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Is this Paradise?

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MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 3:08 AM
Hey, all; I'm a barely noticed gnat trying to make her way in the Business and sharing this little nugget may be my (short) downfall. I can't disclose much except: the source is real and the flashdrive came into my possession by accident. Like a prototype iPhone left at a bar, I am not bound to keep it a secret. I've done my web comparisons already and bits and pieces look and feel very similar to an "outline" previously "leaked" — the one I'm referring to (if you know it) is almost painfully amateurish. This guy, here, has a different feel. Not polished like a finished script but at least displaying something nearing professionalism. You be the judge. [url][/url] (PM me if and when the link dies). [i]*link fix by Feebs*[/i]
9 Replies


AdminEngineerNov-24-2012 7:45 PM
Yeah, not real. Especially since in Spaihts' draft for Prometheus, entitled [b]Alien: Engineers[/b], Shaw is not the name of the biologist. Instead he calls her "Watts", along with other inconsistencies. Regardless a fun read. Unfortunately moments after Spaihts confirmed to us the authenticity of his script, we were asked by Fox to remove the links to it. So, instead I wrote up a quick analysis of the script, and highlighted some of the differences between Spaihts' script and Lindelof's re-write and ultimately what we got in Prometheus this past June. You can [url=]read the article here[/url].
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 3:18 AM
no way I'm clicking anything like that: anyone braver?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 5:49 AM
i klicked before you say you won't :s


