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Major Kong
MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 7:58 PMHey all,
Just got the 4 disk collectors edition. Is it true I need an iPod or iPhone to get access to the scripts??? Does anyone have them yet???
I cannot lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies
19 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 9:02 PMPretty sure you just need a tablet or smartphone. Doesn't have to be a mac product.
From watching the extras and listening to the commentaries I'm siding with Lindelof. 90% of the time Lindelof's ideas were way better than Spahits imo. I know certain fans wanted to see the same old shit but I'm glad they took risks and did something different and it seems all of that came from Lindy and Scott. We didn't need another rehash of old ideas.
On a different note, according to Spaihts it was the Fox execs idea to bring in Lindy, not Scott's. The reasoning was because Spaihts was unproven as far as film goes.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 9:34 PMSome of Spaihts' ideas were quite good, so I'm actually kind of impressed that Fox took a step back from their cash cow and went for something new. Thankful, too. Lindelof doesn't deserve the vilification he's received. I hope he won't have to spend too much time in therapy after all this.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 9:51 PMpretty much agree with whats been said above by major noob and engineering. imo, lindelof improved the piece.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 10:41 PMGuys, I'm so glad to see people saying this! Thank you! I'm tired of seeing Lindelof getting bashed. He brought new ideas to the table and that's what we needed. Yes, a direct Alien prequel would have been cool and drawn the majority of people to the theaters to see it. But what we got is so much better. A new, fresh idea instead of the same stuff rehashed again. I love having (a) sequel(s) to look forward to to get more answers. But at the same time, this open-for-speculation film is amazing. It's refreshing to have a movie that brings completely new ideas to the table. And not just story-wise, I mean "where did we come from", life question-wise, instead of another "remake" film that Hollywood is in love with these days.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 10:55 PM@ssomers12...I hear you. I think a lot of people just jump on the Lindelbash bandwagon for reasons other than Prometheus. Either they felt ripped by Lost or didn't like Star Trek or just follow the crowd. But I like his body of work so far and I definitely love ambiguity. A lot of people don't aparently. They like to have everything spelled out and I guess I understand. But I, for one, do not need or want everything laid out. I like a little mystery. I like to think. I like to make up my own mind.

MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 10:50 PMDon't get me wrong, Spaihts came up with the bulk of the script. He came up with the Engineers which is the best part of the film imo. But as far as what Spaihts had down that Lindelof came in and changed, I feel those ideas were better.
One thing that was Spaihts idea does stick out in my mind as being better for the film. It was the idea that David took Shaw and trapped her in front of a xeno egg and a facehugger came out, impregnating her instead of Holloway. In his script Holloway is chest-bursted during the love making scene with Shaw. I think a chest-burst during sex would have been pretty damn disturbing too. I really would have liked to see helpless Shaw's terror as a face hugger crawls out of an egg and slowly lurks toward her only to have to go and have it the chest burster removed all this after her lover was chest bursted mid-hump lol.
Anyway, those were the 2 ideas of Spaihts that I liked. But I'm glad they did something fresh and new.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 12:26 AMDon't get me wrong, I too like a bit of a mystery Engineering. But here is where I have to say, we had a mystery already in the form of the Space Jockey in Alien. Most of the members here, myself included, wanted some closure for that mystery. More mysteries is fine, but answer the 33 year old question "How did the Space Jockey end up on LV-426, what came out of him and was that thing the reason he had a hold full of eggs, or was it BECAUSE he had a hold full of eggs that he had a hole in his chest?"
Instead we find out that they made humans and had a hand in creating life on Earth, are humanoid (which really irks me) and have a tendency to crash their ships in the same star system all the time.
Ambiguity has it's place, but it isn't here I believe. I'm still highly confused by what I have seen.
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Stay Frosty
MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 2:43 AMIm all for a re hash of ideas and what not, what i didnt wanna see was a rushed chopped and changed final piece. Yes they want u to watch it more then once and get more from it, buy the blue ray dvd whatever get all the xtras all the deleted stuff, but was it toooo much to ask to have a cut in Imax that answered just the one question that was left from Alien? and why even use the Alienverse as a back drop if ur going onto a new film and idea?
I didnt wanna see Xenos or any of the face huggers as they have been re hashed to death and BORING! as far as a film would have gone it would have been "same ol Shit" as they say...But what you want from a film is a sense of satisfaction and is there ir isnt there going to be a sequal. a film like this in my opinion doesnt or shouldnt need to have a sequal to answer your Qs theres the possibility and thats fine, but atleast just adress one issue and bury it once and for all...Still think the characters were daft and the pacing was off.
I did Enioy prometheus 2nd time round, guess i just went into it first time expectin too much, But then why shoulnt i or We with all the hype before hand what else would you think or expect!
anyhow is the blue ray special edition worth getting? i might get it this week
P.S can anyone tell me what the alternate ending is? is it just an extended scene with shaw and the engineer and then with david?
cheers folks

