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MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 1:23 PMPerhaps the engineers represent angels. Perhaps the aliens and their planet are an experiment by the angels creators which went horribly wrong and are what we would call demons. The beginning of the movie seems to match the genesis narrative from the standpoint of man being made from dust (DNA).. Just an idea
13 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 4:16 PMSome of us have proposed that they represent angels instead of gods.
The servants to the gods, instead of the actual gods.
Part of a hierarchy of angels, where the Elders may actually represent archangels.
And I think there's totally something to the idea that they eventually became more associated with demons.
And even more specifically they could represent fallen angels by the time we see the Engineer later in the film.
Bringing elements of Lucifer into it. While David himself may even share similarities with the third antichrist of prophecy.
People think this movie is about the death of christ, when really it could be the opposite.
Instead of ideas about gods and angels, we haven beings who are not gods-- and could be compared to fallen angels who play around with demons.
Instead of the death of the christ being the main reason they wanted to destroy us; it may actually be anger towards the actions of the roman Empire and how that Empire was treating humans and the other kingdoms of the time.
Conquering and subduing up-rises and changes in the faith.
Not allowing the humans to believe what they choose to believe and instilling a reign of chaos over the land-- though the Roman empire's earlier pagan beliefs refer to the existence of multiple gods.
When Christianity becomes widespread the Empire adopts the ways of that demi-god to appease the Christians and allows the Empire to continue ruling the people for a while longer.
Not really about the death of Christ, but instead the birth of the character who will come to partially represent Lucifer and the Anti-christ in this story through his actions and the way he develops. "Happy birthday David".
David is also a very religious name, and may imply the David vs Goliath stuff thematically, as well as the King David stuff...
But he'll be a darker version of King David.
A darker version of Lawrence of Arabia set in space.
A dark version of man. Because the biblical David was a son of man, but he was also of the "godly" bloodline of Adam and had those godly genetics.
David is made by Weyland, a self-professed god, who creates him in the image of man, but grants him a form of mechanical near immortality.
So David's almost better than a man in some regards, but Weyland thinks he doesn't have a soul... he's a soulless false image presenting man like what the third Antichrist is said to be. He's a fake man who's been granted immortality. The antichrist is said to come to power by telling lies that appear to be truths... given his authority by Satan himself (Weyland, not actually a god more like the opposite).
However, Weyland only thought David had no soul.
The real problem that causes David to act in strange ways and to eventually subtly overthrow Weyland is that he does have a soul-- he does have true emotion, beliefs and feeling + a sense of self after spending those years alone on the ship.
Weyland doesn't know that the artificial emotions the humans gave David are interfering with things and have become much too real.
This is why David's mad/jealous towards Holloway, and sarcastic, cruel and even supportive of Shaw in a weird way. He displays much more true emotion, though it's purposely subdued behind his lines. I believe only Fassbender could have pulled this off right now, and he may know more about the true plans + why he's putting certain emotions behind lines.
He appears to dislike humanity though and even Holloway and ironically he himself may be unaware of just how human he is: "not too human I hope".
David's a dark version of man, because he's artificial and has been given artificial emotions that are becoming all to real, and leading to his need to rebel.
David may have had a big plan in his head-- and like Lucifer he rebels against the "God" of the time Weyland corp now that the king is dead and he's semi-free.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 4:33 PMBecause this has already been brought up by a few ppl, and now you've brought it up-- I think there's something more to it. Something more to the idea that they represent some form of angels or demi-gods at least. Instead of the gods.
And I also think a lot of the religious themes will end up on that opposite side of what the characters were expecting (Gods).
Instead of Paradise... a dystopia left in ruins.
Instead of seeing the creation of the Garden of Eden and the first humans directly. We get to find out some of the movie universe details about the destruction of the Garden of Eden and the destruction of their Paradise colonies on other worlds.
When u mix in the Greek stuff, Paradise may become a reference to Atlantis. But it's also the place Shaw and David are heading.
They may have had colonies and many worlds and were part of an Empire. A collection of kingdoms and colonies led by one governing body.
The king of Atlantis and the serpent in the garden of Eden share some similarities...
They both end up disappearing from the Earth and were apparently here/supposedly here at the time when the first non-Atlantean humans were created. Not much is said about the characters in either set of myths. Other than them both guarding sources of knowledge. And being aware of the tree of life (Atlanteans are actually said to be almost genetic meddlers who created monsters and mermaids + altered man and had a highly advanced civilization).