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 5:53 AM
Well This Is It - (i don't think it's real) P A R A D I S E jon spaihts october 25 draft (outline) Over a field of stars deep as time: “One may not believe in our gods, but it is possible to love them.” --Henryk Sienkiewicz A torn dark edge -- The magma-bright proto-planetary disc of our Solar System -- thins out, cools down. Gravity sculpts rocky worlds into spheres. EARTH fills frame. Liquid surface hardens into crust. Water, atmosphere, life. The montage speeds up, following EVOLUTION to the first Australopithecus on the savannah. -- an ALIEN SPACESHIP lands. Giraffes crane toward the sight. Apes stand at the tree line, uncertain. Some approach. A female dares closer -- to an entrance. She SHRIEKS as “something” grabs and pulls her inside. FULL BLACK “They can’t hurt you.” DR. PHILIP O’BANNON teases ELIZABETH SHAW for shrieking. He’s lifted the canvas on a group of grotesque carved steles. This is 2119 AD, BURUNDI, AFRICA A paleoanthropology site -- the bottom of a deep terraced pit. “Funny.” “Half a million years older than Stonehenge.” The artifacts chronicle our making (externally directed evolution) and suggest the Earth itself might be an artifact. A star map beckons. The Weyland Corporation unchains Prometheus. A purpose-built starship -- love song to high technology -- carrying scientists, security personnel, theological advisors (including Tomas the bishop), company execs and one of the first “artificial persons,” Saul (and his pet bearded dragon, Mel). Years later, Prometheus enters the alien planet system. A shuttle (Nan-Shan) is sent to land on the unnamed world. There are towering pyramids of ancient stone. Interiors wet, black -- “Biomechanical,” Shaw says, inventing the word. An ant farm of tunnels, halls and corridors converge at a vast inner sanctum carpeted with thousands of glistening urns. At the center of this thick-vaulted nave stands a giant human head as if carved from coal. Eyes deep set — expression sphinxlike and unreadable. Terrifying. Beyond the arch a wall of light protects the chamber -- thin and blue. “Destructive?” Saul passes his hand through -- it reacts when broken with a shrill tone. A sensor. This causes unseen mechanisms to whirr: the head breaks into phrenological scales that uncase a tremendous throne and its horrible elephant passenger. The huge creature stands up, fifteen feet tall. But it’s a trick: the elephant is a space suit. The shell cracks open and a humanoid steps out -- only slightly less intimidating at eight feet and black as a chess piece. The Prometheus crew are mesmerized until the creature topples over, unconscious. It is brought back to the Nan-Shan. Saul takes three of the urns. “It’s one of them.” “Your Engineers?” “Carpenters.” “I wish you wouldn’t insist on that name.” The crew are stunned at the Engineer’s humanness. Right down to the DNA. “Is it male or female?” “Neither.” It’s as sexless as a plastic doll. Meanwhile Saul studies the urns. He extracts an iridescent fluid that alarms him when viewed under microscope. In his shock, a capsule breaks. His own human clumsiness seems to bring strange pleasure as he cleans up. He misses a fleck in Mel’s terrarium. “Saul, you’ve got to come and see this.” “What is it?” “It’s simpler if you just come and look.” The Engineer is awake. He begins his story. He’s the last of his race, a civilization of explorers, scientists, creators, gods to the humans. He was a leader, a scientist with incredible knowledge. The humans are one of the many experiments throughout the universe that he conceived, their initial purpose being slave labor. The Engineer is impressed by the level of intelligence his creation has reached. He has lengthy interactions with the Prometheus’ crew. Saul is his favorite. Their relationship is closely monitored by Meredith Vickers, the company’s suit. The Engineer shares some of his technology with the crew. He reveals that his temple is actually like Noah’s ark, the urns containing the DNA of his people. He promises a new Paradise to the ones who will obey and accept him as their God. Some cave, others question. Tomas the bishop recites Leviticus 22:3 and kneels. Tension rises . . . The Engineer tricks its followers into drinking of the urns, promising them that they will become its equal once their DNA is modified. Meanwhile in Saul’s workspace, the poor bearded dragon Mel is convulsing. His body breaks open into an obsidian nightmare parody of the original. The Engineer orders its followers to kill all the non-believers and abandon the Nan-Shan. Vickers follows it to the temple, which is -- we now see -- a hangar. There it initiates the transformation of the alien planet into Paradise. The battle rages aboard the ship. The faithful have already killed some non-believers when they start to convulse . . . The marathon to the temple is deadly -- only Saul and Shaw make it alive. They get to the temple just as the alien spaceship starts its ascent. Something Other follows, the hideous second forms of the infected faithful, ready to attack -- but these ferocious catsized demons heel as the Engineer enters the room. It’s impressed by Shaw’s survival. It’s willing to forgive her if she accepts it as her true God -- then turns to Saul, offering him a place at its side. A place that Saul’s “sister” has already accepted. Like Saul, Vickers is man-made. Her mission was to ensure that Weyland Corp. had first dibs on any and all recovered exotic technology. But now she has other plans. The alien spaceship reaches orbit. Captain Jukes, aboard Prometheus, squints in wonderment. He raps out a sequence on the nicked old terminal dash and runs down into the heavy industrial sub-compartments of the ship. He straps into a gimbaled TURRET and flicks off a series of redwhite safety locks -- arming a set of mean looking external GRAVITY CANNONS. Below, the planet has almost finished its transformation. Blue sky, green fields, saltwater oceans. The Nan-Shan stands on a sandbar. The alien spaceship descends. Saul is tempted. But when the Engineer reveals his plan to set a course for Earth and continue its experiment, Saul takes a stand. He throws the contents of an urn at the Engineer’s face -- as a projectile from Prometheus reaves the whole ship down its side. An automatic defense beam zaps back -- a hot blue laser -- flashboiling the Prometheus’ coolant systems in an instant thermonuclear detonation. The Engineer’s laugh turns into a scream as its breastbone is destroyed by . . . the perfect organism. Vickers disappears. The Precursor creatures stop their attack, scared off by the now huge Organism. It does not hesitate -- obliterating all with breathtaking savagery. Shaw and Saul flee deeper into the alien spaceship playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the Alien. Shaw almost eats it but Saul lures the beast away. He orders Shaw to run for cover as he provokes the Creature. She refuses and fights back with a flamethrower, but the weapon runs dry. Thanks to Saul’s super-human strength and speed they manage to resist. Saul gets close enough to badly wound the Creature with his bare hands -- melting to a white alloy skeleton. But when he’s about to give the fatal blow the unmanned spaceship crashes on Paradise. The alien spaceship is in bad shape. Smoke everywhere. A large part of the hull is ripped open, letting the sunlight in. The Organism lying motionless. Nearby Saul, who seems to be dead. A sun beam awakens Shaw, she looks like hell but she made it OK. She walks toward the hull opening, feeling the heat of the sun on her skin as she covers her eyes. The sunlight is blinding after so many years in the darkness of space. For a moment she forgets about everything, gazing out at the virginal planet. Shaw comes to her senses, sees Saul’s body and runs toward him but someone stops her with one violent blow that sends her flying across the room. Vickers! Raving about the new worlds she’ll create and what she’s going to do to humanity with the technology that God himself left her. She will not let an unworthy human soil Paradise. Shaw escapes to the primal planet. She runs as far, as fast as she can, falling exhausted near a huge waterfall. But Vickers is fast, she’s quickly on her. They fight but Shaw doesn’t stand a chance. Vickers grabs her by the throat and is about to drop her into the waterfall when Saul HURLS her down the rock wall. Her head blows apart on impact in a gout of milk and glass at the same moment HER CHEST EXPLODES. Something totally new -- iridescent and many-mouthed -- plunges horribly from the robot carcass. Saul has to DRAG Shaw back to the Nan-Shan semi-conscious as she mutters, continuously . . . “Biomechanical . . . bio-mechanical . . . bio . . . mechanical.” Saul lays her on a bunk and seals up the ship. He power-walks at inhuman speed to the hellish wreck of the alien spaceship. A vast field of shiny black urns has poured out across the crash site like pills from a bottle -- their goopy contents spilling out, seeping into the life of the newborn Eden, slowly killing it. Inside Saul searches frantically -- probably for a self-destruct system. When he reaches the throne room, climbing up to the navigation console, someone punches him in the head. “And he shall burn all his fat upon the altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of peace offerings: and the priest shall make an atonement for him as concerning his sin, and it shall be forgiven him.” A series of strangled acoustic tones seem to repeat this paragraph in an eerie transliteration. We have heard these sounds before. Near the throne stands TOMAS the bishop, heavily lacerated, holding the ENGINEER’S HEAD. The navigation stem glows dully in response to each tone. Saul is dumbfounded. Tomas speaks. “Leviticus 4:26.” “What are you doing?” Tomas climbs fully onto the throne. It churns slowly to life. Skeletal belts and harnesses loop out, strapping him down. “Testifying.” More biomechanical hardware closes around his face. Before it disappears completely, he can barely be heard saying -- “An invitation and a warning.” “YOU CAN’T PILOT THE SHIP!” Tomas smiles and his face disappears beneath an elephant mask. The room rumbles. Saul’s expression changes -- emotion drains out. Someone or something seems to have taken over his mind. He marches coolly out of the havoc. Tomas, within the suit, with his last strength, emits a few more odd tones. The console responds and somewhere -- THE ORGANISM is busy building something large and ovoid. An egg? Just above its oblong head a bright blue laser wall flickers into existence like the surface of a neon swamp. In the throne room, something bulges in the chest of the elephant space suit. Inside the suit, Tomas dies. Pure quiet settles on the tomb. After twelve seconds a dim light pulses and we hear again the sequence of acoustical tones. SHAW comes sluggishly awake. She gradually realizes where she is and steps to the airlock porthole. Peering out at the crashed ship -- now a derelict -- something on the outside rises to meet her gaze. Xenomech or Saul? USS Prometheus Nan-Shan (Lander) Jukes, H.L. - Captain Shaw, E. - Xenobiologist O’Bannon, Dr. P. - Paleoanthropologist Tomas, K. - Bishop (Catholic) Vickers, M. - Weyland Consultant Saul J79 - Artificial Person
It Is My Feeling That Time Ripens All Things; With Time All Things Are Revealed; Time Is The Father Of Truth


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 6:41 AM
Well that was an interesting morning read... Not to crush anyone's dreams or theories, but I think we can deem this one as FAKE! lol. Really I doubt they'll have stuff about the "perfect organism" and I can't see them wrapping up the movies in one film versus doing two more as Ridley wants. Not to mention most confusing crew "chronicles" I've read. Lol.


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 7:53 AM
okay, thanks for clicking and uploading that, I'll get my brew and have a read....
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 8:05 AM, that was weird. And what was it? An official original-version Spaihts script or just some fanboy scammer?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 1:08 PM
Took a while but I've found the "original" — it was posted at AvP Galaxy almost a year ago: I can't tell which came first but they're obviously intermixed. Neither handle the character trajectories very well, especially after the midpoint. Thanks for reading and: is there a better way to post files here? To make them less scary?


AdminPraetorianNov-24-2012 7:30 PM
@pseudoengineer; Yes there is, you imbed it by clicking on the little chainlink icon next to the picture icon in the top of the post area. :)
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