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 3:44 AMI think the blu ray special edition (4 disc set) is absolutely worth getting. The documentary (almost 4 hours) is one of the best ive seen. Note: take an old dvd (that you no longer want) to best buy and they'll give you 5 bucks off the set (or any other blu ray in the store). nice way to save.
I think one's opinion of prometheus comes down to personal aesthetic/taste issues. IMO, this film unquestionably succeeds at what it sets out to accomplish. The question is... do you like the type of narrative/delivery prometheus is selling? I have seen the film numerous times. Ive been digging through the 4 disc blu ray set. Ive tried to be as objective as i possibly can. I thoroughly enjoy this film! I analyzed the deleted scenes. i thought about it. This film was not butchered in post/editing. I am so happy with 90% of the editing decisions. The only scene i feel very strongly that they should have included was the full scene between weyland and Vickers. That scene needed to be in the film. Beyond that...i would have been angry had they forced some of the other unnecessary/inferior scenes back into the film via an extended cut (restoration cut my ass. more like bastardization cut). Lindelof made a lot of key decisions that improved the film exponentially (obviously imo).
Loving this blu ray set!
edit:alternate ending is just junk that needed to be culled from the film like most of the other deleted scenes. Alternate ending is much less elegant than the one we ended up with. I like the theatrical beginning better than the alternate beginning as well.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 4:24 AMI think we got short changed
OK so we know what the space jockey looked like outside of the suit - but there's this totally unnecessary subtext that's taken over the main thread of the real fantasy and allure the movie could and should have had

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 7:39 AMI'm sorry but if you can't extrapolate what happened on LV-426 with the information given so far in the Alien universe then I don't know what to tell you. I don't get what would be so exciting about seeing that. I mean, it would be cool and all but it's just not necessary. They've given all the clues you need to figure out what happened. Prometheus pretty much answered all those questions. Albiet in a roundabout way that asks you to use the brain the engineers have given you. They gave answers while telling a new story that will actually go somewhere new instead of dying on LV-426 with the Space Jockey.
I mean...c'mon.[img][/img]
@MVMNT...Could you elaborate please? I'm really intrigued by you're post.

