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a few blu ray 3d questions.

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MemberXenomorphOct-05-2012 8:31 AM
Staff please lock and remove if you feel it is neccasary !!!! A few questions about the 3d blu ray . 1 has all the added scenes on the 3d blu ray been seen or are there still scenes that no one has seen ? 2 Has all the bonus material(interviews- photos- documentaries) been seen by anyone on this forum ? 3 Do you think that the deleted/cut scenes shown on the 3d blu ray is ALL the deleted / cut scenes or have they kept some back ? 4 Even if all the deleted / cut scenes are shown are they all the full length scene or are we going to shortened versions thereof ? So what I am asking is : will we see the full length deleted cut scenes ? If they provided all the full length cut Scenes couldn't someone just finish the movie for them by making his own edit ? It would have been stupid to do so .(so then don't ask a stupid question oduodu !!!- sorry couldn't help myself !!!!) 5 A few weeks ago there was a list of deleted / cut scenes revealed and there were many items on the list . Was this a spoof or does it correspond with the items shown on the 3d blu ray ? 6 Do you think I am foolhardy stupid for asking these questions ? Because if what we have seen is the DC of prometheus then will we see a repeat of the A1 to a4 ? With p1 being the mystery movie and just getting added to by rest of the prometheus series ? 7 Do you think that the ambiguity should remain at the level it is now ? Will we see repeated releases down the line ? Poor cow !! 8 What does fox gain by trying to force everyone to buy blu ray machines for there homes ? 9 I just find it hard to believe that this is it . Do you think my attitude is wrong ? I definitely agree that there must be ambiguity that remains but I find it hard to believe that Ridley would deliberately butcher a movie to this extent except if it was made with a sequel in mind and then a re release of the movie on DVD . My question is will we have repeat of a1 to a4 where a re cut movie will will not be considered canon to the rest of the series as was the case with a1 DC ? Are they working with a formula just to make money ? Or has Ridley done us a favour by reopening the series and at least we get another stab at it and something new with great potential ? I still give Ridley the benefit of the doubt . I hope the 3d blu ray might answer some of these questions I asked above . Don't hold back - be honest - I want to revisit this thread when there has been sufficient feedback on the 3d blu ray so that I can decide for myself if there is really a way to get the answers from prometheus as Ridley stated or maybe form all the additional content . Only then will I be able to develop a complete final coherent theory as to all the mysteries.
5 Replies

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 12:35 PM
Haven't seen the Bluray yet, but I think you're in for a wait no matter what. Can't speak to Fox's marketing re: Bluray vs. DVD. Is there a huge content difference? Could it just be storage space differential between the two formats, and then price? I don't think you're stupid. Yes this franchise has great potential. Money influences all.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 12:36 PM
RS is worthy of your faith.


MemberXenomorphOct-05-2012 3:08 PM
Major noob Thanks Never thought about blu ray. Disk capacity as the reason why they added extra material .

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 3:40 PM
Single layer Bluray can store about 25GB of data, double layer about 50GB, as opposed to about 8GB on DVD. This allows for greater run time ( about 9 hours) and superior AV resolution. Bare bones Bluray players can be had for as little as $60 US. I don't have one, but Prometheus is gonna change all that. I don't know how their package compares to other releases, but I think the Prometheus release is somewhere in the stratosphere in terms of content. I dont really consume a lot of movies so I'm not sure.


MemberXenomorphOct-06-2012 2:06 AM
Major noob Maybe you can help me with this . See I have a problem . Let's say I buy the blu ray 3d of prometheus and then I want to transfer it to a USB memory stick and watch it on my blu ray player . Why would I want to do this ? BECAUSE here in south Africa I would pay something like R1500 for the blu ray 3d package (not sure of the correrct price ), that's a lot of money for me . Now its Sunday morning and I have just had my morning coffee . Its a nice day . It be nice to watch prometheus in blu ray definition - wow what a great idea . La ta di da on my way to watch 3d prometheus I life is great . !!!!!!!! Just take the blu ray cover with disc in out of cabinet and as I remove it is slips from finger hits the ground . No worries oduodu - its only a small scratch !!! At 3:15 the prometheus disc freezes up and what now ? So I have paid all that money and now I can only watch the 2d disk . A week later ..... Same thing happens . This time I put the disk not exactly in the centre of the loading tray and as it closes the disk gets scratched .... Point is : freakish accidents happen all the time no matter how careful you are !! It happens to me all the time !!! So if put the movie on a usb memory stick and lock the disk away in the vault where nothing can make it move (and therefore it is impossible to get scratched - hopefully) then I simply put the memory stick into the blu ray usb slot and watch it from there . I have paid for the content right ? AND It is NOT my intention to sell copies of the movie or give copies away for free THEN Would that be legal ?????
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