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Is it true Scott said no to extended Prometheus cut?

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MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 10:50 PM
Just ran across an article stating Fox wanted an extended cut of Prometheus on Blu ray. I'm so dissapointed because of the fact that some of the deleted scenes or alternate cuts are very good. My favorite being "A King Has His Reign" It gives so much to the relationship between Vicker's and her father or lack of. It humanizes Vicker's which is what we need for her other than being a cold corporate suit. Here's the link.[url=]click...[/url]
17 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 11:44 AM
anyone who thinks these deleted/alternate scenes are at all worth putting back into the film (barring 1 ot 2 of them) is a "sucker". There is abosolutely nothing there. Im very glad scott stuck to his guns about the final cut of the film. @cybercat: the funny thing is....the theatrical cut of alien IS ridley's directors cut (essentially). The "directors cut" of the film came along after fox pushed and pushed for ridley to do another cut ($). The truth is, the "directors cut" of alien is a complete cash grab. So its the inverse of what you are saying.


MemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 11:05 PM
i havent read anything where scott explicitly states that he refused to do an extended cut for the blu ray release. I have, however, read interviews where scott has stated that the theatrical cut of the film is essentially the "directors cut" and that he is very pleased with the film as is. After seeing the deleted/alternate scenes on the blu ray, i have to say...i completely agree with scott. The final cut of the film would, imo, be diminished by the inclusion of many of the deleted scenes. Having said that, its interesting that you mentioned the scene between vickers and weyland. That is the only deleted scene that i feel would have added something to the film...and i feel very strongly that said scene should have been left in the film in its entirety. In general, the film was deftly cut.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphOct-11-2012 11:25 PM
First I've seen of this news... so no idea at the moment. Sorry I couldn't help further.
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MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 12:19 AM
I'm starting to get the sense that Fox is trying to reverse engineer the "Blade Runner effect" where the movie is a disappointment in theaters, but then gains a cult following on home video and a new extended/director's cut is released to high praise. Maybe they'll come back and release a new, extended cut 20 years later? You have to admit: it makes sense from a marketing perspective.


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 2:15 AM
@xenotron: it does make sense from a marketing perspective. However, the biggest problem with this idea is the fact that 80% of the cut material is quite poor. Save for a deleted scene, maybe two, i was quite relieved that the material hadnt been cut back in after watching all of the deleted/alternate scenes. I imagine that we might see another cut of the film later on down the line, but i bet its going to be a situation where the devil is in the nuance... little units of improvement here and there. Fundamentally, i think we've seen the legit prometheus.


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 3:07 AM
Ridley Scott Says No To Director's Cut Ridley Scott was reportedly offered the chance to do a Director's Cut of Prometheus by 20th Century Fox but refused according to Blu-Ray producer Charles de Lauzirika. This news was initially posted on BleedingCool a couple of days ago who attended a press event but now DigitalSpy have a direct quote from him. [i]DVD and Blu-ray producer Charles de Lauzirika, who directed the epic 220-minute Making Of documentary The Furious Gods, confirmed to Digital Spy that Fox offered Scott the chance to re-cut the film for its home entertainment release. "It was discussed quite a bit, the idea of an extended cut," de Lauzirika said. "But the theatrical cut is Ridley's director's cut." Fox very kindly offered him the opportunity to create a new cut of the film, and he said 'No, this is my cut, and I'll give you thirty-something minutes of deleted scenes on the side'. "It was that simple, there was really no debate and no argument."[/i] Sourece: So, yes, he said no to an director's/extended cut, because the theatrical cut is his director's cut. But i think, the FOX will want a director's/extended cut after a couple of years. Money talks. I'm very exciting about the original cut, waht we saw in the firs trailers, when Fifield attack, and Weyland goes to the Engineer. This Shaw's caesarian-Fifield attack-Weyland reveal mix is too fast a little bit. Aftear many watch, what is after the Shaw's caesarian scene is still strange a bit. Why the other not mentioned her operation, why Ford and the guy not run after and try to capture her? They aren't became unconscious, the operation is take several minutes, and doesn't went after her nobody, to watch what is she doing, very intresting, and doesn't question nobody, what she doing, where is the alien creature.


MemberPraetorianOct-12-2012 3:51 AM
Sooner or later I'm pretty sure there will be an extended cut......."It's inevitable" :-) Yes metalos the lack of reaction after the caesarean is very odd. However this type of behaviour happens throughout the film. I think it's because we are seeing everything from David's viewpoint. Also it's possible that the whole story is a playback of a recording or a dream.


