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MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 12:53 PMSo at the end the squid thing kills the engineer, attaches to him, lands on top of him and dies, my question is how did it manage to make an alien?
weve been told that the host needs to be alive and that the facehuggers always stay alive to keep the host in a come like state and then they die and the host becomes conscious moves around and eats etc till the parasite is grown enough to bust out, so how did the alien at the end get made when both the host and the thing that lay the egg died?
even the original creature who laid the egg (the squid) wouldve died if its host was dead, so why was the parasite it made able to grow in a dead host?
while i thought the alien looked very cool i also wonder how gigantic it will get as an adult since the previous aliens are like the size of a kitten and grow to be the size of a big man and maybe even a queen. this thing is gonna be friking huge lol.
18 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 3:22 PMIm just asking, who said the host needs to be alive until the alien comes out of its stomach?
Plus I think the engineer is dead when the Deacon comes out because it destroyed the engineers insides completely, its a different kind of alien, not like the ones before.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 3:48 PMit was established in every alien movie that the host needs to be alive.
and the squid sticks a tentacle or whataver into his head and he goes limp, i really dont think he survived that.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 4:32 PMThe host must be alive in a coma, the "chest burster" will use the hosts body and its functions to grow so if the host was dead it could not survive.
It was never really somthing that was disscused whether the host must remain in a coma or not, personally I would'nt think this is important as i believe the host was alive when the chest burster came out the engineers chest.
the octopus like creature does resemble the facehugger you get in the alien movies and the creature behaves just like a face hugger, find a host, plant egg then die.
The creature that we are left with is this deacon, I prefer xenomorph but we had to be apes before humans so ill go with deacon for now. The structure of the deacons head is similar to xenomorph but not 100% the same, i did however notice that its jaw does resemble the jaw of the xenomorph queen (link below). the jaw slides out and forwards away for the skull itself which is something only the queen xenomorph does, all other xenomorph have mouths and tounge, no movable jaw. So this may explain where the eggs come from on the first alien movie. I think that there must be other hosts on this planet in order for the evoloution of the deacon to xneomorph, however i dont know if we will ever know.
Also the location of the engineers death is diffirent to the alien movie, in alien he is dead on the control seat of the spacecraft with a hole in his chest, also in alien he is refered to as the space jocky.
I would really like to hear from someone else on this.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 5:33 PMYea Ridley himself said that this is not that spacejockey guy from Alien, but this has been discussed in the forum before im 100% sure.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 9:51 PMAs this is part of a trilogy i have formed a few theories. My first 1 is that the aliens the engineers created or revere have now spliced with our dna therefore gaining human attributes, ie the ability to procreate with the use of a Uterus style egg sac, whilst still remaining parasitic our contrbution to the "deacon" allows it to manufacture its own facehugger eggs! Which then leads to the second movie, the new species somehow comes into coontact again with humans, further refining its qualities to what we know as the xenomorph, possibly through engineer experimentation on humans they have taken for scientific study. Another thing i tought is maybe the engineers are a highly evolved form of human, and they fear the primitive earlier counterparts they had a hand in making?