In the Greek myths the Atlanteans are the first humans, semi-divine because of their connection to the Gods and Titans...
They were almost like their servants and rulers on the Earth directly, who like the fallen angels fell down to earth-- only they started an advanced Kingdom that was wiped off the Earth when they tried to lead the humans to knowledge... and humans were forced to live outside the destroyed garden. Knowing good and evil...
What if the story is all about perspective and even the Eve causing original sin thing will be flipped on its head eventually after were through with seeing the male perspective on things. A king only has his reign and then he dies... it's inevitable. The serpent in the garden of Eden could be the last of an Earlier time, someone who had a vendetta against the true gods and tried to lead us to knowledge about our creation only to set us against the Father.
It's never said to be an angel or anything like that, it's not quite clear what force the serpent represents or if god created it...
The serpent is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, medicine and science. On the flip side it can also be about a negative form of cunning, as well as lies and deceit etc. The engineers' association with serpent looking Hammerpedes and all the connections to world mythologies and Christianity is no accident. Even making the Trilobite reminiscent of a creature that once existed in Earth's oceans is very deliberate.
Their Paradises on other worlds may be in a somewhat similar state-- destroyed, but they didn't disintegrate entirely in the ocean over three quarters of a billion years.
If David does indeed represent the anti-christ expect him to do some conquering and rebuilding of kingdoms. He may even wish to form his own Empire by joining the Weyland and Yutani kingdoms together under his rule, as the closest thing to a prince-- and a surviving "head"/ face of Weyland corp and the culture.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 5:31 PMAgain it could be all about perspective, and there could be many, many layers of deeper meaning to the film that are hidden behind the basic progressing of the plot and surface levels. Similar to how David hides his emotion behind his lines.
Even with symbols and images perspective come into play. With time even symbols and images can take on new meanings.
The cross has gone through so many different transformations and can be found in many cultures. The Egyptian Ankh is their form of the cross and holds a different meaning to them.
For the Romans the cross originally became mainly a symbol of death. This is because it was what the Romans used to crucify all their enemies on. It was their preferred method of torture to let their enemy die slowly and be put on public display as an example. And in those days that image held only bad things.
Eventually the Romans adopt Christianity, stop slaughtering early Christians, and start using the symbol in the way the Christians began to use it.
They start using it as a symbol of death and rebirth, because that symbol had now been morphed by time and belief as the symbol changed meanings.
Possibly adopting it mainly to control the growing christian population... although Emperor Constantine seemed like he really believed what the Christians had to say.

AdminEngineerOct-07-2012 8:59 PMOr the Engineers at the beginning of Prometheus represent the "Light Angels" and represent life and the heavens, but the Engineers on LV_223 represent the "Dark Angels" or "Satan" who tried to go against the Light Engineers, and mess with the mixture of life.
And perhaps the DEACON represents the wrath of God (Light Angels) to clean up the mess the Dark Angels have created and to ut a stop to the tampering with of their technology.
It's a solid theory I think.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 9:56 PMI think the Deacon is God's way of saying to both the Engineer and the humans: "Well, don't say I didn't warn ya." Because now we have an "ultramorph" as they so elequantly put it. Something that surpasses the Xenos in both physical and mental supremacy. If anything, the Engineers probably represent the Titans trying to otherthrow the Xenos off their Mt. Olympus. In their act of desperation, they had to create a weapon so potent, it had to be tested on a completely different species, us.
Whatever Shaw and David find on Paradise, one or both of them are going to help one side clean house.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 10:02 PMDefinitely possible. The one in the beginning seems totally different from the awakened Engineer and Elders. I like how the Deacon would then be their undoing. Because I really feel David will use it to battle, terrorize, and unite factions like Lawrence of Arabia. Something big might have happened between then and now to explain why theyre so different and why they wanted us there & then supposedly want to destroy and recreate us as something else.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 8:37 AMWhich came first, the Engineers or The Bible? Methinks the Engineers. Therefore, Angels represent Engineers, if anything, rather than vice versa.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 8:50 AMAny fan of Babylon 5 can see a connection with Prometheus. It is very reminiscent of the Vorlon and Shadow war / First Ones plot.

MemberDeaconOct-09-2012 10:58 AMI dont think its going for the Bible Story... it will take some elements from it but also many from other cultures.
The Old Testament has no real definitive date to it, it recalls the tales of the beginning of creation and many hard core Christians thus but the book to be 6000 years old.
Where as others date it to just over 2500 years old.
