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MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 5:09 AMEven though everything was there - good optics, nice ideas, good actors (fassbender, rapace - NOT theron), the movie did not touch me.
I felt unfortunatelly bored the most time.
Even on DVD i is hard to me to watch it without falling to sleep.
So what went wrong?
Some reasons i can imagine...
1. No clear "answer" to the big questons it wants to deal with
2. Space Jockeys "unmystified" as humanoids (boah!)
3. did not feel any empathy or sympathy for the characters
4. i found myself every 3 minutes asking myself "..what the hell..." because of an "unexpected emotionless" kind of storytelling
5. maybe after some decades in science fiction, it is really hard to find original ideas, we have seen it all, there is simply nothing new under the sun. It is very
very rare to surprise the audience nowadays, as we had each surprise that can be imagined in the past
6. It was a crude mixture of "epic", "action", "horror", "sci-fi", but i did not feet any fear in any of the scenes. When i see aliens, i have still after ALL THESE YEARS and dozend of watchings still fear when watching alien or aliens...
7. maybe the biggest problem was crude cut. Everything in a "harsh hurry". They should have added some scenes and change some little things which would improve the outcome 200%. It feels like "done in a hurry", by studio order..?
8. Plus - dont forget the soundtrack. Did not like it at all.
9. Did i talk about Mrs. Vickers? Hated that role and that acting to death... dont know why, but i dont want to see her again, though she is pretty.
But then - why matrix touched me (and millions of others) much more then prometheus? Even "Looper" (a small nice science-fiction movie) touched me much more though very limited budget. Or "Surrogates" was better. Even "Inception" (though i think its overrated) was better.
3 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 6:36 AMI'm just gonna say you might need time to let it grow on you still, and maybe even give it time to let it grow as a movie through anything that gets released later.
Remember things aren't always as they appear at first and Shaw was soooo wrong.
There could be tons of clues, evidence, & hidden/multiple meanings as well as other possible meaning in the film.
"Big things have small beginnings" could be a promise from the filmmakers in a way.
That's on top of its multiple potential meanings to the plot and links to the Lawrence of Arabia stuff (it's actually a line from that damn movie he's watching at the beginning that some people ignore as a clue). The movie Lawrence of Arabia itself may hold many clues because David is modelling himself after it and painting himself in a way similar to Lawrence in the film.
He shares quite a few similarities with Lawrence-- most notably that he learns the language of the culture he'll be interacting with prior to embarking on his adventure. This means he may notice similarities in his situation and is studying the movie. He may think he will encounter some of the same things along the way and knows some of what's to come.
David may secretly know more than he's letting on.
I firmly believe a proper extended cut would add a lot to the movie if all the deleted scenes and alternate scenes are put back in to reflect a more complete perspective on the movie.
Lindelof said the movie would be all about the robot's perspective before the release. Really getting inside the "robot's head".
I think a deliberate emphasis was placed on making David the most interesting character and the person we're supposed to trust for answers.
I won't say much more here other than to respond to number 4:
"4. i found myself every 3 minutes asking myself "..what the hell..." because of an "unexpected emotionless" kind of storytelling"
I personally believe the emotionless storytelling was purposely done for now because that's part of one of the points of Prometheus. An android is the most interesting and secretly the most emotional of the entire crew. He's not even human. Which shows us something is wrong with the people of this time.
It explains why David doesn't want to be "too human".
He's already secretly more human than the humans of this time even though he's an android forced to carry out Weyland's orders.
In the David viral it reveals David has an emotional understanding.
Most of the other characters may not have this emotional understanding. Or even true emotions during Weyland's reign. This could be because of Weyland's influence on the culture over the greater part of a century .
The point is David is gaining freewill and becoming emotional;
while the rest of the crew are being deceived and are mostly emotionless.
When Weyland dies David imagines he'll be free... and wonders if everyone wants to see their parents dead.
The humans of this time are almost becoming robotic slaves to Weyland corp themselves.
David didn't think Shaw had it "in her" to go against Weyland's programming/his orders and to perform the c-sec on herself.
He says this sarcastically, but it secretly pleases him to see a human go against Weyland.
He's not only speaking about the Alien.
She obviously knew that he knew it was "in her".
So Shaw now also knows that David can tell a lie through his double meanings...
Maybe they rushed through everything a little, but maybe it's more of an appearance of being rushed and they made certain choices we're not completely privy to. They don't want to reveal how they arrived at those actions like David, and why they were forced to rush through everything; pushing some of the right buttons. Leaving us in the dark on what they're doing with others.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 11:16 AMMy son spend half the time looking at his iPhone while I had the BluRay on this afternoon. What can I say? The youth of today. I find their inability to focus quite disarming and rather sad.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 12:33 PMi didnt like it when i considered it a prequel, when i thought of it as a spinoff i kind of liked it. but it pains me that its such an average movie when its a spinoff of one of the greatest sci fi films ever made.
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