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LV-426 Explained: Weyland knows about it but deters others from knowing

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MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 10:45 PM
I just picked up the BluRay today! First thing was to look at the extras, The Peter Weyland Files. Going in you have a choice to play all or play one you want. However, if you look to the right of the playable videos there will be what looks like an email communication. This is a written recording of some type of dictated note BY Weyland, and in response to the specific Weyland File you are on. Looking at recording #1. Quiet Eye: Elizabeth Shaw, Weyland tells us that they picked up a transmission, FROM LV-426!!! "As fate would have it, Shaw and Halloway's interest in Zeta 2 Reticuli has proven to be mutually beneficial. While the good doctors rely on ancient carvings and primitive cave paintings, my science division's own long range scans have recently detected a faint, almost imperceptibel signal eminating from one of the lesser moons in that system. And contrary to the findings of Shaw and Halloway, which target LV-223 as our primary site of interest, our findings suggest the point of interest could actually be the moon LV-426. Per standard procedure, we will embed a David 8 unit with the crew. And he will be programmed with multiple contingency plans to address and exploit whatever assets we secure on 223. But only David will know about 426 and will ensure that the rest of the crew - including Meredith - learn nothing about the transmission we've recently discovered until the time is right. For if the Yutani's new ECIU software is to be trusted, there might be great risk awaiting us on the path to an even greater reward." So folks, there it is. Alien LV-426 was known, its the same system, and the transmission was intercepted 30+ years before Ripley landed there.
32 Replies


MemberOvomorphJan-01-2013 8:52 AM
I have a lengthy thread I am going to post wich reveals that the Xeno EGG CHAMBERS were present while the PROMETHEUS crew were on LV-223 and as close as we get to seeing it is when they all stop at the foot of the near 50 ft drop where one of the "PUPS" stops dead overhead and takes a ninty degree turn, plunging all the way down the long shaft. It is suggested that at the foot of this long shaft or one very similar does indeed house the Xeno EGG CHAMBER/birthing silo!


MemberOvomorphDec-31-2012 9:51 AM
so angry bob.... why didnt he set a warning signal like his unfortunate comrade that crashed on LV-426 seems more and more like hes a saboteur from an opposing faction no?.........

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-31-2012 12:20 PM
In reading several posts I am trying to tie the SJ on LV-426 and the moon LV-223. If the SJ was infected and made it only aas far as LV-426 I have a problem with that, Somehow the SJ secures a cargo of Eggs presumably to travel to Earth ( but we just don't know) on our movie moon. With whatever space drive the Engineers are using shouldn't the Egg ship be far from the LV-223 moon? Beyond LV-426 Perhaps seeing how slow the Juggernaut in Prometheus is is preparing to for star travel there might be time for a SJ to load the ship raise into the moon's atmoshere and before triggerring the star travel drive realize he ifected, find the LV-426 landing area(I assume in desparation) trigger a warning system and die with a chestburster doing it's thing. Actually that is the best suggestion I have read.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-31-2012 3:05 AM
I think Shaw and David are going to their homeworld and then maybe in the third movie it will all tie-together and make perfect sense. Ridley Scott has a way of doing things and when he does it, its a masterpiece of Science Fiction. I do think to make it make sense is that Shaw and David will most likely make a full circle journey to finally go to LV-426 to find the famous Space Jockey and his special cargo.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 11:44 PM
yup. I noticed that myself. This piece of info actually answers several questions. No doubt, the signal emanating from LV 426 is the warning/SOS coming from the "derelict" juggernaut. As many of us thought all along, the derelict had been sitting there on LV 426 long before shaw et al ever touched down on LV 223. Surely the engineer piloting the "derelict craft" is one who managed to get off of LV 223 (albeit infected) during the time of the outbreak (approximately 2000 yrs prior to the events encountered by the crew of the prometheus). He started giving birth and was forced down onto a relatively nearby planetoid that happened to be LV 426 etc. I feel fairly confident that something resembling the above-written is what happened. And thats the thing...this can all be easily inferred from the film. I like how prometheus explains/intimates enough pertaining to the derelict craft on LV 426, but still manages to respect the derelict enough to let it retain that iconic mystery that it deserves. Very cool that david is cruising around LV 223 knowing full well that another opportunity possibly worth investigating is out there (LV 426). What a satisfying film...loving this B.R. too!


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 12:49 AM
The facehugger-containing eggs, where did they come from? Will David lead Shaw to LV-426, claiming that it's their HOME? How will Deacon infect another spacejockey(sic) to get him to follow David/Shaw to LV-426?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 1:51 AM
I really hope that part 2 will have a flashback to the incidelnt on lv223 AND lv426 2000 years earlier. Another thing i was wondering was if the facehugger eggs grew from black goo from a vase, or perhaps a queen burst out of the engineer pilot and laid the eggs in the ship? But then what about the blue layer above the eggs?