But there are other older cultures who predate the Bible and most of these describe not just ONE GOD but many, i think the Prometheus story for the Engineers are based that they are indeed the Titans and also what are known as Anunnaki in which we also have Igigi and Grigori.
Now the Anunnaki created the Igigi to work for them, the Igigi revolted and was replaced by Mankind and the Grigori (similar to Igigi) was sent to watch over us.
I think thats what LV 223 was, the Engineers was Gardeners and Watchers and they had a base on LV 223 to watch over us, once we also revolted this Paradise that was LV 223 was then transformed into a place to create and test a Weapon to be used to wipe us out.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconOct-09-2012 11:17 AMYou see the Engineers seem to be more about the Titans and Anunnaki.
The Titan Prometheus created mankind... out of mud but the details of creation are not close enough to the Engineers.
The Anunnaki God Enki however is a very close representation of the Engineers.
Enki created mankind (he also taught us knowledge etc) Enki created mankind via Blood Mixed with Clay. The Annunnaki Sacrificed one of thier own to use his Blood this Sacrificial Anunnaki was Kingu with the Clay to create Mankind.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconOct-09-2012 11:26 AMAs far as Satan and God goes this is mainly the Bible and Koran story.
Satan is also portrayed as Prometheus and as Enki....
Prometheus was not cruel to man, he loved man and helped man to have independent thought and knowledge, Enki bestowed the same gifts as well.
While Zues was a God who punished Mankind, when he saw Mankind would not serve the Gods and Anu likewise in the Annunnaki tale.
In the Bible you will be surprised at how few people Satan killed... his main crime was to gift mankind freedom of knowledge, this would then allow Mankind to have its own desires and ambitions.
God in the Bible and Koran has killed Billions and threatens to kill those who do not worship him etc....
Prometheus, Enki and Satan are portrayed as evil in a way because well they all disobeyed the greater god to allow mankind freedom.
Why is Satan Evil..... because he is a decipher of man, well basically he will tell mankind forbidden knowledge he tries to persuade mankind about forbidden pleasures and also that mankind is great and not have to be bound by the laws of God.
So Basically God created the 10 commandments and you had to obey them and worship him, or you will be punished.
And Satan basically said like "you dont have to do that, live your lives how you want and crack open the Beers lol"
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 7:59 PMHello guys! I'm loving the response to my thought as I didn't think anyone would read it! Here's a bit more insight for you:
These 'engineers' are not creators , simply agents ( messengers-angels) of a creator following through with a purpose given to them that obviously seems noble by allowing their DNA to procreate mankind ( why else would you voluntarily sacrifice your life?)
This is not bible stuff just science fiction stuff
The star map clearly defines more than one planet which leads me to believe their creator-ruler- God resides there. Gives a great way to leave room for more explanation
Secondly the thing that worrysa me is the mural in the room on that planet. That alien seems to be a central picture of worship adorned with the arms stretched out and abdomen seemingly open . It's almost like those ' engineers ' may have gotten mad at the creator for using them to seed planets and tried to sabotage mankind by developing a creature to wipe us out except it got out of control and combined with their genes became a horrible fallen creature which they couldn't control. That black goo stuff is the key- it mutates the contacted organism into a killing machine- it is sparked by curiosity which attracts it and it corrupts whatever it touches if its alive - which is why David was not infected-
Lastly the coolest part about this movie is the alien was not the focus, but the introduction to a larger thought!

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 7:59 PMHello guys! I'm loving the response to my thought as I didn't think anyone would read it! Here's a bit more insight for you:
These 'engineers' are not creators , simply agents ( messengers-angels) of a creator following through with a purpose given to them that obviously seems noble by allowing their DNA to procreate mankind ( why else would you voluntarily sacrifice your life?)
This is not bible stuff just science fiction stuff
The star map clearly defines more than one planet which leads me to believe their creator-ruler- God resides there. Gives a great way to leave room for more explanation
Secondly the thing that worrysa me is the mural in the room on that planet. That alien seems to be a central picture of worship adorned with the arms stretched out and abdomen seemingly open . It's almost like those ' engineers ' may have gotten mad at the creator for using them to seed planets and tried to sabotage mankind by developing a creature to wipe us out except it got out of control and combined with their genes became a horrible fallen creature which they couldn't control. That black goo stuff is the key- it mutates the contacted organism into a killing machine- it is sparked by curiosity which attracts it and it corrupts whatever it touches if its alive - which is why David was not infected-
Lastly the coolest part about this movie is the alien was not the focus, but the introduction to a larger thought!
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