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MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 5:57 PMHey so,
Just really quick,
I don't understand why people haven't picked up on this....
Maybe It's been mentioned before but there seems to be so much debate on the subject.
But it's very very obvious, and of course there's always the TINY chance Ridley and Co. could throw us a curveball,
But there is VERY CLEARLY
TWO separate moons around the big ringed-planet in Prometheus.
I mean even when David watches the ship's shutter-windows open, in the very beginning- he's staring at TWO moons.
CLEARLY one is Lv 223. The one featured in this movie.
But why is it not obvious to everyone else that the OTHER moon is LV 426?
Even in the Original Alien movie, when they land, you can see the ringed-planet in the background, as well as at least 1 other moon in the distance.
Just wondering, why isn't this one of those, "Oh, that's probably what happened" situations?
19 Replies

MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2012 6:11 PM@CerynJrey
I agree that Ridley could have thrown us a curveball. There is also a very good chance that like you say, both LV 426 and LV 223 are the two different moons, but can anyone put a name on that constellation ?
I have one or two theories of my own, but I think it is useful to sometimes rule out some of the other options just to be sure.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 7:16 PMcould be. I asked myself that same question while watching the film (hmmm...what is that planetoid/moon next to LV 223 on the map? is it LV 426?)
I just dont know. im trying to think of a reason why the abovementioned moon couldnt be lv 426. hmmm.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 7:51 PMLV 426 which is actually LV 223 is located in the Reticulum Constellation.
The Reticulum Constellation is 37 light years from Earth. This means that LV 223, LV426 I mean is located 2.3 light years beyond the center of the Reticulum Constellation.
The fascinating question remains. How far away from the Orion Constellation is the Reticulum Constellation?
The reason for the question is because NASA has detected oxygen molecules floating freely in space within the Orion Constellation. So one cannot be far certain what would exist in such an enviroment. There has to be a planet that passed through the area with oxygen molecules. If that planet had water then the ingrediants for life are present....but what type of life?
All of these worlds abound with freedom...and death.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 7:57 PMOn the "The Peter Weyland Files" feature in the 4-disc blu-ray set Peter Weyland states that he is aware of the beacon on 426 & only David shares this secret. He goes to 223 to "amuse" the doctor's well aware that 426 holds the answers to their questions/his search for immortality. To me it makes sense that they are the two moons you refer to.

MemberFacehuggerOct-10-2012 8:00 PM@Dryson, cheers, I think you'just answered an earlier question of mine, cos some things are now starting to make sense about a few things
The Reticulum constellation is either next door or part of the hydrus system.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 10:55 PMIm sorry @Dryson but LV-426, and LV223 are two different planetoids or moons. Alien takes place on LV-426, and Prometheous on LV-223.

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 11:11 PMIndeed Dryson, they are 2 different places. Lv-426 from alien is shown in the movie as well as lv-223 where prometheus was set.

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 12:53 AMYou might want to check out [url=]Dodgy Starmaps[/url]
It's actually a rather obvious connection to link the two moons with the same planet. But the inconsistencies in the movie are plain to see.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Stay Frosty
MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 2:54 AMNot sure about u folks but there was a scene which was in prometheus or poss a teaser trailer or may even have been a pre release clip where they show the moons! and the sun, and when you see LV223, the moons followed behing it is HIGHLIGHTED says LV426!! it clearley said it displayed...
and im sure if u check the site you will find evidence of this.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphOct-11-2012 8:11 AMIn ALIEN they land on LV 426 which is 1 of 3 moons orbiting a gas giant which apears to be red. In Prometheus they land on LV 223 which is 1 of 2 moons orbiting what apears to be a blue gas giant. Both moons are in completely different locations according to Ridley and Lindelof.
On the BluRay commentary, Lindelof states that LV 426 is 185 LVs away from LV 223 whatever that means?
Also, on one of the Prometheus featurettes, Ridley says that LV 223 is in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system and in ALIEN Lambert says that they are near or just short of Zeta 2 reticuli, just before they land on LV 426.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 9:36 AMBut....if the other moon is LV 426, then why did their ship not pick up the distress beacon from the derelict? Now after watching Prometheus several times I would say that the derelict on LV 426 really stranded there for a very long time, either thousands of years or even around a million.
The Xenomorphs existed indeed very long time ago and the black goo might be Xenomorph DNA which is being used to mutate/evolve any living beings into bio weapons without needing the egg/facehugger.
See how powerful Fifield became, he got shot so many times and being on fire. The normal Xenomorph would have died much earlier.

