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Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-09-2012 11:30 AMI had some questions/thoughts after reading a few posts yesterday:
If Ancient Alien cultures are able to travel the galaxies with superior technologies, then why do they need us/humans?
I guess I need to understand why the Engineers would need to even create us, if they can build the things they can build?
What was our purpose?
Is it really as simple as David & Holloway said, "because they can"?
I may need therapy before 'Paradise' gets here!
16 Replies

MemberDeaconOct-09-2012 11:44 AMWell if we again go by the Annunnaki tale we was created as tools...
Why create David 8? Surely mankind can do similar tasks?
Why create a Kettle surely a Pan Over a Fire would do the same?
Why create a Calculator, surely we can use our fingers and paper?
I know those are extreme examples but i think we was created in the context of Prometheus to perform tasks so as that the engineers no long had to.
We was created maybe by them, for the same reasons in the movie Weyland created Androids
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

ancient one
MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 11:56 AMThat's really what makes Prometheus a powerful movie ,the fact it asks the most important questions to mankind.where do we really come from what was our original purpose what happens when we die.It make you ponder who is the real engineer.As we look for answers to the movie unexplained questions we can reflect on how the real Prometheus story will unfold.Imagine the first human pair created were the only ones not to have any belly buttons cause they were directly created :)!That's just my thoughts and what I choose to believe.

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-09-2012 12:06 PM@BigDave - Yea, I guess their plan may have been to re-invent us for their purposes, before the LV-223 accident. I am really interested in Ridley getting to this point with the story: What was our original purpose to them? Manual labor?
You know, when we needed to build the Panama Canal, we invented the steam shovel so as to do it better than 10 men could do it?
Our technology evolved.
The Engineers technology is already evolved, so why stop with us?

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 1:59 PMI have always liked David's answer - "Because they can". It's simple no debate needed - what fun would that be. Why did the set out to destroy us? Now that is the big question that is yet to be answered, we hope in the sequel. I keep looking at that question and I just can't help thinking that we, the human race, evolved much faster that the Engineers anticipated we would. I think they perceived us as a future threat to the galaxy.
Look at Wayland industries web site. Look at all the planets that we have touched and for what reason - mining. We locate a planet, we claim it our own and we then create living conditions (Tara form) and then we harvest its resources. There are millions of humans occupying dozens of planets all for greed. If I were the Engineer race and I was keeping close eye on one of my creations and I began to realize the creation was becoming evolved enough that it could be dangerous and uncontrollable if left alone, I would destroy it before it got to that point.
I keep trying to look back at history 2000 years and I am looking for an event that occurred to raise concern by the Engineers they we may become a danger to them or the rest of the universe. Looking back the human race was evolving at a rapid pace. Our achievements in architecture, art and science was amazing 2000 plus years ago. The construction of the pyramids, Stonehenge, The Ancient Baghdad Battery to name a few. For those Christians out there the big event - crucifixion of Christ. The human race was showing how capable we are to reason, to rational, to explore, to engineer, to war, to govern and rule and the list goes on.
Let’s face it even today we still cannot get along, we fight over land, over religion, or race, color, food, water and greed. It's what we are and who we are. Maybe RS will give that answer or maybe he will just leave us asking more questions - time will tell.
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Alien DNA
MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 3:12 PMdopelganger- [i]"Why did the set out to destroy us? Now that is the big question
that is yet to be answered"[/i]
What if your answer was still as simple as "Because they can"

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-09-2012 3:32 PMAlien DNA - If that is the case, then it will be a very short movie!

MemberXenomorphOct-09-2012 3:33 PMTo all
I still believe the engineers we see at the start Of the movie does not have final control of to use their technology . Someone up higher is preventing them ? Otheriwse there must be something wrong with there technology !
Why not simply create life the way you want it by genetical engineering ?

