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MemberOvomorphOct-04-2012 1:53 PMthis is gonna sound harsh, but bear with me.
I'd like to open by suggesting that Giger's sexually explicit art comes across as being decidedly heterosexual, i.e. men and women in various degrading salaciousnesses of pornographic expression.
Giger was 'staunchly' Catholic i.e. heterosexual in both his life and his art. I'm not saying hetero's right or wrong, it's just that Prometheus STRIPS the hetero from Giger's art.
What's with Prometheus's a) hooded monkages and b) Tom of Finland statuesque softies and hardies; the sacrificial and the military.
Where are all the Giger-chicks? You know what I'm saying ... has Scott/Lindelof homo-ified Gigerworld?
There, I said it.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
8 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-04-2012 2:04 PMIn fact, though this might seem like I'm trying to troll the delicate subject of what's been done with Giger's original psycho-sexual material, it's a serious question:
Has Giger-world been male-face-raped to oblivion by Prometheus? I mean, look at the key scenes, it's mostly male facial assault in the drinking/eating orifice. And wife beating (well Engineer crushes puny humans with a brusque back-hand). Ya know?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-04-2012 2:07 PMI'm CONVINCED Gigerworld's chocker-block FULL of 'concensuality' - I mean unless we're just watching another drab Jason Vorhees in space movie, and not some deep intellectual voyage that compares to Carl Sagan's "Contact", right?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-04-2012 3:42 PMThe suppression of the female side could be important. Especially to the Deacon who is a product of all that maleness + a little bit of the female side, But they made it look slightly feminine and male at the same time. Because Shaw gives "birth" to it and then the male Engineer is infected. I wouldn't call it homoifying giger's art...
More like only using one side of it for now and suppressing the female side on purpose.
The sex organs and groups of cells that develop into them are markedly different during development than the cells that go on to be the same thing in males and females.
During the end of the embryonic stage the cells that develop into sex organs begin to differentiate. The parts of the embryo that develop into male or female sex organs start undifferentiated, then differentiation occurs as one of the last steps in the Embryo period of a fetus.
In the third month what will become the testes or the ovaries secretes a hormone that causes a set of cells to become a penis and a scrotum. In females the hormone is absent, so the cells develop differently and become the vagina and the labia. *The engineers are suppressing female hormones, which males still have in the form of some estrogen. And increasing the levels of male hormones, while somehow keeping the testes from developing fully or differentiating.
Someone played around with the genetics of the Engineers...
Made them testosterone driven, tall male specimens.
These aren't the true giants yet...
From that point forward the cells keep diving and differentiating until they follow the male or female plan.
Males lack a hormone that allows us to grow breasts, so our nipples become useless and breasts don't develop.
Look at the nipples on the Engineer.
Even the female secondary sex organs that are leftover as nipples in males seem to be absent, or practically absent in the Engineers.
Since they're practically grown, I think the Engineers were deliberately made more male by someone in the new universe, and that this is why we see the preference for the male side of things repeated.
It's about kings, and weyland's desire for a son over Vickers. Almost to carry on his family legacy, the family name. With David he's a creation of the company--so always attached to it. There are many hints in the killing the parents stuff and "closest thing to a real son" + David being immortal that basically hints at his progression and desire to overthrow Weyland...
He will become the new King of Weyland corp by force, then Emperor, then a near god...
There won't be any queens... for a long while.
Only Kings.
"A king has his reign and then he dies... it's inevitable"
It's all about the female side taking over in the Aliens and Engineers case, or reaching a better balance in the human groups' case... eventually
Now they released a statement saying one of the original ideas was for the Engineers to be slightly hermaphroditic.
I think the hermaphroditic traits, the suppression of the female side, and the king themes are all there for a reason.
And it links thematically to what we'll be seeing with the Deacon.
The Deacon's a boy too... although he still has the feminine traits Shaw gave him-- suppressed by bursting out of the ultra male Engineer.
The Engneers may have been biochemically altered around that 23rd chromosome. Especially if they still match us, and have the 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair that determines (or doesn't determine) sex.
Their own genetics have been messed with to increase testosterone, decrease estrogen, and force the genetics to take on neither full male or female sex organs.
They both could be absent, meaning the Engineers are super male and pumped full of testosterone, but they may have no testes so have been genetically altered themselves.
Somewhere in the past they wanted to completely suppress certain biochemicals in favor of testosterone and better soldiers.
It's more so about male patriarchy and how Weyland views himself as a king. As well as vickers.
which is important because Weyland has the preference for a son.
Like male patriarchs of the past, Weyland wished to have a real son to carry on his legacy and take up the throne. Because he never had a real son, Weyland is selfish and wants to live/rule forever...
This human culture of the time clings to sayings, movies, events and cliches from the 20th century/21st century, because they can't move forward as a society with Weyland leading, deceiving and giving them all their advanced tech that would take the crew to LV-223. Weyland clings to the past also while living in the future.
I believe it's still there but has been biochemically suppressed.
When David asks doesn't everyone want to kill their parents, he's talking about the Engineers as well as his mission.
He may intend to replace Weyland and humanity on the throne.
All the David 8's are male too, and Vickers' rule has been suppressed by the foolish actions of Weyland and the manipulations of David.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphOct-04-2012 5:06 PMYou know I really don't want to see a female Engineer. It just doesn't feel right, and I'm kinda hanging my hat on the idea that they can't reproduce, that that's part of the key to the story, why we were made and what their plans for us were. As for Giger and homosexuality, didn't that all start with Alien? And wasn't Giger himself instrumental in lighting that particular fuse? I agree the heterosexual element is strong in his work but so is the subversion of the norm, when it came to discomfort he was highly inclusive. Why are we referring to him in the past tense?

MemberOvomorphOct-04-2012 6:27 PMsince the sole human survivor is female.... i would say no....

MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 1:31 AMYou have a point, Custodian. Giger's art often features beautiful but scary female forms and it would be great to see them worked into Paradise.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 1:59 AMMajor Noob,
"why are we refering to (Giger) in the past tense?" is a really potent question, anyone?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 2:16 AMMala'kak,
a truly MALE-dominated war race, using humans as slaves (via Sitchin) is a good way to look at it ... and is it ANY WORSE than the Queen-led HIVES of Aliens and beyond?
You remember Aliens, right? Male xenomorphs totally enslaved by the Borg-queen? Is this where Deacon will lead the narrative, "The Queen Maker?"
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
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