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10/11/12 discover Prometheus site is a mess

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MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 11:55 PM
So recently I've always been checking in on the 10/11/12 discover Prometheus site. Each time hoping that those little bubble links will load and show the content. It says they're unlocked and everything.. But still it doesn't load.. It's a mess, a complete mess... Anyone else experiencing these problems?
11 Replies


AdminEngineerOct-08-2012 12:26 AM
I'm on Bell Fiber Optics high speed internet and that site is still choppy for me, but I can get the link bubbles to open up. But it is rather slow. Most flash websites like this have that problem, because of the sheer size of the content that must be constantly running and loaded. But, for those like you who have trouble seeing anything, I've made a summary with links of what the "Orrey Planet" links show: 1. THE ROOM Links to a scene in Prometheus found [url=]here on YouTube[/url] 2. QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED Links to another video which features an exclusive behind the scenes look at some of the extras featured on the Prometheus Blu-Ray. You can watch this video [url=]here on YouTube[/url] as well. 3. YOU HAVE TO STOP IT Links to a nother scene from Prometheus near the end with Shaw escaping the Juggernaut and warning Janek. You can watch this video [url=]on Youtube here[/url]. 4. THE PROCESS A video of set shots form the production of Prometheus - about 5 minutes of "filming" footage. You can watch this video on [url=]YouTube here[/url]. 5. MISSION TRANSMISSION #2 The video of Charlie Holloway pre-Prometheus mission launch. [url=]watch on YouTube here[/url].
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 12:41 AM
Nope, everything since PARADISE is just a dud node.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 3:32 AM
yeah. custodian is correct. Literally ALL of the "nodes" are now "unlocked" and should be displaying content. The only nodes that actually function correctly/display content are the ones that were opened up when the site first went live (plus "arrival of the engineers" which is actually the wrong video for that node. the video that displays when one clicks on said node should likely be paired with the "paradise" node). basically, every previously "locked" video but one is faulty. I dont have any problem getting the site itself to load properly. The creators of the site just did a really poor job (aside from the design which is pretty cool). @chris: the summary you provided happens to be a summary of the nodes that actually work. most all of the others do nothing at all (site just hangs indefinitely). I cannot believe that noone who created/maintains the site has addressed the issues. Its likely they dont even know it doesnt work. Having said that, ive just given up on the site and, since the blu ray is coming out in another day, im just looking at the mess as an opportunity to go into the blu ray with a few less spoilers. I doubt there would have been anything on the site that isnt going to be on the blu ray. I wonder if will ever come back? i will be interested to see if they have completely scrapped the idea of 10.11.12 or if there is still something coming. If you recall, the blu ray was listed as having a street date (on of 10.9.12 from the very beginning. There was only about a 3 week period where people were reporting that the homevideo was coming on the 11th. the rest of the time, everything indicated the 9th. point is...if its just the homevideo release, why did they continue with etc. knowing the whole time the blu ray was going to be coming out on the 9th? very odd. guess we'll see.


MemberFacehuggerOct-08-2012 3:48 AM
Yep its a mess - kinda in keeping with the rest of this whole event! Check out if you search for 'what is 101112' my old post comes up top : [url=]old post about this[/url] See old post here if it dont come up in your google : [url=]old one[/url] Anyway this also means the what is 101112 site has disappeared :O . My god! What is going on - that site looked set for something big and with the countdown changed on this site to tmrw. Things are looking strange! If there is nothing on the 11th I am going to laugh my balls off - could you be any more dumb at marketing if it was nothing!? ps the blu rays out in a few countries now - not that anyone really cares probably nothing worth buying judging on the lack of chat about it :S ...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerOct-08-2012 11:15 AM
One of the orbs that is not working is 'David's Objective'. It is also listed on the DVD. Is this why it will not play on the site?


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 11:58 AM
@cerulean blue: no. it was supposed to open up and be viewable days ago. I have a feeling that these little nodes are all just tiny little snippets of some of the deleted/alternate scenes. No big deal. Ill have the blu ray set tomorrow and from the early reports on blu ray. com, it sounds like its amazing. The review of the 4 disc set gave it the highest possible score in every category (PQ, AQ, special features etc). The film itself was scored a 4 out of 5 and the overall score for the 4 disc set was a 5 out of 5 (must buy). Screw the website. Doesnt matter anymore. Cant wait for an incredible blu ray.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerOct-08-2012 1:09 PM
@joeyjoe: Roger that! I will be buying the 3D Blu Ray ASAP!


MemberFacehuggerOct-08-2012 5:28 PM
Yer but what ever the out come I think this adds to the argument this whole affair has been a mess from the start - mistakes galore and nothing has changed yet! :P

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 5:46 PM
@dj: disagree...perspectival. Your latest beef with the film (the engineers burnt face etc.) is objectively incorrect btw. back on topic: the site and its "nodes" are all working now. Obviously the slack ass who was responsible for the site finally realized that it wasnt working. Love how the film comes out tomorrow. ha!


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 11:32 PM
All the orbs are now opening up. Paradise is the best and offers a lot of new scenes.


MemberFacehuggerOct-09-2012 5:42 AM
I think you'll find I was just going on what the others were saying - I hadn't checked the face burn in the final cut...and I said that he got the burn from the crash if you check anyway! Ill go check it now...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

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