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-09-2012 3:37 PModuodu - Precisely my point!
If we were not big enough, too violent, too greedy, or whatever, then why not design us the best way first?
They have been doing this for a long time, so are they not experts by now?
If they wanted work done for them, why not make a bulldozer?
Why even create humans?

ancient one
MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 3:41 PMMaybe we weren't the first humans they engineered.Maybe its our older brother race of humans that may have answered the invitation first and just like some of us wanted to take the godlike knowledge for their keeping.this could have caused a war with the engineers, especially if these older humans had developed super mass destruction weopons of their own that could rivel the creators themselves prompting them to retalieat with the ultimate bioweopon created.and so all other planets seeded with human life were to be destroyed and seeded with new that would explain the engineer in the deleted scene asking them why we're they there and then they asking for the same knowledge our brothers tried to steal ,that led to a explosive response from the last engineer.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 5:56 PMI'm a big believer of the Ancient Theory and it's concepts..... I don't buy that the human race evolved from apes.... no-way, no-how. I think the Annunnaki tale is pretty close to the real deal, not only that, I think Humans have been around since 400,000BC-600,000BC years ago and we were even far more advanced back then, far more than we are today. Also those ancient civalizations either wiped nearly everybody out, a near instinctionevent, or something not of this world made several attempsto do so, but failed, perhaps they were tall white/blue aliens, who knows?....
I kinda hope they will return, clean up this mess of a planet and get it right the next time............... after Paradise tho, not right now : )
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 6:30 PMI believe that the Engineers experimented on early human life and then helped it evolve. They then realized after some time that humanity might possess a threat to them in the future. That is why they set out to destroy the human race. They know all about threats because they themselves were expiremented on themselves by the Space Jockey race. But they turned on the Space Jockeys which led to a war. After the Space Jockeys were defeated. The Engineers began to expand there civilization across the cosmos. Maybe the ship on LV-223 which was manned by a Space Jockey (The Elephantine race) was not on route to earth, but on route to the Engineers home base of operation to bomb it with Xenomorphs, bio-logical weapons and other creatures they created. Which all were created by the black goo that the Space Jockey race originaly created.
Maybe the Xenomorph that attached it self to Kane in Alien was just one type of creature which was in the bomber. The urns might of housed a number of different types of creatures that the Space Jockeys created. Remember from what we saw in Prometheous that the black goo can alter the life source it comes in contact with differently. I believe that the majority of the technology in Promethous was created by the Space Jockeys. But when the Engineers defeated the Space Jockeys they took from them that technology. But they have never been able to use it properly. In other words they stole fire from the (the Space Jockeys) gods, but never learned how to manipulate it.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 9:59 PMWhy were the Eningeers creating oxygen? Because they can.
You can apply that answer to a few of the questions in the movie to make things actually make a little more sense.
The fact they can leads one to believe they can do it on a massive scale.
Have you heard about Pyramid power? the idea that the Pyramids were ancient power plants of some sort?
Well what if the entire temple is, on one level, an ancient atmospheric processor. And that planet almost matched our atmosphere because "they WERE terraforming".

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 10:53 PMThe pyramid power theory makes a lot of sense @Mala 'kak. I even read years ago that the largest pyramid in egypt had a cone made out of pure gold on the top. Maybe the gold was used to syphon electricity from the air. Or even used as a device to comunicate with the space gods.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 5:52 PM@Big Dave in response to the first post.
I think that's a big recurring theme that goes on with all the groups. We were created as tools for the Engineers. But the Engineers also could have been made as tools for the Elders.
Servants and subjects to the king.
@Rubirosa Love your train of thought too. I really think the original space jockey will come back into and be at war with the engineers and elders. its creations who pretend to be gods and kings (portraying themselves that way) by using the technology they stole/inherited from above. They've been misusing the fire and it backfired on them I think. The other races could still use their own form of the fire and we'll see fire fighting fire.

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 1:00 PMIf Sitchin is correct, we were engineered or at least somewhat evolved by a group of extraterrestrials called the Annunaki.
To read more about this, visit:

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 1:14 PMLOL an Engineer using his ancient fish suit
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