MemberDeaconOct-10-2012 8:18 AMLindelof has great ideas..... he just does not give any real reason behind them...
Imagine he invented he Alien Greys and they never existed before he came up with them in a movie called... Green Men from Mars....
"Hey i think we should create these Aliens from Mars they are short grey look like this...."
"erm... i dont know lets say they come down to Earth and stick probes up peoples bottoms"
"erm... dont know, dont matter its just cool to do"
"erm... on flying saucers, yes like the teacup rides at fairs"
"i dont know does it matter, lets say they time machines"
"because its cool"
You get my idea, he basically invents lots of ideas but then no actual thought into how these things work or relate to each element and thats when we get inconsistencies that then someone has to come along and give a explanation for.
But he will just say.... hey its ambiguity...
What i mean is take the Goo, he will say "oh it breaks down the Engineer when drank" "it mutates stuff it touches into things that have Alien DNA" and when Holloway drinks some he gets Shaw Pregnant and some also escapes from his eye"
Good ideas but then it leaves us puzzled to how they hell it all connects.
Instead they should have sat down and drafted out in detail how this Substance would work and cover all bases and then portray it in the movie, not in more detail just some things dont add up.
The Goo has different effects when taking the same way by some and they never bothered to think of how this could be.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconOct-10-2012 8:25 AMAS FAR LV 426....
Here is the deal....
1) Space Jockey is heading to a undisclosed location with his Cargo of Bio Weapons, its not disclosed of where he is going or why?
2) He does not get far on his mission before one of the Cargo is Compromised and he gets Face Hugged. We dont know how he managed to do that.
3) Thus he never got far before he was infected and had to set down a course to a near by baron planet/moon in a attempt to Quarantine the Cargo and set off a Warning Beacon telling the others the Cargo is Compromised and not to come down to where he lands under any circumstances.
4) He plots a course to the nearest baron moon which is LV 426 but as he is about to land, he starts to go though the process of being Chest Busted. And Crash lands the Derelict.
5) His mission was within a few hundred years of the downfall of LV 223/Outbreak, thus 1800-22000 years ago.
Thats basically what we know as Ridley said so, he even hinted that the ship came from LV 223.
Now either they created the Eggs on LV 223 and was transporting them somewhere.
Or the Eggs came from somewhere else and some was used in experiments on LV 223 and the rest then taken away.
We dont know where the Space Jockey was going or why, and how the Xeno came to be.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Stay Frosty
MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 9:24 AM@ Engineering › - No doubt, im sure ppl can put 2 and 2 together. but that still doesnt explain much does it? why eggs? to ampules? is one Q, i wanted a diff kinda pic and we got it but IF! this was a stand alone film and no sequel would you be happy with it? i dont wanna hear what ridley has to say after the film or anyone else or by viral marketing hearsay, i wanna see it on screen simple, they could have easily done it and just ended the whole link to Alien in one short act and move on to a whole new story..which would be the main plot as it is...the ENGINEERS.
Dont get me wrong i enjoyed prometheus second time round but that still doesnt mean the questions that were meant to be answerd were answered?! as that was the whole point of the film in the 1st place and the way it was marketed, forget Alien and Aliens etc..You would have to admit their are a few plot holes and the pacing seems off..this is catered to a new generation no doubt and its all good but dont let the rest down at the same time..
Fair enough a lot of it is open to interpretation which many have us have done but to leave it ALL!!! to your own thinking is a bit silly, some might think its clever and to an extent it probably is but as a stand alone film i dont think it works IMO...

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 10:22 AM[i]"How did the Space Jockey end up on LV-426, what came out of him and was that thing the reason he had a hold full of eggs, or was it BECAUSE he had a hold full of eggs that he had a hole in his chest?"[/i] I totally agree with you, Cypher.
Answering THOSE BASIC QUESTIONS would have been a (for me) far more apt film than (ahem) "Space Jesus".
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MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 12:04 PM@custodian: the answers to the above questions are, in a general sense, made available through prometheus and alien (@engineering: agreed. how people cannot extrapolate the answers from what has been given boggles the mind). Also, i like how you (custodian-freeplanet) called this film "space jesus". its appropriate because space jesus is present and discussed regularly throughout the film (please).

Major Kong
MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 2:18 PMAgain, and sorry to be a pain but has ANYONE accessed the script(s) which were supposed to be included?? I am dying to read these damn things!!!!!!! LOL
I cannot lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 8:53 PMOnce again this coinversation leads to the eternal "two schools of thought" dilema that plagues Prometheus. There's a big divide between those who want everything explained and those who enjoy ambiguity, using their own imaginations and talking about it.
The gist of the answers to Alien's questions are laid out. Let the film keep a little of it's mysterious aura please.

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 9:08 PMBTW...If you listen to the commentary it's obvious that Lindeloff has thought things out.
What I find really awesome is that the commentary was done before the release and he addresses so many of the things people have bitched about. What's even greater is that some of the problems were caused by editing. What beats even that is that the answers to most of these "problems" or "plot holes" were the answers most reasonable people with half a brain would extrapolate right off the bat.
IMO, Lindelof's been vindicated for the most part in regards to Prometheus. It's going to be funny if they make the sequel and some questions get answered so people will stop bitching. Especially if Lindelof is envolved as a writer in any capacity whatsoever.
Even if they give answers the naysayers will still abound. I've said it before and I'll say it again, people bitch about how there's nothing fresh and new then line up around the block and slap down money to see the next shitty remake or reboot that takes the same path as the one before. Then when filmakers try something new they bitch about that as well. I mean seriously. It';s all over the place. It either sucked because it was just like the old one but didn't deliver because of your precious memories or it sucked because they didn't adhere directly to what you came to expect from what came before.
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