the Xenomorph would have made it so much better.
*Focuses on the mural* *GASP*
But no. It had to be nice and CLEEEEAAR. We had to see it come out of the Engineer at the end. Come on...
Give me a break.
Something much better could have been done by the Engineer.
Engineer runs back to the temple, before going to the lifeboat.
Takes the green gen that has the Deacon's DNA in it. Makes himself a nice cocktail out of the black liquid, and contents of the gem. And willingly turns into the Deacon.
And in the end, we could have had a nice, but relatively short battle between Shaw, and the Deacon. Or maybe she could have just escaped its grasp. I don't know. Use your imagination.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 10:08 PM@Void, a loose comment? Are you serious? He gave a straightforward answer to the question of how the deacon and xeno are connected. If they were unrelated entities it would be pretty dumb for him to say the DNA attached its self to the first alien.
When he said Prometheus would have "strands of DNA" he was describing the movie as a whole and it was referencing similar elements to A79.

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 10:23 PM[img][/img]
If my memory is correct.... the rumor was let out from the beginning that we were going to the Space Jockey home world and that wasn't the case. Not to say those Outposts weren't interesting but in fact they are just that and more. But there is no more, it's like a juicy carrot in front of the donkey we are riding in the desert. Ultimately there are no aliens....WE ARE THE ALIENS and the aliens hate our guts!

MemberFacehuggerOct-04-2012 2:30 PMThe main difference I see between A79 and Prometheus is that in A79, we catch glimpses of the xeno throughout the film, and then the rest is left to the imagination until what we need to know is spelled out at the end. In Prometheus the same approach has been applied to the plot.

MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 1:54 AMYeah, I like a [url=]simple plot[/url] myself, Batchpool.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 6:06 say it is the diff between the films then say the same plot is used for Prometheus. I'm confused by that. Being shown the deacon seems the same as being shown the xeno.

MemberFacehuggerOct-05-2012 11:32 AM@ Uneeque
If you check through what I have said, you sill see that I said "same approach". Not 'same Plot'. The point being that the 'xeno' component of the A79 film may be seen to share a common likeness with the 'plot' component of Prometheus with regards to how the films were made. The difference I refer to is that these two components have been inter changed. I was also using an element of sarcasm in my above posting.
Hope that makes sense.
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