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MemberXenomorphOct-12-2012 4:21 AM
Xenotron Kudos Kudos I believe you have nailed it. I was very hopeful that we would find some answers with the 3d blu ray release BUT As you said (and I have also suggested this in the past ) it seems fox has decided to use a formula: The formula is : You create a mystery movie Alien (accidentally) prometheus(now on purpose) You the create the action follow uo Aliens(additional mysteries) P2(mostlikely the same) And then a3(mysteries unsolved and how did Ripley/newt get hugged - where did egg come from that was on ?) P3(Most likely the same thing will happen) Now you release DC of alien /prometheus and everybody argues about what is canon And Voila Kaching Money Dollars Rands Pounds Yen Rolls in Non stop Now I see that prometheus as I have speculated was made the way it was right from the start with more questions than answers hence Lindelof . I too now have abandoned all hope too finding out exactly what happened to the engineers - what exactly the black goo does etc BECAUSE That is exactly what the intention was. - no answers !!!!! To make money -- period !!! You. Were right all along !!! Still love the movie - classic already. But now I underdtand the intendtion and vison of fox/Ridley etc .


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 4:37 AM
I feel a lot of deleted senes are needed in the movie, and yes i'm disapointed there is no new cut.


MemberXenomorphOct-12-2012 4:57 AM
OP I believe the "restoration cut" has already been done and is lying in a vault somewhere but off course we can't be told right now . Whether that is the truth or not ii believer we will see that restoration cut only after p3 has been released on DVD/blu ray. I also believe we haven't seen all the deleted / cut scenes and of those we have it may also be that we haven't seen the full ones yet .... Poor cow...... MooooooooH........... Come here daisy .... Milking time .......... Muwahaaaaah ........


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 7:58 AM
Anyone that believes that news story is mistaken. This is all marketing. They're going to do an alternate version eventually. Ridley is just waiting for the massive success of the film to die down a bit I think. Comparisons to Blade Runner are BS Prometheus is a $400 million blockbuster. They're deciding best how to keep milking the cow. Notice he said, "this is my director's cut." He says the exact same sh*t about the theatrical version of Alien, yet he still did the alternate cut of the film. He has already mentioned an extended cut in the same breath he referred to the theatrical version as his director's cut like the week the film came out. Give it some time. *Moderated by Svanya (Cursing, attacks and verbal abuse towards other members is not tolerated on this forum)


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 1:35 PM
Ridley Scott is notorious for re-cutting his films into “Director’s Cuts, Special Editions, Extended Editions, etc. He’s done it on multiple films, like Alien, Legend, Blade Runner, Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator, etc… His habit seems to be releasing these re-cuts, especially for for Science Fiction/Fantasy… “genre” type films…with strong cult followings. Regardless of what he says now, I believe there is a distinct probability that he will do it again with PROMETHEUS. Whether or not it would be a better film than the theatrical cut…is anyone’s guess. Personally, I like a few of the deleted scenes, and believe that the picture would benefit from their inclusion. Most specifically, I prefer the deleted Feifield attack sequence and the Weyland/Vickers face to face scene. Also, I’m fond of Capain Janek, and would enjoy seeing his character get some more screen time. I wager it’s only a matter of time until we see an “alternative cut” of PROMETHEUS. ~Neurion


MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 1:43 PM
I am sure a cut will appear in the coming years - my money is on a new release just prior to the sequel in 3 - 4 years. Don't forget that when Bladerunner was made there were I think 4 versions of the film in circulation at the time of release with various scenes being different in each for effect. Has anyone here had a chance to compare the European release vs. the US release? I mention this because watching the special features disk I noticed a couple of times some of the conceptual artists talking to RS and them agreeing on to save a scene for the European release. One scene comes to mid - the Deacon birth. The European release was to have the Deacon chew off the umbilical cord after birth and the US scene did not have that. Insignificant to the way the movie plays out but you get my meaning. I also think that the alternate scene with Weyland and Vickers should have been in the film. I would have also like to see the opening scene with the elders in it.
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MemberOvomorphOct-12-2012 2:03 PM
Ive made my opinion clear regarding the bulk of the deleted scenes (need to remain on cutting room floor). Having said that, i completely agree with those above who mentioned the Weyland/vickers scene. I feel like that is the only deleted/alternate scene that I really want back in the film. It works for several reasons and on multiple levels. It really should have been in there. Im sure at some point we will get another cut of the film ($ reasons); i just hope they use discretion and dont go crazy with the additional scenes, as i feel like most would dramatically harm the film. off topic public service announcement: just wanted to let you guys know there are several interviews out there today where ridley mentions the prometheus sequel (and a few tidbits about its direction etc.) . Interview isnt very indepth, but its something new (at least they sound like they are still moving forward with the film). Check cinema blend. i think they have the interview (among others).


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 4:44 PM
My favorite is when I'm heavily medicated and I watch Prometheus VIA computer and I see scenes I've never seen before....but when I go back to find them they aren't there.

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Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 5:43 PM
LOL Ruhaniya


MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 9:29 AM
This is very interesting point because you always have the original idea from one crazy fan, which makes his bungling Home Edition on internet, something like copy paste from deleted scenes. You know, "it is a fool's consolation the think everyone..." I taken this from:
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