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 1:57 AM
@custodian: 1) not certain. though, the eggs were on LV 426 long before we watched things unfold with shaw et al on LV 223. 2) no. ridley is going after the engineers and their home planet. I think hes done with overt references to LV 426 and the xeno etc. there is a recent interview (10.11.12) over on ("ridley scott talks prometheus and blade runner sequels") where he mentions the sequel again and is pretty explicit about his fundamental aim for the future: shaw/david as narrative conduits and "who are the engineers?" as the cinematic 'soul' of the next film. Seems as though the sequel will really focus on developing a completely new mythology (really cant wait for this...). 3) dont think that will happen. In fact, i could be wrong of course, but ill lay you 10 to 1 we wont see the deacon again. Its purpose was to illustrate how the bioweapon winds and weaves...finds a way to mutate and propagate (through a rather circuitous and unusual set of events in the deacons case)... ultimately coming to genetic fruition as an elegant killing machine (that resembles the beauty we all know and love).


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 2:49 AM
I noticed that last night while watching the same extras (after a lengthy period of trying to fathom how to navigate these bloody blu-ray 'pods') - that little top secret thing about LV426 is tantalising. This faint signal must in all certainty be the one the Nostromo picked up. By the way, the extended TED speech is excellent too.


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 8:12 AM
we havent got a blu ray player at my house so we are buying one next week and the prometheus blu ray just for all the features! Cant wait!
Its a robot...ash is a goddamn robot!


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 11:31 AM
@xeno-jockey: you will be very pleased. @Zeta: agreed. i really enjoyed the ted speech as well.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2012 12:01 PM
Peter Weyland you genius! I have my 3-D Blu-Ray Collector's Edition, now I am buying a Blu-Ray player! If I am not the only one doing this.....the recession will be over in no time!


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 2:05 PM
@cerulean blue: LOL. nice. blu ray is great. if you are really into film, you'll likely be glad you sprung for the player.


MemberDeaconOct-12-2012 2:29 PM
This is very interesting... Weyland know about some kind of a signal but seems they can not figure out what it is yet, David knows about the signal but he is instructed to check out Lv 223 first. Which means maybe he would want to fool Shaw and go to Lv 426 instead, and Paradise was the working title for Prometheus which was set on LV 426. But then again we now could have a lot of inconsistencies.... This Email sugests that its in the same system, so does that mean that the Star Map which shows 5 Stars how does Shaw etc know which Star is the one to go to, and if its planets again how to they find a group of 5 planets in that configuration and then Holloway said they found one Planet with a Moon that supports life. Does he mean there is one planet and it has a moon that supports life? Or that there is just one planet that has a moon that supports life, but there are others that dont.... Who knows hey ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-12-2012 2:31 PM
Its seems to me this Blue-Ray release that give us answers is giving little clues like the Email and the other stuff like the research and transmission they intercepted about the Urns. But these dont give us answers, well they kind of do but then what they show is stuff that then just dont add up to what we see in the movie. So instead of answers, we end up scratching out heads as it makes the stuff in the movie well even more bizarre and non logical.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 2:42 PM
Id have to disagree with that statement above. I feel very strongly that the bonus features and this secret email message give us more insight into this movie and the questions it brought with it. Not giving us more, I mean it might give us a couple more scenarios that might play out in the coming movie/movies but i believe it helped answer more questions in the movie that this one message brings up.


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 3:25 PM
@Ta2punk: agreed. i feel pretty comfortable with the narrative/timeline right now. I feel like i know, generally, what has and is occuring etc. second point: what is this secret email message you speak of? lol edit: oh!...are you referring to the Weyland file that we are discussing in this thread? lol! i thought you meant that you literally got some sort of cryptic email message in you inbox from fox/project prometheus?


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 3:28 PM
One thing to keep in mind is the fact that we are now seeing the correlation on this movie with the Alien franchise. Even if Scott moves into a total different direction, with continuing the Engineers story, there is a tie for everything. We know Weyland dies, but that doesn't keep Weyland Industries from sending someone to the signal. I think Ridley Scott setup a very strong position to bring back the Alienistic flicks. We could see the next flick going to the Engineers homeland, or to LV-426, or off to a totally different direction, and it would all still flow smoothly!

Lee Harram

MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 4:30 PM
The extras on the Bly ray are awesome and if you don't have a Bly ray player it is worth it to go buy one for this... I am wondering what the Yutani reference is to. Does anybody know purpose or the use of the software that is mentioned? Looks like we will see the merger run the sequel, which could probably be another movie in itself.