MemberDeaconOct-08-2012 6:44 PMI answered this briefly....
But there are other discussions that answer it.
The Deacon is a Evolution of the Xeno, it is not the Progenitor Ridley and Lindelof having been playing games with us with clues, and hints and comments. They are misleading us.
"The Movie is about the Progenitor" Yes but they did not say the Progenitor to the Xeno..... the Movie is about the Progenitor... that is to Humans and thats the Engineers.
Ridley already said the Derelict on LV 426 and its Cargo of Eggs had been there for thousands of years and about 2200 years to be more precise.
Unless he is again bluffing with those comments.... otherwise yes the Deacon could be the Proto Xeno and result to the Eggs in Alien....... and been there for thousands of years if somehow the future movies we see Time Travel and God Forbid that.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 10:30 PMI think you're correct SpaceJock, "not like the ones before".
That may even apply to the Engineers/Space Jockeys who have been given a rebirth.
What we witness was the rebirth of the Alien. This is a hybrid from of Alien that was combined with the Black goo (possibly to try to store it, possibly to break it down to a controllable state and weaponize it further)
They used the original Alien genetics. Broke down the design and attempted to control it.
This backfires because the genetics have combined with the Black liquid in such a way as to enhance the morphing properties of each.
The Alien genetics steal elements from the liquid to enhance their own design, when the Engineers wanted it the other way.
The Alien genetics hybridize with it and steal it's properties, and are able to use the morphing-like cycle to morph holloway's sperm and Shaw's dead egg tor just about anything... causing the outbreak.
The engineers didn't know what they were doing playing around with the fire.
They got burnt and what we witness is the hybrid Alien genetics returning to an almost pure state.
However, like SpaceJock hinted these aliens have the properties of the goo.
The Alien genetics were almost dead, broken down and stored in the urns-- but now they've been reborn as the Deacon.
There is no immortality in this story so far, only death and rebirth.
"Sometimes to create you must first destroy"
Ridley has destroyed the Alien as we know it and given it a rebirth...
An upgrade, although we won't see it as that until we see it in action...
He's returned it to an upgraded form of the morphing life-cycle he created by giving it a rebirth and allowing the Engineers to add even more to the morphing cycle with their genetic meddling.
I also don't think we'll see a live Queen, only on the mural because the Queen is dead for now...
To be reborn as a King...
But a "king has his reign and then he dies... it's inevitable"
This line will sum up the new additions to the life-cycle and the absence of a Queen/Eggs for now.

MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 10:47 PM@ Dows86 Shaw's infertile egg was reanimated and morphed into the Trilobite by the infected sperm...
As well Fifield seemed to be dead and gone before he was reanimated by the goo and morphed towards the monster side of the DNA by the properties of the Xeno genetics that are also in the goo...
Shaw's infertility proves the Xeno genetics also carry properties of the goo to be able to break down the biological material in the infertile egg, bringing a spark of life back into it.
Tricking it into thinking it's alive like something else that happened in the movie...
Then the alien genetics and sperm take over, combining with the dead egg-- breaking it down and rewriting it genetically towards a new purpose.
The Alien eggs are also dead-- Shaw couldn't pass that trait along completely because the sperm/alien genetics and goo did all the morphing and rewriting of the egg... it destroyed and rebuilt her egg, so Shaw didn't really contribute much.
It is still partially female deep down, but the Engineers have had the female side engineered out of them also (no nipples).
So when the Deacon bursts it is a lot more male than most are thinking...

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 3:48 PMNah, xenos are parasites that require a host, the very fact that the alien substance was beginning to parasitically change shaws partner into an unworkable gibbering mess when they have sex, the altered sperm was also becoming parasitic and evolved in a very specific way. They dont re write the hosts data they take the strongest attributes from it, then begin to grow in that capacity! (see alien 3's cystic runner from the dog).
The goo that infects a pure engineer burst from cavities in the heads of the engineers. A point that remains consistent throughout prometheus! however only when mixed with human AND engineers DNA does the deacon emerge from a chest cavity, a trait it shares with what ever emerges from the jockey gunner! Engineers apears to be asexual as are xenos, so this is why i believe the xenos on the derelict are of human origin, because an asexual being would not require an egg producing organ, which a queen clearly has! and the facehuggers on the derelict have clearly been produced by.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 4:01 PMalso, that deacon is isolated on whatever the planet it was "born" on, there is no life, at all, other than whatever remains on the other ships! so scott either revisits that planet in the next movie to explain more, another "deacon" is produced somehow where ever shaw and david go, or the engineers knew about the supposed effects for millenia if they allowed the goo to cultivate other similar species. What intelligent species wouldnt check the capabilities of their weapons 1st Hence the slight difference in xenos across the genus.
Or worst case scenario, the deacon was a very shitty bone that ridley has thrown all the die hard xeno fans to get us to watch paradise.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 4:52 PM@Big Dave, yeppers Ridley Scott clarified that the Derelict in 1979's ALIEN was there for a [i]long[/i] time- long enough for the ship's pilot to show that age on his skeleton (oh sorry... I meant suit). That ship had Xeno eggs on it already, so when you consider the cargo and time frame involved, we can conclude that the Deacon was not the genesis of the ALIEN.
Some have suggested that 2,000 years ago, the Derelict left LV-223 with a cargo of eggs and was forced to do an emergency landing on LV-426 after the crew was compromised. At first, it seems that this could work, but the problem I have with this theory is that we saw no evidence of eggs anywhere in Prometheus. Also, I hardly think 2,000 years is long enough for fossilization/petrification/whatever of the Space Jockey to take place.
But OK, here's where things get all f***Ed up. I think Ridley also said that the Derelict was a "brother" ship that departed LV-226 at some point and ended up on LV-426- so which is it? I mean, if it left LV-226 2,000+ years ago, then did it take all the eggs- and that's why we don't see any on LV-426? Is the fossilized look of the Space Jockey just the suit "rusting" away (since now he changed it from bones)?
Perhaps the pieces don't fit because... they really just don't fit!!?? =-(

