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MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 12:50 PMThe entire ship Juggernaut has no weapons when itself was supposively a bio weapon test facility... and why would the engineer take off his helmet after the crash? the engineers in the hologram were wearing it(not to sure if the pile of dead ones were too). then when the engineer meets with the fetus and is wrapped up and all he does is try and push off the tentacles.... more big of let down then when the 2 predators died within the 1st min in avp.
and wouldnt the engineer need his helmet to protect himself from that atmosphere or for oxygen since engineers and humans are a DNA match?
17 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 1:23 PMFor God's sake! Don't compare Prometheus with AVP, please don't.

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-11-2012 1:35 PMThe Engineer may have had his helmet burned off, as his face is burned in the fight scene with Shaw....I do not know for sure.
As far as needing a helmet to breathe/survive outside the ship, there are numerous threads relating to this question.
I am of the opinion we do not really know what an Engineer can do when fused with his bio-suit?

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 1:35 PMLOL @ Shambs.
I've saved this pic as "SpaceJockeyDoh" and plan to use it for my screensaver.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 1:37 PMI am so tired of people wiening about this movie online.
You are on a fan forum, FAN FORUM. Whats the point of posting anything if you dont even like the movie.
When i say you, i dont mean YOU personally PROM123 just so you know.
im not trying to go after any specific person.
Its just the phenomena of wiening online that irritates me.
I just qualified for that group whit this post, but it had to be said.

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 2:18 PMI think ridley scott should look at the creatures in Doom 3 and Deadspace computer games on how the creatures should look in a sequel. The black goo could so hideously mutate creatures on distant planets as too make the hell knight (the muscular one in doom 3 the game not the sh*t one in doom the movie) oh yeah!!!! See that running around squishing all in it's path in 3D oh yeah. With his budget, Ridley would make it awesome. Oh yeah btw and fyi the Hell Knight should be 10-12' Tall!!!

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 3:05 PMSo Scott should've designed the engineers with some similaries with creatures or being from other movies (not to mention the movies you listed were totally lame); thus not be original in his own film huh?
You fucking dumbass.

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 3:57 PMas for the engineer without a helmet /atmosphere comment -s someone above said, we dont know for sure if they require an atmosphere like ours, but if they do (this might have been covered before) the film makers have given us this:
1. when they land, Ford suggests a human could last about 2 minutes without a suit
2. when shaw is nearly crushed by the engineers ship, her suit says she has 2 minutes of oxygen left, and she makes it from the engineer shipwreck to the lifeboat with that 2 minutes of oxygen. meaning it took 2 minutes or less.
therefore, a being who breathes the same atmosphere as we do could have survived a walk (or run) from the engineer ship to the lifeboat without a helmet (in theory). that MIGHT even be the reason those 2 minutes were bought up in both scenes.
i hope this is helpful on that specific topic. sorry if it is already covered on the forum.

MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 5:50 PMTo be honest, most of these so called "Plot Holes" can be explained away with plausible/credible explanations. This is an advanced species, why wouldn't the engineer beable to survive a quick run from the ship to the life boat. It's not hard to fathom. I don't know why most critics seem the need to be spoon feed every answer when it'll only take a little imagination (i'm talking miniscule amount here) to find a plausible/credible explanation for yourself.
Besides I'm guessing prom123 prefers a more action movie to a more cerebral one. Which is fine with me as yes while I did enjoy Avp for what it was, Prometheus is the one I will keep going back to time and time again, because it's those questions that are raised that keep me far more interested and focused than Avp ever will. Also Prometheus is up on a scale that far outweighs anything Paul Anderson can do (Event Horizon aside). The Mythology, The Environment, The longevity and the potential to achieve that rare feet of getting a sequel that's (hopefully) better than the original...Alien and Aliens anyone??? Just providing if it "the series"(if scott didn't wanna direct) gets franchised out to either get Guillemo Del Toro or Peter Jackson and then to stop at Part 3.
As Shambs say Don't compare Avp with Prometheus because you'll come unstuck very quickly. Most definitely "Pro" will far out merit "Avp" buy a light year and as the Engineers Facepalm moment suggests "just don't go there" because I'm (aka ME) is just scratching the yeah

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 8:17 AMNo one has mentioned this yet, but, the fact that the Engineer did not have his helmet is because the Helmet he was wearing was ATTACHED to the Pilot's Chair. This is seen when he sits in the chair and the helmet secures itself to his head.

Cerulean Blue
MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2012 11:35 AMCareful what you say!
You guys keep it up & the Engineer will rip off your head & crap down your neck!

MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 12:08 PMI agree with you @klepto440p. There is a huge amount of site members who either have a short attention span, are not very creative or have little taste in what they percieve as a great film. I am not saying that Prometheous was a great film. I think it was pretty good and very intersting though. But please people get with it. Its a science-fiction movie which means that all of your questions will not be answered. Just enjoy it for what it is.
MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 12:19 PM I'm with you, Korpen, and as for Shambs....hardly funny at all. A yawner, to say the most of your picture contribution. Anyway, moving right along easily, this is a fan forum site, go over their to the dislike area, thank you.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 2:45 AMFor you boneheads who are "whining" about the fellows who are rightfully pointing out the massive shortcomings in this film, choke yourselves. Somehow you fanboys entered the "Prometheus dislike" thread and you're bitching about people posting there. If you dont like their posts and are seeking sychophantic raves for the movie then go to the "like" thread. There is one you know. If you're going to defend the movie then fine, its a bit silly to bitch about the unhappy folk in the unhappy folk area.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 2:54 AMThe engineers are the single saving grace for this movie other than sets and special effects. As for being disappointed with the Engineer, his mking it over to the lifeboat sans suit is plasible enough. I dont buy the idea that the suit was stuck to the seat because the other Engineers were running around in them before they croaked. I dont believe they breathed a different atmosphere because the atmosphere in their ship was suitable for the bonehead "science" team when they took their helmets off. As Ford indicated almost identical to earth but cleaner. I like poking holes in this otherwise entertaining movie but this one simply isnt worth the effort.
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