MemberXenomorphOct-12-2012 11:48 PM
To all Does this prove that alien and prometheus is in the same universe ? I mean conclusively ????? Well that's great if it is .at least one question answered !! Or is it not canon because we don't see it in the movie ?


MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 3:18 AM
without question, Alien and Prometheus take place within the same fictional universe. Multiple people associated with the film(s), including ridley himself, have explicitly stated this. The issue/confusion with how prometheus fit into the alien universe really stemmed from differing definitions of the word: "prequel". But yeah...the abovementioned, along with other tidbits in the film, along with this little tidbit found on the blu ray should end any kind of question as to whether or not prometheus take place within the "alien universe".


MemberXenomorphOct-13-2012 5:57 AM
Joeyjoe Thank you sir !!! Check ...... Finally one question answered !!!!! NOW Does the signal referred to in the OP in any way contradict that Yutani did not get a predator shoulder mounted laser somewhere in 2004/06 ? Is this irrefutable proof that avp and alien is not part of the same universe ?


MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 6:35 AM
BigDave, I like the direction that you're going in. I've been thinking more about the star-maps cave drawings and wondering why the Engineers were pointing our race toward a 'military-base'. However, could it be that the crew flew to the wrong star in the star map altogether? What were there, four or five altogether? Stars on a star map could be billions of kilometres apart. Hey, we took a wrong turn and ended up in Engineer Death-land instead of Engineer home-land. I read somewhere on this website about the brief (very brief) moment where the last Engineer strokes David's hair before decapitating him. I loved this: an act of love, appreciation, respect? Followed quickly by an act of barbarism I know, but I guess the Engineers are just following orders from a higher power. Bloody hell, a higher power than the Engineers? Bring back Atheism!


MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 10:51 AM
Uh-huh and this would lead me to believe that somewhere in the next two movies (if there are two) Shaw meets her end in some way or at least doesn't make it back to Earth to reveal what the company knew.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-13-2012 12:26 PM
@Stonebird19. Quote "I read somewhere on this website about the brief (very brief) moment where the last Engineer strokes David's hair before decapitating him. I loved this: an act of love, appreciation, respect? Followed quickly by an act of barbarism" I think that was from one of the replies in my thread A Robot God? I could be wrong though. I'm really glad the BluRay as given us some information about LV 426 and Prometheus's connection to ALIEN! But it makes things even more complicated as it's stated throughout the commentaries and the documentary, that the Deacon is the ancestor of the necronom("xenomorph") from ALIEN? So how does that work?

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 1:13 PM
1) its either purposeful misdirection. 2) or the deacon does pre-date the traditional xeno (just not the deacon shown to us in this film). without question...we now know that, at the very least, the deacon that is birthed in prometheus post-dates the traditional alien/xeno (multiple pieces of evidence provided in the film/on the blu ray support this). 3) there is semantic confusion surrounding the use of various words by the filmmakers (progenitor etc.).

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-13-2012 1:40 PM
@Joeyjoe. Quote 2) or the deacon does pre-date the traditional xeno (just not the deacon shown to us in this film). without question...we now know that, at the very least, the deacon that is birthed in prometheus post-dates the traditional alien/xeno (multiple pieces of evidence provided in the film/on the blu ray support this)." That's what i originally thought and i think it's the most probable explination after taking everything into account. Although... They have a deacon in the mural which suggests that it is a massive part of the engineers history. OR, If the deacon in Prometheus IS the first deacon, then that would mean that the mural is a prophecy and prophecy means "a message of gods will", which makes sense to this perticular story me thinks.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 1:45 PM
"Yutani" reference? I thought there was a reference to Tyrell!


MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 10:27 PM
So, has anyone come up with an idea for why the aliens/humans painted murals of the star system, in different civilizations throughout earth, pointing towards a bio-weapons lab,? I didn't get an explanation during the commentary, and this email still doesn't explain why all the paintings on earth would lead to this system.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 6:30 PM
"... my science division's own long range scans have recently detected a faint, almost imperceptibel signal eminating from one of the lesser moons in that system..." I have a problem with recieving this signal...well any signal from an alien race. It seems to like trying to recieve an AM.signal with an FM reciever....different basis for a signal.. What are the chances that this can occur? I am sort of familiar with electronc noises from deep space...Would Engineers sort piggyback the electronic signals,that are part of our life? If Weyland's science division..did pick the signals as Weylamd describes,,,could Prometheus crew also pick any transmissions from the moon after landing?..And especially from the Juggernaut,,as tries to escape to Earth,,
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