MemberDeaconOct-09-2012 5:30 PMMy take on it is this....
The Xeno was maybe either..
a) Failed Experiment deemed to dangerous and thus back to the Drawing Board, or try to Re-Engineer them on LV 223.
b) A Organism they either came across and used as a Weapon but then deemed to dangerous and again tried to Re-Engineer on LV 223.
I think that the Eggs was maybe to be Quarantined? Could be wrong, but if they was the main Weapon then why not use it again?
I think that the Urns are simply a re-engineering of the Xeno, either by.
a) Breaking Down Xeno DNA (same stuff the Sacrificial Engineer had taken) and collecting the substance in the Urns.
b) The Process they used to create what ever is in the Urns is the same as they used before to create the Xeno.
One things for sure the evidence from all movies and comets does lead to the Deacon being a new Hybrid Xeno.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 10:31 AMBigDave, yes those are all equally plausible (and frightening) possibilities. One thing though- I guess these Engineers don't believe in robotics? I mean, something that potent and unpredictable, you'd probably just send in sentient robots (like David) to handle the job. That way if there is an outbreak, oh well, at least no one gets hurt and you can just sit back and let Xenos run around until they starve to death or something. So the "inferior" humans can figure this one out but not the mighty Engineers? Guess they like getting face-hugged.
On another note, if the Xenos are natural then boy that must be a rough neighborhood they live in! I would like to see such a home world brought to life more than the Engineer's, since they are officially humanoid and thus too familiar.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 1:38 PMWho's to say that cuddles didn't slither away and die just a minute or two before the deacon started to break out of the engineer?
And the deacon and typical Alien xeno's are not the same, so it's plausible that the deacon would be born at a larger size than what we're used to seeing.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 3:41 PMWe've gotten off course here.
The original question in this post was: "...the squid thing kills the engineer, attaches to him, lands on top of him and dies, my question is how did it manage to make an alien?"
First off - the squid thing didn't 'kill' the engineer. It did the same thing to him that the facehugger in 'Alien' did to Kane. It put a tube down his throat and immobilized him. The squid-thing is much larger so, it just lay on top of him. Like the facehugger laid on top of Kane (his face).
When the 'burst' scene starts, you clearly see that the squid-thing is laying next to the engineer, dead. And you see the engineer's legs moving in panic - so no, he's not dead - until the Decon bursts out.
So that is how the parasite was able to live and grow in the engineer - because the engineer was alive - just like Kane was - in a comatose state.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 3:55 PMIt isn't ever fully established that the squidlike giganto-hugger actually kills the engineer; only that it face or bodyhugs him. The shot in which the deacon is born, shows a shaking body that appears dead. It may be, it may not be. We don't know. It's also possible that in the process of gestating the deacon kills its host prior to birth as a stage in its development. This isn't the same creature as our traditional xeno. All bets are off.

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 9:44 AMlike the others he said, the engineer was not killed by the Trilobite but just raped and impregnated like a facehugger would usually do.
The Deacon baby is much bigger than the chestburster and I think when
it started to cut the engineers torso open, the Engineer already died.
And the Deacon is not a proto-Alien but rather a successor.
The Black goo is ALIEN dna that creates extreme mutation, making
the infected living being mutate into dangerous monsters.
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