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-11-2012 11:00 AMI asked Bart Simpson & he says it is just beyond Uranus!

MemberDeaconOct-11-2012 11:33 AM[b][i]On the BluRay commentary, Lindelof states that LV 426 is 185 LVs away from LV 223 whatever that means?[/i][/b]
Proves you cant take his word for anything actually its 203 ;)
We need to look at what Ridley and Co have been saying and also in the movies whats told..
LV 426 is close to Zeta 2 Reticuli but how close is close? 1LY, 5LY 10LY?
Also if we are led to think they are around the same planet then surely if Weyland detected and was aware of a Beacon then surely they would check that out before landing on LV 223 as a Beacon is concrete sign of Intelligence.
Also if thats the case, then also when the Weyland Company Colonize LV 426 would they not have explored near by LV 223?
Now on to Prometheus again Ridley hints the events are located near Zeta Reticuli and then we have Shaws Map from her notes which show Zeta Reticuli
The movie gives us a distance of 35LY which there could be a few candidates but then also one star appears on Shaws notes and at the side there is a note that says Gliese 86-Zeta 2
Gliese 86 has a Saturn like Planet and is 35LY away.
All hints seem that that System could be likely but it is like most things in the movie not 100% fact, as there are things that contradict it and until Ridley says yes the Star system is SUCH A SUCH, then we dont know for sure.
The Briefing they show the system to be to the left of Orion which Zeta Reticuli is not but then there is no way 100% for sure to say where that Holloway was pointing as the star chart zooms in, so its to the left of Orion but then as it zooms in we get the Star Trek Warp effect with the stars zipping past so it could be anywhere far beyond and to the left of Orion......
Which is no where near Zeta and certainly much further than 40LY away.
Back to LV 426, i would assume that if LV 426 and LV 223 was around the same planet then we would have LV 426 and LV 423 etc and not LV 223 i think the LV2* designates at least a different Planet, but could also and most likely be a different System.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 12:05 PMA pic showing a Prometheus image of the orbiting moons (above), and Alien (below).

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 12:14 PM@asphaltpilot yeah I know what you mean, but the thing is that in Prometheus there are only two moons and and not it is possible that they are two different star systems.

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-11-2012 12:18 PMThe end result on LV-223 was the same as LV-426....DEATH!

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 9:26 AM@BigDave, your post is well done and your facts are as accurate as our current star maps can figure. One thing I'd like to point out though is that Weyland's team picked up the beacon on LV426. That fact is referenced in ALIEN when Ripley is consulting with Mother. In PROMETHEUS's bonus Weyland states that he sent them to LV223 to "amuse the scientists." He wanted to be close to figure out what the possibility of the beacon's meaning could have been. Also, if David could not find the answers they sought on LV223, he had another shot with LV426. It makes sense, since he's in cryo anyway, to let the scientists do the grunt work for him and to know that he had a way out if need be lol.
Just a thought.

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 11:15 AM@Jelbright,
You are correct, sir. Weyland is aware that LV-426 has a beacon coming from it and he believes that it is a sign that it holds the secrets that he's looking for; he only goes to LV-223 to amuse the doctors (and, in my opinion, because he knows that he wouldn't survive the trip all the way to LV-426 because of his age [remember, he says that he only has "a few days of life left in him" and LV-426 isn't the moon right next to LV-223]).
(I'm pretty sure that Ridley and company said that LV-223 and LV-426 are both in the Zeta II Reticuli system, but they aren't necessarily right next to each other)
Weyland programs David with this information about LV-426, but he is to not let anyone know about it. After Weyland dies at the end, David is "free" and is not obligated to keep the secret of LV-426 anymore. Which is why I think that "Paradise" is LV-426 and that is where Shaw and David are headed and what we will see in Prometheus 2 a.k.a. Paradise.
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