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MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2012 4:01 PMAs I am not the greatest astronomer but, I was wondering if anyone out there knows anything about where both LV 426 and LV 322 are meant to be positioned. From some star charts i have been looking at it would appear that LV 426 is located near the Hydrus system which would appear to be in close proximity to Zeta reticuli. I was also wondering if LV 322 was part of the Cancer system. Could anyone shed any light on this ?
6 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 5:28 PMI think there are not star charts from the film, and those stars that Dr. Holloway shows us doesn't match up with Orion constellation, probably nearby one would be The Eagle with a similar pattern. I think. I have not any pictures right now.

MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2012 6:03 PM@mateo
Thanks for the Eagle reference. Did a check on wiki, and its interesting to note that it is refered to as 'The Pillars of Creation'
@[url=]Your text to link here...[/url]

MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2012 6:04 PM[img][/img]

MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2012 7:39 PM@ Mateo
Brilliant work, now then give this idea some thought.
1.The engineers are strong, almost god like creatures possibly demi-gods. maybe a bit like Hercules
2. Ophiuchus means serpent bearer.
If we look to the top right of your map what do we have.
Hope you see where I'm going with this, good luck.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 8:46 PM... may be linked with the myth of Prometheus, nonetheless Eagle is symbolic, if you know something about of this matter, we looking for the closest position match, if you are searching something real, maybe stellar positioning is harder to accept, just like to scram something, to shoehorn, but quoting Weyland's speech:
"The poor man was tied to a rock, as an eagle ripped through his belly and ate his liver over and over, day after day, ad infinitum."
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